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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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1 minute ago, (XB1)Lucas Jameson said:

Historically they've only ever nerfed weapons that have been genuinely overpowered and broken. Sometimes this is as a result of DE implementing a weapon where after the fact you just have to ask "what were they thinking?" like pre-patch telos boltace

Catchmoon fits into that imo I expect it to be nerfed when it first went in.


Blood rush and body count was a game changer at the time I expected that to be nerfed years ago.


Something like the synoid gammacor more fits into what your saying, they didn't need to Nerf it's original form there are weapons in game stronger than it now and it's been buffed since they nerfed it originally to be close to what it originally was.  Tonkor need toonis similar though that was probably boardline needed.


Anytime you see a weapon  or frame where people are using it 100x more than everything else expect it to be nerfed it's the way the game has always been.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

Catchmoon fits into that imo I expect it to be nerfed when it first went in.


Blood rush and body count was a game changer at the time I expected that to be nerfed years ago.


Something like the synoid gammacor more fits into what your saying, they didn't need to Nerf it's original form there are weapons in game stronger than it now and it's been buffed since they nerfed it originally to be close to what it originally was.  Tonkor need toonis similar though that was probably boardline needed.


Anytime you see a weapon  or frame where people are using it 100x more than everything else expect it to be nerfed it's the way the game has always been.

Literally every mission i play 3/4 people have catchmoon. Most people using it are MR18+

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

Catchmoon fits into that imo I expect it to be nerfed when it first went in.


Blood rush and body count was a game changer at the time I expected that to be nerfed years ago.


Something like the synoid gammacor more fits into what your saying, they didn't need to Nerf it's original form there are weapons in game stronger than it now and it's been buffed since they nerfed it originally to be close to what it originally was.  Tonkor need toonis similar though that was probably boardline needed.


Anytime you see a weapon  or frame where people are using it 100x more than everything else expect it to be nerfed it's the way the game has always been.

Ah. I meant the whole "what were they thinking" remark for about the original weapon design. The synoid gammacor was, at the time, ludicrously powerful if I remember correctly... Maybe they could revert the nerf now

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Lucas Jameson said:

Ah. I meant the whole "what were they thinking" remark for about the original weapon design. The synoid gammacor was, at the time, ludicrously powerful if I remember correctly... Maybe they could revert the nerf now

They kind of did somewhat when they re vamped beam weapons

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The damn Catchmoon had it coming. It is stupid not to use it especially when I got a very dominating riven with it. I already miss my Mara Detron, Akstiletto P, Atomos, Pandero even the Lex Prime 😎.

It is a good change, having default OP weapons is never fun anyway.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

This is out of hand. In response to players liking something. DE chooses to Nerf it to the ground.

With the impressive armory players have at their disposal, nobody should be crowding around the handful that are the only weapons worth using. Nerfs are necessary to encourage players diversify their builds.

And in case it gets brought up: Barring certain frames, Catchmoon has replaced all of my other secondaries due to its sheer power. I use this thing constantly when in the past, I used guns like Arca Scisco or Pyrana Prime.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Instead of bringing other weapons up to par to give us more options. They destroy the meta piece by piece until endgame becomes nothing but a chore with barely any viable wrapons.

That's called "power creep", which is toxic and unhealthy for game balance. Literally every weapon in this game is viable for the average content you engage in which only goes up to level 100 every 1 to 24 hours (kuva floods and sorties). There's no reason for some weapons to trivialize the game, even less so to buff everything to be as broken as them.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

The catchmoon was great for clearing rooms. Used because its customizeable. and about one of the only secondaries that outperformed in all regards.

Perhaps this is why it got nerfed? 😛

The fact it outperforms every other weapon in the, I repeat, impressive armory players have access to is why it needed to be nerfed. No one weapon should be able to outperform next to everything else.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

It needed a balance but dude. Players should have more options.

Technically now that Catchmoon isn't blowing away the competition, and the armies you point it at, you now have a lot more options on what weapons you want to use.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Forcing us to scramble to find something else for high level content that can deal with the unbalanced enemies scaling in warframe.

Unless you're doing endurance runs, which DE doesn't recognize on any official capacity besides a meme decoration for your orbiter by doing 1 hour of Index, I fail to see how enemy defense scaling is an issue. The average missions you'll be running is levels 1-60, just about everything folds by sneezing in their general direction.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Profit taker is a nightmare. Corpus enemies need nerfed. Not our weapons.

Corpus are one of several factions designed to give players challenge, your access to outlandishly broken weapons took that away. They don't need to be nerfed. You do.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Spending 100 hours farming kuva to see all your rivens ruined. It makes the game unenjoyable.

The concept of rivens was that they're supposed to evolve based on weapon popularity. Consider this: If Catchmoon becomes undesirable after the nerf, rivens for it are going to get buffed like crazy.

1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

Tey fixing archwing. Like every match in archwing feels broken. I spawn outside the map. There is no real way to heal.

May I suggest using the Amesha archwing? All the healing you'll ever need.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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The only real problem i have is, i put work in my guns, then they get nerfed,
At this point i lose fun. Its like you're at work and do all right and you build up something working and then someone from the top decides to ruin all of your work.

And yeah game needs some sort of balancing.

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12 hours ago, (XB1)I eat GABAGE said:

On the newest prime time it was shown to us that the catchmoon is being used about as much as all the other secondaries combined. While I agree that the problem needs to addressed. I feel like DEs mindset is entirely in the wrong place. Instead of continuously nerfing the catchmoon they should instead buff other secondaries to make them morr competitive to the catchmoon. I feel as though the proposed changes to the catchmoon and other similar shotguns will not make a noticable enough difference in the choice between catchmoon vs the rest of the secondary arsenal. It is upsetting to me that the reaction to a weapon being used too much is to just try and smack it out of our hands. When you destroyed the trinity nuke i stopped playing for months and I will likely do the same when you nerf my catchmoon and fulmin into the ground. The catchmoon and fulmin are fun... Why not make other weapons more fun instead of trying the take away the fun we are having? Please rebalance how you consider your balancing. >_>

What you're describing is called power creep.  When everything gets buffed, content falls behind, and the game becomes boring.  Outliers need to be changed to prevent a single "necessary" loadout.


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2 minutes ago, MaryoSlayer said:

The weapon was used WAY too much in favor of every other weapon,i mean 60% and the second most used had freaking 7%.

Wow, for real? That's a pretty drastic difference in usage stats. Was this mentioned in the prime time stream or something?

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1 hour ago, (XB1)razberryX said:

I don't think they nerfed the damage, just the range and total falloff. I'd need to see the stats or rewatch the primetime again to get a better comprehension of the stats.


Also Prisma Twin Gremlins still exist.

They reduced the range from 40m to 20m and falloff is 8-16 instead of 10-20, I believe. I believe they also said the damage at falloff is coming down too but not certain.

Personally, it doesn't matter to me a bit because I got bored with the Catchmoon months ago. (Not that anyone cares what I think, just wanted to fill ya in on the stats they said were changing)

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57 minutes ago, Aldain said:

That's just MR27 too, I'd love to know what the total usage rate is across say MR15 to 27.

They actually show stats starting from MR1 all the way to MR27
It starts to ramp up fast around MR10 and after MR16 it is around 40% already and only goes up from there

13 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

Wow, for real? That's a pretty drastic difference in usage stats. Was this mentioned in the prime time stream or something?

Indeed it was

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