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BUFF Garuda!


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Garuda: I have infinite scaling damage that can go thru walls and go past armor, as well as have infinite energy and a healing ability.

OP: Garudas weak, buff her.

If Garuda didn’t have to charge her abilities and could just drop 100k slash procs in a second she would literally be Over powered.

And while Dread Mirror is objectively worse than most tank abilities it still grants 100% protection in the direction you’re facing, combine that with quick thinking and she’s practically unkillable.


Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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1 hour ago, Annnoth said:

Tested it. It works exactly like a players. The particles stop against the shield, initial hit does damage but following stream doesnt just like the mechanist. 

Because me and my friends can't help but muck about here's some random dumb findings. Garudas dread mirror blocks any punch through, tried 1 meter, tried lanka's 5 meter, even zeniths infinite so innate PT the way we know it from stats isn't a factor for enemies which explains why the plasmor on vallis hurts you since it has it's own weird form of phasing. HOWEVER, bows still kill you! I They don't bypass either frost shield or volt shield even if you're really really close. I even was so close the arrow stuck into the side, but instead of attatching to the bubble it was attatched to my face so when I moved around I had an arrow in my head despite not receiving damage. I assumed it would block bows because it worked on lank's projectile but guess I was wrong.

Also it blocks the zenistars disc waves. Dunno why, it just does. Doesn't add damage though. Melee in general actually isn't blocked AT ALL. Not even from enemies! I always wondered why they never added damage to the heart. Turns out the only reason they don't hurt you is cause the mirror keeps them at distance. The moment a healer comes in and they aren't stagged or kept at distance, they walk up and hit you no problem.

Reaffirming that mesa's peacemaker spawns the damage on the player and isn't normal hitscan weapon ability. It just blasts you out of existence through the shield.

Also yeah everything we tried that garuda couldn't block from players, volt blocked no problem. That actually upsets me on a personal level ahahaha. Even when I angled his shield up so it's above the ground like garudas mirror, it still blocked flawlessly.

The Lanka, it makes sense since Nullifiers uses it. If Dread Mirror can block PT and Zenistar's Disc at range, i don't know how it don't affect the Projectiles from Terra Overtaker's Convectrix and i think Scrambus/Combas hurt you through the Shield too with their Angstrum.

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4 hours ago, GPrime96 said:

I wonder if they use the same Mechanics as the Player's Ignis instead of being designed for themself, same with Hyekka Masters.


A lot of enemies use the exact weapons players have. Recall when Supra was buffed and suddenly Corpus Techs became death machines. There are manual edits too though like Nullifier's Lanka doing 90% Puncture instead of Electric and Corrupted Crewman's Strun doing mostly Puncture when our version is Impact.

Scorch's Ignis was manually edited twice if I'm not mistaken so who knows what code has been altered from our version. Originally it was a direct copy though where again in 2015 U17 if I recall they buffed Ignis giving it more Range, Innate Multishot and 2m Punch-Through then Scorch units became an invisible damage wtf happened meme.


3 hours ago, Annnoth said:

Also yeah everything we tried that garuda couldn't block from players, volt blocked no problem. That actually upsets me on a personal level ahahaha. Even when I angled his shield up so it's above the ground like garudas mirror, it still blocked flawlessly.

Yep, it's annoying. Volt's Shield is flawless. Perfect example that DE can do something but remain consistently inconsistent.


EDIT: Oh I should mention this is all post rework for Volt. His shield didn't used to block half the stuff it does now.

Edited by Xzorn
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I don't think she's weak, but she takes time to figure out and requires an active playstyle. She's what I'd call more of an advanced Warframe.


Not that I've got anything against buffs, but I don't think she needs them, really. Maybe improve the QT <-> Adaptation interaction instead.

Edited by Kontrollo
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14 hours ago, PRI3RAK729 said:

Almost ALL warframes (maybe even all one) in the game have instant action abilities, BUT NOT GARUDA... 
So while you are charging your ability there are no enemies to kill or the enemies just kill you . . .

Charge times suck when they are a requirement. Two of Hydroid's skills can charge, but I wouldn't say charging them is always necessary. 


15 hours ago, PRI3RAK729 said:

" Garuda sucks".

And it hurts me, because I like this warframe, but IT IS REALLY HARD to play on her in high-level surviving mode,

I feel your pain, bro. You find a warframe you like and you just gotta run it. You must. Hydroid is my boi and he gets a lotta hate. I completely understand that feeling. 

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11 hours ago, Xzorn said:

You know about the Wall-Latch "feature" right? I kinda hope it stays. Makes her feel very spider / vampire like in play style. Also adds a bit of a skill layer.

I had mentioned and shown that back when we had the subforum. It didn't get changed, so I guess it wasn't seen as something that needs fixing or at least wasn't enough of a priority.


12 minutes ago, Prosodical said:

I feel your pain, bro. You find a warframe you like and you just gotta run it. You must. Hydroid is my boi and he gets a lotta hate. I completely understand that feeling. 

Now Hydroid is what I'd call weak. He needs tweaks much more than Garuda, that's for certain.

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19 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Garuda: I have infinite scaling damage that can go thru walls and go past armor, as well as have infinite energy and a healing ability.

OP: Garudas weak, buff her.

If Garuda didn’t have to charge her abilities and could just drop 100k slash procs in a second she would literally be Over powered.

And while Dread Mirror is objectively worse than most tank abilities it still grants 100% protection in the direction you’re facing, combine that with quick thinking and she’s practically unkillable.


Garuda: I have Dread mirror that grants 100% protection, but you have to jump into TONS OF ENEMIES to use it, and prey to The God that there won't be any AH so you can use your Blood altar. Huh? Did you decide just retreat after using 1st ability? Get shot in the ass. Wanna retreat back while using 1st skill + 4th skill is charging, so you can "fly" back? Get shot in the ass from below. And also I have buged healing ability, so you can't rely on one. And yeah, i have "infinite energy", but you have to use my buged Blood altar again and press 3rd ability minimum 2-3 times and there will be a lot of enemies all around you, but you can get cover behind my shield that won't cover your back and from Bomber.

Not OP: Nah, Garuda doesn't need any buff/bug fixing. Yeah there are about 80% chance, that while you will be casting your 4th ability and than 1st ability, some teammate just kill your stack of mobs. Yeah, Mobs are just running away in different directions while you are charging your 1st ability, so you can't hit them all in big room, as any DPS do.
Yeah you don't have abilities that can drop a lot of damage on big area, as almost all DPS do, and mobs, mostly, don't come from one direction, so you have to turn to another direction and charge your abilities again.  IT IS OK.

I don't want to say that Garuda abilities are garbage... Its are strong, but in the same time its are a little bit too situational, in my opinion. Especially in comparing with others.
And, yeah, Garuda is OP if you will just stand in the tube, corridors, corners where your shield can fully cover you and wherever while there are no enemies can be spawned behind you, but then you must camp and I hate camping in this game!

Edited by PRI3RAK729
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11 hours ago, Prosodical said:

Charge times suck when they are a requirement. Two of Hydroid's skills can charge, but I wouldn't say charging them is always necessary. 


I feel your pain, bro. You find a warframe you like and you just gotta run it. You must. Hydroid is my boi and he gets a lotta hate. I completely understand that feeling. 

Thank you , Bro!💪😎

It's a bit sad to hear, that your fav. warframe is Hydroid, because i'm not sure that DE will rework him well 😞

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Garuda is... eh, I guess she is a Warframe...? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the Frame with the least usage of all the frames. I have her on my Xbox account, and even for Mastery Fodder I needed to force myself to equip her for a mission - took me several month to max her.

Everything about her concept screams for help, she is a bad brawler, a bad buffer, a bad support and a bad damage dealer. To be frank she is like Wukong 1.0 but without his survivability or damage output. And her suicide energy regen is more like a gimmick than a playstyle, but suddenly you get oneshoted by lvl 60 trash, instead of the usual lvl125 bombard rocket - before you can use her passive even once.

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4 hours ago, PRI3RAK729 said:

Garuda: I have Dread mirror that grants 100% protection, but you have to jump into TONS OF ENEMIES to use it,



Seems you haven't really played Garuda enough...

As I mentioned to D20 she has a great feature since release which makes her a lot of fun and unique to play.


Thought not sure where the weird forward momentum on her 4th came from in that clip. Def wasn't there when I originally tested her. Then again I don't usually latch or use her 4th from quite that high since her mirror won't block shots from bellow and lul the arrow coming through her back, great geometry positioning there DE.

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39 minutes ago, GPrime96 said:

That's something i use rarely.


Really? I found it quite useful for dealing with high level enemies.

As I mentioned she plays a lot like Volt at high levels and that's kinda how you get similar functionality out of her with a little extra layer of skill by bouncing off a wall on occasion to not compromise positioning. If enemies get to close then Operator Dash them away. Trying to pull up Dread Mirror at lvl 300+ in melee isn't great. It's really her saving grace when it comes to scaling potential. Of course she can do lvl 150 or so without those tricks just fine but I'm always trying to get the most out of a frame.

Mostly though OP was stating the need to leap into melee as required and it's not.

Edited by Xzorn
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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

Trying to pull up Dread Mirror at lvl 300+ in melee isn't great.

Oh yeah i know. Last time i brought Garuda up to 300+ was when i played with Friends in 2 Hours of Mot. At those levels, i have the "Time right or die" moments when it comes to casting her 1 and facing it towards the enemies while keeping myself near the Ancient Healer Specters. I probably have to practice that wall latch playstyle more often.

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On 2019-11-16 at 10:25 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Garuda: I have infinite scaling damage that can go thru walls and go past armor, as well as have infinite energy and a healing ability.

OP: Garudas weak, buff her.

If Garuda didn’t have to charge her abilities and could just drop 100k slash procs in a second she would literally be Over powered.

And while Dread Mirror is objectively worse than most tank abilities it still grants 100% protection in the direction you’re facing, combine that with quick thinking and she’s practically unkillable.


well, while garuda does have silly dmg potential, the kit is very convoluted and could use some tweaking

-dread mirror in general is janky and the mirror should have much higher base duration if not simply last as long as u have a blood orb, would also be nice if the mirror(and volt's shield) got bigger with more power range in some way

-blood altars could stand to have higher base range to give her more freedom of movement as outside of them, garuda isnt very tanky, would also be nice to just get a simple% of MAX health/s instead of a % of MISSING health/s

-its also very weird how bloodletting scales with Efficiency instead of STR considering thats what the kit wants us to build towards while using rage/hunter adrenaline and this skill itself for energy management instead of investing into power Efficiency

-and finally very annoying that garuda needs 200% or more STR for a guaranteed way to deal with armored enemies, allowing us to reach 100% bleed chance with her 4 with less STR(~150%) would help a lot 🙂 bit more base duration for the mark would help too


Edited by TKDancer
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I don't know if this is still a thing but arbitration drones also removed blood alter the last time I took garuda to arbitrations and that really ruined her viability. 

In any case i agree with the complaints. You're better of using another frame even tho garuda has a cool look. 

Edited by Chaemyerelis
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On 2019-11-17 at 12:18 AM, Xzorn said:


From the testing I've done it seems to be how radial damage interacts with terrain, objects and player made objects. Snow Globe, Dread Mirror, Mass Vitrify.

Napalms, Hyeka Firebomb toss, Scorch's Ignis, Grineer Jetpack Bombardments, Nox's shot as shown. Quite a few AoE effects just ignore objects & terrain.

They have fixed a few over time Raptor Bombardments and Tar Mutalist's Tar shots now interact with terrain and at least Snow Globe from what I've noticed.

Doesn't come up a lot outside cases like Garuda where it's quite critical for her Barrier ability to work correctly. Frost / Gara can just back up from the Barrier a bit.

Having tested both Garuda's and Volt's shield I deduced that AOE attacks are only blocked if you block on the same plane as the point of impact. Let me explain


If you leave your feet slightly exposed with Volt's shield Napalm rockets will send you flying, making sure the shield extends to the floor (as you subconsciously do) prevents this from happening. Garuda's feet are always exposed during Dread Mirror hence she always gets ht unless you wall latch just right then it block those projectiles (as long as they don't land behind you😂) as Garuda's entire body will be behind the Mirror. That covers Napalms, Noxes and Helion rockets (in this case they go over the shield, just jump to meet them half way and you're golden). If Garuda's shield could come down if we crouch that would be a welcome QOL change.

Other things that don't add damage to Dread Mirror: Eidolon energy spike, Ropalolyst beam cannon thing

There are a few projectiles which you cannot do anything about no matter what you try. Scrambus and Comba Detron projectiles chief among them😤 these things will punch through your shield no matter what and they'll come flying at you so you can barely react but are slow enough that you can see them coming towards you with vicious intent when you view a replay of your seemingly inexplicable death.

Oh yeah and screw ancients 

Beyond those Garuda is in a solid spot. Her damage is solid, having to set it up isn't very annoying think of it as elegant murder. Surviving with a decently built Garuda is quite trivial. Unless a Nullifier suddenly learnt how to hit his target for once a single blood altar and a brain is all you really need to survive anything up level 150(endurance runners can chime in beyond this point with their experiences). Are you getting staggered back to back by Heavy Gunner fire just use blood altar even if there's an ancient around, it's oddly cathartic. It is slightly annoying that Garuda's passive necessitates QT in order to be used but her kit allows her to have functionally infinite energy so that's cool and it works. She's also a good pick for Orb fights and Eidolons if you need a breath of fresh air every once in a while(if you see those Orb Vallis trenchers please smite them and bathe the stars in their blood, they are devil spawn). Garuda isn't about near instant gratification, does it make her slower yes, does it make her more interactive yes...that's enough for me to justify why she's slower than popular nuke frames. You want to know a frame who needs buffs...Titania, oh poor fairy queen

On 2019-11-16 at 11:40 PM, Xzorn said:


You know about the Wall-Latch "feature" right?

Discovered this by accident, very nice feature👌

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9 hours ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:



If you leave your feet slightly exposed with Volt's shield Napalm rockets will send you flying, making sure the shield extends to the floor (as you subconsciously do) prevents this from happening. Garuda's feet are always exposed during Dread Mirror hence she always gets ht unless you wall latch just right then it block those projectiles (as long as they don't land behind you😂) as Garuda's entire body will be behind the Mirror. That covers Napalms, Noxes and Helion rockets (in this case they go over the shield, just jump to meet them half way and you're golden). If Garuda's shield could come down if we crouch that would be a welcome QOL change.


It might help in a few instances, but not every one. For example there are things I've been testing that garuda can't block that volt can even when basically looking >45 degrees up where my legs are fairly exposed, way more exposed than garuda's and enemies are still unable to damage me even when shooting at the lowest parts of my shield. The only reason you'd get hit is because sometimes enemies aim at the floor in front of your feet, almost always at close range so if they ever did have an angle to hit your toes they wouldn't take it. This seems to apply to all enemies, even non AoE or hitscan enemies. The only damage you take from napalms is their incredibly tiny (5 damage per tick against shields at level 100) heat proc which doesn't even trigger off any damage, it just gets applied if the shot explodes within range. Outside of that, I actually took no damage except for when he shot the floor while the shield was raised.

Meanwhile garuda will block a direct hit to the center and take full damage. I even was wall latching and still took damage with every shot after a few rounds of testing. If you want, I could provide footage so you can compare. 

Edited by Annnoth
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14 hours ago, (PS4)RazorPhoenix970 said:

Having tested both Garuda's and Volt's shield I deduced that AOE attacks are only blocked if you block on the same plane as the point of impact. Let me explain


Some shots from enemies will interact with Dread Mirror but the radial damage they produce will not.

A Napalm shot directly hitting her shield will still damage her with it's radial AoE explosion. Same with Nox. You can compare those various effects with terrain as well since they also ignore cover. It's just old/bad coding. Back in the day almost everything went through walls, there was no line of sight and this is just a relic of that.

Over time DE has made abilities obey line of sight / terrain and more recently melee but AoE attacks/weapons have remained fairly untouched which results in nonsense like what Garuda has to deal with. I'm not sure if the lack of change is due to lag issues or cpu usage since radial damage exposure works similar to how shadows are cast but if they were to fix the core flaw it would be a double edged sword as our AoE weapons would no longer hit through walls either.

I'm a fan on consistency myself be it for better or worse and despise exceptions to mechanics aka rules.

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Her gameplay is clearly demanding, It's like playing a mage in rpg game, you have to always cast, watch your timer, cast again. If you're lazy (or ofc watching for TTK) Garuda isn't the frame you should look for.

What worry me the most is her claw. You can't bring them in melee only (I checked on the last sortie friday or saturday) and they cutt em off in primary/secondary only ! It's listed as an exalted weapon, then suffer some mod restriction, but is also treated like any other melee weapon. They give it disadvantage of both and forget to include Talon in garuda's gameplay. There is no difference in equipped venka or talon.

I used to play Mesa (hit 2and3) watch my +80s timer then enloy killing everything with PM or primary/secondary/melee for fun, but when it gets boring, I move on Titania or Garuda, because I have to play actively to be efficient. But again, it feels like I'm playing "timer simulator" spending less time fighting more time monitoring.


Waiting for Titania Prime, soon, and ofc later Garuda Prime, soon™.

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On 2019-11-17 at 11:33 PM, TKDancer said:

-and finally very annoying that garuda needs 200% or more STR for a guaranteed way to deal with armored enemies, allowing us to reach 100% bleed chance with her 4 with less STR(~150%) would help a lot 🙂 bit more base duration for the mark would help too

well they just buffed that, 75% base chance instead of 50% now

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