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Overview: Prime Time #266!


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I'm not going go at it with the catchmoon nerf, but I would like you guys (and anyone else who designs these things) think about the following: Which kind of weapon would you like to bring to a mission in horde shooter game where tens of enemies come at you every single second.

  1. a weapon like prisma grinlok that shoots 1,67 times a second, has no punch through and hits a single enemy if your aim is not complete garbage and miss OR
  2. a weapon like plasmor, ignis, catchmoon, amprex or similar that can shoot at least as fast, hits multiple enemies and/or punches through them and possibly has a projectile(s) that can hit over wider area

I recommend trying this out actually and a good place to start is the place a lot of people have mentioned in this and other threads, the arbitrations, where you actually have to pixel peep for the drones behind the enemies, but this might be a bit too extreme example(?).

Now what is the best solution? Nerfing all the aoe weapons because they are very conventient to use? Or would it actually be better to introduce something like 1 meter punch through to every single weapon (excluding launchers like ogris and whatever weapons that don't want to have pt) to make the other weapons that are not that great hitting multiple enemies without having to sacrifice a mod slot for it?

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12 hours ago, (PS4)f0l1v31r4 said:

Man I asked that before this “fashion crap excuse” to not have end game content. And they ignore (like usual). 

Right after they increase the riven slots I asked “hey can we have more loadout slots too? At least one for each unique frame.”

then 3 weeks after: “hey players here more fashion slots and gues what? We’re beyond expectation, more config slots also.”

man looks like a meme but it’s real.

I don't know when you started, and I'm not interested in the "I'm saying it first", but I've been asking it from at least January here and on reddit

I even got Pablo's attention on twitter with an infamous image with Times New Roman writings in red

I was so happy, and I wasn't the only one, when with the Saint of Altra update on PC they allowed to purchase loadout slots, but then DE labeled it as a mistake and reverted it and refunded the purchases

For the players that loves variety, this is of paramount importance, and DE should put the money where the mouth is: DE wants player to differentiate and try stuff, but who does it already can't have what they're asking...and we're not asking it for free

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I would really enjoy a simple tutorial for the new melee system in the codex training tab, banners that display the combos (and lift mechanic and combo system + future rage mode) and enemies to practice on. that would benefit a wide range of players from noob to founder 🙂 a quick way of testing and practicing combos and refreshing your memory if you haven't played for a while. 
If not then at least update the current training tab, it's kind of behind right now.

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Well... really all loocks very interesting, even the decision to collect the weapon or a potentially really cool ally!

Regarding to the inbox full of goodies, I get the different perspectives, maybe for people that dont have so much free time to play and are unable to keep a stock of Formas could look like a bit short (same for the Afiinity booster, maybe a few more days could be good there). But at the same time is not a bad balance between free goodies and potential sales. Just an opinion, not my case since just in case I´m keeping a stock o 30+ Formas for Railjack (all form alerts, reliqs, etc), not couting the ones used in my dojo or personal stuff.

Looking forward to the test the new systems! And more important... once this is settle... Railjackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

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Ember has been my favorite frame for about 4 years now. And im not a fan of what yall done with her. Removing her 2 best moves was just a terrible idea. If anything you could keep her 1 have her 2 still accelerant move immolation to her 3 and keep world of fire as her 4. If you wanted to get a little creative as doing with vauban bastille with a press and changing it to vortex with a hold. you can do the same thing with ember with a press of 4 turn on world on fire with a hold on 4 stop WOF and have it do inferno at the cost of more energy. And keep world on fire augment firequake. Come on with that inferno augment.

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22 hours ago, DariusMcSwag said:

Please look into the Requiem Relic drops. Amber Stars seem like a waste, Kuva could be doubled, and Weapon Exilus Adapters arent worth the rare drop.

Please consider: 

- adding another, more common Parazon mod to replace Amber Stars

- Increasing the Kuva value to 2400 - 5000

- Adding Veiled Rivens or Riven Transmuters to replace Weapon Exilus Adapters in the rare slot

I don't think doubling Kuva amounts from the requiem relics is such a good idea, you would already get a good amount from doing siphons/floods (which is how we would get the relics to begin with).

Perhaps having two possible mods to drop from the same relic would be a nice idea actually, it would increase the challenge in a sense that we would need multiple of the same relic in order to obtain all of its rewards, since one of the strongest points of arguments I've seen is sometimes, things that come in mainlines are quickly obtainable.

Adding two or (maybe even three in the future if there are plans for additional requiem mods) would not only make the relics feel more valuable, but also increase the time it takes for us to farm them - which is great, for challenge purposes!

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22 hours ago, Zelmen said:

I am happy to see the option to buy additional config slots. The stream last night explain it went from 20 plat to 10 plat which is definitely more digestible. I still think you need to drop it 1-2 more. If a new frame slot is 20plat and comes with 3 mod configs and 3 fashion frame. I don't see these numbers lining up. 20 / 3 is 6.6 so lets round up to 7. Each add on should realistically be 7 plat. "oh but this is a convenience thing". Make it 8 plat.

Anything more and it is more efficient to do what is currently done and just pay 20plat for a slot plus make a whole new frame. 8 plat is also under double digits which adds the whole 9.99 illusion that you not paying a lot but 10 can seem way more.

10 platinum seems like a very fair price honestly, and its not like you are going to buy additional config/mod slots for EVERY frame you own, this would be a special little extra thing you have the option to do on your favorites.

8 plat does make sense at first but think about it this way, you NEED warframe and weapon slots, we have been playing with 3 configs for years, this is just a nice optional addition.

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8 hours ago, Etzu said:

 they make that Kuva Lich system too "casual" with too few combination, it won't be a challenge and will fall as the stalker, into the "joke vilain". And that would be bad for the time they spend.

I also think the rank of the lich will determine the difficulty to kill it, plus they said that you can donate a lich / probable also cancel them, if you don't want them. So don't worry you'll find what you want and I'll find what I want too.

The combinations will not prevent that in any way. The Stalker is a joke because he's not a threat. If Kuva Liches aren't a threat, then having to faff about with combinations won't make them a threat, it will make them a nuisance, just like the Stalker. But so far, the only threatening solo enemy I've seen was the Wolf, and that was because of terrible design, and actively being immune to the tools we use to kill things. Liches need to be durable enough that they can't be mowed down in an instant, and dangerous enough that they can actually kill you a few times. Putting a combination lock on killing them does neither of those things.

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On 2019-10-25 at 12:12 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Weapons do not come with slots, and you always get a custom version to your Lich if you choose to Vanquish. If you choose to Convert, they keep their weapon but can join you in battles. 

What does it mean by weapons dont come with slots? Will you not be able to mod kuba weapons?

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looking foward on this update, its a nice step into the direction of Progression in the Game, so good to see you guys at DE finally starting to go on this Road, Please Keep going on this track because we all got super powerfull weapons that are just sitting in our arsenals and nothing high level enough to kill.
I hope that in the future you guys will sort out the mess of the armor scaling that is on the game right now and we can get a nice challenge for any player old or new.

I still have Hope on you guys DE. Have a great week ❤️ 

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As somebody who very rarely uses the catchmoon, I do just for one purpose just disappointed at the nerf. Only reason I use it dealing with arb drones. Arb drones are super annoying on console, they can be rather rapid in movement and hidden behind things. Would like to see changes to the arb drones because they super frustrating one reason why I don't like the mode at all. 

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  • Decreased fall off damage from 100 to 10.
  • Decreased range of projectile from 40m to 20m and fall off range from 20-30m to 8-16m.

I understand the range and falloff range decrease but what the falloff damage decrease of 100 to 10 mean?

Can someone explain it too me plz?

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I am exited for the new challenging warframe mission and cautiously optimistic on the melee changes. Cautious because I KNOW there will be things you guys miss and will have to fix down the line. (I'm looking at you Mios + old quick melee...)

I think you guys have a lot more functional fixedness than us players because you develop the game. Example: The Zenistar; you guys are talking about changing (nerfing?) it, which is cool IMO, but did you know half of the weapons use is that it is a slash monster? This is because when you add a lot of 60/60 elemental mods and remove the disc (which can have viral heat [which is becoming even better]) you can have near 100% status chance with NO elements to take up the proc chance.


If your status chance is 80%(lets say you have 3 X 60% mods and a drifting contact) and you have impact at 10 puncture at 10 and slash at 80, your SLASH CHANCE PER HIT is 64%. (If the elements were in the way, like most other weapons you'd have 120 viral damage and 60 heat damage crowding the chances giving you only 22.9%...)

Your highest and most likely to proc element becomes slash (64%) and with a VIRAL de-buff this weapon becomes one of THE BEST SLASH WEAPONS in game on any mission that has point control/defense. The natural trade off is the low range and less than quick attack speed and loosing the viral debuff in missions on the move.


But I digress; please understand that even if our feedback doesn't make sense sometimes, there is usually an underlying reason why we even bother to write it down.

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49 minutes ago, MokutoBunshi said:

I am exited for the new challenging warframe mission and cautiously optimistic on the melee changes. Cautious because I KNOW there will be things you guys miss and will have to fix down the line. (I'm looking at you Mios + old quick melee...)

I think you guys have a lot more functional fixedness than us players because you develop the game. Example: The Zenistar; you guys are talking about changing (nerfing?) it, which is cool IMO, but did you know half of the weapons use is that it is a slash monster? This is because when you add a lot of 60/60 elemental mods and remove the disc (which can have viral heat [which is becoming even better]) you can have near 100% status chance with NO elements to take up the proc chance.


If your status chance is 80%(lets say you have 3 X 60% mods and a drifting contact) and you have impact at 10 puncture at 10 and slash at 80, your SLASH CHANCE PER HIT is 64%. (If the elements were in the way, like most other weapons you'd have 120 viral damage and 60 heat damage crowding the chances giving you only 22.9%...)

Your highest and most likely to proc element becomes slash (64%) and with a VIRAL de-buff this weapon becomes one of THE BEST SLASH WEAPONS in game on any mission that has point control/defense. The natural trade off is the low range and less than quick attack speed and loosing the viral debuff in missions on the move.


But I digress; please understand that even if our feedback doesn't make sense sometimes, there is usually an underlying reason why we even bother to write it down.

It's a known fact that DE hates efficiency of any kind. Though, when they start nerfing on common sense (Destroying double dipping on loot followed by releasing a mod drop booster) and people start preparing to quit, they back up on their actions. Case in point, they're going to nerf a weapon you can't get but by playing the game a fixed number of days..that's dumb. We're forced to eventually take nerfed garbage! Come on now..

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3 hours ago, Seregios said:

So wait did Condition Overload just get raped despite how STUPIDLY RARE it is to farm / EXPENSIVE to buy?



No? It lost its top end of damage, and gained a much higher and easier to achieve minimum damage. It's a change, but not technically good or bad, outside of hyper efficient people proccing all statuses in hour long endurance runs or something. In practice, CO is really good.... But not anywhere near as good as some pretend it to be. People with math in Impact, Puncture, and Gas procs...... Impact and Puncture buff ONE hit, AFTER you have already hit them, and IF you hit them again fast enough. And Gas isn't on the enemy after you proc it, it's toxin, but people pretend it's both on the enemy. Yes, CO can give stupidly high damage right now.... But it's not as much as people pretend it is, and it's not at all NEEDED. Or have you missed just how much extra damage we have?

IMO this is a straight buff to the usability of CO and a straight nerf to Melee Modding as a whole, since this is now actually an auto include on so many Melees. We already lost a slot to Pressure Point, and then we lose slots for Status mods, or we lose slots to Crit and Crit Damage..... A weapon usually wants Fury or Reach, or both..... We only have so much space, what mod do we drop and where? And don't even get me started on the unclear state of things like Berserker, Weeping Wounds, and the Gladiator set.

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On 2019-10-25 at 6:12 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

3) Catchmoon

  • Check out Pablo’s detailed stat review: https://youtu.be/TgkA5CzaLSc?t=1247
  • Decreased fall off damage from 100 to 10.
  • Decreased range of projectile from 40m to 20m and fall off range from 20-30m to 8-16m.

sure, nerf my goto secondary into the ground like you did with the Simulor, thats fine

will you reimburse me with the 13 forma and 3 catalysts that I spent on different versions of my Catchmoons though?

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