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Scrap Riven mods


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Instead incorporate more amalgam mods, more weapon augments, and more unique mods. 

Scrap the Riven mod system. Keep current riven mods in a players inventory but don't make new ones. Keep kuva farming for rivens and allow kuva to have a new function as well.

Also rebalance Archguns.


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14 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Scrap the Riven mod system.

Not happening.

14 minutes ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Keep current riven mods in a players inventory but don't make new ones.

This isn't a serious suggestion.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Scrap the Riven mod system. 

Sure. I’m of the opinion that even though they’re fun, they’re also a mistake in their current form. Let’s burn it all down, the game would be better for it.

1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Keep current riven mods in a players inventory but don't make new ones. 

Doing this would render the previous suggestion mostly pointless though. If they’re still rollable and tradable after the changes, then we’ll have literally the same problems as we do now, just that rivens will be more expensive to trade for. If the rivens are trade-locked then it’ll be unfair for any players who come in after the fact. Just get rid of them and replace them with the equivalent of Endo/credits. 

1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Also rebalance Archguns.

Would be nice, but I’m expecting this to happen with Railjack anyways. 

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6 hours ago, FrostPrime said:

Just get rid of them and replace them with the equivalent of Endo/credits

Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough for the amount of money and plat that's been sunk into the system. Even a full resource refund of EVERYTHING an individual player spent won't make players happy.

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I have a lot of Rivens that make the game more fun for me so I must decline this silly request. Not even a full refund of any resources would suffice at this stage in the game and rivens are some of the last content veterans can continually mess around with, do you want more veterans to leave the game then already have?. if you like them use them, if you don't then don't. It's as simple as that as and why would you remove something that actually does make some low tier weapons somewhat stand up to current higher level content? and it's not as though many of the top tier weapons get a massive boost from them either so just let people have their fun. This post seems to come from the mindset that you don't want to be powerful and if that is the case your free to be as weak as you want, but don't take power away from others because they don't agree with you.

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41 minutes ago, Atsia said:

Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough for the amount of money and plat that's been sunk into the system. Even a full resource refund of EVERYTHING an individual player spent won't make players happy.

at a minimum I would only accept a lifetime supply of every current resource, all the plat I spent on a few choice rivens and infinite credits for all the work I have put in my rivens if they wanted to take them away. Even then I don't think I would be happy with all that as compensation for the removal of the things that spice up gameplay how ever small so give me a bunch of legendary cores as well for good measure and every mod I am missing. Does this sound ridiculous? Yes it does and it would never happen just like the removal of a well established system that makes people happy XD. While were at this foolishness though what would you demand for all your Rivens and be as crazy as you want, because OP is being crazy as well.


(Edit: Also hwo about Excal prime just for even better measure to really make it worth my while. Gotta get as much bang for my buck if they wanna reach in my inventory and snatch up my stuff am I right! XD)

Edited by (XB1)Zweimander
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8 hours ago, Atsia said:

Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough for the amount of money and plat that's been sunk into the system. Even a full resource refund of EVERYTHING an individual player spent won't make players happy.

Sure, and there’s also the time spent farming Kuva too. Lots of players (myself included) have sunk a large amount of time and/or money into the Riven system. I bet even a full platinum refund wouldn’t satisfy those affected.

I honestly doubt DE will ever do more then disposition changes and maybe Kuva acquisition adjustments in the end, but it’s fun to hope.

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15 hours ago, FrostPrime said:

Sure. I’m of the opinion that even though they’re fun, they’re also a mistake in their current form. Let’s burn it all down, the game would be better for it.

Doing this would render the previous suggestion mostly pointless though. If they’re still rollable and tradable after the changes, then we’ll have literally the same problems as we do now, just that rivens will be more expensive to trade for. If the rivens are trade-locked then it’ll be unfair for any players who come in after the fact. Just get rid of them and replace them with the equivalent of Endo/credits. 

Would be nice, but I’m expecting this to happen with Railjack anyways. 

The only reason i said keep current rivens, is many people have spent thousands of plat on them. Its like primed chamber... 

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8 hours ago, Atsia said:

Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough for the amount of money and plat that's been sunk into the system. Even a full resource refund of EVERYTHING an individual player spent won't make players happy.

Exactly... I want the system scrapped but u cant destroy all the rivens with the amount of plat people have spent 

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IMO: The Riven system is a gigantic mistake. It doesn't do anything of value for the game, it just enhances problems that were already there. I fully support scrapping it, but there's two problems: 

- People have invested lots of plat into the system. You'd have to give something back...

- It keeps plat flowing, so it's profitable for DE. Now, I'm still of the opinion that, by and large, DE would put game health first. But...

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They should do with rivens what makes more money for DE, nothing more, nothing less. If the status quo makes them lots of money, continue that. If changes make more money, do that. Thread makes some of the same obvious errors that many riven whine threads make. Let's clear them up... again.

1. Rivens are not necessary to do any content in the game, to advance one's ability to complete any content, to advance or do content in WF in any way whatsoever as a matter of fact and not opinion. To preempt, squeezing in one more tridolon kill into a night cycle, if rivens even allow that as opposed to player skill, has NOTHING to do with completing content or advancing one's place in the game of Warframe in any way that the game measures.

2. Rivens do not represent a significant amount within the total damage budget in the game, especially compared to frame powers. Most rivens do nothing more than overdamage the mobs one is facing. Don't buy that? You bring your super duper uber riven to a mission, and I'll bring one of the AOE cheeze spam frames... or just a humble Excalibur, a starter frame, with Chromatic Blade. Then we can sort out just how consequential rivens really are in the game's damage structure.

3. WF is not, despite the erroneous, whimsical beliefs of a huge portion of the player base, a tiered-gear treadmill game. WF is not a game where you need to get the next level of gear to do the next level of content, yet SCADS of players evidently believe that it is. WF is not "that game." WF is a causal hybrid horde loot shooter in which one can use the frame given on the first day and low MR weapons to efficiently do 99.9% of the content other than a few boss fights. For those few fights, all one has to do is get a Chroma and an unrivened sniper rifle (or a dozen other ways to skin that cat easily and effectively). The belief that rivens are part of WF "progression" in the way that tiered gear is in gear treadmill games needs to STOP.

4. Rivens are effectively a form of cosmetics, something for bored vets to play around with and do things in the simulacrum they NEVER face in the game. Don't believe that? Ask vets whether they would choose to give up their rivens or their cosmetics if forced to choose. I guarantee a vast majority would instantly ditch the rivens.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Edited by Buttaface
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3 hours ago, Buttaface said:

They should do with rivens what makes more money for DE, nothing more, nothing less. If the status quo makes them lots of money, continue that. If changes make more money, do that. Thread makes some of the same obvious errors that many riven whine threads make. Let's clear them up... again.

1. Rivens are not necessary to do any content in the game, to advance one's ability to complete any content, to advance or do content in WF in any way whatsoever as a matter of fact and no opinion. To preempt, squeezing in one more tridolon kill into a night cycle, if rivens even allow that as opposed to player skill, has NOTHING to do with completing content or advancing one's place in the game of Warframe in any way that the game measures.

2. Rivens do not represent a significant amount within the total damage budget in the game, especially compared to frame powers. Most rivens do nothing more than overdamage the mobs one is facing. Don't buy that? You bring your super duper uber riven to a mission, and I'll bring one of the AOE cheeze spam frames... or just a humble Excalibur, a starter frame, with Chromatic Blade. Then we can sort out just how consequential rivens really are in the game's damage structure.

3. WF is not, despite the erroneous, whimsical beliefs of a huge portion of the player base, a tiered-gear treadmill game. WF is not a game where you need to get the next level of gear to do the next level of content, yet SCADS of players evidently believe that it is. WF is not "that game." WF is a causal hybrid horde loot shooter in which one can use the frame given on the first day and low MR weapons to efficiently do 99.9% of the content other than a few boss fights. For those few fights, all one has to do is get a Chroma and an unrivened sniper rifle (or a dozen other ways to skin that cat easily and effectively). The belief that rivens are part of WF "progression" in the way that tiered gear is in gear treadmill games needs to STOP.

4. Rivens are effectively a form of cosmetics, something for bored vets to play around with and do things in the simulacrum they NEVER face in the game. Don't believe that? Ask vets whether they would choose to give up their rivens or their cosmetics if forced to choose. I guarantee a vast majority would instantly ditch the rivens.

Thus endeth the lesson.

That's the single most condescending, arrogantly worded chunk of actual crap I've read in a long time. 

Congratulations, I guess. 

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9 hours ago, Yousho said:

That's the single most condescending, arrogantly worded chunk of actual crap I've read in a long time. 

Congratulations, I guess. 

...and the above is what is seen when someone has no answer to points and wants to engage in some footstamping hoping to fool people with it. I doubt it worked, but this is a gaming forum so who knows?

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rivens are a good scam DE propped up and they are making good profit. No way in hell its getting shut down.

Instead of buffing weapons directly they introduced rivens in the name of helping weaker weapons lmao what a joke.

All of the stuff you said is true but you need to understand the gaming business of today.

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On 2019-05-13 at 6:46 PM, Buttaface said:

They should do with rivens what makes more money for DE, nothing more, nothing less. If the status quo makes them lots of money, continue that. If changes make more money, do that. Thread makes some of the same obvious errors that many riven whine threads make. Let's clear them up... again.

1. Rivens are not necessary to do any content in the game, to advance one's ability to complete any content, to advance or do content in WF in any way whatsoever as a matter of fact and no opinion. To preempt, squeezing in one more tridolon kill into a night cycle, if rivens even allow that as opposed to player skill, has NOTHING to do with completing content or advancing one's place in the game of Warframe in any way that the game measures.

2. Rivens do not represent a significant amount within the total damage budget in the game, especially compared to frame powers. Most rivens do nothing more than overdamage the mobs one is facing. Don't buy that? You bring your super duper uber riven to a mission, and I'll bring one of the AOE cheeze spam frames... or just a humble Excalibur, a starter frame, with Chromatic Blade. Then we can sort out just how consequential rivens really are in the game's damage structure.

3. WF is not, despite the erroneous, whimsical beliefs of a huge portion of the player base, a tiered-gear treadmill game. WF is not a game where you need to get the next level of gear to do the next level of content, yet SCADS of players evidently believe that it is. WF is not "that game." WF is a causal hybrid horde loot shooter in which one can use the frame given on the first day and low MR weapons to efficiently do 99.9% of the content other than a few boss fights. For those few fights, all one has to do is get a Chroma and an unrivened sniper rifle (or a dozen other ways to skin that cat easily and effectively). The belief that rivens are part of WF "progression" in the way that tiered gear is in gear treadmill games needs to STOP.

4. Rivens are effectively a form of cosmetics, something for bored vets to play around with and do things in the simulacrum they NEVER face in the game. Don't believe that? Ask vets whether they would choose to give up their rivens or their cosmetics if forced to choose. I guarantee a vast majority would instantly ditch the rivens.

Thus endeth the lesson.

I've been playing 5 yrs. I want to ditch the riven system, game wide. Literally made a thread saying that. Need a reading lesson?

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I personally agree with removing Riven mods, as I think the system is nothing but detrimental to the game, and hooks people on its promise of power creep while delivering no actual gameplay, and only truly serving to drive player trading and plat purchases. I think the question is how one would go about breaking this to the playerbase, precisely because there has been a significant monetary investment into the system already. To some extent, DE hasn't cared about this in the past when changing Riven dispositions, and subsequently crashing the Riven economy each time, and the playerbase hadn't complained much then, so perhaps this is overstating the magnitude of possible complaints, but then again, those were only disposition changes, not the outright removal of mods players have spent lots of time and/or Plat working on.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

I've been playing 5 yrs. I want to ditch the riven system, game wide. Literally made a thread saying that. Need a reading lesson?

No one cares how long you've been playing. No reading lesson needed, but thanks for the block quote. Gets the truth about the absurdity of riven whining like this thread out to more people.

Edited by Buttaface
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5 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

I personally agree with removing Riven mods, as I think the system is nothing but detrimental to the game, and hooks people on its promise of power creep while delivering no actual gameplay, and only truly serving to drive player trading and plat purchases. I think the question is how one would go about breaking this to the playerbase, precisely because there has been a significant monetary investment into the system already. To some extent, DE hasn't cared about this in the past when changing Riven dispositions, and subsequently crashing the Riven economy each time, and the playerbase hadn't complained much then, so perhaps this is overstating the magnitude of possible complaints, but then again, those were only disposition changes, not the outright removal of mods players have spent lots of time and/or Plat working on.

Indeed, this yus why rivens in players inventory would have to remain. Eventually DE would find ways to make rivens less used or even less wanted, just like they did with arcane helmets... For the most part they are now obsolete.

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2 hours ago, Buttaface said:

No one cares how long you've been playing. No reading lesson needed, but thanks for the block quote. Gets the truth about the absurdity of riven whining like this thread out to more people.

No whining. You over used the term "veterans" im a veteran and im telling you the riven system is cancer. 

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On 2019-05-12 at 6:01 PM, peterc3 said:

Not happening.

This isn't a serious suggestion.

I mean they did it with Sentinel Rivens...

I love Rivens, but 100% can see how the really powerful ones are bad for the game as well as how they are a lazy bandaid for weapon balance.

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The Riven system is one of the best features of the game. It’s the sources of special Mods with all kinds of stats. Rivens with different stats also allow players to mod the same weapon differently for different optimal builds. They should be expanded to all gears, not just weapons. Keep them rare and hard to get. Make it even harder to grind Kuva so the values of Rivens will go up even more. 

Modding weapons around Rivens and trading them is also one of the favorite endgame activities for many players. 

Those who grind for and roll Rivens are also providing services for others by creating and increasing values of these Mods. It’s rewarding for those who work hard for it. But for those who don’t like Rivens, you can choose to ignore Rivens. No one forces you to use Rivens. 

Edited by George_PPS
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