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I will not hunt the liches again


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"Is this guy, going to complain about the kuva lich systems?" nope, i'm here to say some suggestions that could help improving the system(ah, you thought i was just going to complain, but it was me, standard-person-with-suggestions)

But first, let me tell that i really appreciate the new changes made for the kuva liches, too bad the murmur system farm is...well...ugh..boring,tedious and unfun..

i'm kinda ok with doing non-stop standard missions to quickly gain murmur(although this system should be improved), but the endless missions doesn't have many sense to me, i mean, we have this"endless" mission,but we are forced to leave after 5 mins/waves....not to mention, that sometimes, if one lich spawns at the beginning of the mission or in the middle, and someone kills him/her, then, sometimes(too many times) the thralls stop spawning, and the missions turns into a standard mission.

I have 2 suggestions.

1- The one that i prefer, reworking and drastically change the murmur system

2-Make the endless missions..real endless missions, after 5 mins/waves you can choose to leave or stay, if you leave, good, you leave, if you stay...well, you stay, and the thralls keep spawning, and, let's assume that the lich spawns and you fail to kill him/her, you get extra murmur as always, then, after that, you use a system just like in the fissures, you have 30 seconds to customize your parazon and change your requiem mods, and try different combinations, then, after choosing, you keep playing, and the more you play, the more the % of finding again the lich will increase( alongside with the difficulty/level/damage/healt of enemies ofc).

Edited by TheKurtiStryke
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These are pretty sweet suggestions! Although I don't think we would ever be able to change our parazon on the go, Endless Thrall Missions are something the playerbase is asking a lot, and that I approve. It could help mitigating the heavy Murmur grind, at least a bit, since we wouldn't have to face a swarm of loading screens. I hope the Murmur Farm is the next thing in the scope of changes, and that it doesn't get swept under the impending Railjack Corpus update. 

You should change the title anyway, the way it is is a bit misleading! 

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Well you tricked me into think it was going to be a whinging post.. but it was a good post which I agree with... you gave suggestions and thats great, infact I like both suggestion especially the second one as I prefer longer missions.  I was really lucky yesterday (I havent run Lich system since getting all the weapons due to the murmurs grind), but I managed 3 Lich kills getting 2 of the new weapons in about 4 hrs, mainly due to luck with the Parazon mods guessed correctly and not having to murmur farm for the 3 hrs each.  Good post!  I hope DE take note of second point.

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I always wondered the same... Why endless missions have a limit to murmur farming is beyond me.

"Oh because DE doesn't want you to farm all of them in one sitting" is not a valid reason in my book. I still do all the work, potentially more than what we have now since I wouldn't really count on the Lich combination fail bonus. But it'd likely be less boring than dealing with all those loading screens every 5m.

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44 minutes ago, NoMoreFAIL said:

Have you ever heard of punctuation? You know like sentences, capital letters and other stuff like that that make text readable?

eeh, zorry, ain't an English native speaker,i'm just a dumb pizza and pasta eater. i'll try my best to correct.

little help prof?

Edited by TheKurtiStryke
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 Murmurs can get a little tedious for sure, also is it just me or are liches harder to anger now? My last one and current one didn't appear until I was about halfway through requiem 2, in the old system I'd have had at least 2 or 3 encounters by this point, so what's up with that? I'd prefer them to spawn more often again.

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Yeah I immediately went back to lich hunting after I heard about the changes, but man the hunt itself feels so damn boring because the murmur farm as you said is so damn tedious.

On the bright side, now that you know what you are getting, there won't be as many wasted attempts, so that you might say is a redeeming part.

I also found the new bow on my 2nd larvling, and it has 55% elemental bonus so the tedious farm is going to be worth it. There are still a few more guns I need to find and lots of ephemeras, but since you don't see any iindication of an ephemera on the larvling, I might just trade for those.

But yeah, I do think the murmur gameplay should be improved. Running regular star chart missions gets extremely boring real quick.

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I go and get a weapon a day after work.
I have fun, I spawn my next weapon for the next day.
I don't get burn out and I have kinda "fun".

13 hours ago, TheKurtiStryke said:

2-Make the endless missions..real endless missions, after 5 mins/waves you can choose to leave or stay,

This will break the illusion that the lich is taking over territory imo - everyone will only run one survival for about a hour and get all their sh1t.

I have a different problem.
I don't mind most mission types, but I don't want to do rescue, hijack, infested salvage(yep it spawned o.O), defecation or some other strange thing like that.
Don't get me wrong, I can do them, I've done my fair share of all of it and that's why I don't do them anymore.
In the context of the liches they are annoying to deal with - you have to pay attention to the mission type and sometimes don't have the chance to fight your lich if it spawns etc.
I would like it more to have a couple of different mission types(not all of them) like now how some nodes are converted to exterminate mission although the original mission is not exterminate. 
They will still be gaining territory, but will would not have to deal with an annoying defection for example.

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14 hours ago, TheKurtiStryke said:

Make the endless missions..real endless missions, after 5 mins/waves you can choose to leave or stay, if you leave, good, you leave, if you stay...well, you stay, and the thralls keep spawning, and, let's assume that the lich spawns and you fail to kill him/her, you get extra murmur as always, then, after that, you use a system just like in the fissures, you have 30 seconds to customize your parazon and change your requiem mods, and try different combinations, then, after choosing, you keep playing, and the more you play, the more the % of finding again the lich will increase( alongside with the difficulty/level/damage/healt of enemies ofc).

I like this idea. The only thing is, this is suppose to be somewhat DE's Endgame content. Enemies should get much harder after every 5 waves/minutes.

Example: Level 50/125/200/275, (increments of 75 levels for each 5) This will make the grind harder but also to get the reward your skill level will have to increase also for the murmmers

Lich would go from Level 50/150/250/350 (increments of 100 levels for each 5)

Edited by kwlingo
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8 minutes ago, kwlingo said:

Example: Level 50/125/200/275, (increments of 75 levels for each 5) This will make the grind harder but also to get the reward your skill level will have to increase also for the murmmers

Lich would go from Level 50/150/250/350 (increments of 100 levels for each 5)

...level doesn't mean a thing to someone who knows what they are doing... Increasing the level does nothing.

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Just now, vegetosayajin said:

...level doesn't mean a thing to someone who knows what they are doing... Increasing the level does nothing.

This will definitely allow more one shots to frames especially most of the time people run solo for Liches. Also at level 150/200 we wont be one shotting every enemy so the grind will take longer per 5 waves. And like I said will test out players skill level, which also means if they know what they are doing.

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Just now, vegetosayajin said:

My revenant disagrees.
Hell, even my loki disagrees. 😄 

I'd like to see a video of one shots of a level 150 without any indivisibility, outside sniper and simulocrum. lol than ill believe you. And I mean every enemy not just a few. 🙂

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1 minute ago, kwlingo said:

I'd like to see a video of one shots of a level 150 without any indivisibility, outside sniper and simulocrum. lol than ill believe you. And I mean every enemy not just a few. 🙂

I have the same build and it works the same and it's booooring af.
Try it and then tell me level does sh1t except bore you to death.

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Well the whole point of liches is about them spreading to other nodes/continents/planets call it w/e. Also obviously DE is just recycling old forgotten nodes that nobody play anymore (except newbies progressing trough starchart or kuva farmers). So i dont think they gonna ever add such possibility of farming murmur.

Would i love such survival where you could stay and just farm murmur (even with increased scaling)? DEFINITELY i would love that i hate running capture/rescue and get like 4 murmurs spawn and waste my time with leaving mission/loading/finding new mission/loading etc.

Also i agree farming murmur still takes pretty long, but well, atleast we can now choose what weapon we farming for.

Edited by Benour
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1 hour ago, vegetosayajin said:

is will break the illusion that the lich is taking over territory imo - everyone will only run one survival for about a hour and get all their sh1t.

mmmmm, well, you got a point,..mmm then, what about extend the endless mission time/waves at least 20 mins/waves? not a real endless, but still better than 5 min/waves.

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18 hours ago, vegetosayajin said:

I have the same build and it works the same and it's booooring af.
Try it and then tell me level does sh1t except bore you to death.

Yeap if frame abilities can be used then lots of content in the  game becomes too easy. Especially frames that have scaling damage or negating damage to frame health. Nidus for one can run infinite hours as long as he links to enemies to negate damage or Wukong (pre-rework).

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But can you post feedback where it belongs? Feedback is great and all but the chances of anyone who matters seeing it is slim to none when it isn't posted in the proper forums.

Also saying "rework x" without offering any suggestions or actually outlining the issues with it isn't feedback. What exactly makes it boring, unfun, and tedious to you and how would you prefer the system to function?

As for the endless suggestion though I doubt DE would allow such a system without some restrictions or hard cap, like force extracting after rotation C. Plus the efficiency of being able to make multiple lich attempts with different mods in one run would make all other lich missions obsolete. Perhaps if the mode took a requiem charge on failed attempts but I can only imagine the backlash on such a mode.

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