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How am I supposed to play according to DE?


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7 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

No amount of handwave can justify homing projectiles, is just a case of fake difficulty.

I'd say the homing mechanic is fine, it just needs a couple of tweaks so that their homing rockets are more dodgeable. I mean if you put yourself in the eyes of the Grineer, why wouldn't you put homing system for a better chance at destroying your (godly powerful and absurdly agile) enemies?


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1 minute ago, (XB1)SoullessRaptor said:

You can dodge them. You just have to time an evasive move a little tighter.

At the moment? Nope. Veeery hard to dodge. I've seen a bombard rocket turn 180 degrees and I've seen one turning upwards with a perfect 90 degrees angle. But for me I like to play Volt and camp the corner with 3-4 shields covering my front so the rockets wouldn't be much of a problem to me anyway.

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1 minute ago, AzureScion said:

At the moment? Nope. Veeery hard to dodge. I've seen a bombard rocket turn 180 degrees and I've seen one turning upwards with a perfect 90 degrees angle. But for me I like to play Volt and camp the corner with 3-4 shields covering my front so the rockets wouldn't be much of a problem to me anyway.

I've managed to dodge a good amount with bullet jumps or sliding when they get close. It's not the easiest to do, and really tough in a hectic fight, but you can

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DE want you to lose because they're actually siding with the opposite faction.

Think about it, most new units and their grandchild has some form of immunity against Warframe's power. What's a Warframe without power? A tinsuit.

They've already stripped most Warframe of their powers and they're starting to work on removing weapons next, as evident by Exploiter Orb fight. 

Next thing you know everyone and their grandma is immune to both Warframes and weapons and be forced to fight by throwing shiny things you can find on the ground.

We may even have to abandon our Warframe at some point and fight as a space kid.

Edited by -AiLuoLi-
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5 minutes ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

DE want you to lose because they're actually siding with the opposite faction.

Think about it, most new units and their grandchild has some form of immunity against Warframe's power. What's a Warframe without power? A tinsuit.

They've already stripped most Warframe of their powers and they're starting to work on removing weapons next, as evident by Exploiter Orb fight. 

Next thing you know everyone and their grandma is immune to both Warframes and weapons and be forced to fight by throwing shiny things you can find on the ground.

We may even have to abandon our Warframe at some point and fight as a space kid.

Is a shame Operators suck at being glass cannons.

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Wow some people really need to chill. Like the guy who farmes chroma and is annoyed when chroma prime came out! Dude we know 3 months before the next vault what it is...

And the Mag pull thing? Please... it's a 1. It is not meant to be a clearer regardless of levels because of some pits. Why should the enemy die if they fall in when we also dont die?

DE often nerfs things because they are OP... even in Warfarme. They is a different between strong and OP.

But all in all it's a funny thread xD

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1 hour ago, GamerLuc said:

Lately I feel like they dont want us to feel strong in this game.

If you don't feel waaaay too strong at MR 26 and 1335 hours in this game...

...you are doing something extremely wrong or have yet to understand how this game works.

If the latter is the case after 1335h ingame, i dare say you have greater issues than feeling weak in a video game.

Edited by kuchn
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I've been reading quite a few comments like this after exploiter orb came out and I have to agree. I play this game to use the cool abilities and find creative ways to beat levels/bossfights. Why can't I use my frame which I grinded for and then went through all the forma for? Why the hell did I grind for it in the first place then? I feel like they'll start dropping players soon if they keep this up, because they're killing the cool mechanics they themselves added. There are other game out there to play, if I feel like I'm not having fun anymore I'll leave, as will others.

Disabling any cool ways players foubd to use mechanics in was not always their philosophy though. If they did things this way in the early days, their solution to coptering would have been to kill it instead of adding parkour to replace it and the game would have simply died there. They really need to re-examine how they started and why do people play this game.

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OK, some of the points and places are valid, 

But this is what I believe normally happens, 

DE:introduce a mode that requires a playstyle but can still be done with all frames with some effort, also makes sure it is extremely grindy and rewards worth having are very very rare. 

DE: already introduced many frames that will be suitable for the content. 

Playerbase: finds that one frame that can cheese it. And uses it exclusively. 

DE: feels disappointed that you aren't using other fun ways and are getting rewards quickly. 

DE: puts corks in your Swiss cheese strategy. 

Playerbase: finds other frame or weapon which is less cheesy but still requires less effort. 

DE: more corks! 

Playerbase: other cheeses, 

DE: even more corks! Also nerf aspects of frames so it becomes worse in other modes. Change the game mode to be something else. 

Playerbase: no longer interested in game mode and looks at alternative means to get rewards, as most players already farmed it already, all options are now hard or have mediocre returns, the different corks makes strategies pointless also makes the mode itself no longer fun. 

Playerbase: heavy complaining 

DE: Nerfs the difficulty so anyone can do it. Rewards are even rarer. 

Results: content is now more corks than content and is no longer what it originally was, challenge is gone, and is not even played cause no replayability as all rewards are already obtained. Specialized frames still present that dominate the mode but just not as effective as they once were. 

Examples :

arbitration, dominated by tanks and usually only played in survival mode (I dare you to put yourself through defection) . Inaros and wukong (yeah, wukong has Meta mode, go figure) 

Eso, dominated by dps (and nukes with pacing) Saryn, Equinox, volt in top seats. 

Regular survival (also resource farm) , dominated by Nekros and hydroid teams camping in a corner. 

Eidolons, dominated by chroma, Rhino, volt, trinity along with rubico with rivens. 

Note that when I say dominated, I mean that those frames are the ones that can get through with minimal effort, other frames can still do it, but will just take a lot longer or have higher failure ratios. 


So what I get is DE wants us to play the game, it is OK to be good at it too, but they don't want us to excel in anything. You can't have a magic spell that will put you in front without even walking there. 

They don't want you to be special! They want you to be normal, average, equal to everyone else!

Any nail that stands out will be hammered the hardest! 

It's a brave new world people! A brave new world!

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21 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

Why should the enemy die if they fall in when we also don't die?

Oh, so we need to play by the same rules? why does enemy armor scale? why does enemy damage scale? why is PT immune to armor reduction via Shattering Impact? why does the tenno Ogris not fire homing projectiles? why do Ballistas can lock on you despite moving in a different direction and not facing you? why aren't we stunned by electricity or fire like the enemies do? why aren't enemies affected in Corpus ships when there is a broken window? why aren't enemies affected by self damage like us? and the list goes on.

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1 hour ago, Scissorsmith said:

I've been reading quite a few comments like this after exploiter orb came out and I have to agree. I play this game to use the cool abilities and find creative ways to beat levels/bossfights. Why can't I use my frame which I grinded for and then went through all the forma for? Why the hell did I grind for it in the first place then? I feel like they'll start dropping players soon if they keep this up, because they're killing the cool mechanics they themselves added. There are other game out there to play, if I feel like I'm not having fun anymore I'll leave, as will others.

Disabling any cool ways players foubd to use mechanics in was not always their philosophy though. If they did things this way in the early days, their solution to coptering would have been to kill it instead of adding parkour to replace it and the game would have simply died there. They really need to re-examine how they started and why do people play this game.

You are right on the money with this and this is literally why I AM leaving Warframe.

I earned my frames but don't get to use them to their fullest.
I earned my Archwing, but I dont get to use it how I enjoy or find fun.
I want to take my time and explore levels but everyone else just wants to rush since there is no incentive to explore.
I want to explore the open world areas but there is either nothing to find, or it just turns into me vs Starship Troopers and I end up dying or being forced to run away.
I want to enjoy taking on missions, but I dread, and consequently avoid the bounties on both PoE and Vallis. They are just so bad.
So all I end up doing is re-running star chart, which I have long since cleared, and it just feels more and more linear and pointless.

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1 minute ago, xveganrox said:

 just use Itzal, no anti-air weapons hit it and you can kill stuff from your archwing to your heart’s content

I have Itzal. I dont always have max energy to be perma invis.
Not a useful solution when the problem of being insta-shot-down should not exist in the first place!!


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7 minutes ago, Rovaeden said:

I have Itzal. I dont always have max energy to be perma invis.
Not a useful solution when the problem of being insta-shot-down should not exist in the first place!!


Furthermore, what if someone doesn't like/want to use Itzal?

Edited by VanFanel1980mx
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If you have the itzal you should use your first ability to dodge projectiles. You can hear the lock on

The elytron can use it's ability to confuse the missiles and not get shot down.

Amesha (the best archwing) it's first ability just absorbed attacks and will keep you from being shot down. Also the bubble absorbes attacks drop it between you and the enemy.

It sounds like you don't know how to play the archwing.

Now I am MR26 and a founder so I have alot of experience, but I was running poe missions when they came out in the amesha and staying in one archwing for the full bounty, lvl60+.

Just practice and learn the abilities. If you are relying on itzal invisibility you are just on the wrong track.

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22 minutes ago, Palagi said:

If you have the itzal you should use your first ability to dodge projectiles. You can hear the lock on

The elytron can use it's ability to confuse the missiles and not get shot down.

Amesha (the best archwing) it's first ability just absorbed attacks and will keep you from being shot down. Also the bubble absorbes attacks drop it between you and the enemy.

It sounds like you don't know how to play the archwing.

Now I am MR26 and a founder so I have alot of experience, but I was running poe missions when they came out in the amesha and staying in one archwing for the full bounty, lvl60+.

Just practice and learn the abilities. If you are relying on itzal invisibility you are just on the wrong track.

So itzal and amesha is only viable AW in PoE, nice.

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20 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

So itzal and amesha is only viable AW in PoE, nice.

Odonata Disarray immediately cancels missile lock. The flares stick around and will collide with additional missiles for a short duration too.  Used to drop a Disarray while I sat in front of a bunch of enemies to hack a Eidolon Lure will still on my Odonata and their missiles won't lock. Elytron's Afterburners cloud supposedly blocks missiles too, personally never tried because I dislike the Elytron and Afterburners is obstructive.

Had no problems clearing bounties without dropping my Archwing back when I was running it on pubs to get some relics.

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it says Ninjas play free, so therefore you're not actually supposed to buy any platinum whatsoever, otherwise you're not a true space ninja! /s.

2 hours ago, Rovaeden said:

I earned my Archwing, but I dont get to use it how I enjoy or find fun.

Jokes aside, I think a couple of tweaks could help. Arch-guns are a lot better now we can use them in regular missions, but Archwings themselves could probably all use a rework. I don't blame DE for not bothering, since collectively we've done nothing but berate Archwing for how bad it is. however, Railjack is coming and will likely feature a lot of changes and possible reworks to Archwing. I do agree that nuking stuff with the Elytron should be more efficient than it is, but I guess DE were worried people would just Nuke everything all the time and never actually fight on the ground. a shame since before it's release I fantasized about running "air support" sniping and firing missiles from on high while my squad attacked a base from all sides, but they seemed to get a bit overzealous with the Vruush Turrets, and Archwing was ultimately relegated to a mode of transport rather than an alternate way of fighting.


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6 hours ago, GamerLuc said:

Lately I feel like they dont want us to feel strong in this game.

Why do we even have abilitys when every new enemy is immune to everything anyways?

I mean some enemys on Fortuna shoot through Frosts Globe, Limbos Rift and Zephyrs Turbulence. How can they do that? I mean Limbo is literally in another Dimension and they just shoot him like its nothing. They are also immune to all CC, have Nullifier-Bubbles and spamm Knockdowns like its their only purpose in life to annoy us.

I started this Game because I like feeling powerfull and killing hordes of enemys with cool abilitys but DE nerfed pretty much every Frame over the years and they still nerf everything that is strong or popular.

I fear that Equinox gets her 4 nerfed to no longer go through walls or has her range/damage reduced by 50% when Equinox Prime comes out because DE thinks she is too strong,,,

False actually DE hasnt nerfes wvery frame. You are over exaggerating. Also. If you dont like the orb dont do it. So simple. They are a designed fight made to be played a certain why. Why dp you think strategy is for. 

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6 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

I can't, they don't like me using Archwing on free roaming so they made archwing nullifier projectiles, I liked to work around situations by performing environmental kills and they are no longer there (Trials are also absent so there is no "you just want to cheese trials" excuse), I want to take on certain bosses without having to use one of 3-4 frames, I HAVE to use Zenurik focus because half the things in this game either take energy away or delete your abilities, I HAVE to put on Vitality, Quick Thinking or both on frames that don't have any kind of tanking potential will die to a sneeze and lately just thinking about sharing my experience with the EO with Zephyr made me afraid of DE noticing her ability to dodge enemy attacks and nerfing turbulence or even all other alternatives, they hate pragmatism and they have yet to tell us how exactly does the game is meant to be played.

This is hilarous. Now I can not take you seriously at all. As a min maxer I am besides myself in amusement.  Some frames are not ment for everything. Accept that and you will be happy. I swear you are one of those weridos who bring Zephyr to the Orb fight and then get carried by my and my friends using a team of Chroma, Nezha, and Trinity. Not gonna bother and explain why that works not worth my time. You should know why it works. Seriously, I swear. Why do use high end players need to deal with players like you alk who do not know how to build or strategize or even bring a frame that actually makes sense for the content you are doing. No. You rather come to the forums and cry about. Put yourself together man. Adapt. Overcome. Learn. Achieve. It is simple.

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6 hours ago, AzureScion said:

At the moment? Nope. Veeery hard to dodge. I've seen a bombard rocket turn 180 degrees and I've seen one turning upwards with a perfect 90 degrees angle. But for me I like to play Volt and camp the corner with 3-4 shields covering my front so the rockets wouldn't be much of a problem to me anyway.

Actually just get good. You can see the rocket coming plus rolling with give you evasion and dr so use that. Or you can I dunno use rhe parkour system. I heard pressing crtl-space does wonders for you mobility and evasion. Smh

5 hours ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

DE want you to lose because they're actually siding with the opposite faction.

Think about it, most new units and their grandchild has some form of immunity against Warframe's power. What's a Warframe without power? A tinsuit.

They've already stripped most Warframe of their powers and they're starting to work on removing weapons next, as evident by Exploiter Orb fight. 

Next thing you know everyone and their grandma is immune to both Warframes and weapons and be forced to fight by throwing shiny things you can find on the ground.

We may even have to abandon our Warframe at some point and fight as a space kid.

You're right. DE should side with us and give us no challenge so we can run through missions without thinking. Definitely. We need to play the game as brain dead as possible. Not nuance. Just pew pew boom boom. Did you get that? I used your language I hope i translated correctly. Yes I know Im being condescending tired of seeing you complaining.

5 hours ago, Scissorsmith said:

I've been reading quite a few comments like this after exploiter orb came out and I have to agree. I play this game to use the cool abilities and find creative ways to beat levels/bossfights. Why can't I use my frame which I grinded for and then went through all the forma for? Why the hell did I grind for it in the first place then? I feel like they'll start dropping players soon if they keep this up, because they're killing the cool mechanics they themselves added. There are other game out there to play, if I feel like I'm not having fun anymore I'll leave, as will others.

Disabling any cool ways players foubd to use mechanics in was not always their philosophy though. If they did things this way in the early days, their solution to coptering would have been to kill it instead of adding parkour to replace it and the game would have simply died there. They really need to re-examine how they started and why do people play this game.

Who says you can not use your frame. You are not think or trying hard enough. How can you set here and call yourself "creative" if you have not found away to use your frame in the boss fight? Huh? Step back and analyze the boss fight. Lets do the exploiter since that the one you guys are bad at. You need 3 things. Survivability, wave clear/cc, and heavy adaptive damage. Survivability: Chroma, Inaros, Nezha, Oberon, Trinity, Nekros, Harrow, Revenant, Mesa, Nidus, Rhino, heck even Nyx and Zephyr. Wave clear/CC: Nezha, Nyx, Zeohyr, Volt, Oberon, Nidus, Titania, Hydroid, Nekros, Mag, Rhino. Adaptive damage comes from your guns but:Mirage, Chroma, Harrow. Can augment. Now am I saying all these frames are good in this fight. No of course not, but they can all work. You need to think. Play to your strengths and use that as your stepping stone. If I can make Titania Eidolon/Orb viable and Limbo and Ivars and Oberon and Gosh darn Octavia. You can too.

5 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

OK, some of the points and places are valid, 

But this is what I believe normally happens, 

DE:introduce a mode that requires a playstyle but can still be done with all frames with some effort, also makes sure it is extremely grindy and rewards worth having are very very rare. 

DE: already introduced many frames that will be suitable for the content. 

Playerbase: finds that one frame that can cheese it. And uses it exclusively. 

DE: feels disappointed that you aren't using other fun ways and are getting rewards quickly. 

DE: puts corks in your Swiss cheese strategy. 

Playerbase: finds other frame or weapon which is less cheesy but still requires less effort. 

DE: more corks! 

Playerbase: other cheeses, 

DE: even more corks! Also nerf aspects of frames so it becomes worse in other modes. Change the game mode to be something else. 

Playerbase: no longer interested in game mode and looks at alternative means to get rewards, as most players already farmed it already, all options are now hard or have mediocre returns, the different corks makes strategies pointless also makes the mode itself no longer fun. 

Playerbase: heavy complaining 

DE: Nerfs the difficulty so anyone can do it. Rewards are even rarer. 

Results: content is now more corks than content and is no longer what it originally was, challenge is gone, and is not even played cause no replayability as all rewards are already obtained. Specialized frames still present that dominate the mode but just not as effective as they once were. 

Examples :

arbitration, dominated by tanks and usually only played in survival mode (I dare you to put yourself through defection) . Inaros and wukong (yeah, wukong has Meta mode, go figure) 

Eso, dominated by dps (and nukes with pacing) Saryn, Equinox, volt in top seats. 

Regular survival (also resource farm) , dominated by Nekros and hydroid teams camping in a corner. 

Eidolons, dominated by chroma, Rhino, volt, trinity along with rubico with rivens. 

Note that when I say dominated, I mean that those frames are the ones that can get through with minimal effort, other frames can still do it, but will just take a lot longer or have higher failure ratios. 


So what I get is DE wants us to play the game, it is OK to be good at it too, but they don't want us to excel in anything. You can't have a magic spell that will put you in front without even walking there. 

They don't want you to be special! They want you to be normal, average, equal to everyone else!

Any nail that stands out will be hammered the hardest! 

It's a brave new world people! A brave new world!

This makes this game into a political statement. It is a game not a political war. Begon from this place. As for you other statement. DE only really nerfs the stupid cheese that take zero to no skill. Im looking at you abusers of the Khora bug. Rest in peace your accounts by the way. Furthermore, who cares if a mode is dominated by a certsin type of character? People. Will. Optimize. They will find the best way to do things. Why are you crying about that? Would it not be more proactive to actually take whatever frame you wanted into those modes and I dunno try to make them work? You make it seem like oh no if i bring my Trinity to an arbitration im going to fail. Yeah you will with that attitude. Why does it matter if other frames have and easier time in other modes.  That is what a meta is. Are you just gonna sit there and let the meta define you? Stand up and play whatever you want. Do not wine. Work! "But why use Ember in survival when I can use Nek-" Does it matter? No. You play your Ember and you make it work. Adapt. Overcome. Learn. You control how you play not your teammates, not the devs. Sure it can be hard but if you let difficulty stop you then you are beyond help.

3 hours ago, Rovaeden said:

You are right on the money with this and this is literally why I AM leaving Warframe.

I earned my frames but don't get to use them to their fullest.
I earned my Archwing, but I dont get to use it how I enjoy or find fun.
I want to take my time and explore levels but everyone else just wants to rush since there is no incentive to explore.
I want to explore the open world areas but there is either nothing to find, or it just turns into me vs Starship Troopers and I end up dying or being forced to run away.
I want to enjoy taking on missions, but I dread, and consequently avoid the bounties on both PoE and Vallis. They are just so bad.
So all I end up doing is re-running star chart, which I have long since cleared, and it just feels more and more linear and pointless.

Then leave. Simple as that. Take a break play another game. No one is begging you to stay and suffer. Enjoy something else. I took a 3 month break from this game. Best thing i ever did cause i cam back refreshed with things to do. Also I call blasphemy. If you truly and I mean truly upgraded your warframes to the fullest then your statements are lies convoluted into a twisted reason to drives stakes into the game. There is so many places to stress test your frames. There is lots of archwing missions and two open worlds to use them on. You obviously have not grabed any of the lore hidden in the plains or valis nor seen all the caves and hidden bits. What do you mean there is no incentives to explore? Havimg problems with the enemies? Shot the drones that summon more or run a stealth frame geeze. Also if you are dieing to plains or valis enemeis that your frames are DEFINITELY not maxed out. As for the bounties. Eh they are not the worst thing but they are terribly fun. You guys make yourselves out to be simpletons the way you wine about the game. There are simple fixes really and simple edits you can do to mitigate all your issues and they are all in game waiting for you to use them. But maybe you need a break. More negativity is not going to help you do better. Play something else, cool off, reset, come back.

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Someone mentioned 'corking' certain strategies.  That's fine.  Ideal, even.  "The meta is no enemy-affecting abilities" isn't.  Even worse is seeing people switch to buff frames and responding with Nullifier proliferation and range increases.  It's less bad design and more not designing.

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