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Nerf Serration and Buff Faction Dmg


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15 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

except when your status chance increasing mods are +90%,
your slah/impact/puncture mods are +90%
and when your Bane of XXX is +90%

but your serrcation is maxed at +50%

then you get back to something where your weapon can be even better than it is now,
but against specific factions,
but instead of everyone using the same weapon for every single mission
you would actually change your weapon for each faction

1. Status Damage is not affected by the 90% given by status mode such as the Primed Toxin 120%. This effects the potency and proc chance for a certain element, let's say for example Corrosive. When I proc corrosive, it takes the damage buff on Ferrite armor for your damage, and multiplies it off your BASE damage. Base damage is calculated off your damage percentage multiplier via Hornet Strike, Serration etc.


2. Catchoon got nerfed, that's old news. Prisma Twin Gremlins gang rise up!


3. I change my weapons based on what faction I'm fighting, even before the Catchmoon nerf. For grineer I'd run Pyrana Prime or Prisma Twin Gremlines or Mara Dootron. There were many viable weapons before the Catchmoon, and during the Reign of Catchmoon. 


4. Serration isn't maxed at 50% extra damage? Wym by that.

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Let's make a game more annoying to play, shall we? 

Switching loadouts constantly is nothing about skill or effort as you seem to think, OP. It's just stupid busywork. 

Been a while since I saw a suggestion so bad it would make the game a bother to play.

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2 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

Read the name of the group..

i am suggesting nerfing it on a whole

and increasing the other mods

Such as status/elemental/ procs...


You don't need to nerf serration, hell, we don't even need serration to deal the amounts of damage we do and complain about.

Nerfing serration isn't going to fix the power creep problem, or force us to use other builds.

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1 minute ago, zoffmode said:

Let's make a game more annoying to play, shall we? 

Switching loadouts constantly is nothing about skill or effort as you seem to think, OP. It's just stupid busywork. 

Been a while since I saw a suggestion so bad it would make the game a bother to play.


okay then please make a suggestion,
that fixes this end game crisis,
that doesnt require years of work from WF
with 2 hours of effort before we finish it..

the only way wf can get any end game that will actually last,
is to make the enemies we generally struggle with ...

not nuke without thought

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20 minutes ago, Tetraneon said:

the point was to nerf all dmg mods not just serration, sorry for name of group,
but it was stated in messages

but here's the thing, Serration and other damage mods can buff the elemental mod altogether meaning that the elemental mods are doing more damage also. The damage is helping the mostly elemental/status to proc before other damage types. So that said being, It helps the status/elemental.

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vor 50 Minuten schrieb Tetraneon:

okay then please make a suggestion,
that fixes this end game crisis,
that doesnt require years of work from WF
with 2 hours of effort before we finish it..

the only way wf can get any end game that will actually last,
is to make the enemies we generally struggle with ...

not nuke without thought

Remove armor scaling, compensate mobs with a lot more hp and higher hp scaling so that all factions are equally difficult and kill times are more dependent on throughput and build efficency rather than your capabiltiy to go thorugh armor as enemies beneath let glass cannons look tanky.

Add new mission where enemies start from 150+. We've outlived level 100 enemies years ago. Trimming down playerpower to make existing conquered content more difficult will neither satisify the people who desire endgame nor the ones who don't.

Nerfing generally makes more people unhappy than happy. Offer more power on the enemy side so we can use the power we have.

The Grendel missions are the exact extreme shpwcase of this. Sure they are more difficult but not too many people enjoyed them ebcause people want a challenge for their power and not be challenged because their power is stripped.

This goes for all the cheap little mechanics like energy drains, nullifications and buff purging, status immunities and sclaing armor that do merely twst the emta instead of being engaging or fun. Let players use their repertoire and throw things at them that can live up to that.

Balancing the player power can come after that.

And also jsut as an example. I don't even use Primed Pressure Point on my melees atm with CO being additive. Removing that wouldn't take a shred melees power potential away. Would only make guns worse which wouldn't help at all.


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Tetraneon:


okay then please make a suggestion,
that fixes this end game crisis,
that doesnt require years of work from WF
with 2 hours of effort before we finish it..

the only way wf can get any end game that will actually last,
is to make the enemies we generally struggle with ...

not nuke without thought

It seems like the game you actually want to play is gears of war. Go ahead and play the latest one, i heard that it is very good and quite challenging on the highest difficulty. But dont try to ruin wf copy it over to another game because it never works.

Your "endgame" dream wont be solved by numbers because just shifting around numbers wont make meaningful or enjoyable difficulty. You need mechanics for that.

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5 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

It seems like the game you actually want to play is gears of war. Go ahead and play the latest one, i heard that it is very good and quite challenging on the highest difficulty. But dont try to ruin wf copy it over to another game because it never works.

Your "endgame" dream wont be solved by numbers because just shifting around numbers wont make meaningful or enjoyable difficulty. You need mechanics for that.

Off topic (even though the topic is laughable) but Gears 5 is a decent campaign. 



PvP on the other hand.....

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5 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

I honestly believe war frame will be more fulfilling and will force people to use different load outs
if they nerfed all Base DMG mods, and increased Faction DMG, and Status Mods (Duration,Perc,Types),
nerfing Base DMG, will by default reduce reliance on Crit.

I see so many people playing with the exact same loud-out for every single mission,
with no understanding for how to mod for factions, but they do fine,
and they have no reason to learn how the mechanics of the game actually work.


Wouldn't that be against the idea of getting the power in the first place? Or so this forum loves to tell me that when ever I suggest self nerf.

You can't bother to nerf yourself, but you're more than happy begging DE to do it to everyone. All because, you don't like the way others play, tough cookies. You're not incharge and this idea is not helpfull. It shows your disdain with those who don't play your way.

I told you assume a lot about others. Not very bright. You assert everyone plays the same with no understanding how to mod for factions. Here is a question, why should they? If what they are doing is fun for them, what right do you have to tell them otherwise? No one is forcing you to play with anyone.

Here is my suggestion to help the topic. Teach players who share your playstyle, how to mod for faction, yourself. Be a leader, not a whiner.. 

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6 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

*snip* nerfing Base DMG, will by default reduce reliance on Crit.

This is wrong, I'm afraid.  Crit damage is a multiplier on damage, and more damage is always better than less damage, and thus multiplicative bonuses to smaller damage amounts will in fact, become more important.

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4 hours ago, Tetraneon said:


okay then please make a suggestion,
that fixes this end game crisis,
that doesnt require years of work from WF
with 2 hours of effort before we finish it..

the only way wf can get any end game that will actually last,
is to make the enemies we generally struggle with ...

not nuke without thought

if you're killing lichs too fast and think the game is too easy with mods. why don't you just nerf yourself? don't equip those mods and play the game in "hard" mode.  the enemy scaling haven't changed and prob won't for months or years. you can easily try out your idea of fun, which apparently no one likes.  knowing the game doesn't mean I should be forced to work to play the game.  having elemental or faction load outs for every mission and enemy type is just dumb. there are way better ways to change warframe to become harder or more challenging. nerfing is the laziest and most min effort way to fix anything.

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You don't force people to play how you want them to play. That would breed malcontent in the player base. That's not even nerfing a broken mod that has been around for ages. Cough cough, Maiming Strike, Blood Rush, Condition Overload, etc. You would be nerfing a fundamental mod. 

If Weapon exilus slots were allowed to have mods like that or reload speed in them, I could maybe see them being used. But, as of now. While Bane mods are great for double dipping in slash and gas procs. It's better to use that mod slot for something else instead. Especially if you're meaning using primed banes. Those use a lot of mod capacity and will eat a forma that could have been saved, or used for something else.

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Warframe is a power fantasy game. If I'm not powerful and able to have some mindless fun, then I'll go to the next game that does offer that.

Imagine that you booted up a Mario game, for a moment but instead of controlling a couple of adorable Italian plumbers and jumping on the heads of some turtles, you were presented with a quiz show and the game made you spin a wheel and then whack some moles with a mallet. Would you be fine with that? You bought into playing a Mario game, but the other players decided they wanted a whack a mole wheel spinning simulator instead, so, sucks to be you!

Or if you buy some cheese from the store, open it up, and it's actually a yogurt wheel instead, because the other customers said they thought a yogurt wheel would be fun.

Or a pony. Only you get a cat. Because reasons.

There is nothing wrong with any of those things, but when you buy a product, you expect that product. There's nothing wrong with adding features to a product. A toaster with a clock on it? Cool! Long as it browns my toast, I'm fine with that. 

What you are proposing is making another game, changing the fundamental core and purpose of the product, but still keeping the original products name. 

You can add things like frame fighter to the game. What you can't do, is make frame fighter THE game. Then it's no longer Warframe, it's Frame Fighter. Warframe is not, nor should it ever be the Loadout Management Simulator.

Edited by M3tallius
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By the way, this idea in no way accounts for the Corrupted in the Void, which are made of a mix-mash of Corpus Grineer and Ancient Infested.

I don't think I need to spell out how having damage do nothing to the wrong faction units would cause the Void to be nigh-unplayable because of how much weapon swapping would need to be done.

It also doesn't solve the fact that Corpus are made of paper and Infested are so weak that they need legions of Ancients damage reduction to not explode from a sneeze.

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11 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

I honestly believe war frame will be more fulfilling and will force people to use different load outs
if they nerfed all Base DMG mods, and increased Faction DMG, and Status Mods (Duration,Perc,Types),
nerfing Base DMG, will by default reduce reliance on Crit.


Nobody liked that

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7 hours ago, Renegade343 said:

So how would Heavy Caliber, Amalgam Serration, Augur Pact and other such mods work? Would they be like options to select?

Amalgam serration will have to be changed to something like amalgam vital sense or pointstrike maybe. 

Other damage mods can stay as is, don't see why they would need to change (but will need to work like vitality mods, only acting on the base damage) 

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