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Amalgam Wolf is 99.999% unkillable.


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For the guys talking about how hard it is to get headshots on him, well I have good news, kinda... His mask makes it's so he takes LESS damage on headshots.


Yup, you read that right aim for body shots or he takes less damage, I know it's completely counter intuitive but what are you gonna do.

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1 minute ago, Drivrius said:

For the guys talking about how hard it is to get headshots on him, well I have good news, kinda... His mask makes it's so he takes LESS damage on headshots.

Yep, no idea why they made his crit zone a literal EYEBALL while making the head take less everywhere but that one small spot.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Lugard:

I'm suprised so few people mention equiping a heavy weapon with radiation + crit spec. You can bring it with each loadout and doesn't leech exp when you try to level another weapon (unless you call it down). But of course it does require you to max fortuna rep.

Just be careful if you equip a grattler, the self damage is unreal with that one.

(note: I do think he has too much health though)

I specifically have releveled a Velocitus for that but hadn't a chance to test it yet (the Wolf avoids me where he can).

So far, I had some nice damage with Larkspur and Duality Equinox. Imperator Vandal was a bit meh.

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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

Allow me, the Wolf (and by extension several other enemies depending on the map) having excessively mobile hitboxes causes this severe sense of frustration especially when enemy pathing can sometimes not make up its bloody mind where it wants to go, I've seen far too many Grineer move back and forth because of their A.I being unable to decide if it wants to duck behind the cover to the left or the right.

Factor in host lag and enemies can often miss steps or animations which can cause even hitscan weapons to miss when an enemy literally warps out of your line of sight a fraction of a second before you pull the trigger.

The Wolf in particular is a pain in this regard because he switches targets far too often, which if you are on a larger tileset (or god forbid a map with open vertical movement) he can repeatedly jump up and down from levels or back and forth across pits which make him a HUMONGOUS pain to shoot, adding in his exceptionally small critical hitbox (its the eye on the head, not the head itself which is like threading a needle with a bullet) dramatic durability and immunity to any form of crowd control and you have a cocktail of awkward movements that cause more missed shots than any other enemy in the game. The only counter to this issue would be to have allies all be in one area so he doesn't wind up swapping back and forth or turning around mid aim but that's difficult to do in most cases as grouping together makes a team easy pickings for his molotov grunts.

And let me sit here and wonder what any of that diatribe has to do with the fact that headshotting him is known to deal reduced damage compared to shots to the body. 

So congratulations, you have made a case for why trying to headshot him isn't a good idea because of the possibility of glitching. And I've given you what is widely known to apply in this particular case that makes trying to headshot him a bad idea. 

Now, do you think that might have something to do with why it took 14 minutes for them to kill the wolf, when others seem to be killing him with far fewer shots? 😐


Here's something that made a lot of sense when it was written:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Sun Tzu. 
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Melee (preferably an infested zaw) with high attack speed, 100% stat chance corrosive and as many other elements you can equip, add on a life strike, and done. No more Wolf problems, works great on Shadow Stalker as well... and well... just about anything really. 

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3 hours ago, Dragmod said:

Melee (preferably an infested zaw) with high attack speed, 100% stat chance corrosive and as many other elements you can equip, add on a life strike, and done. No more Wolf problems, works great on Shadow Stalker as well... and well... just about anything really. 

Except Wolfie is immune to status procs and corrosive is not the most effective element against him. Try again.

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10 hours ago, Dragmod said:

Melee (preferably an infested zaw) with high attack speed, 100% stat chance corrosive and as many other elements you can equip, add on a life strike, and done. No more Wolf problems, works great on Shadow Stalker as well... and well... just about anything really. 

A high crit zaw such a dagger Zaw with a Balla Strike/Korb handle/Vargeet II Jai worked fine, mods:


Stinging Thorn stance, Primed Pressure, Primed Fury, Blood Rush, Covert Lethality, Organ Shatter, Shocking Touch, Volcanic Edge and Shattering Impact.


Mine didn't have place for a maxed Shattering Impact or Molten Impact (which I bet would cut the kill time almost in half), still killed him in about 4-5 minutes, hardest part was tracking him as he ran all over the place.


For comparison Stalker takes about 5-7 seconds, and most of that is the fact he goes invincible for a bit.


Don't use corrosive or a stat build, go for radiation and crit.

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12 hours ago, Dragmod said:

Melee (preferably an infested zaw) with high attack speed, 100% stat chance corrosive and as many other elements you can equip, add on a life strike, and done. No more Wolf problems, works great on Shadow Stalker as well... and well... just about anything really. 

He is 100% immune to status from weapons and abilities, if you have acolyte mods though, you would probably be using a combo counter build which can work to a degree if you can tank his blows simply on the fact that the multiplier will slowly increase your damage overtime as you wack him. Shattering Impact on melee, Sundering Dash from Unairu Focus, or Kavats using Shredding Claws are currently the only way to lower his armor. Otherwise, its just a matter of wearing his 90% plus damage resist down on a great deal of hitpoints - at least if we are talking about encounters at 20+. You can check out the wiki for a drag and drop idea of his durability, even if its underselling it, that is a lot of face tanking Wolf can do.

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On 2019-04-13 at 2:19 AM, Ely.I said:

Stripping his armor causes you to deal less damage overall, but you can strip 90% with shattering impact and then stop. Reason for this is his armor and helath both being Alloy. Using radiation ignores 75% of the armor and deals 75% bonus damage for each of those two.

Actually it doesnt, on stuff like eidolons leaving some armor is important because armor types have damage modifiers higher than usual health types, but when armor and hp are of the same class/share the same modifiers armor doesnt matter/is just damage reduction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got everything Wolf drops, the best way to "farm" him is to do Rusalka on Sedna, he'll spawn at lvl 36 and a Rubico Prime with no riven, built for Eidolon hunting will kill him in 3 magazines.


The way to do it is simply to use the 5 minutes rule, most "assassins" will either pop up before the 5 minute mark or not at all, so you start the mission, find a nice room to stay in, wait 5 minutes and if by then he hasn't pop up, abort and restart the mission.


Is it boring? Yes, is it tedious? Yes, do I no longer need to care if he ever pops up or if he's too much of a bullet sponge at lvl 70? YES!


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