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High level Wolf is unbeatable


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5 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Why though?  So we can complain he became too "easy"?  Why can't we just have a mini-boss that's slightly hard to fight, or puts up a decent defense?

Maybe DE could just fix the game's core, like they should've done years ago. Wolf is a product of DE's insistance on their own mistakes, and hopefully the community will S#&$ on their heads enough for them to realize that just increasing numbers exponentially every new weapon and enemy isn't the solution to the power creep they shoved in the game. Although the ridiculous part is that there are people who defend cheap bulletsponges because they want a looter game with shooting, not a shooter game with looting.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Why though?  So we can complain he became too "easy"?  Why can't we just have a mini-boss that's slightly hard to fight, or puts up a decent defense?

I don't get your idea at all. Why an invincible wall is changed to 'slightly hard to fight' in your mind? If it is only hard we didn't say like this. We are say because it is simply invincible, not the hard and challenging opponent.

In the reality, without some weird and difficult glitch surely dedicated to kill Wolf(which needs weird equipments), killing him on high level is not possible at all. It is not a challenge or anything. - he is nothing but an obstacle terrain feature, and all we can do is run. Why point out the problem is compared by argue about the difficulty? Difficulty is only exists if it is doable. If we CAN deal with him we didn't say like this. But the reality is, it is not possible.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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On 2019-04-01 at 2:06 PM, twitch.tv_Mythraen said:

So, I believed Valkyr's Talons, being exalted weapons, would not hurt Wolf.

However, I was able to hurt him with them today, April 03. My friend thinks he stripped his armor with Oberon. Has he been made vulnerable to abilities?

Oh they hurt him. They do less damage, but if spec'ed out for radiation damage they hit a pretty good amount. He doesn't take procs so unconventional methods of armor stripping is required, such as Oberon, Mag, or Frost. Even still most frames aren't dps tanks. Rather than be varied and somewhat hazardous like the shadow stalker is and nullify abilities he's a T4 boss fight with even less ways of attacking the player. cc works on him, mostly. He's boring and still too rare and his weapon is rather lackluster.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Almighty Deity said:

Oh they hurt him. They do less damage, but if spec'ed out for radiation damage they hit a pretty good amount. He doesn't take procs so unconventional methods of armor stripping is required, such as Oberon, Mag, or Frost. Even still most frames aren't dps tanks. Rather than be varied and somewhat hazardous like the shadow stalker is and nullify abilities he's a T4 boss fight with even less ways of attacking the player. cc works on him, mostly. He's boring and still too rare and his weapon is rather lackluster.

But what about the "immune to abilities" thing? Is that not the case? Has that stopped being the case? I could have sworn that was established.

Edited by twitch.tv_Mythraen
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On 2019-04-05 at 8:07 PM, twitch.tv_Mythraen said:

But what about the "immune to abilities" thing? Is that not the case? Has that stopped being the case? I could have sworn that was established.

Tried him recently, a level 103 on a kuva flood. Can confirm it no longer works. At 92% resistance and 4.4mil hp on a kuva flood survival we had to run.

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On 2019-03-27 at 4:17 PM, KirukaChan said:

There is one way to strip his armor: Shattering Impact. At least until DE decides to take that away from us too.

I agree with you, but that means i have to carry Shattering Impact on every mission? Since there is no way (at least that i know of) to farm wolf efficiently. 

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He's not that hard. Bring a solid dps weapon fitted for radiation and he goes down quick. If you're going to risk it by leveling stuff in all of your slots, then yeah, he can be a pain. Every time he's shown up (even at L100+) he's been down in less than 3 minutes.

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15 hours ago, podbacx said:

I agree with you, but that means i have to carry Shattering Impact on every mission? Since there is no way (at least that i know of) to farm wolf efficiently. 

Either that or Unairu Sundering Dash, I know that guns that can do massive damage are reduced quite a bit (90% at least) by his armor and innate resistances and without some way of removing his armor - and with him being immune to status methods your options are Sundering Dash, Shattering Impact, or Sharpened Claws via Kavat companions.

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On 2019-04-07 at 10:19 PM, (XB1)Almighty Deity said:

Tried him recently, a level 103 on a kuva flood. Can confirm it no longer works. At 92% resistance and 4.4mil hp on a kuva flood survival we had to run.

"It no longer works"? It what? Valkyr's Talons?

Edited by twitch.tv_Mythraen
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On 2019-03-27 at 11:12 AM, DroopingPuppy said:

Just after encountered a 70+ level Wolf of Saturn Six, and I think that it is not meant to be killed. I don't understand why such an abomination is on the game.

Well, I have faced him with around 30s and 40s level, and I can beat him with my random party member although it was not so easy. But, with 70 level it is impossible.

The problem is, he has both armor value as well as immunity to every procs and abilities. If the enemy has armor and has high level, we can deal with it by procs and abilities. If the enemy is immune to the effects, without armor we can kill it when we shoot enough bullets. But, having both of them is simply out of sense.

In Warframe, armored enemies with around 80+ levels(for typical enemies, not the 'boss' enemies) are have to be deal with anti armor solutions or bust, because damage reduction by armor is ridiculously high. But why he need to immune to both abilities and status effects? I don't get it.

Not "unbeatable". I got one in Kuva Flood and the first thing my cat did was remove his armor... So... But yeah, they need to stop making "bosses" deny frame abilities, after all, we are not playing any 3rd person shooter, but Warframe.

This is the definition of low effort implementation: instead of balance the boss based in Warframe abilities and other game mechanics, they simple deny all and make a stupid bullet sponge. No fun in artificially "increase" difficulty removing energy and abilities, but seems like is the way they think difficulty works (nullifiers, leeches and other "very well" designed stuff).

One thing they are using more and more is "invulnerability" stages/fases. In the Wolf there are those 3 guys with no reason to be invulnerable besides the fact to annoy the player; in Orb Valis that mini-Jackal even start shooting you in the initial invulnerable stage (you literally is given no choice but hide and wait or receive bullets in the face without chance of doing nothing). They serious need to review what "difficulty" means.

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On 2019-03-27 at 10:12 AM, DroopingPuppy said:

Just after encountered a 70+ level Wolf of Saturn Six, and I think that it is not meant to be killed. I don't understand why such an abomination is on the game.

Well, I have faced him with around 30s and 40s level, and I can beat him with my random party member although it was not so easy. But, with 70 level it is impossible.

The problem is, he has both armor value as well as immunity to every procs and abilities. If the enemy has armor and has high level, we can deal with it by procs and abilities. If the enemy is immune to the effects, without armor we can kill it when we shoot enough bullets. But, having both of them is simply out of sense.

In Warframe, armored enemies with around 80+ levels(for typical enemies, not the 'boss' enemies) are have to be deal with anti armor solutions or bust, because damage reduction by armor is ridiculously high. But why he need to immune to both abilities and status effects? I don't get it.

Dark Split sword, standard Blood Rush, Berserker, Condition Overload Build can shred max level Wolf in under 20 seconds. Don't doubt it until you try. 

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7 hours ago, nickstergames said:


Dark Split sword, standard Blood Rush, Berserker, Condition Overload Build can shred max level Wolf in under 20 seconds. Don't doubt it until you try. 

Condition Overload won't work against Wolf because Wolf is immune to the status effect.

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gram prime, invisibility,shattering impact ( maybe kavat ability)

show him who's boss


I'd agree though that his scaling is a bit insane, expecially in groups. without me doing 97 percent of damage we would have aborted the mission,

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I'm not liking this whole "you can't kill it with your abilities" trend that they're trying to implement. Might as well rename all the frames to Ember Prime because most frames are pretty much useless outside of cheesing (which DE hotfixes as soon as they find out what we're doing). They're kind of out of sync with us atm.


EDIT: I wouldn't be averse to giving my Operator my Rubico P and just letting him take care of it because he's more useful.

Edited by BtheLee
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I don't think I've made a post about an enemy/boss like this before. 

To DE: While not completely unbeatable, hes just not fun. Those invincible dudes he has with him are such a terrible decision from a gameplay standpoint that its kinda incredible that got implemented. While I understand it is really hard to do, who ever is in charge of this has to realize the difference between what is difficult, and what is ridiculous.

If you're going to put the invincible dudes in, reduce the Wolf's health or resistances. If you take them out, his health still needs to be reduced. 

Not to mention how odd his degree power is from a lore standpoint but perhaps I missed something.

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I just did 2 Hydron runs, leveling my crit build (Blood Rush, Body Count) Paracesis, (it was the only weapon I had for max affin) and Wolf lvl 70 spawned in both, back to back.

1: A team of Saryn(me), Chroma, and Equinox wailed on him for 10 minutes. We crowded him and managed to get him cornered against one of staircase railings that lead to upper level, Chroma's aura let us hang close and constantly wail on him...my combo counter was sitting at 3.5 x 650+ in the end, and he dropped a Molten Impact😧 Seriously! Even with this stupendous counter, I was hitting him for yellow and orange crits of 1200 if I was lucky, mostly it was hovering at constant yellow hits 800 to 900. My toxic lash was also active as much as possible.

2. Next hydron run... he spawns at wave 4. we have Saryn, Inaros, Vauban and Ember. With no Chroma I couldn't stay close. the others eventually running out of ammo, having to use Operators, Archguns (even these running out ammo eventually), essentially leading the fugitives on a wild goose chase, but it meant we could never concentrate all our fire/damage on Wolf. We were constantly getting downed, revived, downed, revived, ad nauseam. After 20+ minutes of this and only getting Wolf to about 6/8 health, I had to go to bed and aborted.

This Boss is... really, really, bad. Even with the recent cap on his level, its still a ridiculous poorly designed encounter. If you aren't lucky enough to have a good Chroma in your squad...

Just to put this into perspective:

A Lvl 70 Shadow Stalker has 564,550 EHP and 90% DR (the entire squad can concentrate on him, he doesn't have the super mobility of the wolf, and is alone)

Lvl 70 Wolf has 1,168,728 EHP and 86% DR + 3 Lvl 70 Invincible Fugitives that carry Incendiary Grenades that might as well be star plasma in a bottle, you get hit or just happen to step on the hot puddle - you're insta-dead.

DE, please go back to the drawing board on the Wolf. My suggestion that at least would make this better in the interim is to remove the Invincibility from the Fugitives.

Edited by MagentTanau
Clarification of encounters
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On 2019-04-01 at 7:15 AM, (XB1)Almighty Deity said:

Killed level 70 Wolf with hysteria with corrosive talons. It took 15 seconds. Kid you not. If I'd have known he was that tough I'd have recorded it.

What do the corrosive talons mean in this case? The Wolf is immune to all statuses and corrosive projection. So far, his armor can be reduced by Sundering Dash, Shattering Impact, and Sharpened Claws being used by a Kavat. Even at around only level 45 he does enough damage in a single hammer throw to take 700 Hp from a warframe with 300 armor so while he isn't as damaging as he is durable, he can easily kill a team without invulnerability or heavy amounts of endurance like Chroma and Valkyr. He and his buddies also ignore such effects as Limbo rift for those that like using that entertainer warframe. In this case, Wolf also doesn't take increased damage from corrosive elements, instead taking extra damage from Radiation both with and without armor. (alloy both above and below his armor oddly enough) He also has some innate damage resist even beyond his armor damage resist similar to an Eidolon.

For what its worth, melee builds due to melee combo counter, or anti Eidolon load-outs do reasonably well against him due to similar immunity to status and abilities.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My chroma + Lanka deleted him.... Literally one shot.  Lvl 70 wolf spawned and vanished in about 2 seconds.  I understand that the wolf is super annoying when your not prepared but he definitely isn't unkillable.  Just bring a radiation weapon with you and a frame to buff damage.  Rhino it's a good all around frame for this.

Edit.  Wolf no longer spawns above level 70 so.... GG wolf?

Edited by (XB1)Proxy Psy
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On 2019-03-28 at 1:19 AM, Chewarette said:

If Shattering Impact works, I guess CP works too.

Can't really know though as I have yet to be blessed by his presence, I still have no clue what he even looks like.

I've found corrosive damage does very little to the Wolf. I use radiation damage, even when Wolf is high level, it still works even if more slowly.

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