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Warframes as their own character


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10 hours ago, -Bigchungus- said:

My warframe strong 💪 


33 minutes ago, Renegade343 said:

Should be said when you die.

That would be actually a sick burn considering while it's true, it also implies how bad you messed up with it.

I can imagine this spammed with a game over screen with the image of a low pixel Banshee wearing a dank gnome hat and the voiceline changing in tone based on how many times you died.

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17 hours ago, (PS4)Grimfrost83 said:

Plz no. I would hate to see that happen.
Would be like first time seeing transformers, with my hopes up, and then they started to talk....

What's wrong with talking transformers, havent they been talking since day one they are created?


11 hours ago, peterc3 said:

The frames do have an individual personality and distinct identity. No need for them to be voiced for it to be true.

If you looked at the story pieces so far, they have never been totally mindless.

True the frames doesnt need dialogue to have distinct characters, but it would be interesting to think about it dont you think? I mean it could open up new possibilities like comic series, dubs, animated series, etc...

Again, this is not a discussion to put something in the game, but rather brainstorming the ideas and possibilities to voice act warframes in a fandom sense. Ya know, like giving them headcanon voice claims

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3 minutes ago, Methanoid said:

i would have to ask..... why and for what purpose/reason?

1st im bored

2nd to spice things up a bit

3rd i want to see the artistic side of the warframe fandom, i mean surely there is room for fan content and stories right, not just all "warframe has got issues", "this weapon and that weapon builds", or "Warframe needs balancing" and whatnot

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Looking forward to the day the frames throw off the control yoke of the Void Demons and start talking and junk.

Cut scene be like-

*Warframe bullet jumps through a Void Storm gate to arrive in the void. Energy crackles around the frame as memories of a life you have not see flash on the screen. A fist slams the ground as a voice starts to attempt speaking again.

The frame looks around to see the Void Demon shooting at Sentinels while it keeps trying to jump back into the Chair. Yet, something is blocking it's return to safety. Realizing this, the Sentinel approaches the Void Demons raising up one of its razor sharp arms. At the last second as the Void Demon covers it's face, an armored hand grabs the razor arm and tosses the Sentinel across the room, whips out a rifle and shoots towards the hurling Sentinel as it crashes into the wall. The frame goes running towards the Sentinel and pulls out a melee weapon that it slams and batters into the still moving shell. The Sentinel tries to adapt but the energy of this frame stops it's safeguard as the frame twirls around, slicing and arm off, puts the rifle barrel right in it's face and pulls the trigger, destroying the Sentinel.

As the Sentinel blows up, the frame comes walking out of the explosion reloading and putting the Melee weapon away. It approaches the Void Demon still laying on the floor, looking in shock as he realizes his frame saved him on its own.

"Thanks for the peace of mind kid....but I got it from here."

"You're my Warframe" says the Void Demon as the frame reaches down to help it up. The frames face slides back and away as it reveals a human being face underneath.

"Not anymore kid."


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23 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

if Warframe is like Overwatch or DOTA, what quotes would warframes have?

Excalibur would be your standard generic protagonist type personality.

Frost would be a cliche "Cold sniper" type as a personality based pun.

Ember would be the resident hothead who charges into combat guns blazing, another pun.

Rhino would be the standard big guy who is nice until mad and then stomps everything in anger.

Volt would be "The Smart Guy" trope incarnate, thinking up ideas lightning fast.

Loki would be pretty much exactly as the Norse God, a trickster and very low-key about his actions.

Mag would just be the personality of MagPrime from on the forums.

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Just now, Kerberos-3 said:

Nah, Vauban's the "Smart Guy". Volt here is basically the Flash. Thinks fast, yes. Thinks hard? Nope. Also would crack too many puns.

I would picture Vauban as the "Old general" type instead, constantly talking military speak and complaining that young'uns have it too easy from time to time (as a joke that Vauban used to be a good frame but got left behind in time).

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3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I would picture Vauban as the "Old general" type instead, constantly talking military speak and complaining that young'uns have it too easy from time to time (as a joke that Vauban used to be a good frame but got left behind in time).

I could see that too. Hydroid would be weird. Most of the time, he's a stereotypical pirate. Squirrels after Shinies and spend a little too much time flirting with the ladies. That is, until you get him angry. Then he turns into a raging sea god, complete with a massive, booming voice, torrential rains and a berserk Kraken to top it all off.

Edited by Kerberos-3
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1 minute ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Hydroid would be weird. Most of the time, he's a stereotypical pirate. Squirrels after Shinies and spend a little too much time flirting with the ladies. That is, until you get him angry. Then he turns into a raging sea god, complete with a massive, booming voice, torrential rains and a berserk Kraken to top it all off.

That would work well for Hydroid, but keep the booming voice in pirate speak for consistency and humor.

I'd also picture Atlas as a "One word" type speaker, not stupid, just doesn't talk much.

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23 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

I was wondering if Warframe is like Overwatch or DOTA, what quotes would warframes have?

Even better who would voice which warframe?

I thought it would be interesting to see the creativity of this community and come up with some head canon VAs if warframes were individual hero typed characters and not just suit of armor.

Any ideas, headcanons, or even suggestions?

I would not want this in the normal game, but it would work well for the mini-game, Frame Fighter.

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6 hours ago, mega_lova_nia said:

I mean it could open up new possibilities like comic series, dubs, animated series, etc...

Again, this is not a discussion to put something in the game, but rather brainstorming the ideas and possibilities to voice act warframes in a fandom sense. Ya know, like giving them headcanon voice claims

This is exactly why it would be a bad idea.

It would quickly turn into fanservice with annoying cliche characters.

But i don't see anything wrong with non-canon voicpacks and personalities (as much of a personality an infested slab of flesh in a battlesuit can have)as long as they are customizable and optional, not affecting others.

People already complained about Peculiar mods being annoying (being such minor effects i don't agree with that one, but i see it ruining the game for some others)and this sounds like it could be about a million times more annoying.

I don't even find the current operators of all things all that annoying compared to the cliche superhero movie character/shonen protagonist character people would likely want to give to frames.

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On 2019-09-05 at 7:19 AM, mega_lova_nia said:

if Warframe is like Overwatch or DOTA, what quotes would warframes have?

Warframe's aren't heroes, they are constructed tools based on long-dead (Or recently dead in the case of Umbra) beings who were tortured beyond rational thought. Think Eva (The Evas themselves) not Overwatch Heroes.

If they could talk, choice quotes might be:



"Aaaaaaah, kill me"

"I'm just a clone of the being who had these memories, my existance is suffering."



I mean there is a clear line between Umbra (Who is motive but barely sapient) and all the other Warframes. It's pretty clear that there is barely anything in there and what is in there is messed up beyond rational thought.

I mean if there was anything in there then we build these creatures fron scratch and then mind-ride them into war without consent. It would be like genetically engingineered mind-control snuff-pokemon. That sounds fun and wholesome.

We got a cut-scene for Umbra sorta-justifying it (because we didn't know when we made him), but nothing for any other Warframe.


That said....


How about voice lines for the operators that indicate fragments of non-sapient warframe persona in there? Perhaps something that you only get with the Prime?

Edited by SilentMobius
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On 2019-09-05 at 2:35 AM, (XB1)xBLADEPANTHERx said:

I thought the whole point of them was that they were supposed to be mindless war machines which were designed for one factor which is to kill, I just feel that giving them a personality could perhaps break this identity

I think the history behind patient zero for each Warframe would be awesome, as well as Operator Zero.


Ive often wondered if Warframes are a fusion of how Operator vous powers manifest combined with the personality of the original host used for the Warframe they are paired with.

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2 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

*Warframe has been removed from your inventory*

Because you play the Tenno, remember? So independent warframes just wouldn't be in your game any more.

I do not play the Void Demon. That is an unwanted tool that gets between me and my Frames. Controlling a battery is not my thing.

As for losing a frame from inventory...if it means that it is freed from the Void Demon, i can dig it. Hence the reason we can have multiples of the same Frame (except Umbra and Excal Prime).

I prefer to think of the frames more like the aliens in Daft Punks Interstellar 5555....beings of amazing talent under the control by some crazy entity bent on universal conquest that have a controlling device to be broken to allow them freedom. Once we snap them back to their senses, the Frames will have a being that is has access to more powers and forms.


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10 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Yeah you do. You can ignore it all you like but that what the game says and it's what it's designed for... Tenno.


Turned off the Void Demon talk ☑️

Did Second Dream after getting Helminth cyst to have Helminth talking to the real master ☑️

Don't power up the Void Demon from its original level of being since had it awaken☑️

I am no Tenno. I am a pet petting, weapon weilding, Archwing donning, Relay walking, War breaking, enslaved being that looks forward to the good ole days when we did not have a battery popping out of our chests. Slavery will end one way or another.



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