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How would you rate Fortuna part 2?


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2/10, probably 5/10 once I finish puking and will get to farm standing to get new fluffies (endgame much DE??). Totally did not like the orb mother fight, all this magic juice we have running inside of us and I get the feeling we have to be constantly held back because of plot reason since "we have built those npcs and want you to listen to them while they tell you do do stuff you wouldn't even need since you can kill more technological advanced beings with death ray"

I don't see myself farming orb mothers if not to get the new amps and be done with it (not even sure if I'll do it honestly)

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0/10 because i think that this content might be pay gates for some people.

to do the last bounty your archgun needs a potato in it so for people who are free to play who dont have plat or a potato handy they cant start the mission unless they had a archgun already potato-ed which i think im one of the only people to have done so. mabey this was over looked but right how the last mission i belive is walled off from some people who dont pay and i think thats wrong.

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I haven't played it yet, waiting for my friend to co-op, so currently my rating is that I just keep laughing over how deliberately horrendous the drop rates are for the heists. I'm glad I don't really want any of this stuff, because getting it sounds just awful.

probably just gonna run through once for the experience and then not come back to it unless they seriously overhaul some things.

Edited by OvisCaedo
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No operator mode needed as in POE, endless waiting before going into missions,  cool down timer for archwing weapons too long, not enough arching ammo, Fortuna has only been a game of waiting.. i'm waiting more than playing a game.   1/10

The game is not exciting gameplay but just more of the same.. 

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None of my friends can join me because they aren't Old Mate. If the requirement was lowered to rank 3 or so, this would have been such a better update.

Not to mention a ten minute cooldown on Heavy Weapons. Really? Why not just make the ammo a rare drop? 

Very disappointed in things which could be so easily fixed.

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5/10 Because when the arch gun runs out of ammo you need wait 5 minutes ...
The spider boss , I don't care about it...
New hair styles is cool , cosmetics to .
New warframe no thanks I have my Valkity . 
Thanks DE spoil a cool thing again ... 5 minute lock for the arch-guns thx again .. :facepalm::thinking:


I uninstalled the game in my anger ...:crylaugh:

"I have other options. There may still be a chance."

Have a nice day stardust..


Edited by Xrasegot
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unskippable cutscene everytime you wanna play heist is annoying

the fishing part is unwinnable in squad because bugged

archwing gun cooldown is not cool and the heavy weapon ammo is hard to see on ground not mentioning the slow animation when you equip

timer on last stage in orb fight is just a big f u to player who try to solo it first time because up to that timer stage everything is ok solo

loads of content but most only make me mad, i want to see people in DE actually play their game before shipping.

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The issues I have with it:

Unskippable cutscenes. I like dialogue, but it really slows down the pacing.

Unlike the eidolon fights, there is no guiding npc like onkko on how to beat them. You have to get lucky and overhear someone in a 3rd party chatroom saying "you can change what the profit taker is resistant to by shooting their core with your operator".

Low reward for time spent- I get like 1 toroid worth 6k rep and about 3k credits and an axi relic for like 10-20 minutes of killing the big bugger (and for watching unskippable cutscenes).

Enhanced vitality/ enhanced redirection are straight up useless. On my banshee, with no health/shield mods equipped, link-health and link-shields still outscale either sentinel mod (and obviously that becomes much more disparate when I put a vitality on banshee). There's absolutely no reason to use the sentinel mods over the link mods.


The things I liked about it:

archguns on land are fun. Lotta people complaining about the 10 minute timer but that is easily bypassed by picking up big yellow ammo boxes that reset the cooldown and also fully refill the weapons ammo. Mild annoyance with gravimags being used to unlock additional archguns but it doesn't seem like a massive grind; seems like a nice goal to reach for. the archgun mod buffs are nice

synoid simulor became amazing again. thank you.

Tonkor became really fun to use. thank you

new operator hairstyles are nice. Well animated.

The profit taker fight is actually fun to battle. Initial reaction was "oh no more invuln stages" but it's really simple once you figure out how to shift it's resistances with operator form. Really nice how non-tank+damage buff warframes are viable for this content since you are encouraged to kill the adds for ammo pickups for your archgun.

Biz also now has my favourite voiceline in the game


Things i don't know because I haven't tried it:

nyx rework, titania rework, any of the new weapons, baruuk. Occucor buffs, new set mods, new k-drive mods, new amps

Edited by Obviousclone
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we don't need to like how archgun works, some like some don't.
same with vox solaris standing (after u get to last tier u wont even care)
all new weapons resources same as above

but who in his right mind though its a cool idea to force us cutscenes before re-taking each bounty which we can't skip or at least watch it only once?
like i know wf is about time gated progress and de loves to trow grind walls at us but why then we have reminder that "you are playing over an hour"?

stop making it so grindy and RNG based and we will be able to farm our S#&$ and we can take break each hour

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Honestly nothing bout the "heist" I can a call a "heist" its just bounties with glorified assassination mission and new level of grind for new resources , worse when actual fortuna launch 


eddit : oh and archguns on foot total let down , inpractical and outside valis you cannot get heavy weapons ammo nore lvl the thing and this whole deployable thing is hurting big time

Edited by bad4youLT
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Just now, bad4youLT said:

Honestly nothing bout the "heist" I can a call a "heist" its just bounties with glorified assassination mission and new level of grind for new resources , worse when actual fortuna launch 

greed. They didnt want to make another eidolon fight. But i think that would have been a better aproach than this.

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10 minutes ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

Well, I can’t even rate it because for some damn reason my hard drive just decides ‘not this time’ for this update and just flat-out freezes on me in certain intervals.

I had same issue i was freezing at random intervals and so i did go to C:\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\  and deleted this folder "Cache.Windows"

then i let game re-download it.

next it updated and optimized and now i can play after few hours of struggle.

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