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I'm begging you, DE, please let us have melee-only toggle


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And please, please let us manually block again so we can at least pretend to have aggro management with Guardian Derision.

How hard could it be?  Just add one more choice to the F key rotation that is melee-only...like we had before.

Don't get rid of the quick-change either.  I like that for my DPS frames.  But I'd really like to have Trinity be able to soak damage again.  I seriously haven't played her outside of Eddy hunting since this change because there is no point to having a damage sponge even on 150+ enemies because they ultimately ignore the sponge and kill all the squishies.

And since the fix is literally just add back in the F rotation we had previously without changing anything else, how hard could it be?

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once in melee mode shooting with the trigger button to bring the gun out and leaving the block function sounds not too bad but the need to block on command is unnecessary besides guardian derision

quick melee is pretty useless we have an instant melee with our stances

manual blocking doesn't block damage from a 360 angle however positioning ourselves in melee via blocking to properly block incoming damage is a valid concern which may have been over looked


Edited by (PS4)CodyXSavageX
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1 minute ago, (PS4)CodyXSavageX said:

once in melee mode shooting with the trigger button to bring the gun out and leaving the block function sounds not too bad but the need to block on command is unnecessary besides guardian derision

quick melee is pretty useless we have an instant melee with our stances

manual blocking doesn't block damage from a 360 angle however positioning ourselves in melee via blocking to properly block incoming damage is a valid concern which may have been over looked


I don't want it to be mindless.  I was totally okay with needing to keep myself between my team and the bad guys.  I literally just want what we had back while keeping the cool quick-change we have now as well.

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If they brought back the specific "Swap to Melee" function to reenable right click blocking at least, that would fan-#*!%in'-tastic. Or as suggested above, the block function should've been left alone, and shooting swaps back to gun, if DE are seriously going to stick to that amateurish approach.

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they just need to make it so when sword is in hand rmb blocks and when gun is in hand.... rmb aims

so if in sword mode tap lmb to fire a round to reenable aim mode honestly.... being able to block in this fashion i dont mind that one round is not aimed

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18 hours ago, (PS4)CodyXSavageX said:

the need to block on command is unnecessary besides guardian derision

Actually the Vaykor Sydon also requires Manual Blocking to function...

58 minutes ago, AugustFestival said:

valkyr is also straight up bugged because of this, hysterical assault switches to your primary weapon when you use it and makes you vulnerable


Im having the same issue with  ine of Bullet Dance's Combo....except im always vulnerable. 

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Bring Manual Block back, eviscerate Auto Block with rusty forks like pulled pork. Auto Block is getting out of hand and doesn’t do much for furthering player engagement. Auto Block really needs to be removed asap.

It’s extremely easy to combine block and ADS into a single universal command that could be used intermittently between gunplay and melee. Why that wasn’t proposed is beyond me, but the more we have to deal without the use of manual block the more autonomous and monotone Melee 2.9 feels to me rather than supposedly reinvigorating gameplay action as advertised.

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1 hour ago, Lutesque said:

Actually the Vaykor Sydon also requires Manual Blocking to function...

While I agree that a manual block option should be available, somehow (not the one shot to activate, but maybe a single press to switch without firing a shot. Consider single chamber or small ammo count weapons), this isn’t entirely accurate.

let the auto block do its work until the tip glows, as usual, then activate channeling to trigger the flare effect. It’s middle mouse as default and remappable for convenience.

What I will add is that while it does work the method now takes comparatively more effort and flows far less naturally than it used to in combat.

It was a regular tool in the past and now just a novelty if it occurs.


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21 hours ago, Xavori said:

please, please let us manually block again so we can at least pretend to have aggro management with Guardian Derision.

Actually, if I'm going to make a request is that we have the ability to taunt/manage aggro without having to stand there blocking and doing nothing. 

If we had a toggle for anything, I'd like a toggle to activate 'taunt mode' or just ways to push my melee and rage frames up to the top of the local target queue. 

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1 hour ago, Midarc said:

this isn’t entirely accurate.

let the auto block do its work until the tip glows, as usual, then activate channeling to trigger the flare effect. It’s middle mouse as default and remappable for convenience.

I tried that.... It doesn't work.

Its also not Remappable for whatever stupid reason.

1 hour ago, Midarc said:

What I will add is that while it does work the method now takes comparatively more effort and flows far less naturally than it used to in combat.

It was a regular tool in the past and now just a novelty if it occurs.

Uhm... no.... it doesn't work... like at all... 

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18 hours ago, Lutesque said:

I tried that.... It doesn't work.

Its also not Remappable for whatever stupid reason.

Uhm... no.... it doesn't work... like at all... 




Part way down indicates the intended functionality in the former, synopsis of changes in the latter.

I remapped channeling to x and middle mouse if memory serves, but can not find a post melee 3.0 screenshot showing the rebindable channeling key, so I’ll have to confirm this when at my pc later.

Unless something broke between now and the time I last used it, or the 24.4 patch and now, it does work. Awkwardly.

Its not a frequent part of my loadout atm, so I haven’t checked within the last two weeks, but I’ll take it out for a run and give it a full check when I get near a my pc.


I will admit that my memory can be patchy at times and while I’m quite sure about the above, I’m Still going to go and check for my own peace of mind if anything.

Edited by Midarc
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26 minutes ago, Midarc said:



Part way down indicates the intended functionality in the former, synopsis of changes in the latter.

I remapped channeling to x and middle mouse if memory serves, but can not find a post melee 3.0 screenshot showing the rebindable channeling key, so I’ll have to confirm this when at my pc later.

Unless something broke between now and the time I last used it, or the 24.4 patch and now, it does work. Awkwardly.

Its not a frequent part of my loadout atm, so I haven’t checked within the last two weeks, but I’ll take it out for a run and give it a full check when I get near a my pc.


I will admit that my memory can be patchy at times and while I’m quite sure about the above, I’m Still going to go and check for my own peace of mind if anything.

Here is the "switch melee attack to your weapon fire button"



Here is the melee channel remap:



Sadly no more block button. But I feel the pain. It is not exactly ready at the moment. 

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10 hours ago, F8ted said:

Here is the "switch melee attack to your weapon fire button”

*snipped for space*

Thankyou for posting these.

it was going to be a while till I could get to my computer to see if I was misremembering things and that happens frequently enough these days I was going to be wondering until I checked.

appeciate you taking the time to do so.


its my hope we get a controllable block again in the end too.

while I’m getting along with the auto block and the more narrow angle requiring you to focus on who youre blocking is engaging, I do miss being able to bullet jump/glide with a melee weapon out.

purely for the look.

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Ya, being forced to autoblock screws up some things.  Not being able to manually block screws up a whole lot more.

Both of these should have been left alone.  Taking away player agency does not improve a game.

And the fact that it feels like they just tossed out this half-baked melee update and then forgot about melee and moved on to other things isn't particularly encouraging.  I don't want half-baked 'features'.  I want completed features.

I mean, I really like the auto switch between ranged and melee most of the time.  I think it's well done and makes sense.  What I do not like is that this new feature came with massive loss of control on my part, and flat out breaking things on DE's part.

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3 minutes ago, Xavori said:

Ya, being forced to autoblock screws up some things.  Not being able to manually block screws up a whole lot more.

Both of these should have been left alone.  Taking away player agency does not improve a game.

And the fact that it feels like they just tossed out this half-baked melee update and then forgot about melee and moved on to other things isn't particularly encouraging.  I don't want half-baked 'features'.  I want completed features.

I mean, I really like the auto switch between ranged and melee most of the time.  I think it's well done and makes sense.  What I do not like is that this new feature came with massive loss of control on my part, and flat out breaking things on DE's part.

Not to mention, the lack of Manual block is even more enraging considering the new Javlok augment. 6000% damage reflection when parrying with a Shield.

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Electromagnetic Shielding and Guardian Derision mods became broken when these changes happened and ruined my nyx tank build. So i'm not happy losing manual block as it doesn't seem to go off when i really need it. I lack choice now its all trying to be done for me and i don't play to have the game automated for me.

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45 minutes ago, Lancars said:

Electromagnetic Shielding and Guardian Derision mods became broken when these changes happened and ruined my nyx tank build. So i'm not happy losing manual block as it doesn't seem to go off when i really need it. I lack choice now its all trying to be done for me and i don't play to have the game automated for me.

Manual block does still exist, it's just that to use it, you have to have only a melee weapon equipped. No guns.

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On 2019-05-21 at 6:11 PM, Lutesque said:

I tried that.... It doesn't work.

Its also not Remappable for whatever stupid reason.

Uhm... no.... it doesn't work... like at all... 

Okay, the remap part is up above in a prior post.

I went and tested the blocking and blind on getting home, snapped some screens for verification.
Did it while poking around the new jupiter maps (they damn nice looking)

The first image



Shows the Block count in the top right bar of buffs, furthest left.

The second image



Is me mid activation of the flash effect, done so by using the melee channel button.

Now, the only thing I can think of that could be causing the process to fail for yourself is if you swapped to guns in the middle of building a block chain of fifteen.
I didn't think to check if that interrupts the process or not, what with the new terrain to gawk at.
If it doesn't interrupt it, then something else is going on and it'd be worth figuring out in case it has an effect on any other gameplay elements.


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