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Mesa Prime Access - Surprise New Item in Prime Accessories!


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30 minutes ago, octobotimus said:

wtf, you locked a alternate helmet behind prime access? wtf, unless there is a way to farm this this a big "screw you guys that like this alt helm"

ikr, now we have exclusive alt helmet only for 50$, sound pretty bad if u asking me... whats next...? alt prime skin PA....?

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Am I the only one who thinks this is the most ugly prime accessories pack ever?

One prime suggatra (Already looking boring, extremely simple looking).

One ugly helmet for Operators (seriously, it's a mess, what is even supposed to be??? Not even a full suit for Operators ).

One alternative helmet for Mesa Prime... When we have way better Tennogen Helmets, we also have Mesa Deluxe helmet.


What about the rest of our warframes fashion??? This is why I love prime armors / sigils, cause I can use them on every single one of my frames.

I don't like the idea of prime accessories only usable on a single thing (we can excuse operator suits for obvious reasons), hope this is nothing more than a quick experiment and not something we will see more in the future.


And here I believed Limbo Prime accessories where bad (Still can't forgive that prime cape that got smaller after taking it out of the washing machine), but this takes the cake.

Seriously DE, you guys need to find someone else to give you ideas for prime accessories.

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2 minutes ago, War said:

Looking at these replies really irks me.

You're all such sad, entitled little doodoo heads (and yes I'm an adult, just had to PG-13 that half-joking insult retroactively).

Shame on you.

Tennobaum really has brought out the spoiled brats. Region chat is awful with people just begging for stuff. This feels like those people...

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13 minutes ago, War said:

Looking at these replies really irks me.

You're all such sad, entitled little doodoo heads (and yes I'm an adult, just had to PG-13 that half-joking insult retroactively).

Shame on you.


9 minutes ago, notbydesign said:

Tennobaum really has brought out the spoiled brats. Region chat is awful with people just begging for stuff. This feels like those people...

"they have opinion different from us, lets insult them !" seriously guys, we are trying to be reasonable here by expressing opinions, don't insult people with different views.

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Steve shouldn't have said anything about it... :facepalm:
It's almost like:
"Here: Have something to wonder and worry about."

In my opinion it should be exclusive and never farmable in game.


That is, if people pay money for it.
Because if we could farm alt prime helmets which aren't in prime accessories packs - hell to the yes - please, bring them!

I have no idea, why would people feel entitled to have the possibility to farm prime accessories in game.
It's primed accessory - exclusive to prime accessories pack - end of the story.

OW BTW: There were two prime operator suits and a prime liset skin. You can farm or buy (in game) other skins for these two. Should you be able to farm the primed versions for these in game too, hmm..?


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I don't think this will change the fact that I still won't buy these. A reason I like prime accessories is that you can use them with all frames. it's not like valkyr's prime bonds were locked behind the accessories. If this helmet must be locked behind a paywall they should put it in the bundle that comes with mesa.

DE is so desperate to sell these accessories but I don't think it's going to happen at this point.

I think they should either make a new bundle in addition to this one with a syandana like everyone wanted or just stop attempting to sell this.

To anyone that isn't 100% sold on this, don't buy it. I don't want us telling them this is ok with our actions.

Hopefully in 3 to 4 months when equinox prime arrives, they don't make the same mistake they made this time.

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Nice, I'd actually decided not to get the accessories and bought the Chroma one instead, but I might have to go back on that and get Mesa's as well.

Slightly worried about the tweet saying it could potentially be farmable later. That's a massive slippery slope to open up. What's next, the prime armors because someone was upset those aren't free? Prime Access items are exclusive and should remain so. If I can't be sure I'm not paying for something that's free in a month, PA is a considerably worse deal than waiting for a platinum discount and just farming the frame and weapons. And yes, that does mean sometimes missing out, since I don't buy every PA either. Deciding to take my chances on an unvaulting or never getting that item is a part of that decision, if I can just wait it out, I have less incentive to buy now.

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I keep seeing people getting mad about the game, and I totally understand not wanting to spend money for something that may be free in the future, but calling DE cashgrabbers and lazy is actually insane. This helm is actually pretty cool, and of course its for money, because that's what the prime accessories were for in the first place. To make DE money. They aren't doing anything really wrong here, its just everyone is acting weird about it, and it kinda worries me. But I totally understand both sides. They should make it more clear if they are going to  monetize it or if they're going to make it free, but we're kinda overreacting on something that barely affects gameplay, or the actual experience of the game.

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35 minutes ago, octobotimus said:


"they have opinion different from us, lets insult them !" seriously guys, we are trying to be reasonable here by expressing opinions, don't insult people with different views.

Fair enough.

But reasonable? Hmm.. 

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adding an additional item, good for them, after this backlash its understandable. still primed helmet... why? you could also have selected a syandana instead..  oh well, it is what it is.

personally i don't like this move, but also i am not a fan of exclusive stuff tied to timegates/ bundles/pa only's, that being said, [de]steve should not have tweeted that the helmet might be farmable in the future, instead should have confirmed that its exclusive to the prime access, like it always was with other items from prime access. people need to know what they are buying, a prime access exclusive item or not.

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24 минуты назад, CephalonSeraph сказал:

I keep seeing people getting mad about the game, and I totally understand not wanting to spend money for something that may be free in the future, but calling DE cashgrabbers and lazy is actually insane. This helm is actually pretty cool, and of course its for money, because that's what the prime accessories were for in the first place. To make DE money. They aren't doing anything really wrong here, its just everyone is acting weird about it, and it kinda worries me. But I totally understand both sides. They should make it more clear if they are going to  monetize it or if they're going to make it free, but we're kinda overreacting on something that barely affects gameplay, or the actual experience of the game.

It's just egoism and they don't see their behavior. Thats make me very sad. I really love all prime accessories and want buy it. Thanks DE for they patience and for not changing anything in this access (expect the helmet).

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2 hours ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

This is because the Mesa Prime helmet was just a wider brimmed Tennogen Falcon helmet, wasnt it.

Also, Steve says the helmet will potentially be farmable at a later date. Quit bunching y'alls panties.


DE also stated on dev stream Prime Chamber will be back. 



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Eh, the easy solution is just leave the prime accessory packs for sale permanently and only rotate the prime access for the frame and guns. It is not like you can get accessories other than through buying them directly.

Heck, they could just put the helmet up for sale at Tennogen liek prices.

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