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grendel, the useless.


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1 hour ago, --RV--Earth said:

i saw the videos and it seemed pretty useless. you cant deny his 1 ability is spread across 3 buttons for no reason. also why are you attacking the post it literally says ways i think that can improve grendel. wisp has 1 useful ability, gauss is useless, he is just another option to take for speedrun other than volt but the only difference is that volt has 3 useful abilities and gauss has 1. stop being some fan boys blindly defending digital extremes this is feedback and i gave my opinion on how to improve i didnt come here say his trash and left.like gauss and wisp i wont play him except that 1 scenario he is useful in which with grendel the case is none. you have all been trash talking this without explaining what he can do, just saying no your wrong because i have a different opinion is not actual criticism.


lastly this is the one sentence that disproves all your "you dont have him so you cant have an opinion" comments: DE has delayed plenty of content based on player feedback from dev builds, forum posts with future changes/additions and videos. closest example i can think of is that saints of altra was meant to have echos of umbra but it was delayed based on player feedback.

dont come here and just dump your first thought, this is feedback. do some research before u come here.

Ok look, I've shat on de many times before, but jesus there is no reason to be such a twat towards people when YOU haven't touched grendel yet. We have been doing this crap since garuda and revenant were released. I'm not saying pre launch garuda was good either, but still wait until u get your hand on him before calling trash mate.

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3 hours ago, --RV--Earth said:

i would agree if this was true but his 1 only holds enemies inside him that take dmg inflicted to grendel by other enemies. he doesn't kill them. well he might if the ability has dmg and the enemy is low level enough, he might have been good for disruption if the demolysts didn't have a nully pulse to free themselves from him.

as a replacement for inaros, inaros can use his 4 to generate more armor and his 1 to blind, grendel can use his 1 to generate more armor with his passive but he needs to suck enemies for that and to have energy to hold them. he got shields and health unlike inaros with only health and shields dont take the benefit of armor. he does have a lot of health but is his kit enough right now to replace inaros? not unless they give him some new ability. personally i see fitting to replace his 2 with a low cc ability and add his 2 to his 1


I hope you are aware of just how useless Inaros' 4 is outside of the augment aswell as how useless Inaros' other skills are as a whole except for some gimmick occasion where someone may still have some form of use for his #1 to get health back. I mean seriously, who uses any of Inaros' skills besides his 4?

Grendel will be a buffer on level with Rhino and Chroma. He wont be very usable versus bosses or eidolons, due to lack of adds. But for any other type of content he will be an amazing frame, which means he is amazing in 99% of the content really. He will have just the same potential as Rhino and Chroma to wreck demolysts and you dont see anyone complaining about those 2 in disruption. If you play a buffer based frame, why would you go toe-to-toe with a demolyst in the first place? I mean using their nully pulse as some reason for a frame being bad is silly, because it isnt something that should effect the frame if played correctly. I dont run up and kiss them when playing chroma, rhino or octavia, because I know they will strip my buffs, hence why range weapons are a good thing to use. No reason whatsoever to eat demolysts.

Now if boss fights were a major thing in WF I would agree about him lacking, but boss fights make up such a miniscule part of the game and the game itself is based around picking the right tool for the job anyways.

edit: I should also find a JJJ gif for your "wisp has 1 useful ability" comment. I mean, seriously? 

edit 2: Also, Gauss is one of the best melee frames in the game currently with a kit that perfects that playstyle. Maybe you should give frames more of a chance than 10 waves of Hydron button mashing?


Edited by SneakyErvin
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6 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

seems pretty good to me

I will not lie, he looks really useful AND fun.

I will not hesitate to get him when he is finally released, and I am so gonna give him a Pac-Man paint job.


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4 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Who said Gauss would be useless? I know there were concerns over his 3rd ability being useless (which were right until DE buffed it). But other than that I didn’t really see any other valid concerns.

Wisp deserved all the skepticism because that first reveal of her was terrible. Stationary buffs didn’t sound appealing because we figured DE wouldn’t make them strong enough, her 2 was the only thing people liked, her 3 was just a joke (abilities requiring other abilities to be active to cast is a no no) and while her 4 looked cool there were the concerns about its damage output, and those concerns were shown to be very justified (seriously DE, 1 Damage tick per second?).


Wisp is good because her buffs are pretty broken, you press 1 once and you have unlimited speed and health practically without spending energy.

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I watched GHS vid but still...while i like the first 2 abilities and on some degree his passive, i totally loathe his 3rd and 4th abilities.

And i don't like when a frame comes out with half of his kit looking redundant if not totally a waste of an ability slot.

But i'll wait till i get my hands on him before i drop my final verdict.

We shall see

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Ok so that's your opinion. You have right to have one. Let other people decide for themselves, ok?

So you think he have 1or 2 useless powers? Let me ask you when was last time you saw Banshee using other powers than her 3/4? Or valkyr using her 1?  Most of frames have skill that are bad or situational at best. Grendel won't be 1st nor last one to be in this situation.

Try playing frame before jugding it.

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15 hours ago, MPonder said:

What are grendel buffs again?

AoE toxin damage to enermies that attack you, toxin damage buff to you and allies (similar to Saryns 3 except as a team wide buff, also it applies to abilities),  increase amount given from energy pickups (possibly all sources?).

Based on the sponsored Grendel vid.


@(XB1)EternalDrk Mako Sadly that video isn't enough to get much info from, it comes off too much as a sponsored video where they got it under the condition of "say the best things you can about this frame"

And 95% of it was largely stuff we knew already, the only new info I was able to gather from it was that he gets status immunity while having at least 1 enemy eaten and that his 2 armor buff was changed to a toxin damage buff for abilities and weapons.

Besides that it was "this is good" and "this is also good" without going into much detail and not going into downsides at all.


Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the frame, but the video isn't the reason for that wasn't the video (although it did help confirm that the health they showed on the devstream wasnt a fluke), it's that he comes off as another flavor of Inaros, which seems like a good basis to work from. 

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19 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

Yea and Gauss had his every skill buffed the next patch to make him actually playable.

Wisp is still just a passive buff with rest of her skills being pretty useless.

And I honestly doubt Grendel will do much better.

What!? Wisp's abilities are so good it's impossible to die. Plus her 4 can kill 100+ level enemies in a short amount of time.

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20 minutes ago, (NSW)1kSakura said:

What!? Wisp's abilities are so good it's impossible to die. Plus her 4 can kill 100+ level enemies in a short amount of time.

Not to mention her #3 that got massively improved by the buffs recieved shortly after her release. It turns her (and everyone else hitting her targets) into an AoE monster with both ranged and melee weapons, plus it brings a good reliable CC.

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When was the last time we've had a useful frame that offered something new ?

Yeah right. 

I like trying out new frames, customizing them, running out missions with them etc but at the end of the day, I go back to a handful of frames I use to run sorties or arbitrations because lets be honest, most frames don't have anything interesting or crucial to bring to the table. 


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