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How would you rate Fortuna part 2?


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Why lots of people saying its bad cause you need old mate? it was said long ago that there was going to be a requirement plus the big spider isn't that easy to beging with so the content lock there is ok  .. As for the rest.. yes, you can't skip dialogs, to many corpus spawns, bugs here and there

5/10 till they fix it and i hope they reduce the spawns but won't nerft the main thing.




Edited by _JustSomeone_
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3/10. I thought the first 3 phases of the orb mother quest were alright, but the 4th phase is just too much. There are too many nullifiers and other enemies for me to stay alive more than a minute. the cooldown for archguns is TEN minutes so you can't unequip it or you won't be able to damage the boss. Also, I had to look up how to damage the orb's shields because the game doesn't actually tell you how to damage them.


P.S. DE please mark the crisma toroids like you do the sentient cores. I've completed two orb fights and haven't gotten the loot either time.

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2/10 cause a 1 would be too obvious, too many spawns when doing the orb bounties, an ungodly amount of time spent on my ass due to the stupid amount of knockdown every Vallis enemy has, a grind for supposedly common resources that is just tedious, 3 different unskippable "pep" talks, missions that just break for whatever reason it feels like.

All for what?

Pretty much nothing you get a handful of credits and a single toroid worth 6k rep. I can farm twice that amount just farming the regular ones from various mobs in the labs/spaceport/temple in half the time it takes to do one mother so you can guess what I'm not going to be doing in the future.

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I burned out about 2-3 days ago thanks to trying to max my standing in Fortuna, while getting bounty-leechers in my squad.

But from the looks of scores in the thread mine wouldn't be any different.

Oh and i'm not even going to bother checking out Simulor (again), as it'll be "oopsie m'bad tee-hee" nerfed sooner or later.

Edited by deothor
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1. The repeated 'briefings' - I get it that you'd want to listen the first time, sure. EVERYTIME? No. Needs a skip feature, post-haste.

2. The Profit-Taker - The fight overall is a giant mess, especially with that wonky Archgun Mechanic making it worse. 10 minutes or hunt down a reload you HOPE an enemy 'might' drop? No. I believe whoever thought up the fight mechanics, spent WAY too much time in WoW's Blackwing Lair evaluating the bosses and trying to cram as much of the mechanics into a single fight. 

3. The Rewards. Seriously, for the amount of time invested into that Profit-taker fight, it's not worth anyone's time in it's current state. 

4. Baruuk locked behind two rep grindwalls? Unless I'm misunderstanding something here: You first have to have "Old mate" with Solaris United to access that back room, and then you have to rank up with Vox Solaris to get access to those parts? Yo Dawg, I heard you like some grind while you grind... Not cool. Quite the kick in the balls to anyone at the lower MR ranges.


Edited by Pathog3n
Forgot the rating
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Current rating 3/10. The orb mother fight is very bad at the moment. First of all, apart from the rotating elemental damage, it is, again, just a pure dps race. Second, the rewards are incredibly bad, compared to how much time it requires you to defeat the orb mother. You are better of just farming toroids for the standing. Third, the orb mothers need to give a reward other than standing, I mean eidolons give arcanes, focus shards and quills standing. I am hopeful our complaints about the orb will be addressed, if not on the first orb, it will be on the others.

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6/10 3/10 and possibly going down.

The design of the boss is not bad IMO but screen is still clustered with attacks pretty much like Eidolons which I don't like. So many attacks it's pretty much pointless to dodge so you end up tanking the damage 95% of the time. And you are constantly getting CC'd by mobs and boss too. So again Chroma/Inaros/Trinity meta..meh. I hope for a day it's actually meaningful to dodge an attack and one day Loki is actually a viable pick.

New archgun feels great although I don't know why they specifically change the weapon stats for grounded-archguns only.

Better off just farming toroids for vox solaris standing instead of fighting the new boss. But I'm pretty sure DE will add other rewards to orbs soon so I won't concern too much about that.

For some reason you can't skip the dialogues even when you listened for 1000 times. ALL DIALOGUES NEED A SKIP BUTTON DE!

I changed 6 to a 3 because I just found out there is some serious economic issue. You have to complete a 3 stages orb bounties just to get 1 chance to get 3x new resources and even that you have a chance to get a damn relic or a common mod only. And you need 15 of it to level up with Vox Solaris. Just WTH something is definitely wrong with DE in this update. For the repeller thingy which you need for building Baruuk you even have only 1.01% change to get for every 15-20 minutes grinding. It's honestly very disappointing.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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2 hours ago, THE_ZEEK said:

No operator mode needed as in POE, endless waiting before going into missions,  cool down timer for archwing weapons too long, not enough arching ammo, Fortuna has only been a game of waiting.. i'm waiting more than playing a game.   1/10

The game is not exciting gameplay but just more of the same.. 

Not only this, but the match-making issues as well. If the host leaves, everyone gets booted out, forcing you to rewatch the scene to get back into phase 4, only to get booted out again

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11 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

Wait what?


There is a phase where you have to chip away the orb mother shield and, being partially sentient, it can adapt to your damage. Using void ray won't disable the adaptation but will force the orb to cycle the element that can actually damage them

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I would rate it a 5 or a 6. i see many critizise it for requiring old mate to begin. personaly i do not find that as a negative necesssarily, mostly since this is not made for newer players, on account of the amount of damage and enemies these missions throw at you.

I did enjoy most of the missions, but it could have forced us to use more stealth. As a example, a assasination mission, where the alarm would result in a faliure, just a thought.
The orb mother fight was not that bad, it feels like a threat, and it feels like the corpus value it, as they do everything to stop you, and it requires that ppl are alert and deal with both the smaler minnions and the beacons.

But what i did not enjoy was the arch guns. A timer? and low ammo pool? i wanted to have a heavy powerfull weapon, not a hunk of metal 3 times the size of a primary and half as powerfull. What DE needs to do with it is make it powerfull, and restrict your movement to a extent. Preferably disable the bullet jump while using the arch gun.
The unskppable cutscenes is a nucense, im finw with them being unskippable the first time, but not the subsequent.
The resources. its more of a irritations to me. sure increse the drop chanse a little, but if you increse it too much you will just destroy the grind.
and the rewards from the orb mother is lacking, but i find that is a easy fix, just add some powerfull mods, that dropp exclusivly from the orb mother, make them rare, and we have a drive to defeat them

Just my thoughts.

Edited by -SR-ExoRoar
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The Orb Mother fight is really not good. It moves everywhere. The adds one shot most builds. You will die in the absurdly long animation to get the archwing gun out. If the host leaves, the fight resets. Friends can't play, because not Old Mate.

It's just not good, man.

[edit] Let's also throw in waiting your turn for your damage type. Because that's fun. Let me tell you.

Edited by Enexemander
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- - - too much unskippable talkie talkie

++ profit taker is decently hard at this point without meta squads

- rewards are kind of meh for the difficulty of the fight, but that is only because we have yet to find the most efficient way to profit from profit taker

- heavy weapons have ammo problems



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2/10 The Orb fight is not even playable at all. It's seems that they make the fight for Kroma and Inaros only. I can't even bring my best frame.

If they made it like :

1-Took down the shield the way it is

2- A little extermination to clear the enemy around the Orb

3- Destroy the her legs without the enemy around because you already exterminate them. It really annoying to focus on the leg, with those enemy's ragdolling you.

4- The big damage phase and clear the rest of the enemy who spawn during this the last phase.

I hope they add some more variation to the last phase, or another way to fight the orb with those other frame. 

I don't want it turn like another Eidolon fight.






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3 or 4/10 -The Orb fight itself has two MAJOR issues

1) Cycling damage on the shield. This is simply the most extreme anti-public matching feature I've seen in a long time in this game. Eidolons were already frustrating enough with a public team since half of them seem to have never fought an eidolon before and utterly refuse to consult the vast amount of guides, wiki pages, videos, etc. Having a mechanic where basically anyone in the squad can just make your damage irrelevant at any time is like taking everything bad about Limbo and making a boss fight around it. Downright outrageous

2) The Arch-gun gimmick. Now unlike most people I actually quite liked the feel of the arch-gun itself but they DESPERATELY need to reduce the cooldown timer or something, or make the ammo drops more common, or mark them, just... anything! and speed up the equip animation because jesus christ if I wasn't running an Inaros I wouldn't get halfway through pulling that gun out before I'm on the floor dying.

The final timer is also really annoying but I imagine that fixing the other problems will make the fight smoother and the timer won't be such a problem anymore, since we could theoretically, you know, fight the damn thing.

I hear that the rewards are almost an insult but I haven't seen them or defeated the thing myself so I can't give any opinions there.

Aside from that, they could seriously stand to reduce the amount of knockdowns and staggers that Vallis enemies have. I spend more time getting bounced up in the air or down on my butt than I do actually playing the game but that's more of a Fortuna Part 1 problem.


Edit: I tried soloing it, turns out that the shield also cycles damage on its own when you hit it enough with one damage type. This is so much cancer. This is infinite cancer forever, I've never before seen this level of cancer. It's truly a thing to behold.

Edited by Gullim92
I need to go to a hospital now
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1.5 out of 10

Heavy Weapon is Loadout Slot dependent. If you change loadouts and don't equip the HW to THAT loadout, you don't have a gun. Yes, even when you get to go out on Bounty #4. Have fun not having a big gun.

Also, all those things that you need that Little Duck has requires you to do the 4 bounties, and so far, the first 2 were okay, the 3rd was annoying and the 4th is near impossible unless RNGesus gives your PUG a nuker who can help and also makes sure you have an even split of elements between your team because you can't use your powers, or void amp to help you any.

Oh, and you gotta farm those stupid high end fish and the bounties for the new things you need to get from Little Duck. And frankly, this is already annoying just because of the Profit Taker being a POS fight with a time limit in Phase 3 unlike the Eidelons who give you 40 minutes to play with, so more farming and more annoying boss fights that are frustrating because of how they're set up?

Yeah, uh, what else? Oh, the new Prime Access came out. That's good. That's also not part of Fortuna 2.0. So no points for Fortuna there either.

Uh... Oh did I mention the B.S. time limit in the 3rd phase? Yeah, screw that game mechanic. And RNG shields? Didn't we learn that those sucked with the original Elite Grineer Guardsman where if you didn't have an element, you were pretty much SOL in fighting it? Yeah, that wasn't fun. The Spider is that x20. If it took 1/2 or 1/4 damage instead of NO damage, it would be fine. If there wasn't a B.S. time limit in Phase 3, that would be fine. The whole fight is just frustration. And I hope you like dying, because you will.

What's good? Archwing Guns in Ground Combat. The bad is that the 10 minute to resummon it is B.S. because heaven forbid you be able to use it less than that.


So much Meh. I'm not even looking forward to farming for whatever-his-name is. That's how little this update did for me, that I don't even care about a new warframe, because this boss fight sucks.

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0/10. The orb bounties are way too unrewarding for the amount of effort you need to put in. Orb Mothers are a combination of all the annoying boss mechanics we've seen in Warframe - damage adapatation, invuln phases, janky hitboxes, tons of annoying CC and trash mobs, constant energy drain, dps races.

I read that DE wanted heists to be like Ocean's 11, and for toroids to be more readily available from heists. If that's the case they completely failed. Add in new "common" resources that you can only farm from the heists, which you can only get 3 at a time, which you need for all the new weapons and Vox Solaris makes the grind completely unbearable. Also why are heists giving SU standing and not Vox Solaris standing?

"Fortuna part 2 will fix everything guys!" the DEfenders like to scream. Hah, fat chance

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