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Hildryn is the Badass Queen of Mediocrity


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Unless I'm missing something, Hildryn, to me, is a contradiction of badass aesthetics and mediocrity on the field.

First off, why is the bodybuilder frame a shield-oriented user? Wouldn't it be more appropriate for her abilities to revolve around physical strength? That aside, most fall short in comparison to other frames and or weapons.

  • Balefire is no better than a secondary. In fact, I'd make an argument that most high-rank secondaries easily outclass it. Truly a waste of an ability. Granted, it could dish some damage, but so can a decent pistol. You could contend that its use comes in its synergy with Aegis Storm, but that's just a contrivance on DE's part. Why not simply allow us to fire our own weapons?
  • Shield Pillage is a paradoxical ability. On the one hand, the shield replenishment is a nice effect, on the other, by the time it feeds back to you, combined with its initial casting fee, it hardly matters. You'd have to spam it constantly for a worthwhile result. That and, if you run out of shield there is no "oh-crap" button to help you a la Inaros's health drain or Limbo's dimensional step. Might as well stay of the enemy's line of sight and opt for the routine run-and-gun method. To be clear, though, it's not bad, rather her best ability, but even it has some issues rooted in questionable design.
  • Haven does... something? I realize it's supposed to provide a cloak-like AoE around Hildryn and her allies but the damage is so low (unless I'm missing something) that what's even the point? 
  • Aegis Storm is a cool ability, but it's no better than Vauban's Bastille. Worse yet, at least when it comes to the latter (a third, ability, mind you) you can fire your own weapons and not have to uphold the same position seeing as Bastille is stationary. Finally, we come back to low damage.

I'm sad to say that, at least for now, Hildryn falls under the "meh" category, a Warframe whose replacement with almost any other would prove an upgrade in a mission. That's such a shame since I find her aesthetically so pleasing and have enjoyed fashioning her so much. I hope DE would give her a boost in the future.

By the by, I would love to hear from someone who can make her effective. Share your secrets with me, oh wise ones. 


Things I'm not saying: Hyldrin is awful. Hyldrin is useless. Hyldrin is not fun to play, etc... Please do not extrapolate something that isn't there in my opinion.

Edited by Tellakey
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I'm actually kind of confused by her being the big bulky bodybuilder frame because nothing in her kit feels like it represents it at all. It fits with her signature weapon being an archgun, but half of her kit locks you out of using archguns. She's got no themes of strength or physical might, her 1 is a tiny weapon that cripples her movement to fire and knocks her back to charge, and everything else just feels like it's entirely shield focused, which... is probably the least biologically-oriented defense you could go for. Just kind of feels like a complete thematic mismatch.

(i also just don't like her look or kit in general though so eh. her 1 probably scales fine at higher ranks but it feels so awful out of the gate compared to stuff like Khora's insane 1)

Edited by OvisCaedo
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I usually buy my frames but I think I won’t buy this one. I just don’t think we have enough unique shield related mods for me to be eager to try on her. Maybe if we had an aura that immediately trigger shield regain on kills would be sweet because all the recharge mods will greatly compliment each other. Not my greatest idea but just an idea.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

I usually buy my frames but I think I won’t buy this one. I just don’t think we have enough unique shield related mods for me to be eager to try on her. Maybe if we had an aura that immediately trigger shield regain on kills would be sweet because all the recharge mods will greatly compliment each other. 

There is a arcane that does that. And works well on her. Basically infinite energy (Shields) when it procs.


Just now, Rawbeard said:

you should put a few mods on it

True. No formas and at lvl 0 that little thing can hit over 10k dmg in Hydron. Just need a few mods.

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23 minutes ago, Tellakey said:


Everyone has said they would have prefered the larkspur. Further, the charging has a forced slow movement that prolongs for half a second or so after firing, slowing you significantly so you have to tap fire. Further, when used in her 4th it should double the fire rate, why? because she is holding two at the same time.

25 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Shield Pillage

I has a huge range (much larger than the one listed as that is the initial size and not the max it can reach), cleanses status effects and strips shields and armor and gives over/shields to her. It's not that slow at all as you can cast it again to call it back.

27 minutes ago, Tellakey said:


Gives faster shield recharge to allies AS WELL AS HER SHIELD GATING PASSIVE TO ALLIES, also gives them over shields when they leave the AoE of the ability. All while doing really low damage to enemies

28 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

Aegis Storm

What makes it worse is that you can't cast Shield Pillage, your only defensive ability, whilst in this form.

Yeah, she still needs some tweaks.

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10 minutes ago, DarkSkysz said:

Did you ever heard about Zarya? Hildryn is basically a copy of her. Bulky female that work with shields and CC.

Yes, I've heard of Zarya. To be fair, I also know of other female characters who follow the bulky-dominatrix archetype and who belong to non-gaming media. Take Javre from Joe Abercrombie's Sharp Ends short story book, or Biscuit Krueger from the HunterxHunter manga/anime. I wouldn't know who the first character to follow this trope was.


7 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

you should put a few mods on it

Indeed I did. Still meh compared to my Staticor, not to mention, reliant on shields per shot.

Edited by Tellakey
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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Is that Aegis arcane or something like that? That & Barrier are the only arcanes that I know ppl use

Arcane Barrier has a 1/2/3/4% chance of restoring full shields upon taking damage.

Arcane Aegis has a 1.5%/3%/4.5%/6% chance of restoring 15/30/45/60 shields a second upon taking damage for 5/10/15/20 seconds.

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1 minute ago, Tellakey said:

Indeed I did. Still meh compared to my Staticor, not to mention, reliant on shields per shot.

you are bad at modding then. and bad at using hildryn's skill. even low effort you should never run out of shields.

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Just now, Rawbeard said:

you are bad at modding then. and bad at using hildryn's skill. even low effort you should never run out of shields.

Thanks. Let's see... I put the mandatory damage, two status-element mods, multishot, etc... I'm not saying the Balefire is absolute trash, I'm saying it's a waste of an ability since a weapon like Staticor which doesn't cost you shields performs better.

As for running out of shields, that would depend on the squad and enemy level. I can definitely confirm that while it is effective in high-rank mission, a brief respite from spamming 2 would cost you all your shield if a few enemies train their sights on you.

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2 hours ago, Whitestrake0 said:

Larkspur should have been her one, said it one too many times

I'm going to disagree but only because I love the Larkspur too much to give it up as an Archweapon I can use anywhere. 

That said the Balefire should have been virtually anything else and totally feels like a discount Staticor without the bits that made the Staticor a good weapon. It just has no visible punch even tho DPS wise it seems to be fairly serviceable. It just feels bad, I'd honestly just like to be able to use whatever my equipped weapons are when I was in Aegis and sorta ignore she has an Exalted. 

Edited by Oreades
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