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Nora, copying a famous movie character isn't good


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On 2019-03-31 at 12:26 AM, MewmewGirl said:

Warframe is a great game with a lot of original content.  Most everything is their own made up lore that is very unique.  They have storytelling that really pulls me in the game and makes me forget briefly that it is a game it gets so deep and original.  It's unlike anything else and is normally very interesting.


I hadn't been playing this month and just logged on for the first time in a while again last night, and I very clearly see something taken directly from a movie that just seems a bit ridiculous to do and takes me out of the game world completely seeing it.


Who decided to copy the radio DJ from The Warriors movie and put her in Warframe?  It's silly to see and just kicks me completely out of the world.  Please don't do this kind of stuff again.


I don't know who thought this was a good idea.  This is a pretty famous and popular movie.  Yeah, it's a great movie and a classic, but to copy something from it and put it in your otherwise unique game is just goofy and kills that very custom lore feeling the game normally has.


If you haven't seen the movie, maybe you won't care.  You can look up "The Warriors DJ Lady" to see who and what they copied if you feel like it.  Imagine if it was something you did know though and how silly it would be to see stuff taken from movies you know and see them here in game.  It just doesn't fit and isn't original.  In an otherwise lore created from scratch universe she just feels out of place.


I don't understand how a game that has some of the most amazing unique lore out there could just go and copy a woman from a famous movie and put her in the game.  I literally said "Yikes" when I saw her...


If we're going to be silly and add stuff from various movies from now on, if that is where they want to take the game now - I guess go ahead.  Let's get all sorts of goofy zany characters from TV shows and add them to the game if that is the direction they want to go.  If however that isn't the direction we want to go - when her time is up let's not have this kind of stuff in game again please.

Don’t go watch the Americanized Robotech series from the 80s, then because your head will pop off...

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Don’t go watch the Americanized Robotech series from the 80s, then because your head will pop off...

Put on top of that that DE wants Archwing to be less "elite dangerous" and more "robotech" / "zone of enders"

They find what people really enjoy from some of the absolute classics and encorporate it into one whole. That is basically warframe.

And I like that.

Its not like they are silent about it either. They love it when people get the references.

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2 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

Put on top of that that DE wants Archwing to be less "elite dangerous" and more "robotech" / "zone of enders"

They find what people really enjoy from some of the absolute classics and encorporate it into one whole. That is basically warframe.

And I like that.

Its not like they are silent about it either. They love it when people get the references.

This is so very true. 

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

A lot of you seem to be missing the point. OP isn't saying that references are bad, rather he believes that Nora is a straight-up rip-off.

I feel like a lot of you are purposefully misrepresenting his argument. 

Nope. We just think it's overreacting by the OP to something that really doesn't matter.  We have just been giving reasons and examples why it doesn't matter.  😄 

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On 2019-04-02 at 2:53 PM, DatDarkOne said:

Nope. We just think it's overreacting by the OP to something that really doesn't matter.  We have just been giving reasons and examples why it doesn't matter.  😄 

Yep.  POV.

We could start an “Artist’s Homage” thread or “DE Rip-OFFS” and post shockingly similar art and ideas in both.

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I know this is groan inducing, but here it is if no ones said it.


That aside, my issue is that the context & application, this mouth that takes up half the screen in when just checking on progress, to the level of almost condescending dialog, i know its not intentional, but really I am far from a badass for mining rocks, fishing or making 3 ayatan sculptures move.

I suggested a few days back that she actually play music, custom soundtracks on the players system, or maybe invite a collaboration with the Artists at Overclock Remix to bring amazing music to the game & promote independent artists renditions of video game music, OC managed to avoid copyright issues for decades now & even sell full CD sets, I bought the Xenogears Remix, all sold in the open no copyright issue.

Or that this begins to flesh out & bring a human element to this game, the start of a beating heart in the game where as it is now, nothing ties into anything else, everything is broken up & seperate in its own closed system, Nora could be the first sign that theyre trying to bring some humanity to the game.

Current implementation though, is really just far off, in the warriors the dj was a medium for relaying information in a slang way to the various factions while staying clean, THAT was what made that whole situation something that was so memorable, tbat creative use of music & communication prior to cell phones & so on.

In the new war, I could see Nora serving this function possibly or that she is relaying secret info that the factions are trying to keep quiet.

But again poor execution, no ties or rational excuse for the tenno to have any business with her, just some mouth out of the blue to again, push the tenno around & tell them what to do.

Did Space mom run into howard stern or something & change careers?

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First of all, it's called an "Easter Egg" to include something like that.  Something for the people who know of the source material to enjoy seeing included in their current game.  Some games are packed FULL of such easter eggs, and it's great to see it happen.


2nd...."  This is a pretty famous and popular movie.  "  Not even close.  not popular and certainly not famous.  Just yet another on the long forgotten movies from history.  None of the actors from that movie made their name with it.  Some have had steady work with bits parts here and there.  An episode of this series, 3 or 4 in that series...but nothing major.  Many of them had no work after that film until the 2013 or later.  If it were "pretty famous and popular", many of those actors would be recognizable names rather than mostly background scenery here and there.

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Oh they intended to, thats unmistakable, plenty of people notice, but dont care, because as it is, shes an unknown character with no reason to care if she were eaten by the Infested on air, the only point anyone would care is when & if we would still get loot & rep gains.

But truth be told, WoW & its ilk does stuff like this all the time, theres cow level mentioning in certain games unrelated to blizzards Diablo series,  the cake is a lie has made it to movies.

Just relax, DE isnt gonna take any of this seriously until theyre pocket books get hit & Nightflush/wave has done far more damage there without Noras preening & trite commentary regarding my unadulterated awesomeness for opening 20 lockers while I whole sale slaughter whole generations worth of grineer with The Sentient Slayer while harvesting & commanding the souls of those ive butchered without mercy in the pursuit of greed & power.

Again A for effort F for execution.

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On 2019-04-02 at 1:40 PM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

A lot of you seem to be missing the point. OP isn't saying that references are bad, rather he believes that Nora is a straight-up rip-off.

I feel like a lot of you are purposefully misrepresenting his argument. 

OP explicitly says that he doesn't think there's a difference. He doesn't want references of any sort. You're being far too charitable when he tells you exactly what he means.

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warframe does so much of this I have lost track and dont even bother to point out much of it. The infestation is aliens all over again obviously with the orokin being an overly mutated Weyland-Yutani with a heaven aesthetic. The grineer are attack of the clones with there former jedi like masters(who runs conclave) being also a knight to the queens if that says something, which isnt too far off from the marines. The Tenno? God I dont even know where to start with that...men who stare at goats?

Edited by Matheoryon
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The warriors is a novel made into a movie.the half face dj has been done in countless movie..warriors is a cult movie and entrenched in pop culture..diamondback in luke cage tapped a bottle and chatted come out and play.. There was a video game and a comic book series..Lynne Thigpen did alot of voicework and was very involved with social programs.. I have no issues with de playing homage to her portrayal in the warriors..once again partial face shots of radio characters has been done a million times

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On 2019-04-02 at 7:40 PM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

A lot of you seem to be missing the point. OP isn't saying that references are bad, rather he believes that Nora is a straight-up rip-off.

I feel like a lot of you are purposefully misrepresenting his argument. 

Well the thing I think people are pointing out to the OP is that Nora is no more a "ripp-off" than anything else that Warframe pays homage to and/or is an openly worn direct influence/inspiration. I mean Warframe incorporates a huge host of pop culture references and homages both obscure and as blatant as Nora.

To name just a small few:

- Guyver: Bio Booster Armour (Basically the entire concept of techno organic armour that merges with a host)

- Neon Genesis Evangelion

- Ghost in the Shell

- Akira

- Appleseed (Specifically the half-human half-robot hybrids that resemble the Corpus workers in Fortuna)

- Robotech

- Zone of the Enders (Hideo Kojima, the master of "liberal creative references" himself 🙂 )

- Mobile Suit Gundam and Gundam Wing (A lot of the Archwing's designs resemble the Wing Gundam's wings)

- The hover board from Back to the Future (A very small and incredibly subtle reference)

- The Death Star internal trench run from Return of The Jedi (Archwing sabotage missions are almost scene for scene recreations of those scenes from the movie at times)

The OP might as well have called their thread "Warframe, referencing 70s, 80s, and 90s anime, pop culture and sci fi is not good.". Warframe wears its influences and inspirations on its sleeve and I don't see Nora Night as being any different to the plethora of homages and references that already exist in the game.

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I just want to be able to mute her. I can’t stand listening to her voice lines anymore. 

But yes I wish DE created an entirely new character for their Nightwave system instead of copying a character from another game/film. I feel like that Nora character seems out of place in a game like Warframe. 

Edited by (NSW)NeonNebula
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I don't like Nora, she ain't special, and I hate when I'm doing stuff she comes out to say "one of our own" as if I know her, as if I'm one of her, as if she is a tenno like us or im a regular person like her, as if I at some point aligned myself with her.

I already reluctantly had "align" with the savages of Cetus, I'm only there for the loot, i don't care about them. Personally I want the Grineer to wipe them out. And this is why I would be pissed again if DE made me align with her as well without choice.

Like who are YOU Nora, and why are you overreacting about me being a "badass" after pulling out a fish from the water? Actually dont answer that, I don't want to know you. I want to know your location so I can tell the Grineer the whereabouts of a propaganda agent.



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nora is a good idea gone wrong, it totally breaks any form of "future setting" immersion by having what is essentially a modern day person thrown far into the future to annoy us with repetitive lines.

Bring on the mute option just like the other annoying repetitive audio sources, ordis and operator.

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3 hours ago, Methanoid said:

nora is a good idea gone wrong, it totally breaks any form of "future setting" immersion by having what is essentially a modern day person thrown far into the future to annoy us with repetitive lines.

Bring on the mute option just like the other annoying repetitive audio sources, ordis and operator.

Yes that’s exactly what I feel. 

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On 2019-04-08 at 5:00 AM, (XB1)Tornicade said:

I dont get the out of place..

Nora doesn't fit the theme or style of other characters from Warframe. No one talks or acts like her at all, which is why she seems out of place.

Maybe if she were connected to a music or radio group that already exists then sure, but nothing matches that in Warframe.

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