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1000 Dirac = 1 Intrinsics point


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10 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Drones are just like buying weapons, the difference is just that you need to find the BP first and hope it has the right stats before you buy the weapon. Other than that they both skip the material grind and build time.

thanks for telling me nothing that I did not know already

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2 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

Because that's a grey zone of Pay2Win and Pay to Progress faster. 
1000 dirac = 1 intrinsic point = 50 plat. That'll be like paying so you don't have to re-level your warframe after every time you put a forma into it.

It's almost like selling Dirac for plat was a bad idea from the start. I mean, can we buy endo or focus for plat? When did DE get so out of touch?

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 2 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

Rush Repair Drones are a grey area, I wouldn't define them as pay2win but they are more than just Pay to Progress faster as they take the resource gathering from it. I don't agree with at all.

What is your argument then?

All because a single item (Rush Repair Drones) are in the grey area doesn't mean we should be asking for more.

And i believe DE already said they also don't like how they are.
But there's a big difference between having an item that skips the entire repair process, but you still need to get the wreckage, than having a feature to outright buy the end result.

1 hour ago, 8faiNt said:

well to be fair I dont need your opinion to approve that the mechanic is pay2win. because it is, and thats actually a fact, considering how much of a big gap of a grind that is skippable with only 50p

So, your opinion is fact?
Because, Joe is right, you're skipping some steps, but you can buy resources in the game since it's inception, people don't do it because it's dumb. The repair drone is more of this. You still need to farm for the wreckage. But given your early post, i'm guessing you didn't play enough to realize that.

39 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

thanks for telling me nothing that I did not know already

So, you're wrong?

28 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

You are missing the whole topic's matter so go back to reading again

Actually, i think you're the one missing the point...
You're saying that Repair drones finally drove DE into a P2W territory, while in reality, they just do what other options did in the past. You can buy resources and made weapons with plat from the market already, so nothing new.
Which leads to a conclusion: your point about P2W in the game is either wrong, or you were comfortable enough with it so far that makes it moot. So using that to justify an actually 100% P2W mechanic is invalidated.

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

It's almost like selling Dirac for plat was a bad idea from the start. I mean, can we buy endo or focus for plat? When did DE get so out of touch?

You can buy endo for plat, on their store they have IIRC something like 1K endo for 50 plat or some absurd rate and on top of that you can pay for sculptures/legendary cores on trade chat.  Buying rush repair drones is no different then people buying hema for platinum because their clan will never finish the research, but rush repair drones actually require you to play the game to use them you can't just buy them and magically get a Mk III weapon/engine/reactor in your inventory without playing.  

Sounds neat, get 1 intrinsic point for 1K dirac is a reasonable rate and encourages people to play.  

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41 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

And i believe DE already said they also don't like how they are.
But there's a big difference between having an item that skips the entire repair process, but you still need to get the wreckage, than having a feature to outright buy the end result.

So, your opinion is fact?
Because, Joe is right, you're skipping some steps, but you can buy resources in the game since it's inception, people don't do it because it's dumb. The repair drone is more of this. You still need to farm for the wreckage. But given your early post, i'm guessing you didn't play enough to realize that.

So, you're wrong?

Actually, i think you're the one missing the point...
You're saying that Repair drones finally drove DE into a P2W territory, while in reality, they just do what other options did in the past. You can buy resources and made weapons with plat from the market already, so nothing new.
Which leads to a conclusion: your point about P2W in the game is either wrong, or you were comfortable enough with it so far that makes it moot. So using that to justify an actually 100% P2W mechanic is invalidated.



and yes not wasting a single min on railjack is a win considering how pathetic the gameplay is

yeah. It is p2w.

congratz on the wall of text to a sarcastic text tho.




but you can buy resources in the game since it's inception

Yes 1 neurodes costing 10 plat which is dumb to buy

1 MK III costing 20 fresnals prob as rare as neurodes so that alone should make rush drone more than 200plat but thats nothing considering the time you skip too.

it is indeed a win

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3 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:


yeah. It is p2w.

Ok, then you have an issue, because, according to you, weapons and Warframes are also P2W, so you're either comfortable with playing P2W, which, again invalidates your whole point.
Or idk man, just unninstal.

As for your final quote, it's your opinion. Wrong as it might be, you're entitled to it. Just don't go about confusing your opinion with fact like you've done earlier in the post. And since you haven't played the game mode, that pretty much invalidates all feedback you give about it.

1 minute ago, prodi1600 said:

Another pay to skip mechanic?? you do realize the entire point of railjack its to grind for Intrinsic points, once you maxed everything there no reason for revisit that content. Your suggestion would kill the game mode.

Hopefully there'll be more railjack content soon, i mean what we've got is pretty much the MVP for it.
If they do this well, the new war tie-in can be a good way to keep us fighting in railjack for a long time.

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4 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

Ok, then you have an issue, because, according to you, weapons and Warframes are also P2W, so you're either comfortable with playing P2W, which, again invalidates your whole point.
Or idk man, just unninstal.

As for your final quote, it's your opinion. Wrong as it might be, you're entitled to it. Just don't go about confusing your opinion with fact like you've done earlier in the post. And since you haven't played the game mode, that pretty much invalidates all feedback you give about it.

Wrong because you think it is wrong?


47 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

So your opinion is fact?


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3 hours ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

The difference is that with an Affinity booster you have to play to get the benefits of said booster. With directly buying intrinsic (which gives you mastery points as well btw) you aren't doing anything to earn that.

It's no different for endo, credit, plat, and even dirac itself.

All of them allow people to progress faster by upgrading whatever things, warframe has always been P2W in that term.

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Just now, ReaverKane said:

No, wrong because the overwhelming majority of people disagrees with you. You're wrong by democracy!

eh Democracy on warframe kinda of a dumb way to get things right considering majority of the community actually dont know anything and just looking things up on youtube so I doubt the people who doubt me know anything about marketing or what a plat sinkhole is

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5 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

It's no different for endo, credit, plat, and even dirac itself.

All of them allow people to progress faster by upgrading whatever things, warframe has always been P2W in that term.

There's a difference, because with all those things, you then have to engage with the game to use them for something. Like you buy plat, then buy creds, but creds in themselves aren't an objective. You need to then use those creds to build stuff etc. The stuff you build or buy with the creds is the objective.
Same with dirac, you don't use dirac on it's own, you need to acquire the avionics and the railjack to use the dirac. The improved Avionics and grid are the objective.
But trading dirac for Intrinsics, is buying an objective on it's own. It's equivalent to buying levels on your warframe or weapons. That would be P2W, in fact the only thing that makes it kinda ok to buy weapons and other stuff directly, is that a lvl 0 warframe or weapon, is pretty much useless. You'll always need to play it. This would cross that like completely.

2 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

eh Democracy on warframe kinda of a dumb way to get things right considering majority of the community actually dont know anything and just looking things up on youtube so I doubt the people who doubt me know anything about marketing or what a plat sinkhole is

Lol, pretentious much? Seriously... Everyone is wrong, i am right? That's your stance!? I can see you're a man of character!
In fact i do have marketing training, and i do know what any currency sinkhole is, actually most gamers will be aware of the later. And yet no one needs that knowledge to gauge if the gameplay is pathetic or not.



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6 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

There's a difference, because with all those things, you then have to engage with the game to use them for something. Like you buy plat, then buy creds, but creds in themselves aren't an objective. You need to then use those creds to build stuff etc. The stuff you build or buy with the creds is the objective.
Same with dirac, you don't use dirac on it's own, you need to aquire the avionics and the railjack to use the dirac. The improved Avionics and grid are the objective.
But trading dirac for Intrinsics, is buying an objective on it's own. It's equivalent to buying levels on your warframe or weapons. That would be P2W, in fact the only thing that makes it kinda ok to buy weapons and other stuff directly, is that a lvl 0 warframe or weapon, is pretty much useless. You'll always need to play it. This would cross that like completely.

Hmmmm, so 100000x affinity booster with 100k plat isn't p2w because you have to engage the game anyways, right?

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27 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

Lol, pretentious much? Seriously... Everyone is wrong, i am right? That's your stance!? I can see you're a man of character!
In fact i do have marketing training, and i do know what any currency sinkhole is, actually most gamers will be aware of the later. And yet no one needs that knowledge to gauge if the gameplay is pathetic or not.

Then how are you failing to see that this is what GTA Online been doing and it is what DE is doing and adapting to their own game? might as well say that you didnt get much from that training. well from all i know you could even be lying about it. Its on the internet its gotto be true?

p2w cannot be implemented to Warframe completly because it is a PVE game so you need to stop thinking as if this is your classic PVP game. You wont get any superioty to others by paying. But the huge advantage on warframe is that you dont waste week of farming on railjack if you are a grown up man playing this game. which is always a win.

Rush Drones shouldnt have been a thing because they make resources obsolete and also it is the most logical thing to do.it is also skipping the whole content which is arguably good or bad that depends if you like the railjack bs or not

Sooo considering you will be a week head of others by paying and enjoying the content more it is p2w because literally what you are skipping and getting is actual stronger weapons while others still have the stock gun wasting their time to get resources to build a weapon and etc.

anyway.. Microtransactions at its best..


and no this isnt the same with buying a gun from market a mr4 can buy an arca plasmor but wont have the mods nor the tradings left to get everything he needs to mod that weapon correctly in 1 day.


Everyone is wrong, i am right?

yes that's what happens if you cant think for yourself so maybe you shouldnt ve trusted the '' majority '' and write something so ''pretentious'' about the topic thinking you are right because you have the majority on your side.

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1 minute ago, SordidDreams said:

The whole point of a booster is that it gives you more levels than you earned, and for those extra ones you paid money.

Booster = still have to play the game.

Levels = only has to pump money in to get progress.


The difference between them is that fine line of "pay to win faster, not pay to win" that Warframe is well known for walking.

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2 minutes ago, HintOfMalice said:

Booster = still have to play the game.

Levels = only has to pump money in to get progress.


The difference between them is that fine line of "pay to win faster, not pay to win" that Warframe is well known for walking.

I mean, "pay to win faster" has "pay to win" right in it. It's a built-in feature. If you're buying boosters, you're paying money to play the game less. That must mean playing the game is something bad that you don't want to do, so why wouldn't you want to pay to not have to play at all?

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3 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

"pay to win faster" has "pay to win" right in it

"slaughter" has "laughter" right in it and yet, it's not very funny.

An obviously fanciful comment, but still, you can't just ingore the "faster" part because it suits you. It adds essential context.


6 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

If you're buying boosters, you're paying money to play the game less.


6 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:


Yes, thank you. That's what I said.


7 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

That must mean playing the game is something bad that you don't want to do, so why wouldn't you want to pay to not have to play at all?

First of all, no, wanting to pay to play less doesn't mean you don't want to play the game. In most cases, it's new content thatpeople are buying so they're just either too lazy or too excited to sit through the grind. Or maybe they know others are going to buy it and they don't want to be left out. Who knows why people buy plat or boosters or new weapons or whatever else? All I know is that saying people who buy to speed up progress don't want to play the game is ridiculous.


And secondly, it's not really down to what you or I want. There may well be some people who don't enjoy the game at all but still want to check out the new, cool stuff. Unfortunately, grinding the game is the only thing that brings people back, so they're most likely never going to allow players to completely circumvent the grind. I'll eat my dog's ashes if DE ever offers a Max rank Warframe with multiple forma and a full compliment of maxed out mods for sale.

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24 minutes ago, HintOfMalice said:

wanting to pay to play less doesn't mean you don't want to play the game

If there's anything ridiculous here, it's that. If the game is fun, there is no reason to skip gameplay like that. If the game isn't fun, is a new frame or a new gun going to make it fun? I don't think so.

24 minutes ago, HintOfMalice said:

And secondly, it's not really down to what you or I want. There may well be some people who don't enjoy the game at all but still want to check out the new, cool stuff. Unfortunately, grinding the game is the only thing that brings people back, so they're most likely never going to allow players to completely circumvent the grind. I'll eat my dog's ashes if DE ever offers a Max rank Warframe with multiple forma and a full compliment of maxed out mods for sale.

Of course they won't offer that, because short-sighted people would call that complete package pay to win, completely oblivious to the fact that you can already buy almost all of that piecemeal. Frame? Buy with plat. Potato and forma? Buy with plat. Maxed out mods? Trade for with plat. Affinity to rank it to max? Five minutes on Adaro (with help from a random hired for plat if you have no friends). But somehow that five minutes is what separates this game from being pay-to-win? Please. 🙄

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