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Bullet Jump Cooldown


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15-20 seconds? No one will take even a 5 seconds cooldown on anything in this game mate. DE themselves said they don't like cooldowns.

If bulletjump is put on a cooldown, people who want efficient travel speed will instead spam rolls while waiting for the cooldown, you won't see too many sprinting and not for long anyway. Not to mention it will gut our survivability on squishy frames, bulletjumping isn't used only for travel you know?

Edited by TheRealShade
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1 hour ago, MysticWubs said:

The game lacks a sense of challenge and I think a ~15-20 sec cooldown on bullet jump would help make enemies and activities somewhat more challenging.Ā If a cooldown is to be any shorter than 15ishĀ seconds, you have still have people spamming the ability as soon as it recharges. It would be nice to see people actually use sprint instead of everyone flying to the extraction point. Yes bullet jump is a key component to how the game is played, but it's "spammibility"Ā challenges proper balancing to enemies. In order to make a formidable opponentĀ the player needs to be killable. While there are many other things that need to be changed to the A.I., I think this is a step in the right direction.Ā Obviously bullet jumping is a core mechanic, but it's not like it would get completely gutted.Ā Warframe wouldn't be the game it is without bold changes.



**To those about to rant about how bullet jump is what makes Warframe what it is, please stop looking through your rose tinted glasses and accept positive change.**

I get that you don't find the game challenging, but I'm confused on why you're honing in on bullet jumping of all things. If you want to slap a cool down on something, abilities would make more sense to me (but be prepared to be shouted down by most of the community).Ā 

1 minute ago, MysticWubs said:

Yeah maybe 15 would be too extreme in warframe's current state, but if they nerfed other forms of movement 15 would be more appropriate.Ā 

If you're aiming to nerf all other forms of movement too, I think you reallyĀ areĀ gutting a huge part of what makes Warframe so good.

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Could make the game harder by un-equip all mods, equip all dragon keys, and solo mode.


There is already a bullet jump cooldown or limitsĀ in place. Only 1 bullet jump while in air, that can be 15 seconds or longer of being unable to use bullet jump again, potentially forever on the old gas city by stay floating in air, before the remake that hadĀ places to stay floating in air.

On my video, I can only bullet jump once while in air. This looks like maybe some kind of cooldown?


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Forums need a dislike buttonĀ šŸ™„

Nerfing bullet jump would not do as much as you think. There are still a lot of ways for players to get around at a speed that is quicker than just sprinting.Ā Ā "Coptering 2.0 [limited to some weapon types]" is certainly one of them, air melee is another, suitable melee combos as well and many more.

If you have been playing warframe long enough, you would remember the days of parkour 1.0, back when bullet jump did not even exist. Frankly speaking, aside from the removal of universal coptering, I certainly do not miss anything from those days.

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Cooldown on bullet jump but not abilities? Okay, so now everyone will be using wormhole Nova and/or speed Volt in every non-endless missionsĀ šŸ™„
IDK, I don't understand why you think bullet jump is an issue to be looked at to balance the game when it's clearly the insane power our warframes and weapons have that makes the game very easy.

"Inļ»æĀ order to make a formidable opponentĀ the player needs to be killable."Ā 
This is just...lol. Bullet jumping doesn't make us immortal. How far off are you into the game that you think bullet jumping makes warframes OP? O,o

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3 hours ago, MysticWubs said:

The game can lackĀ a sense of challenge and I think a ~3-5sec cooldown on bullet jump would help make activities somewhat more balanced.

Game might lack a sense of challenge but I seriously doubt limiting movement would make it more challenging; it would just make it slower.

It's not a rose-tinted pair of glasses. Think about it; How does bullet jumping help you -kill- things? It doesn't. Just lets you move around faster. You kill things with your pew-pews and your slashy-slash, neither of which require bullet-jumping to function properly (baring a few outlier builds due to some novelty mods.)

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Bullet Jump is one of the reasons mobility is so fluid in this game. You never played early warframe, where we only had sprinting and zoren coptering. There used to be a stamina bar for sprinting, too. Those were dark times. We don't want to go back to that.

All of that aside, I have to say that some people have some very strange opinions. Since getting into mmos 11 years ago, I've never seen so many requests for nerfs for different reasons until the last couple years. I don't understand people like the OP at all.

Edited by Xehalin
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Balancing the game isn't really a priority for DE (despite fronting it is).Ā 

Appreciate the effort in your suggestion, but really DE needs to getĀ serious about AI, armor scaling, and weapon effects. Stuff that's been here for ages, with forum posts like yours that try to go around the problem. The 'fix' has been well overdue.

Edited by ikkabotz
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It's a horrible idea. I can't imagine this game without amazing movement freedom it gives. It's one of the main reasons I play this game.
If you like to sprint ā€” then sprint. But putting restrictions on base mechanics for everyone... What's next? Double-jump cool-down?Ā 


If your majesty desire more challenge ā€” put dragon keys/remove protective mods/etc. Do whatever you want.


Positive change? I've never heard such a nonsense before. Is that a bad joke?

Edited by TeaHawk
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Nerf bullet jump with a cooldown? Yeah, no thanks. That's just a step backwards in evolution.

It really sounds like how I used to think in my first couple weeks of Warframe. It always frustrated me that everyone dashed through maps blasting everything, completed objectives long before I could get there on my hard earned K-drive, and it was a very crushing feeling of being left out and not really understanding what was going on.

ThenĀ I actually learned how to use the mechanics properly, practiced, practiced, then practiced some more,Ā and expanded my gear arsenal toĀ where I could keep up with more tenured players and really fell in love with the fluid movements at breakneck speeds....although I will admit I still despise Volt's crackhead speed.

In fact, it reminds me of this:




Edited by Vaeldious
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Warframe has no pace and fills your screen with ohko hitscan and aoe coupled with bullet sponge, you don't add any challenges to it.

Bullet jump mechanics in Warframe decreased enemies accuracy, mostly it's not because you timed the jump correctly or in the right direction...Ā 

At the fundamental level, Warframe doesn't accommodate timing or position based strategy challenges, its core is the unbalanced powercreep steamroller and that's why its trial missions were removed.Ā 

Edited by Volinus7
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While I don't have many problems with Bullet Jump, the one BIG problem I have with it is using it for long-distance travel. The "salmon flop" is so absurdly ridiculous-looking as to make me wish we had an alternative to it of some kind. K-Drives and Archwings have Boost, meaning linear high-speed motion superior to any repeated complex-animation trick. I suppose Itzal's blink might be the exception, but for any Archwing not an Itzal the simple Boost is faster than dodging in a straight line... Precisely due to the short cooldown between dodges. I've often wished that we had some equivalent alternative to this in Warframe - some straight-line movement ability which would be faster or at least as fast as salmon-flopping our way through every mission.

Maybe let us use our K-Drives in missions, maybe make Sprint an actual meaningful speed increase, just... Something to replace repetitive belly flops.

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