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Empyrean Release Date?


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Well at least there was a hint in the PC update notes that the next update (or next big update) is likely to be Empyrean.

But eventually...even maggots...can fly.

Perhaps the Kuva Lich system being implemented before Empyrean is a method of testing it to look for odd bugs.

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9 hours ago, Loza03 said:

I will admit, I was caught off-guard by update 26 not being Empyrean and it being the Liches. I was as sure as you were that those two would be part and parcel Though DE seems confident that the Liches can hold an update of their own which they do seem like they might well be able to. It's possible that they may be holding the 'jacks back to bring the new Corpus ship along with it, making Empyrean not just a Grineer-focused update? More power to them, I guess.

I'm much less certain about Empyrean's release schedule than I was earlier. Which is sad, but well - I'm still confident it'll be good. Getting angry won't make it come faster. If it'll be here in the same time, might as well wait in good graces.

I didn't, I called it.

Alot of players on Reddit and here where all doing meme like reposes such as "sniff sniff I smell Drydock/Railjack" and-overall get worked up and overly excited for it and well it sucks to be them, if you or anyone expected Empyrean then that's their own fault.

I was a bit srupised they are bacily throwing out the Liches system out, rather then holding it back for Empyrean tho, but I can already guess why this is the case and I rather keep this to myself, so lets just leave as it, as what should be the obvious. But with all the stuff we're getting in this update, it's likely gonna take a good few hotfixs to patch up and to make sure it works right, etc.

So, yeah, being uncertain and having zero confidence does wonders.  

9 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

Looks like Empyrean is being more and more [DE]layed.

Another update that's basically just a new warframe drop, plus some systems reworks.

Odd that we're getting Kuva Lich here instead of with Empyrean. Seems they weren't quite tied together and Empyrean just expands upon it to make it even grander?
It should be fun to play with for a bit while we wait for our ships.

And all in all, this is what sums up the whole of the post.

Merle 3.0 Phase 2, likely gonna upset, about 50% of people who enjoyed their OP melee combos/Spin2Win stuff and the New Warframe/Weapons and Rework will be finished within a week and depending on how well received this Kuva thing is, maybe a good few days/weeks of "cool factor", before we wait for Empyrean.

We can only hope that the KL is actually worth doing 

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I guess with the recent updates about the Corpus Ship Steve mentioned they want to bring that out with it to match the initial reveal? I suppose this is a bit of a passion project for them so they want Empyrean to make a good impression. That would make sense.

 Again, it's gonna take a while anyway, getting narky isn't going to make it come out any sooner.

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32 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

I guess with the recent updates about the Corpus Ship Steve mentioned they want to bring that out with it to match the initial reveal? I suppose this is a bit of a passion project for them so they want Empyrean to make a good impression. That would make sense.

 Again, it's gonna take a while anyway, getting narky isn't going to make it come out any sooner.

From what I understood in this connection thing, it looks like they will make able for you to get out of the ship during missions and use the Archwing or Railjack and as such, they needed to re-do the ships.

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Just now, Kaotyke said:

From what I understood in this connection thing, it looks like they will make able for you to get out of the ship during missions and use the Archwing or Railjack and as such, they needed to re-do the ships.

It seemed to work for the regular Grineer Galleon though... although I noticed a few rooms were different (one door that is always locked was open) so who knows?

Either way, the Corpus Ship is my bet for what's taking up time.

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4 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

It seemed to work for the regular Grineer Galleon though... although I noticed a few rooms were different (one door that is always locked was open) so who knows?

Either way, the Corpus Ship is my bet for what's taking up time.

Which smells odd. Because everything said about Empyrean was that we will go against the Grineer first.

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Just now, Kaotyke said:

Which smells odd. Because everything said about Empyrean was that we will go against the Grineer first.

True, but DE might have changed their minds, which may contribute to the Kuva Liches showing up now.

Again, they might be going for the best first impression possible. Still, that's just spitballing. I'm not exactly hacking into DE's servers to get the latest scoop on their development.

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On 2019-10-01 at 12:44 AM, 844448 said:

Still, DLC ripoff which people put the blame on Activision so...

Activision did nothing wrong?

Yeah thanks for clarifying your lack of thought before you respond. Activision has done plenty wrong particularly when pushing the latest CoD game to MtX AND the widely known controversy over the Silver and Eververse that was pushed for by Activision. Bungie was if you read up before commenting left in an unviable position of accepting these demands.

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42 minutes ago, Hyroncore said:

Yeah thanks for clarifying your lack of thought before you respond. Activision has done plenty wrong particularly when pushing the latest CoD game to MtX AND the widely known controversy over the Silver and Eververse that was pushed for by Activision. Bungie was if you read up before commenting left in an unviable position of accepting these demands.

They won't have any thought, all they care about is shunning a game they clearly don't understand and white-knight Warframe, Warframe did nothing wrong?.

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1 hour ago, Hyroncore said:

Yeah thanks for clarifying your lack of thought before you respond. Activision has done plenty wrong particularly when pushing the latest CoD game to MtX AND the widely known controversy over the Silver and Eververse that was pushed for by Activision. Bungie was if you read up before commenting left in an unviable position of accepting these demands.

Weren't there a bunch of news where the eververse was on bungie? They had full freedom on their game development and the eververse stays that way after the split

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9 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Weren't there a bunch of news where the eververse was on bungie? They had full freedom on their game development and the eververse stays that way after the split

Just because Activision didn't force it in, doesn't mean they weren't the reason behind its existence.

By plenty of reports I've heard, they put it in because development of D2 had managed to go royally sideways (as opposed to just sideways in the actual release) and they needed something to convince Activision to let them reboot development. So they offered to do something they knew Activision would like.

Think of it like knowing your boss/teacher/whatever is going to punish you or make you do something you don't want to do, so you do something to appease them first. Not exactly pushed for directly, but still the reason why.

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5 hours ago, 844448 said:

Weren't there a bunch of news where the eververse was on bungie? They had full freedom on their game development and the eververse stays that way after the split

Uh Eververse in its original form was terminated as far as I could see prior to the departure to Steam. I last played at this years solstice event and was warned ingame things were changing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unsure of where i heard it, I think it was on the release stream for the old blood, or the prime time stream the week before but I recall hearing them say the next update would be the drydock, so we can presume that to be here by 2020, although when empyrean phase 2 drops is a mystery.

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1 minute ago, _Useless- said:

Unsure of where i heard it, I think it was on the release stream for the old blood, or the prime time stream the week before but I recall hearing them say the next update would be the drydock, so we can presume that to be here by 2020, although when empyrean phase 2 drops is a mystery.

There's also this interesting little detail:

Whilst it's very tough to tell if this captura is using the new Orbiter, that PQ section looks a bit different, particularly the roof, but it is pretty close-up and blurry, if it is then it'll be confirming that Empyrean is legit soon instead of soontm 

Phase 2 will almost certainly drop a week or two after, since to our knowledge the drydock phase is more like the first part of Buried Debts, a 'prep' phase for the main event.

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25 minutes ago, _Useless- said:

Unsure of where i heard it, I think it was on the release stream for the old blood, or the prime time stream the week before but I recall hearing them say the next update would be the drydock, so we can presume that to be here by 2020, although when empyrean phase 2 drops is a mystery.


18 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

There's also this interesting little detail:

Whilst it's very tough to tell if this captura is using the new Orbiter, that PQ section looks a bit different, particularly the roof, but it is pretty close-up and blurry, if it is then it'll be confirming that Empyrean is legit soon instead of soontm 

Phase 2 will almost certainly drop a week or two after, since to our knowledge the drydock phase is more like the first part of Buried Debts, a 'prep' phase for the main event.

Don't get your hopes up

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2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


Don't get your hopes up

The Drydock-Taking Flight being a week or so apart has been known about for ages.

All evidence thus far points to soon. Soon is, however, still deeply relative. I'm not expecting it this month, or even this year anymore. DE made their bed with Old Blood, now they have to lie in it and fix the issues it has.

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I think if Railjack was close to ready, they wouldn't have designed kuva liches as so much of a massive timesink. Especially not with how little content development seems to have actually been put into them. The update feels VERY much like it was rushed together to buy time.

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2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

The Drydock-Taking Flight being a week or so apart has been known about for ages.

All evidence thus far points to soon. Soon is, however, still deeply relative. I'm not expecting it this month, or even this year anymore. DE made their bed with Old Blood, now they have to lie in it and fix the issues it has.

Indeed and this "Soon" BS is a meme at this point to them, something they can toss around like a joke, in a nomral type of game, like your nomral AAA or other types, that won't ever slide and it shouldn't here, but what can you do?.

It's not this year, I can be sure of it, if it is, then well, button me up, but given how much they made their Bed with this Old Blood/Melee 3.0 and the Deaths of Vauban and Ember, along with, quite frankly a silly conspet Warframe design, I lost alot of hope for Railjack.  

1 hour ago, OvisCaedo said:

 The update feels VERY much like it was rushed together to buy time.

Cuz it was, period.

And look where it got them

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