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Why every human npc so unattractive?


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35 minutes ago, Midas said:

So after reading this entire article, I think it is safe to say that most beautiful people in Warframe wear masks to hide their beauty  because it’s frowned upon. Many people inbred after the collapse of an empire and beautiful people (genetically pure) are rare.

Might be true, i mean look at the Grineer elite, the Twin Queens, Salad V, Ballas, every person with some form of authority in this game is either simply ugly to absoulutely hideous, since most of them are also kind of narcissistic psychopaths, it's not a stretch to say they probably projected their own looks as the beauty standard on their subordinates, even Shadow Stalker looks fat with the sentient armor lol.

And that's without even mentioning the most kawaii ones, like Lephantis.

I also wonder if Vay Hek loves Glistening Magnificence and the ghouls a little too much.

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On ‎2019‎-‎07‎-‎11 at 2:44 AM, WindigoTG said:

And in, say, renaissance period fat cows, i mean, plus-sized ladies were all the rage and Megan Fox would be openly frowned upon.

Actually, this is a myth. If you look at art from the time, designed to portray the standards of beauty for the time, you'll see that it was dominated by slender, pale forms. Megan Fox would be frowned upon, but more for her choice of attire than her body.

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On 2019-07-10 at 11:05 PM, InfinitusPhoenix said:

How is it subjective. If a person thinks that some overweight unhealthy person with disproportional face features is more attractive than a fit person with perfect proportional face features, then he or she have some major mental issues.





That's very narrowminded of you. Certain African tribes would have a giant ashtrays dangling from their lower lip as the beauty standard. 100 years ago female chinese would get their feet bound as toddlers to become deformed and contorted as they grow up to comply with their beauty standard. What about ancient mayans/huns/germanic tribes who binded and elongated their skulls to look like aliens?  In ancient times, to certain cultures,  massive stomachs and sagging tits were beautiful. These  features probably means a female have a high chance of producing healthy babies. 

Heck i find geishas horrid to look at. Cant imagine if that is the beauty standard today. 

You need to take into account time too. I'm sure you would not consider our ancient relatives such as the homo erectus or neanderthal as attractive due to how far apart we are genetically. Imagine how humans will evolve in a million year or more? Would you be pretty to them?

https://m.ranker.com/list/crazy-womens-beauty-standards-from-history/machk this might enlighted you. 

Edited by goatwin
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23 минуты назад, InfinitusPhoenix сказал:

Wow, can't believe some fanboysare willing togo that far to defend the laziness of DE.

Seems like you have been lazy in history, biology and geography classes. Or have a bad eyesight. Or you do not look up from your phone then you are out. Or leave in a place where only beautiful people allowed. Or your standards of beauty are: green, hairy and sits under the bridge ;).

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If you want to post animu, why stop halfway?

Credits go to our fellow player ZXPFER, appreciate his art today!:


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On 2019-07-10 at 10:09 PM, InfinitusPhoenix said:

It's too weird. Every single human npc in this game is completely unattractive (like in Cetus/Plains of Eidolon).

Heck, even the operator faces are too weird so I prefer to use masks on them.



Yeah never forget

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On 2019-07-10 at 11:33 PM, EquinoxPrime said:

Beauty is subjective and deeper than physical appearance alone, imho. 

Operators are kinda cute, a couple of the Syndicate leaders are as well.

What about DE make them more cuter?

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14 часов назад, FlusteredFerret сказал:

I think this sort of thing is a result of kids spending too much time watching weeb-vision.

In all their favourite shows, all the characters look around 12-16, have ridiculously large eyes and are super qute (and thats just the guys!)


They basically want Warframe to be an anime space ninja game. :thinking:


Oh boi I wonder what would have happened if youve read books like gots song of ice and fire, hp Saga or witcher and then watched movies or played games. 

No one wants to look at unattractive people in the movies and shows, or any other fiction. Thats not a rocket science. Thats why every ugly muck in a book turns into something like Emma Watson on the screen. 

Edited by -Temp0-
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В 20.07.2019 в 20:50, InfinitusPhoenix сказал:

A lot of people I know don't even want to try WF because for them game looks too ugly.


It's a shame cuz it has great gameplay and story quests + many other things.


But why not just improve the art style. Endgame is fashion frame anyway, so being against this idea makes no sense.

Its not ugly its different from your generic destiny esque style. Games like destiny are trying to appeal to everyone and in return end up having no style at all. Just like Disney actually, thats trying to well same generic crp for decades. Games like warframe have style that is kind of weird so of course theres bound to be those that dont like it. When I first saw it I was like what the f is that thing even, because it showed a prime wf with wyrm sentinel and lots of bling on it. And I wont lie saying it turned me off at first. 

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On 2019-07-10 at 5:09 PM, InfinitusPhoenix said:

It's too weird. Every single human npc in this game is completely unattractive (like in Cetus/Plains of Eidolon).

Heck, even the operator faces are too weird so I prefer to use masks on them.


So that when the time comes,and your operator become mature. He needs to bee better looking then any other npc in the game. So that we don't have to ask to look like some specific npc when you already better looking in any other way 😏👍

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