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I feel like Vallis is overrated...


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I just don't get it. 

It seems like a huge amount of people are talking about Vallis so often, but why ? What makes it so different from any other mission really ?

I mean, it's not bad, I don't mind mobile defense, but why are you all sticking to this ? Yeah, it's not the worst looking part of the game, but it could have a little bit of polish really, it's been there for a long time now, kinda outdated when you look at jupiter... I've seen many say their performance tank when loading into Vallis, but by what miracle did you not get any of this before ?

Also many are talking about a huge standing farm to be done here... Why are you doing this to yourself ? You can farm standing anywhere else you know ? Just equip the syndicate sigil thingy.

I've tried playing there, seeing if there was anything I was missing, looked for something different... I still don't get why yall talking about it so much...


Really, after hours of the exact same scenery, pretty meh looking, the grineer ennemies blend into the background, it gets really boring. No wonder people burnout from farming there, just go somewhere else !


So tell me, what am I missing ?  What is the appeal ?


Edit before it derails : it's a joke about a mars node called Vallis ❤️

Edited by Fallen77
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It's a nice map. And the enemies are rather though too. At least I think Vallis is the only place that can give you a genuine challenge.

Other than that it would be nice to meet with friendly npcs every now and then. Seeing hunters miners or something. Both open world maps could use something like this.


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It introduced bonus rewards from bounties which have now been implemented in PoE. It has enemies scale up with it's unique alert system. The Exploiter Orb fight gives large amounts of resources found in Orb Vallis which was later added to PoE in the form of Thumpers. The Profit Taker fight has interesting mechanics and functions as a decent credit farm.

The kit guns are among the strongest weapons in the game and the Vox Solaris operator arcanes are game changers. Kdrives offer Magnetic wave protection during Eidolon hunts too. The new mining laser gets you rare gems easier than it's PoE counterpart as well. Many great additions came out the Venus open world.

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I was under the impression that most (if not all) of the community knows Vallis is mediocre. As of right now, the praises I hear about Vallis none ever crossed overrated territory, unless "it has a different approach to our normal missions, but still feels the same" counts as overrated.

And open world syndicates don't have sigils to gain rep passively. Standing for them comes from bounties, specific activities, and turning in materials.

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2 minutes ago, Fallen77 said:



Ok I couldn't hold any longer XD


Btw, does anyone know how I could show you one of my screenshot, do I have to upload it somewhere just so I can copy the URl in ? (fortunatly somebody else noticed this and published it)

... That's no where near the correct thing. When people say vallis they are referring to the Orb Vallis on Venus. The open world map. 

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1 minute ago, Fallen77 said:



Ok I couldn't hold any longer XD


Btw, does anyone know how I could show you one of my screenshot, do I have to upload it somewhere just so I can copy the URl in ? (fortunatly somebody else noticed this and published it)




You need to upload your screenshot somewhere. Like imgur.

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Ah come on !!!  XD

I had to do it, it's not like anyone would know of a mars defense mobile node's name right ?

il y a 12 minutes, Miser_able a dit :

... That's no where near the correct thing. When people say vallis they are referring to the Orb Vallis on Venus. The open world map. 

I know bro.... I know, kinda vet here

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