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Too much whining from Youtubers and players

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27 minutes ago, rastaban75 said:

I find the game much more enjoyable when I have limited interaction with the community. I find that going to the forums too much or watching too many "meta" commentaries on youtube not very helpful to my personal enjoyment. Whenever possible, I will seek information in the driest way possible (i.e. wiki searches). There are times when personal views and biases, which everyone has, become too much and seem more like a barrier than help, and given that most of the comments focus inevitably on the negatives/problems it sometimes feels like I'm facing a wall of negativity, despite the fact that many of the negative comments have a core of being constructive, or at the very least, some good intentions. I believe this sense of "whining" comes from this.

Notice I'm talking about limited interaction, not complete lack of it. I think it's up to the player to find a good balance of playing the game and seeking comments about it. I have taken youtube videos out of my daily diet of Warframe mainly because I don't want views from people who have skewed perspectives due to the resources and time they have available for this game; I don't really want the "meta", I'll have the regular experience first, thank you very much.

I agree 100% and admittedly fell into that trap. In fact, it wasn't until I heard the words "content drought" that I realized there was even a thought of one. Well said!

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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

you do realise people might enjoy something in the beginning but seeing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again can become frustrating.

Don't agree?

Set your favorite song as your morning alarm ,then talk to me in a few weeks.


But yes, most of the complainers will be the few that find it too hard (or cant cheese it) and the few that have been in the game so long that they already have everything and expect rewards that are better than the best thing they already have.

a player that still has stuff to discover will usually not complain as  hew will be happy to gain anything.

I agree. It's not a problem desiring more. The problem is the omni directional demand from those long running players. I'm a long time player and understand the "everything is done" opinion and feeling. What I also understand is that my speed of completion is far faster than a developer's speed of creation. I was happy to see Steve show the top challenges they're working on to improve the game and I fully expect the solutions to take time to implement. I just don't like the devaluing of the work by some. Constructive criticism is fine. What's happening now is not.

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On "end game" theres nothing that DE can do in terms of difficulty other than to buff the numbers, Immunities, CC for the enemies to a point that they cc you to death or one shot you.

Since every one wants to be Jessus and nuke the whole screen every few seconds, the enemies need to be pushed up to godslayers.

The rpg- elements need to be toned down a bit( even if that means making frames weaker ) and focus more on mechanics.

 Sometimes I think the game is way too fast for its own good.

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We live in a new age of uber outrage and super whining over every little thing. It's pretty much the new clickbait. People gobble up the fake drama and the cycle goes on. I think people realized ages ago that normal wholesome videos and forum feedback don't draw views. the "OHEMGEE DE IS CLUELESS AND NIGHTWAVE BURNT OUT MY ENTIRE CLAN"  Is what gets peoples attention more then any positive constructive feedback ever did. Same goes for politics and movies, music and celebrities nowadays. 

Now more then ever is a era you really have to try out everything for yourself to get a unbiased perspective on stuff. If you just go by what the mad rabid hordes are saying online, you will never ever play any new games, watch any new movies or find any new music. It is beyond asinine. The sheep mentality is at a all time high in everything. 

I personally like Nightwave. Some of the challenges were annoying but whatever. The rewards were pretty fun for a returning player like me. 

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I'm not even going to touch the whining about whining. Fact is, the game has a huge playerbase, all with different tastes, and ppl have opinions.

What I will touch upon is ppl acting like Partners need to be kissing DE's butt, and being a shill like some EA Game Changer. Partners are ppl, ppl with opinions, they aren't reps of DE, reps of Warframe, they aren't paid by DE, some given free PA, but that's it, they're just WF content creators who've met criteria. 

I keep seeing this crap brought up, like on Reddit when someone tried getting Life of Rio in trouble bc he makes slap sounds. How he represents DE.. no he doesn't. Shy doesn't represent DE, Brozime doesn't rep DE. DE listens to partners about as much as they listen to the Design Council.. which isn't much.

I for one applaud DE for not having a shill Game Changer program. There's more positive streamers of WF out there, that are partners. Go watch them, they need the views as typically positive ppl don't get as many.


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On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

He was right about everything. What is there to do at MR27? Collect as much plat as possible?

He's a hypocrite. Because...

On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

You don't need to mine or fish because of these resource bosses.

Which he complained about because he boycotts open world content. He dislikes it & feels fishing, mining, conservation, & more do not belong in Warframe.
When he did Sacrifice he openly admitted that he might finally have to play Open World content so bosses like Umbra won't kick his ass for hours. In the end he chose to continue to boycott it. He raged over Fortuna, & felt DE was wasting resources on it, the Orb Vallis, the Orbs, etc.

I'm positive he is openly against Railjack's development atm.

Warframe is suppose to be all about camping in a dead end room while shooting down a hallway for hours on end in his book.
He plays Survival exclusively & feels Warframe needs to be an Endurance game.
He randomly flip-flops topics when something new drops that catches his interest. Then he immediately hates it for clicks.

ESO & Arbitrations were literally answers to complaints he had for years.
And DE gave him his DEEPEST WISH EVER...

Solo Extraction!! (He's been begging for it for supposedly his entire Warframe career.)

And he immediately blew shade at DE once the gloss of it wore off. He's no idiot. He knew damn well what would happen.

On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

Arbitrations should be every 5 waves, 5 mins, or 3 excavations.

Were you here during its creation? The Endurance players (like Life of Rio) & Challenge seeking veterans LITERALLY begged DE for longer rotations because: "We're tired of playing the game in Bite-Sized portions."

They literally begged DE to ignore the "bite-sized" playerbase & give them their own mode.
They were revolting when DE launched Arbitrations with enemies NOT starting at level 80.

Folks like myself literally said: "No one will want to play the mode with all these limitations."
But they didn't care. They wanted an elite mode.

But ironically even they won't play it unless its Excavation. (Which DE should have listened to the playerbase & made it 4 Extractors per reward. Because: "Becareful what you ask for.")

On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

The game mode will stay empty from stinginess.

Star Chart needs to be complete to do it. As many players hate Archwing they are slacking there.
Also, many go in die (see its 1 life) & feel the challenge isn't up their alley. Which impo is perfectly acceptable.

DE lowered enemy levels (at launch), & recently added a way to revive players to try & make it slightly more accessible.

Arbitrations is LITERALLY the mode for Endurance & Challenge seeking players. It's not accessible to the casuals, "Bite-sized Community", Newbies, Intermediate players, fresh Veterans, & even some veterans. It's literally what the "endgame" community asked for.

Yet they do nothing but cry about how the masses won't play it with them.

The history of Arbitrations is:
"Hey DE! Make a mode EXCLUSIVELY for me!"
DE: "Done."
"DE! No one will play this mode you custom tailored for me...with me."
DE: "Ok let me make it more accessible."
"You ruined it DE. I don't want to play it now."

And fyi... Life of Rio was ALL ABOUT Arbitrations. He loved how it wasn't for everyone but the top players, he loved the longer rounds, the challenge, etc.
Until...he jumped the bandwagon (as always) & now wants it to give rewards like the "Bite-Sized" modes despite the fact Arbitration loot is exclusive to it's own mode.

I use to follow that dirtbag until I recognized his patterns, hypocrisy, & narrow minded perspective.
"Positive vibes though." After all as he'd say: "We're all members of the same community. So let's give each other Positive Vibes & look at the bright side of things. Don't dwell on the negative Fam!" ...unless you're a Bite-sized player. In which case you can eat a (censored).

On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

A 4% chance of a Wolf spawning to get a 2% chance at him dropping a Wolf mask is not a motivator for me. The set was easily bought for 150p through shrewd trading. (Not spending the projected 300+ kills to get the set)

Minisule drop chance items like the Korrudo are not fun. Earning rewards through completing something challenging that requires practice is fun. Gating through challenge rather than time is fun. Earning things is fun. 2% RNG drops are NOT fun.

Time gates make it so that there is less to do on purpose. Because what do you do after your dailies? (I pity the people who actually do syndicates daily)

Even Eidolons are time-gated. What is the fun in that? Have it be like profit taker and you can queue any cycle. What if you got 1 1/2 hrs to play and you can't get in a night cycle? There are way too many restrictions on activities.

We are in agreement here.

Eidolon Bountues should work like Sorties. In the manner where it spawns you into a Unique instance of the plains. Players spawn in, it's nighttime. Let them fight Eidolons. Upon defeating the Eidolon the bounty was for, the mission ends.
This way the current Plains keep their day & night cycle & those with limited time can fight them at will.

The Wolf having a Drop Table that equals a Junkyard is absolutely unacceptable. It makes fighting him irritating instead of exciting.

Drops chances like Ephemera & etc cause players to burn out on content, not enjoy it.

I LOVE(d) the Exploiter Orb Fight...but after 70+ times...I never want to see or fight the orb again.

On ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎06 at 6:53 AM, Psykhe27 said:

DE spends too much time on fashion frame and not enough on real content.

I hate to white knight this but...ALL Free to Play games do this.

They go 1 of 2 ways:
1. Cosmetics out the wazoo. So gameplay isn't effected.
2. Extremely low drop rates, limited playtime (energy systems, keys, etc), & powerful items that are circumvented via paying outright.

If DE were to cutback on its money making cosmetics it'd have to change something else to turn a profit. Or charge a sub fee.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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Just out of curiosity, but why should Warframe partners "be on the same page" about anything?  Their opinions are all over the place because... they are opinions.  Different content creators have different interests and focus.  This one loves PVP.  That one can't stand it.  That creator is mostly about creating snarky/sarcastic parody videos.  Another one really, really thinks that Warframe needs to focus on "ENDGAME" and let newbies just deal.  That creator over there thinks that Warframe really needs to focus on the new player experience, because if new players don't stick around long enough to become old players there won't be anyone to make endgame *for.*

Although I think it's interesting that one thing many of them seem to agree on is that Nightwave kind of doesn't work.  And since chugging through new content so they can make videos about it is sort of their job, I think that does put them in a good position to make subjective statements about it in relation to "fun" and "burnout."

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1 hour ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

I'm not even going to touch the whining about whining. Fact is, the game has a huge playerbase, all with different tastes, and ppl have opinions.

What I will touch upon is ppl acting like Partners need to be kissing DE's butt, and being a shill like some EA Game Changer. Partners are ppl, ppl with opinions, they aren't reps of DE, reps of Warframe, they aren't paid by DE, some given free PA, but that's it, they're just WF content creators who've met criteria. 

I keep seeing this crap brought up, like on Reddit when someone tried getting Life of Rio in trouble bc he makes slap sounds. How he represents DE.. no he doesn't. Shy doesn't represent DE, Brozime doesn't rep DE. DE listens to partners about as much as they listen to the Design Council.. which isn't much.

I for one applaud DE for not having a shill Game Changer program. There's more positive streamers of WF out there, that are partners. Go watch them, they need the views as typically positive ppl don't get as many.


Except that the partner program has specific guide lines. I would not class click-bait videos with complaing and moaning as "high quality content", "warframe content" or "being a valueble addition to the community".

And as for the slapping sounds, it may very well be seen as offensive material.

They became partners and agreed on following specific guidlines, I simply think some of those partners dont really fullfill that agreement in the way they act or what they focus on in their content. They should keep it out of their WF content videos and maybe take it elsewhere.

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42 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Except that the partner program has specific guide lines. I would not class click-bait videos with complaing and moaning as "high quality content", "warframe content" or "being a valueble addition to the community".

And as for the slapping sounds, it may very well be seen as offensive material.

They became partners and agreed on following specific guidlines, I simply think some of those partners dont really fullfill that agreement in the way they act or what they focus on in their content. They should keep it out of their WF content videos and maybe take it elsewhere.

Except you know about the creator that complains and makes smacking noises.  You watch his videos at least sometimes, or the fact that "smacking noise" is pretty much his gimmick wouldn't bother you.  In which case... he got 'ya.  Because you watched the videos.  If you think a partner is too negative or annoying or not following the guidlines, *stop watching them.*  Because chances are the ones who do that thing you don't like?  They watch their viewer numbers.  And if their viewer count were to suddenly tank, they'd probably have to try something new.

To paraphrase an artist I follow on DeviantArt:  "You *@##$ and cry and complain about my art.  But you keep coming back.  I win."

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48 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

They became partners and agreed on following specific guidlines, I simply think some of those partners dont really fullfill that agreement in the way they act or what they focus on in their content. They should keep it out of their WF content videos and maybe take it elsewhere.

And what IS their agreement then? Forever and ever happy La-La Land of eternal smiles where no problems in game exist?
I mostly watch Shy's videos with a bit of Rahetalius (the Vauban guy) so I wouldn't speak for everyone, but the problems they brought up were perfectly valid so far.

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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1 minute ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

And what IS their agreement then? Forever and ever happy La-La Land of eternal smiles where no problems in game exist?
I mostly watch Shy's videos with a bit of Rahetalius (the Vauban guy) so I wouldn't speak for everyone, but the problems they bring up were perfectly valid so far.

And QuietShy is basically a professional troll.  Being sarcastic and snarky is pretty much *why* she makes videos to begin with.  To judge from her comments section "Wow, Shy didn't dunk on this weapon at all" is the same as glowing praise from nearly anyone else.  😛

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

Except that the partner program has specific guide lines. I would not class click-bait videos with complaing and moaning as "high quality content", "warframe content" or "being a valueble addition to the community".

And as for the slapping sounds, it may very well be seen as offensive material.

They became partners and agreed on following specific guidlines, I simply think some of those partners dont really fullfill that agreement in the way they act or what they focus on in their content. They should keep it out of their WF content videos and maybe take it elsewhere.

Some of the partners don't even post videos period, so the entire guidelines things is actually pointless. Some are partners purely for their following. 

On top of that, what you see as whining may not be whining. Many complaint videos I've seen, are from ppl who have delved many times into the subject. Just bc you see it as whining or bad content, does not mean it is.

As far as the slapping, DE already posted they don't interfere in their partners channels. One could argue DE drinking on streams and events, making all the risque jokes they do is inappropriate. Should we police them as well? 

This whole thread is pointless. Ppl don't share the same opinions, so they shouldn't be partners.. get over it. I'd much rather have DE's great partners than other games butt kissing affiliates, who the second they say a complaint are booted.


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19 hours ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

 -snip- A YouTuber, for example, would post a vid about a content drought while another says there's a lot of new content but it sucks and another would praise it until they're done with it and then bash it.-snip-

Here's the thing, opinions can change. They can grow and develop just like the person who has them. What one person might define as content (the release of a new frame for example) others would not. What some might think is good or a wonderful improvement (such as nightwave) others will not. If a new time limited event happens and I can get something while my friend can't then said friend comes to me and explains how its unfair they can't get it, my opion of the situation might change dramatically.

Part of the issue with Warframe as a game is that is has the problem of trying to cater to everyone at the same time for everything. Nightwave was good for people who had a lot of time, but not much skill. Too much of either and it wasn't really enough content for a lot of people, too little of either and it became an unfair grind. The open worlds are on starting planets and are accessible to new players but a new player doesn't have the gear required to take down the big bad bosses. These are things that are valid and worthy of complaint.

The game has issues and its part of a partners responsibility to express the issues when they come across them. DE doesn't have to address them or the complaints of the forums. If DE wants to remove someone from the partner program then they can. They do not pay their partners but they do allow for give away codes and watch exclusives as a way to keep partners playing and people watching their game. The more you see it the more you are to buy and play it. Partners get a bit more attention when they complain because people are being pointed in their direction and being told to watch them but that doesn't mean that others aren't saying the same things.


Now in regards to what makes a boss fight good.

1) It must be interesting. Shoot the glowing spot can only work for so many bosses before its the same ol' same ol.

2) The boss fight itself can not be overly complicated and should not need too much explanation. (if you have to look up how to kill something via wiki then you already built it wrong.)

3)It should not be able to 1 hit auto kill the player or if there is going to be a 1 hit KO attack make sure that it is obvious and give ample ways to avoid it.

4) If it is going to summon waves of enemies as part of the mechanic then there needs to be a set time it does this, some sort of animation to let you know its doing this and it should leave the fight when the waves are present. Fighting both a boss and its waves of enemies at the same time (esp if the waves make it invulnerable) is not fun.

5) The design of the boss needs to be interesting and have it stand out in its own right. (something the Sgt. and the Phorid fail to do) Don't make it a reskin of another boss, or a larger version of an enemy unless that is the gimmick you are going with. Other wise an original boss deserves an original design.

6) If you give the boss multiple forms keep them limited. Anything over 3 is too much and you need to stop. Each form should also be unique and come with its own set of weakness/challenges. If all you have to do is shoot it in the head each time then why bother with a new form at all. Good examples of this are when bosses start off slow and powerful but the later forms lose armor and get faster. They might be easier to hit but your also going to have a harder time dodging now.

7) Have the boss play into the environment. Some of the most memorable boss fights have had the environment be part of the fight itself. This could be in getting the boss to trigger something by running around, having the environment serve as the way to hurt the boss or just have the environment cause some sort of 3d element to the area. With warframe being a game that has the ability for parcore it should be utilized more often in fights. (Ex. Bowser fight in Mario 64, Red+Belly in borderlands, Wesker in Resident Evil, Mom from binding of Isaac, Any fight in LoZ, Etc.)

8) Level caps can be a good thing. If this is an end game boss, don't let new players have access to the area it spawns in. If this is a boss meant for starting players make that very clear from the start. You don't put the starting boss at the end of your game and you don't put the games final boss as the first boss you face. (unless its for story purposes or an open world game)

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13 hours ago, EmberStar said:

Except you know about the creator that complains and makes smacking noises.  You watch his videos at least sometimes, or the fact that "smacking noise" is pretty much his gimmick wouldn't bother you.  In which case... he got 'ya.  Because you watched the videos.  If you think a partner is too negative or annoying or not following the guidlines, *stop watching them.*  Because chances are the ones who do that thing you don't like?  They watch their viewer numbers.  And if their viewer count were to suddenly tank, they'd probably have to try something new.

To paraphrase an artist I follow on DeviantArt:  "You *@##$ and cry and complain about my art.  But you keep coming back.  I win."

I've only watched a few Rio videos before I stopped. Mostly because someone linked them here in connection to discussions. He is annoying and cringey no matter what. He is also poorly informed in several of his "guides" if you can call them that. And that is is, they are after viewer counts, just as I said, hence the click-bait drama crap they pull. Because it sells to the simple minded that need something easy to follow. Mob mentality. Neon-Messiahs, e-celebs or whatever you wanna call them.

13 hours ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

And what IS their agreement then? Forever and ever happy La-La Land of eternal smiles where no problems in game exist?
I mostly watch Shy's videos with a bit of Rahetalius (the Vauban guy) so I wouldn't speak for everyone, but the problems they brought up were perfectly valid so far.

No, it isnt about being happy for eternity or not raising issues. It is about quality and doing it right. I'm not putting all of them on the chopping block. Some may bring their criticism tastefully, but many do it simply for the drama. I dont follow any of them, but that which I have seen has been of poor taste to say the least. I mean during the "content draught" period it was horrible and now after arbitrations being released as some of them wanted they complain about it even though they got exactly what they wished for. So if DE releases things to please those people and then those same people complain about it, what are DE to do really? Apparently not listen to those people is the first step, because they will never be happy.


12 hours ago, (PS4)GbHaseo said:

Some of the partners don't even post videos period, so the entire guidelines things is actually pointless. Some are partners purely for their following. 

On top of that, what you see as whining may not be whining. Many complaint videos I've seen, are from ppl who have delved many times into the subject. Just bc you see it as whining or bad content, does not mean it is.

As far as the slapping, DE already posted they don't interfere in their partners channels. One could argue DE drinking on streams and events, making all the risque jokes they do is inappropriate. Should we police them as well? 

This whole thread is pointless. Ppl don't share the same opinions, so they shouldn't be partners.. get over it. I'd much rather have DE's great partners than other games butt kissing affiliates, who the second they say a complaint are booted.


Very few dont and it depends where you place the definition "post videos". Many of them are streamers, that also counts.

What I see as whining is whining, especially when their so called "new content video" is old or lacking gameplay just rotating in the background.

I also said it may be seen as offensive, not that it was. Holy hell, read before you answer!

Other games have far better partners/referals just as they have far worse. No content creator community is perfect. This is also not about butt kissing, this is about not being complete and total drama queen tools that some of the WF partners are.

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15 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Except that the partner program has specific guide lines. I would not class click-bait videos with complaing and moaning as "high quality content", "warframe content" or "being a valueble addition to the community".

What bothers me about this...
DE has real low-life Partners like Life of Rio & AGGP who not only troll players, but (especially in AGGP's case) will publically insult, humiliate, berate, belittle, name & shame, & outright harass other players/viewers.
(Like...seriously...DE really needs to get rid of AGGP. I know he probably pulls the "If you kick me you're rejecting the LGBT community" victim card on them when they do come down on him for his antics but honestly just watching his streams provides more than enough clips/video evidence to prove that his removal was warranted, not done as some agenda/hate crime.)

But DE has religiously has denied Ashisogi Tenno partnship. He's one of the good ones too. Videos are consistent, meets all the guidelines.
Even the top tier Partners have voiced their concern & confusion over this.

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On 2019-05-06 at 3:23 AM, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

It's about time we call out the whining going on this year. It used to be reasonable but now it feels like the same old, tired recipe of vets, speed runners and addicted gamers triggered. A YouTuber, for example, would post a vid about a content drought while another says there's a lot of new content but it sucks and another would praise it until they're done with it and then bash it. Nightwave went from awesome and "a nice new addition" to "nightwave sucked". Umbral forma, 20k kuva and wolf armor went from "awesome mods"  and "DE is moving in the right direction with rewards" but is now "the rewards could be better". Clan and friend missions received complaints? 60 minute survivals are too much? 10+ weeks is NOT ENOUGH to collect NW rewards despite only needing to do about half of the missions? For some of these Youtubers to be partners, they're doing a lousy job being actual partners. There's a humongous difference between constructive feedback and "I just wanna be controversial". What I'd love to see and hear from the partners is a well detailed idea of what they think things like endgame, rewards and boss fights should be. If umbral forma, arbitration and the Eidolon fights (you know, the boss that people cried about until you posted the strategy and then those same people said was too easy...), then what IS a good reward? What IS a good boss fight? Not bashing anyone but simply giving my own constructive criticism. Most of you went from awesome and funny to the usual cranky old vet ranters from every other great game and I want you guys to refresh yourselves as much as you expect DE to refresh Warframe.

Many "Warframe Partners" are unwitting victims of their own game fatigue. They are trapped in a situation where they have played all of the content ad infinitum, but cannot stop playing because their livelihood depends upon it and they have not adequately planned for such an eventuality.

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An example of a great boss, for me, is the exploiter.
It's immune to damage, but there's a clear mechanic and a way to deal with it that depends on coordination and skill.

An example for a terrible boss is the Profit taker. It's filled with noise, the mechanics themselves are kind of meh, and they just added all the mobs they could from the vallis just for the pretension of difficulty.
If we weren't conditioned by the stupid scarcity of Archgun mods (multi-shot has a less than 1% chance to drop) and them being underpowered compared to regular guns, if not for the low ammo counts that make us have to hunt for those mobs, the fight would be so much faster. And if weren't conditioned by having every mob and their mothers attack us, some of them with ridiculous invulnerabilities (like jackals, and the damn raknoids), then the profit taker might be a fun boss since it has pretty cool mechanics. But how it is right now, it's more like a GW2 World boss (with an army behind it) than a 5 man Warframe Boss. Neither are really difficult, but one is tuned to a crowd, the other to a party.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

What bothers me about this...
DE has real low-life Partners like Life of Rio & AGGP who not only troll players, but (especially in AGGP's case) will publically insult, humiliate, berate, belittle, name & shame, & outright harass other players/viewers.
(Like...seriously...DE really needs to get rid of AGGP. I know he probably pulls the "If you kick me you're rejecting the LGBT community" victim card on them when they do come down on him for his antics but honestly just watching his streams provides more than enough clips/video evidence to prove that his removal was warranted, not done as some agenda/hate crime.)

But DE has religiously has denied Ashisogi Tenno partnship. He's one of the good ones too. Videos are consistent, meets all the guidelines.
Even the top tier Partners have voiced their concern & confusion over this.

It is time DE takes a good look at their partners and removes the inappropriate ones and adds new ones to the ranks instead.

Sadly riding the LGBT train tends to give free passes since people are so affraid to be seen as haters and bigots. I dont care what you are into, if you're an ass you're an ass.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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19 hours ago, bananacat89 said:

We live in a new age of uber outrage and super whining over every little thing. It's pretty much the new clickbait. People gobble up the fake drama and the cycle goes on. I think people realized ages ago that normal wholesome videos and forum feedback don't draw views. the "OHEMGEE DE IS CLUELESS AND NIGHTWAVE BURNT OUT MY ENTIRE CLAN"  Is what gets peoples attention more then any positive constructive feedback ever did. Same goes for politics and movies, music and celebrities nowadays. 

Now more then ever is a era you really have to try out everything for yourself to get a unbiased perspective on stuff. If you just go by what the mad rabid hordes are saying online, you will never ever play any new games, watch any new movies or find any new music. It is beyond asinine. The sheep mentality is at a all time high in everything. 

I personally like Nightwave. Some of the challenges were annoying but whatever. The rewards were pretty fun for a returning player like me. 

Preach it brother! :thumbup:

I said something very similar about YouTubers having caught onto the fact that sensationalist / knee-jerk videos get more clicks than sensible, rational ones. So the ones who are in it for the money will make ridiculous videos and because so many viewers prefer to be told what to think, instead of using their brains, we end up with a tidal wave of stupidity. :facepalm:


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Well this topic has kinda gone all over the place, but going back to the OP...

My idea of better rewards is basically Wolf Credits, just implemented differently. Instead of Wolf Credits only being applicable to specific items that have always been tied to the alert system, I think it would be wise to make them a currency applicable to all in game items. The rest of the games award systems can stay as is with heavy RNG dictating full drops for items/parts but along with those drops the player also earns a base amount of Wolf Credits. So if the player is faced with a situation were they have ran a mission over an over again for half an eternity, and having no luck with a RNG issuing them a drop, they don't find themselves out of luck. Through the course of the grind they may have earned themselves enough Credit to purchase that rare part outright. This would leave an element of chance, because you could still earn the item through traditional drop chance, but it also would prevent people from feeling like the RNG gods have shunned them and getting bitter over time spent =/= rewards.  Additionally this opens up more of the game to be played in a way that might suit more players as you could put in time in whatever way you see fit and still eventually have enough of a special currency to lend towards an item that would otherwise be a long (usually boring) grind.

I'd also strss that just because there is a currency that would let you circumvent RNG doesn't mean the grind goes away. You only have to look to GTA Online for confirmation on that front. Still a steady trickle that might amount to a rainy day fund can serve as a bit of solace for those who might be feeling that their time has been lost accomplishing nothing.

Obviously the above is for sake of argument. This idea needs to be refined a bit and there are surrounding mechanics to take into account that may ultimately dictate the direction of something like this. Still, hopefully its a decent communication of a rough idea.


For boss fights... Its been said well already. Immunity to game mechanics that work everywhere else is just cheap and frustrating. As are constant knockdowns for the sake of constant knockdowns. Personally I always thought Lephantis was a great fight. I'd like to see more in that vein. 

Edited by Edvon-D-Warguy
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11 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I've only watched a few Rio videos before I stopped. Mostly because someone linked them here in connection to discussions. He is annoying and cringey no matter what. He is also poorly informed in several of his "guides" if you can call them that. And that is is, they are after viewer counts, just as I said, hence the click-bait drama crap they pull. Because it sells to the simple minded that need something easy to follow. Mob mentality. Neon-Messiahs, e-celebs or whatever you wanna call them.

I don't particularly care for his stuff, personally.  I tend to think he's kind of elitist, and he's fixated on "endgame" with no clear idea that I could tell of that that is.  The slap thing is... whatever.  That's this gimmick.  I've seen couple of his videos, and now I make the effort to not watch them.  I sort of wish there was a way to tell Youtube to stop recommending them.  But his name floats to the top of their precious Algorithms, so there he is.

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10 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

Preach it brother! :thumbup:

I said something very similar about YouTubers having caught onto the fact that sensationalist / knee-jerk videos get more clicks than sensible, rational ones. So the ones who are in it for the money will make ridiculous videos and because so many viewers prefer to be told what to think, instead of using their brains, we end up with a tidal wave of stupidity. :facepalm:


The sad part is that it starts to infest movies and games alot. Not only rabid haters that spread their crap, but actors and devs thinking their agenda is more important than making a great product. Now I cant speak for myself here but I've heard alot of cringy rumors regarding the Captain Marvel movie, well not so much regarding the movie, but the actress and things she has burped out of her face. At first I thought it wasnt true and thought it was bad rumors spread by haters, like "I dont want white men to go see my movie", "I dont want men to promote my movie" etc. Because it sounded to silly to be true.

But then I went and saw Endgame. One of the scenes near the end of the epic last fight really got me wondering if what was said about her wasnt true. The scene has some of the worst forced-diversity "feminist" moments I have ever seen in a movie, it is so ridiculous I couldnt help myself from laughing when I saw it. The MCU is already filled with strong women but in this scene they really had to flash it in the most poorly done gimmicky way. It didnt even make a sliver of sense, not only regarding how they all managed to be right there on that spot on a big ass battlefield at the same time, but also the fact that the most powerful being in the MCU needs "help to clear the way", something that didnt even really happen after their stupid catch phrase/assemble moment. It completely ruined the whole movie.

Then we have DICE and Battlefield 5, their forced diversity is just as bad. Their "authentic" hero stories were all made up even though they claimed they were all true. All of them implemented to make the SJW and PC crowd happy, a crowd that had no intent playing the game to begin with, but they loved arguing to get their precious diversity forced into it all. It went from "it is an alternate universe so things will be different from the real WW2" to (after listening to the actual fans and enthusiasts) "we will have some authentic hero stories just like it should be in a WW2 game", something that never happened because they didnt dare to go against the SJW/PC hatecrew.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Oh.  It's one of *those* threads now.  Well, you and The Quartering are welcome to your opinions.  I'm going to go play some missions as Mag, and try to ignore that I replied to this topic in the first place.

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