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Why not just add a store system?


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Oh my goodness, the prices will become realistic, and this will ruin some prices because things aren't worth anything, and they're only selling at their current prices because of false scarcity created by the obtuse, 3rd party sites or trade chat or lack of time to not-play-and-trade-instead. It's as if I didn't realize this. This is not a bad thing in my eyes, but it's clearly disaster for people who are thriving in this non-in-game market system that's taken right out of the ancient past.

I might be hurt by such a system too, since I've sold a few things myself, and have yet to sell a few things that currently have unreasonable "prices" and "value"... but I'm willing to take that hit to make the game overall more enjoyable for more people.

I mean, guess what happens when people have more frames and weapons? : They see skins and accessories they can use now, and they see Reactors and Catalysts and Exilus Adapters and Forma to use on them... which if nothing else, causes them to play more to unlock relics to get forma, or engage with systems like Simaris scanning for exilus adapters which makes the game more alive, and creates more open groups doing fissure runs, but also encourages a percentage to purchase plat. Some may be stubborn (or poor) and stay strictly F2P, but a percentage greater than we currently see, will spend more, because they have reason to.




I get that DE sees Path of Exile and GGG as some star to revere and emulate as some super successful thing, and they may see them using the whole barter system and how they let 3rd party websites control their market, forcing people to use them instead of relying on in-game markets (or making their in-game PS4 market a mess, but better than nothing)... but really, no, not in the trade aspect. Not at all. (and in many other areas, but this isn't a PoE thread.)



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2 minutes ago, (PS4)AyinDygra said:

I might be hurt by such a system too, since I've sold a few things myself, and have yet to sell a few things that currently have unreasonable "prices" and "value"... but I'm willing to take that hit to make the game overall more enjoyable for more people.

You don't get it. How will those people benefit because your riven is now only 100p instead of 250? Because their stuff sells dirt cheap, and being newbs their stuff will not fetch more than prime junk prices. In fact prime junk will probably not get prime junk prices for very long. 

The hit we'd be taking wouldn't help the game in the long run. Only hurt. 

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45 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

In the US economy do cars never needed to be replaced or repaired? If you buy a cell phone, do you expect to keep it for 30 years or will it break, or need to be replaced after just a few years? Hell didn't you pay any attention to the stories of cellphone manufacturers "upgrading" the phones in ways that broke their functionality badly, forcing people to replace them? Do you even realise how hard people have had to fight for the right to repair the phones, rather than shelling out money to buy a new one? 


Can't you figure out how the economy in warframe, which lacks enforced demand, is different from what applies to the real world? 

Funny. From here it just looks like you are stuck on the wrong side of Dunning-kruger, because you just don't know enough to realise how little you actually know. I looked back a couple of pages and saw people trying to explain to you in baby terms why crashing prices are bad, but you just didn't get it. I even took the time to show you how supply and demand work for us, but it looks like that's still beyond your grasp. 

Because you got exactly what you asked for, and suddenly had very little to say about it, and seem to have resorted to ad homs, which is a good indication that you never had anything worth saying in the first place. 

You really should feel embarrassed about how little you understand what you are trying to discuss. 

This is absolutely false. There is always going to be new players and new things to buy. There is no economical system that ever benefits from trade barriers. Period. Having trading done in an out dated method does not create value for anyone.

And every single game out there figure this S#&$ out, years ago. You and DE (if they think amount the same lines) are not smarter than everyone else. 

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6 hours ago, FrostDragoon said:

I haven't seen one anti-AH commenter who can display even a shred of this, so I find this absolutely funny on every level. But go ahead... dig yourself deeper.

You do know that you need to argue in favor of an AH system right? It's not the assumed standard. 

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

This is absolutely false. There is always going to be new players and new things to buy. There is no economical system that ever benefits from trade barriers. Period. Having trading done in an out dated method does not create value for anyone.

And every single game out there figure this S#&$ out, years ago. You and DE (if they think amount the same lines) are not smarter than everyone else. 

There will, but by the time they're able to buy the gear there will be even more vets willing to sell stuff. And unless those newbs are actually buying plat, then they will have to find a way to convince vets, who already have stuff, to buy their Newb junk. 

Very few games have the economic model that we have in warframe. And quite a few that implemented AH's had a real mess of a time. It's easy to claim that people who are seeing things that you are not aware of are dumb. It's a bit harder to slow down, separate yourself from what you want personally, and think things all the way through. 

I strongly recommend picking up a few basic courses in economics so that you can begin to argue from a position where you are reasonably sure you grasp what's being said. 

22 minutes ago, JuicyPop said:

You do know that you need to argue in favor of an AH system right? It's not the assumed standard. 

He's just saying that because he has been choosing to ignore the things that don't support his view. He did it to you several pages ago when you tried to show how falling sale prices would ruin the economy, and he did it to me when I explained how supply and demand work in warframe. He has no valid retort, and so far nothing worth listening to. 

If he'd just make an attempt to educate himself, I'd bet that his views would change. 

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

There will, but by the time they're able to buy the gear there will be even more vets willing to sell stuff. And unless those newbs are actually buying plat, then they will have to find a way to convince vets, who already have stuff, to buy their Newb junk. 

Very few games have the economic model that we have in warframe. And quite a few that implemented AH's had a real mess of a time. It's easy to claim that people who are seeing things that you are not aware of are dumb. It's a bit harder to slow down, separate yourself from what you want personally, and think things all the way through. 

I strongly recommend picking up a few basic courses in economics so that you can begin to argue from a position where you are reasonably sure you grasp what's being said. 

He's just saying that because he has been choosing to ignore the things that don't support his view. He did it to you several pages ago when you tried to show how falling sale prices would ruin the economy, and he did it to me when I explained how supply and demand work in warframe. He has no valid retort, and so far nothing worth listening to. 

If he'd just make an attempt to educate himself, I'd bet that his views would change. 

Every single MMO (which warframe most is one, and no not it is not somehow "unique" by any means) has a market place. And yes, it is easy to claim people are dumb when they try to re-create the wheel, but make it rectangular. 

You claim that I dunno basic of economics? Cool. Show me one economic system (real life or video game) where entry barriers for trade benefited the game's economy. And please no silly examples like Diablo 3 vanilla where the problem was the devs manipulating the loot drops. 

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So, let me get this straight...

On 2019-09-09 at 9:26 AM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

The most irritating thing for me, to be honest...is the fact I have to stop playing to sell things.

You stopped playing because you wanted to, so its your fault.

On 2019-09-09 at 9:26 AM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

Warframe literally wants you to stop playing sometimes.

Warframe literally wants you, and you alone, to stop playing. Other people, apparently, are compelled to perform other things...

Like a glass of water... Or hitting the bathroom for a serious airlock discharge... Or the bed, with an assortment of items, with someone/several people, or alone... Basic examples, see...

On 2019-09-09 at 9:26 AM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

But what annoys me the most is having to spend maybe hours of my day trying to sell items.

What seriously annoys you, and by what I've seen here, is dealing with the public entirely, including its availability. For further info on the subject, revisit my reply to your first quote...

On 2019-09-09 at 9:26 AM, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

People buy it, you receive the platinum on the inbox, perfect.

So, an ATM system in a game where public interactions are encouraged, promoting isolation at the same time?

... Seriously?


Now, your suggestion was an "Auction House"? (The OP or someone else, whoever fits into this) (Yeah, lets call it by what it really is, considering that we already have the Market).

Proper answer: - That's not a system that's going to stick, since DE devs are basically promoting public interactions in several areas within the game, excluding the fact that an Auction House is exploitable by itself since its an automatic system... If they weren't doing that, we wouldn't have Relays, or Cetus, or even Fortuna.


My personal answer: - Warframe (and the rest of the community) literally wants you, and you alone, to leave altogether if not having interested parties to instantly buy crap from you is a problem to mitigate your existential crisis. We're not here to serve as psychologists, and we're not going to wait for you to become "available" whenever we want to buy something from someone else. You're competing with hundreds of players more, and you won't get any "exclusivity" to anything else. And even if an Auction House was created, everyone would undercut your prices out of spite, just to piss you off even more... Hell, that's -exactly- what I would do after reading this topic from start.



Also, in case you're interested, you brought a General Discussion topic into the Feedback tree.

I'm even surprised that this "mistake" is seen as one, I already see it as fashion. But instead of being "fashionframe", its "fashionforum". Now, do something of your life in Warframe and actually see things as they are supposed to be seen, instead of the distorted view out of frustration that led you into creating this topic (in the wrong SECTION) in the first place.

Edited by Uhkretor
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Every single MMO (which warframe most is one, and no not it is not somehow "unique" by any means) has a market place. And yes, it is easy to claim people are dumb when they try to re-create the wheel, but make it rectangular. 

You claim that I dunno basic of economics? Cool. Show me one economic system (real life or video game) where entry barriers for trade benefited the game's economy. And please no silly examples like Diablo 3 vanilla where the problem was the devs manipulating the loot drops. 

Trinidad and Tobago, 1980s, governmental protectionism, restrictions on imports, to favour local producers, keep foreign reserves high, etc etc etc. You'll also need to do some research into OPEC and how their moves played out, 

You are welcome. 


Again, please go educate yourself on at least a basic level, so that you have at least a basic clue as to what you are talking about. 


Maybe then you'll be able to realise that you are trying to compare apples to oranges when you look at other games and think that you can transplant a piece of the economic model without reworking the entire thing. Also maybe you'll be able to see how enforcing demand hasn't always helped prevent market crashes, and cornered markets in the video games you're holding up as examples of good systems. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Trinidad and Tobago, 1980s, governmental protectionism, restrictions on imports, to favour local producers, keep foreign reserves high, etc etc etc. You'll also need to do some research into OPEC and how their moves played out, 

You are welcome. 


Again, please go educate yourself on at least a basic level, so that you have at least a basic clue as to what you are talking about. 


Maybe then you'll be able to realise that you are trying to compare apples to oranges when you look at other games and think that you can transplant a piece of the economic model without reworking the entire thing. Also maybe you'll be able to see how enforcing demand hasn't always helped prevent market crashes, and cornered markets in the video games you're holding up as examples of good systems. 

Trinidad and Tobago, quick research, their economy is dependent on oil. Prices went down in 1980s, economy crashed. Prices went up in 1990 economy improved. This is not an example of how trade barriers made the economy better. Also, talking about global trade barriers (like tariffs) is not relevant to warframe in anyway. 

Also, you keep throwing the word "enforcing demand." In an open market no one is enforcing anything, not that this is the issue to begin. And the current trading system in warframe does limit both supply and demand. 

This is the last post for me on this. Bottom line is, you can sit here and sing this song for eternity, having a trade barrier to reduce both supply and demand is never positive. And none of what you mentioned so far, remotely supports that having a trade barrier is better for the game. This is nothing more than you trying to whiteshine DE. Again, maybe DE did not get a chance to get to it or not able to code it to work correctly. But if they can, and they are not, not only they missing a major feature that certainly are pushing some prospect players (future spenders) away, they also are losing out on much additional platinum sales. No one benefits.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

That's patent nonsense. It would make it impossible for casual players to earn plat.

Rivens would be among the few things that would remain high value because of how unique they are. Supply of "god-rolls" will remain unlikely to ever outstrip demand. Your robber barons would be sitting pretty under the proposed changes. 

Yup, you just keep telling yourself that.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Trinidad and Tobago, quick research, their economy is dependent on oil. Prices went down in 1980s, economy crashed. Prices went up in 1990 economy improved. This is not an example of how trade barriers made the economy better. Also, talking about global trade barriers (like tariffs) is not relevant to warframe in anyway. 

You asked for the real world example, and you obviously missed me explaining the protectionism and the import restrictions. Those are "barriers to trade" and "benefitted the economy". I personally don't need to research it because I live here and experienced it. 

Off the top of my head Brasil also had similar restrictions on imported brands, for the exact same reasons. 

1 hour ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Also, you keep throwing the word "enforcing demand." In an open market no one is enforcing anything, not that this is the issue to begin. And the current trading system in warframe does limit both supply and demand. 

Again a little more education about the stuff being discussed, would be highly beneficial. The enforcement of demand is a feature of most of the economies where auction houses are successfully implemented. 

It's got nothing to do with open market or not. It's about the entire economic model being built around consumable items (and the resources needed to make them), that will be needed throughout the player's time in the game. 

Try to grasp how this is not a common situation in warframe. 


And yes trade chat and the difficulties in using it probably does limit both supply and demands, but if you don't see how the auction house would only significantly increase supply without creating any new demand, then you really should be trying to figure that out. That's vitally important to what will happen when such a system is introduced. 

But the limit is a matter of "how much do you want this item/plat". If you want it badly enough, you'll make the effort to do it. If not then you won't be flooding trade chat and prices will be more stable. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

This is the last post for me on this. Bottom line is, you can sit here and sing this song for eternity, having a trade barrier to reduce both supply and demand is never positive. And none of what you mentioned so far, remotely supports that having a trade barrier is better for the game.

I'm sorry but your lack of understanding doesn't make the points less valid. Perhaps if you spent a bit of effort trying to grasp the concepts instead of just arguing for what you think you want, you'd see why it's not as good as you think. 

21 minutes ago, BlackRoseAngel said:

Yup, you just keep telling yourself that.

I will because it's true. If you pay attention, you'll see that I'm not the only one who is telling you that. Not even the only one on this page pointing it out. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

I will because it's true. If you pay attention, you'll see that I'm not the only one who is telling you that. Not even the only one on this page pointing it out. 

It isn't true, but I'm well aware that the hivemind of DE fanboys will believe anything Rebecca tells them to.

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1 minute ago, BlackRoseAngel said:

It isn't true, but I'm well aware that the hivemind of DE fanboys will believe anything Rebecca tells them to.

If that's the best way you can figure to disagree with people, I'm not terribly surprised that you aren't able to figure out why you're wrong. 

Good luck to you, Tenno, with whatever it is you're trying to achieve here. You'll probably need it. 

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6 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

You stopped playing because you wanted to, so its your fault.

That's an obvious statement, really smart ahn? Still, doesn't negate the fact that for me to sell things, it's a condition that I have to stop playing. Unless I resort to Warframe.market, which itself is a proto-AH.


6 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

Warframe literally wants you, and you alone, to stop playing. Other people, apparently, are compelled to perform other things...

Like a glass of water... Or hitting the bathroom for a serious airlock discharge... Or the bed, with an assortment of items, with someone/several people, or alone... Basic examples, see...

A game that encourages you to stop playing, top 10/10 game design. There's no way to not respond it with sarcasm, look at that low effort argument. 

6 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

So, an ATM system in a game where public interactions are encouraged, promoting isolation at the same time?

... Seriously?


Now, your suggestion was an "Auction House"? (The OP or someone else, whoever fits into this) (Yeah, lets call it by what it really is, considering that we already have the Market).

Proper answer: - That's not a system that's going to stick, since DE devs are basically promoting public interactions in several areas within the game, excluding the fact that an Auction House is exploitable by itself since its an automatic system... If they weren't doing that, we wouldn't have Relays, or Cetus, or even Fortuna.

"Promoting public interactions".

-> You can do everything solo. 

-> Story mode is only solo. 

-> Supports are not necessary (the strongest indicator in a game if coop is necessary or not). 

Also, you didn't explain why an AH is exploitable because it is automatic. Claims alone aren't going to help you.

6 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

My personal answer: - Warframe (and the rest of the community) literally wants you, and you alone, to leave altogether if not having interested parties to instantly buy crap from you is a problem to mitigate your existential crisis. We're not here to serve as psychologists, and we're not going to wait for you to become "available" whenever we want to buy something from someone else. You're competing with hundreds of players more, and you won't get any "exclusivity" to anything else. And even if an Auction House was created, everyone would undercut your prices out of spite, just to piss you off even more... Hell, that's -exactly- what I would do after reading this topic from start.

I'm glad you specified that it was your personal answer. Like, you're not a messiah, in fact you're probably less relevant than an ant both IRL and in the Internet. So yeah, you don't have any rights to represent anyone anyways. 

6 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

Also, in case you're interested, you brought a General Discussion topic into the Feedback tree.

I'm even surprised that this "mistake" is seen as one, I already see it as fashion. But instead of being "fashionframe", its "fashionforum". Now, do something of your life in Warframe and actually see things as they are supposed to be seen, instead of the distorted view out of frustration that led you into creating this topic (in the wrong SECTION) in the first place.

1- The post has like...1200-1500 views, if it didn't fit the Feedback tree, it wouldn't be there anymore by common sense. Also 9 days since the day I made this. 

2- Trying to pretend that you can read my mind or the reasons behind what I did, sounds kinda lame when it's almost clear you got pissed off with the post. Noticeable by the low effort arguments and the masked attempts at Ad Hominem. 

So I would suggest you to just get over it. Learn to deal with different opinions, instead of getting pissed off for nothing. 

In fact, pretty much everyone except me ignored you because of your childish behavior, you should be glad you got your attention. Now walk off, kid.

Edited by (XB1)XG1anBl4derX
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13 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

That's an obvious statement, really smart ahn? Still, doesn't negate the fact that for me to sell things, it's a condition that I have to stop playing. Unless I resort to Warframe.market, which itself is a proto-AH.


A game that encourages you to stop playing, top 10/10 game design. There's no way to not respond it with sarcasm, look at that low effort argument. 

"Promoting public interactions".

-> You can do everything solo. 

-> Story mode is only solo. 

-> Supports are not necessary (the strongest indicator in a game if coop is necessary or not). 

Also, you didn't explain why an AH is exploitable because it is automatic. Claims alone aren't going to help you.

I'm glad you specified that it was your personal answer. Like, you're not a messiah, in fact you're probably less relevant than an ant both IRL and in the Internet. So yeah, you don't have any rights to represent anyone anyways. 

1- The post has like...1200-1500 views, if it didn't fit the Feedback tree, it wouldn't be there anymore by common sense. Also 9 days since the day I made this. 

2- Trying to pretend that you can read my mind or the reasons behind what I did, sounds kinda lame when it's almost clear you got pissed off with the post. Noticeable by the low effort arguments and the masked attempts at Ad Hominem. 

So I would suggest to just get over it. Learn to deal with different opinion, instead of getting pissed off for nothing. 

In fact, pretty much everyone except me ignored you because of your childish behavior, you should be glad you got your attention. Now walk off, kid.

Ticked by my "low effort" argument, eh? Imagine how low you fell by replying it directly.

13 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

In fact, pretty much everyone except me ignored you because of your childish behavior.

I don't think its because of that... But, you're entitled to your opinion.

... Walk it off now, kid... you need it more than I do.


Edit: If you had previously thought about the consequences of such a system, you would've reached the same conclusion as me. So~... What did I mean by "exploitable system"? Think it over. Stop playing for something other than trading, for once.

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Wow, I wake up to dozens of replies and walls of text. Given about half of them are from the same moron who thinks the economy is a zero-sum game and says stupid $#!7 like "buy once, use forever," I'm not inclined to go back and read them. What I will say about the AH system is that we have already seen the effects that it has on the economy via warframe.market--and it turns out it works just fine. The real reason we want it in game is because we want more buyers/sellers in the market, want the arbitrary nature of this supposed "barrier to entry" eliminated, and having it in game would do a lot to keep newer players around longer because it will facilitate them being able to actually get the slots, reactors, and forma they need--meaning an overall livelier player base, more people to play with, and that we can honestly call the game "truly f2p," because right now it's p2w in f2p clothing.

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1 hour ago, Uhkretor said:

If you had previously thought about the consequences of such a system, you would've reached the same conclusion as me. So~... What did I mean by "exploitable system"? Think it over. Stop playing for something other than trading, for once.

I thought about the consequences, that's why I defend this system. Maybe you didn't understand and I did?

We can keep this cycle forever unless you actually stop posing, and show the actual argument for once. I have all the time in the world for it.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

I thought about the consequences, that's why I defend this system.

Not deep enough, apparently. You're just trying to justify your choice of stopping to play by blaming the system, instead of blaming yourself in the first place for making the choice of stopping and not of pausing it for a quick trade... Blame your greed, in that case.

28 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

show the actual argument for once.

... I kind of did, but you dismissed it by saying: V

1 hour ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

pretty much everyone except me ignored you because of your childish behavior

... I want to get why you're reacting to what you classified as: V

1 hour ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

childish behavior

... but I don't get it... However, the only way that an AH makes sense is when the AI is selling random stuff, for its intended price set as minimal bid, with no player posting/selling the stuff there. We already have an NPC, selling random stuff but with a discount... take a guess on who it is...

... I think you can reach a sensible conclusion from this... Like I said, you're just trying to justify your choice of stopping to play by blaming the system, instead of blaming yourself in the first place for making the choice of stopping and not of pausing it for a quick trade... Blame your greed, in that case.

I, however, have plenty of experience on dealing with stuff like that. Its a flawed system, if players are involved in the items being listed, therefore its exploitable. I have already reached conclusions far deeper that what you could have ever dream of.


I'm not the one being childish here. You are, by blaming the system for your wrong choices. Anyone that gives arguments that counter yours are automatically dismissed as, and I quote:  V

1 hour ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

childish behavior

Know who else says that the rules are wrong, and blames them for his/her failures?


... Children. Despite the fact that there's a rule book for board games, they always blame them for their own failures at the respective board game. Favourite argument? "Why do we have to follow them? We should do whatever we want!"

... They can do whatever they want, as long as they follow the rules. You can consider the current trade system as "Da RuLe BoOk Of TrAdE", being that stopping to trade and dealing with people is an ironclad rule that DE has repeatedly stated that it will not be changed.

Now, you can squirm all you want. All I saw before you replied to me directly the first time, was a frustrated adult trying to defend his point of view with a suggested system. With your reply and following replies to what I said, all I ended up seeing (and will see from further replies) is a child crying out to change a rule that will not be changed and/or insert a system that blatantly breaks that ironclad rule, simply because you don't like it and its unfair to you.

Trading is as part of the game as any other element presented in Warframe, and the trade system is as it is now to encourage public interaction. If you don't like it, don't do it. Oh yeah, before I forget:

28 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

We can keep this cycle forever unless you actually stop posing

Interesting... Do yourself a favor, stop accusing others of your responsive behavior, because the only one that gets badly seen with it here is you.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

Every single MMO (which warframe most is one, and no not it is not somehow "unique" by any means) has a market place. And yes, it is easy to claim people are dumb when they try to re-create the wheel, but make it rectangular. 

You claim that I dunno basic of economics? Cool. Show me one economic system (real life or video game) where entry barriers for trade benefited the game's economy. And please no silly examples like Diablo 3 vanilla where the problem was the devs manipulating the loot drops. 


So much of the game depends upon players exploiting unique economic opportunities to create content naturally within the sandbox.

For instance, if there was a universal AH that just deposited items at your location, then there would be no need for shipping and there would be fewer profitable reasons for pirating in low-sec, mass suiciding with alpha ships in high-sec and the like.  

The simple fact that people have to go out of their way to get items from one point of the universe to another is, by definition, a barrier to entry for whatever it is that you want to accomplish with said items. It takes time, planning and even several months of training characters just to accomplish it on your own in a reasonably safe manner. 


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2 hours ago, Avienas said:

Holeey fudgesauce soon as this guy gets on he`s ranting a wall of the same text again that can basically be nutshelled down to D.E. just enjoys X market system alot so they rather do that instead of something standard in most other games, plus because its been in so long, its the perpetual stable messiah system that the white knights constantly stay should never be changed at all, but lets try to list out some accurate facts again.

  • One major screw up is how the market is handled, we rarely have anything use as an alternative form of currency, especially one that could actually be farmed so people are usually clucking their heads around to make plat unless they abuse riven mods, the most rare of arcanes which got squelched to such terrible value its not worth the chase to farm dozens of them for smidgeons of plat. Very least, back in my earlier days of warframe it was quite fine to use Ayatan Anasa statues as alternative currency since you could of sold those things for 8~10 plat each to boot and everyone wanted them due to how strong the endo need was. Plus you could often get up to 5 plat on rare parts for a prime that has been around for a while, with no consistency to know what to chase for, yet the only things that could certally hold weight either have absurd rates to get your hands on one, take a while to get it to a polished state that people might want then still go thru the grind of getting a value you likely have no bloody idea how much you should go up to, well turns it into even further headaches that literally led me to selling regular mods and syndicate mods instead, usually between 8 to 20 plat depending on the mod, instead of wasting what might be hours just to get my hands on the items first and likely only get 30 to 60 platinum for it.
  • This one doesn`t need perfect accuracy or data to fully back it but i am certain anyone can agree that the two major things that were chased after often in warframe before riven mods came along were Prime parts & Arcanes and they had very sizable values. Still standing by my own belief that riven mods themselves are a plague on marketing since it basically incentivizes people to either slave away on spamming sorties to pray they get a good weapon riven or abuse the heck out of buying veileds or junk stat rivens to transmute and/or resell them into ridiculous high priced things. One example being when i was fishing for daikyu rivens about 2 weeks ago some of the offers i got were 700~1000+ platinum despite some of them having only 1 useful and 1 semi-useful stat line. Then few minutes later i got someone who offered me a Heat Damage, Critical Damage & Fire Rate riven for 150 platinum, Now it would certainly be nice if that Bloody Data Tracker for Riven Mod Value Averages was put in game so less of this messed up game of con-ery would get trimmed back, because Riven mod marketing is basically the worst thing in market chat, followed by discount coupon scammers then just bad grammar on market chat messages that leads to ignoring filters to catch said messages for those interested or those who care not about them.

For the Major TL;DR that i repeat these days whenever a forum feedback message turns into a bicker fest between those who  suggest things and white knights, Ultimately the thing in question NEEDS SOME FORM OF CHANGE, So at the very least D.E. is showing they are putting some notice to it, otherwise we are just going to end up with more situations like how a bunch of china-side players bombed the heck out of warframe reviews, which only started because a translator got axed, yet some were clearly flaunting complaints about issues in the game itself too.

"Holeey fudgesauce soon as this guy gets on he`s ranting a wall of the same text again" applies perfectly to your post. Wall of nonsense text, that serves to highlight a complete lack of understanding of anything not born in a fever dream. Literally random junk just batched together into a rant with accusations of "white knight" tossed in to cover the lack of any response to the issues and points raised. 

Sorry Tenno, but that doesn't really fly. 

Change is fine, but not when you're sitting there demanding something that would be nothing short of a complete clusterf.... Cluster of people trying to do things best not done in clusters. Btw, supporting the review bombing like that is definitely a dumb way to tip your hand. It just tells everyone that you don't care about the game or other players, as long as you think folks like you can get what you want by any means necessary. 

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1 hour ago, FrostDragoon said:

Given about half of them are from the same moron who thinks the economy is a zero-sum game and says stupid $#!7 like "buy once, use forever," I'm not inclined to go back and read them.

Buddy I don't know how things work in whatever epeen circles you used to run in, but this forum has a bit of a code of conduct outlined in the TOS we all agreed to follow. You might want to look into that. 

Also welcome to Warframe, if you don't understand that "buy once, use forever" is the model for most items in the game, you may want to try to get to MR 2 before making more posts. Of course reading some of the contributions on the gazillion other threads about this topic might also be useful to you. 


Good luck with that. 

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3 minutes ago, FrostDragoon said:

"Welcome to Warframe" from a console peasant when I've been playing this game for 6 1/2 years... This is why I don't take you seriously. Also, not only are you entirely wrong about what the model is, you're doubly wrong about its impact on the economy.

If you're going to argue playtime, then my opinion is at least non-inferior to yours. 

Try again. 

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