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Your thoughts on Intrinsics 10s?


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I assume that by now plenty of players already have at least one or more intrinsics maxed, so was thinking this would be a good time to collect some general feedback so others can benefit from it and strategize accordingly. So, what do you think after actually trying them out? I'm currently at 10-10-9-10, and this is my feedback/experience:

Tactical 10:

I think it's awesome, although with the current missions we have available, it doesn't see much practical use from me aside from specific situations.

Conceptually, the ability to warp to anywhere where a squad mate is .. is pretty damn cool.

Worth noting that, contrary to its description "from ship to crew member", it actually works from anywhere to anywhere. Including if you or/and the target squad member is out there on archwing, railjack, structures, crew ships, etc.

I think it's going to be really important later on when we have more variety in missions, and even more so with "raidjacks".

Piloting 10:

I found it underwhelming so far, but I'm yet to test it under conditions where we can cluster groups of enemies and hit them all at once. I plan to do that once I get Void Hole, as it sounds like it could be fun. Would love some feedback on this one too!

Engineering 10:

By far the one I use the most when playing solo. Being able to quick remote repair a critical breach and get back to whatever I was doing, is awesome.

I've heard bad things about it, but that hasn't been my experience at all. It consumes Revolite as a normal repair would and does it job.

I would love some QoL thou, like not being locked out of using the Tactical interface when the repair is on going. For example, warping in side ship.

Worth mentioning, that you can start a repair and exit the tactical screen. No need to wait for it to finish.


I don't have gunnery 10 because I heard it's awful and makes it worst than not having it. Would be specifically interested on feedfback about this one.

Thanks in advance for all and any feedback!




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Tactical 10: is indeed amazing although I don't use it at all since I mostly play solo.

Piloting 10: is like a smaller hitbox particle ram you can just headbutt earth and some saturn enemies while boosting to insta GIB them.

Gunnery 10: is rather annoying if you use aim a lot. it's current implementation is more for "quickscoping" since the reticle stays on the target for half a second and then "loses" track of it. I've also noticed it's not consistent too cuz the reticle doesn't always "lock on" properly. Other than that it's ok I guess.

Engineering 10: is indeed a godsend for solo quick repairs and since my ship is tanky enough to withstand the toughest veil mission under direct fire of enemies for literal minutes on end before even getting close to a critical breach ( haven't had a critical breach  ever since I got my 6K HP and 5.7K armor) I don't even have to worry about it's double revolite cost per repair drawback.

Edited by EDM774
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Tact 10: Niche, useful when you need it

Pilot 10: trash, does no damage. 

Gunnery 10: not trash, below it. 

Engineer 10: trash, i regurarly solo'd (when i used to play RJ ) veil proxima without needing to fix anything, this requires double the amount of Revolite, takes 10s to repair 1 breach at a time.

Command 10: gonna be trash too. I mean, when did the AI ever work in this game ? 

Oh wait, actually they are all good, they give 1.5k mastery each for reaching them after all, all worth the damn 512 intrinsics 😮 


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10-10-10-10 w/ enough intrinsic to max out Command whenever it's out.

Tactical 10(Semi-Trash): Teleporting to a player is useful, but more than half the time, it does nothing and bugs out from being used for the rest of the mission. 

Pilot 10(Trash): Needs speed/boost mods to even ram into enemies consistently, but even then, it does a minuscule amount of damage.

Gunnery 10(Trash): Semi auto aim, but with the bullets having travel time, it's better to just lead your shots manually. I've tried Photor and Pulsar, but those guns don't seem to trigger the auto aim for some reason. Maybe hit-scan weapons won't work?

Engineer 10(Semi-Trash): Cost to repair is doubled. I can leave pilot seat, manually repair 3 different casualties at half the cost, finish them before 1 remote repair finishes, AND get back to pilot seat. Only useful to repair major breaches if you're too lazy to repair them yourself.

Command 10(Soon™ to be Trash): N/A, but I no longer have high hopes.

Honestly, these rank 10 perks should be somewhere around 2-4. They don't deserve to be put in such a high spot.

I was ecstatic when DE showed a perk system because I'm a huge fan of Killing Floor 1 & 2. The perk system in KF 1 & 2 were actual upgrades and you'd actually WANT to level them up because of quality of life improvements.

Railjack perks? Nope.

Edited by PeachyPeaches
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13 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I stopped Levelling at 7, I really don't see the value for the effort I would have to put in. 

The archwing buffs are actually kinda nice.  Your blink is noticeably faster and you can hit 75% efficiency.  Beyond that though, yeah, its just for the mastery.

Edited by Soulgazer
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6 minutes ago, Soulgazer said:

The archwing buffs are actually kinda nice.  Your blink is noticeably faster and you can hit 75% efficiency.  Beyond that though, yeah, its just for the mastery.

Do the effects stay even in regular archwing or Plains/vallis?

if they do then it might be worth something.

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Tactical 10 & Pilot 10 are the only worthwhile Rank 10s impo.

Tactical 10 while niche can be useful, my issue with it is that by the time a player acquires it...you have just about no use for it.
Pilot 10 is the best one. Combine it with Particle Ram & you're in for a good time.
(The issue here is you need a fast ship & some decent avionics to make it shine. But at least it's consistent & consistently useful.)

Gunner 10 actually HURTS your aim. It is a literal downgrade.
Engineer 10 is extremely buggy, usually doesn't fix anything. Which is...very concerning actually...
(When it does work it's nice though! But it bugs out for my friend & I a good 95% of the time.)

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
Clarified some points.
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2 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

Do the effects stay even in regular archwing or Plains/vallis?

if they do then it might be worth something.

Yes, they apply to Archwings across the game.  The stat screen won't show it in the arsenal but once you are in a mission the effects apply.  

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1 minute ago, Soulgazer said:

Yes, they apply to Archwings across the game.  The stat screen won't show it in the arsenal but once you are in a mission the effects apply.  

Hmmm, then I guess 8 would be just worth it. 

9 and 10 still aren't according to me. 

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Engineer 10 is extremely buggy, usually doesn't fix anything. Which is...very concerning actually...
(When it does work it's nice though! But it bugs out for my friend & I a good 95% of the time.)

Weird, I've had no issues using it.

But I only really use it to repair critical breaches if I don't want to stop what I'm doing, and I also use it only solo, so maybe bugs related to host/client issues I assume.

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35 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

Can you elaborate? Getting contradictory information, as some people say it's pretty much worthless.

How and where are you using this?

Particle Ram at max rank deals 1500 per tic. Combined with Piloting 10 and you're dealing 3500 damage on contact with everything. Get yourself a set of good engines and use Drift Maneuver (Piloting 5) and you slide around the map too fast to hit, dealing 3500 free damage to anything that gets too close, each time they get too close. This eats fighters like Skittles, dodges Crewship missiles effortlessly, and you can drop off a fellow Tenno at the big objective (Shipkiller, etc) before speeding back to pick up loot from all the dead fighters

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Finally got to tactical 10 the other day, but I've not gotten it to work once. Just plays the animation and does nothing but stop being usable for the mission as well as bugging out the animation of return warp for the duration of the mission as well.

Considering the amount of effort it took to get, it's pretty effectively killed my enthusiasm for the game.

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5 hours ago, Soulgazer said:

The archwing buffs are actually kinda nice.  Your blink is noticeably faster and you can hit 75% efficiency.  Beyond that though, yeah, its just for the mastery.

Those are the only reason I went that high, since quite a few of the upgrades before them are also lackluster. Though Tactical 9 is not a complete waste either, a total 40% reduction on tactical avionics cooldown is pretty nice. Gunnery 9 is so-so, and the other two 9s are also completely pointless.

Speaking of mastery, do you get MR for gaining points or for spending them? Because the latter would be kinda crappy, forcing you to take the Gunnery 10 downgrade or miss out on MR...

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3 hours ago, JackHargreav said:

From their description they all seem useless.

It's like De ran out of ideas or something.

Admittedly, it's hard to think of something that feels like it's good enough to be the pinnacle ability in an exponential point buy system. I can only think of one that might be good enough, for Gunnery, which would be "missed shots don't count for heat buildup." So you can hose the target down and every missed round just didn't happen as far as heat accretion is concerned. 

The Engineering one should fix things instantly at a lower Revolite cost than a person doing it themselves. Hell, it should fix all open issues simultaneously at a lower total revolite cost. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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17 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

The Engineering one should fix things instantly at a lower Revolite cost than a person doing it themselves. Hell, it should fix all open issues simultaneously at a lower total revolite cost.

That would eliminate the role of repair engi completely, if you can do it cheap and all with one click.

What's next, gunnery 10 automatically kills all ships and pilot 10 is auto pilot? :P

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38 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

Admittedly, it's hard to think of something that feels like it's good enough to be the pinnacle ability in an exponential point buy system. I can only think of one that might be good enough, for Gunnery, which would be "missed shots don't count for heat buildup." So you can hose the target down and every missed round just didn't happen as far as heat accretion is concerned. 

The Engineering one should fix things instantly at a lower Revolite cost than a person doing it themselves. Hell, it should fix all open issues simultaneously at a lower total revolite cost. 

All of these are much better ideas.

Also in my opinion the bonuses we have now at rank 10, should have been somwhere in the first 5 ranks.

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