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Warframe Revised: Infested Damage Megathread


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It's very bizarre. Some AoE weapons will cancel themselves out and effectively deal no damage to either enemy as a result. Meanwhile, high Slash or other DoT weapons can pass the status through from the minion and take out the healer with the proc. 

It does have the feeling of not having been designed deliberately at all, yeah.

Edited by CopperBezel
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Infested definitely need buffing, they are far too easy compared to high level Grineer and too easy compared to any level of Corpus.

Buff suggestion 1: Infested deal more damage based on how many other infested are within a certain range.

Buff suggestion 2: Infested have more health in general and/or have health regen added/increased.

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The grapple hooks for both Ancients and Grineer Scorpions a like need some serious tweaking, and have been needing it for a lonngg long time.  Not only is it not well-telegraphed, basically auto-locks on you, is one of the first things that these enemies generally try to do the moment they are in range to do so, but they are actually still able to hook you even when they are under the effects of a hard CC ability which is completely ludicrous.  At that point it is just an extreme annoyance, though with the increased damage that the infested do it might actually be a little more of a threat than it used to be.

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18 hours ago, Uan91 said:

Just a question, is it intended that ancients are still able to bypass shields and overshields and deal damage only on health?

Yes if you are referring to the toxin damage that toxic ancients deal and allow other nearby infested to deal. Toxin ignores shields for everyone. Only exception I know of is Hildryn when she has overshields.

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On 2020-03-14 at 1:27 AM, rstripn said:

Yes if you are referring to the toxin damage that toxic ancients deal and allow other nearby infested to deal. Toxin ignores shields for everyone. Only exception I know of is Hildryn when she has overshields.

Not sure but the toxic ancient's attack will be converted to gas soon so it shouldn't go through shields

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Ancient Disruptor aura and getting hit at all instantly depletes all energy.

Full Shields and health Night Equinox with Peaceful Provacation stacked to the 20% slow (didn't get it to charge more yet), had full energy. Got hit once and instantly hit Bleedout.

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Agree about hook mechanic issue and have a few more:

1. Dying to the toxic aura of eximus

2. Loosing all the energy to eximus drain aura


The problem with these two:

- it works through walls

- very hard to see who exactly has the aura


Possible solution - link beams or Nidus-like link from the affected frame to the enemy. And requirement of line of sight may be, even if it goes throgh other enemies, but not obstacles.


P.S. "you can double the damage of melee infested if you wish, I still don't feel any changes, but please, balance the affinity gain from other than Grineer factions, I am so sick of Hydron, but it remains the best affinity farm so far".

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Yeah, the changes to grenades seemed a little unnecessary to me - I always thought the sound cue we had was enough - but illustrate the kind of difference that could be made with energy drain eximuses. Just give us some kind of visual indication a thing is happening and where.

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On 2020-03-16 at 3:36 PM, rstripn said:

I have not heard this. It wasn't in the devstream. Where is this information from?

Oops misread the post, they meant removed gas resistance from toxic ancients 

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21 hours ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

Agree about hook mechanic issue and have a few more:

1. Dying to the toxic aura of eximus

2. Loosing all the energy to eximus drain aura


The problem with these two:

- it works through walls

- very hard to see who exactly has the aura


Possible solution - link beams or Nidus-like link from the affected frame to the enemy. And requirement of line of sight may be, even if it goes throgh other enemies, but not obstacles.


P.S. "you can double the damage of melee infested if you wish, I still don't feel any changes, but please, balance the affinity gain from other than Grineer factions, I am so sick of Hydron, but it remains the best affinity farm so far".

Yeah, to make it short:

Better indication of auras: some links, circles, bubbles, whatever helps to see where it comes from.

Edited by Scar.brother.help.me
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Just some feedback on this from my experiences in an Arbitration:

These things really get to hitting hard. I was playing Vauban and that shield gate was pretty handy. Those things pack a serious punch.

I'm not sure if it was a bug or not. We planned to ditch at wave 30 anyways, but the very last enemy killed me. It was a basic Leaper or Runner, not sure which. It basically 1-shot me through the shield gating somehow. Even if it was a multi-hit attack, the brief invulnerability period should have eaten it. It was being supported by an Arbitration Drone. That's the only thing that makes me think it was a bug.

Final Verdict: I'm not sure it's good. It basically boils down to "play perfect or get mauled super-fast". This is very noticeable in Arbitrations where drones can push units into your lines and kill with ease. This is just my opinion, though.


Edited by ArcKnight9202
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Amount of damage feels great. Gets pretty dicey for melee frames about 50mins into an Arbie, as it should. Great change imo.

Like with other factions, Infested need "lieutenant" mobs that spawn as dps checks every 10 mins or so in any endless mode. They need to be larger, do massive DPS, and force the players to regroup, and play together toward a necessary objective (something that Warframe severely lacks in general). Something along the lines of the Infested Demolyst. Killing this type should have some percentage of dropping a rare mod, item, weapon part, or rare materials like 5x mutagen masses.

Edited by Ikyr0
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16 hours ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

Final Verdict: I'm not sure it's good. It basically boils down to "play perfect or get mauled super-fast". This is very noticeable in Arbitrations where drones can push units into your lines and kill with ease. This is just my opinion, though.

As someone who runs a lot of Arbies, I'd say it's working as intended. Going past thirty minutes should get pretty dicey and push back against the player. My only suggestion here would be to scale up rewards the further you go into an Arbie.

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On 2020-03-05 at 6:03 PM, main_antagonist said:



Ok, I'll lay it out:

#1:  Making the less extreme thing harder to do is bad game design/bad control design.

#2:  It would kill a bunch of parkour transitioning maneuvers.  Actually chaining a slide into a bulletjump?  Yeah that's not possible with your idea.

#3:  It would cause serious issues for melee users.  Hitting anything at all with aerial melee is already fairly difficult, your idea would just make it even harder.

#4:  It would make Ivara totally unable to parkour at all while in Prowl.  Heck, she'd be unable to jump while in prowl at all without coming to a complete stop first.

#5:  It would seriously jack up Wisp's use of her passive.

#5:  Literally the only reason you want it changed is so that you can rush to extract with maximum laziness, and more slowly than you could now if you weren't lazy.

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On 2020-03-12 at 5:30 PM, Uan91 said:

Just a question, is it intended that ancients are still able to bypass shields and overshields and deal damage only on health?

Toxic ancients and anything around them get a toxin buff IIRC, so that's probably how they're doing it.


20 hours ago, ArcKnight9202 said:

It basically boils down to "play perfect or get mauled super-fast". This is very noticeable in Arbitrations where drones can push units into your lines and kill with ease.

Mutalist Drones have always been an absolute nightmare for any non-tank frame.  Speaking as someone who plays a lot of Ivara, they're pretty much the only infested that kill me outside of freak accidents or me being stupid, and it ALWAYS feels unfair, and often makes me hate my teammates since the drone wouldn't have done its massive damage high status AoE dash if they weren't nearby.

I get that the REEEEEEEEEEE is supposed to be a warning, but it's like maybe 0.5s from the start of the REEE to death, if you're not already pretty much looking at it, you're not gonna kill it in time, and if you're in a vertically-limited space with it you're just instadead.  Yet another reason melee is just better than all other weapons, since you can and probably will kill it without ever even realizing it was there, if you're spamming range-enhanced melee.

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9 hours ago, Ikyr0 said:

As someone who runs a lot of Arbies, I'd say it's working as intended. Going past thirty minutes should get pretty dicey and push back against the player. My only suggestion here would be to scale up rewards the further you go into an Arbie.

You know you make a good argument for this. It does feel cheesy sometimes, though. I suppose this would inevitably occur at some point regardless, so the when is less important when considering your other point; Scaling rewards.

I was thinking about how horrendous the grind is now for the arcanes, needing 21, and their horrific drop rate. I've been picking up Arbitrations a bit lately for a change of pace and these things are totally soul-crushing to get. Fortunately I can live without them and only want them from a collection standpoint, but ugh.

Anyways, that's off-topic and best left for another thread. 🙂

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 infested need more menacing designs. Most infested looked disabled and slow.... charger w/ clubfoot, little meatballs just get to u and hump your foot w/ static or fart gas, Soldier guy has polio and a drinking problem maybe why he's angry enough to explode, Ancients or snuffle-uppicus lumbering around without intent (just checking your pockets). Juggernaut needs better fight tactics charge and wait to be hit.  

I think all infested should have the recombinant factor.

More dmg is moot 

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On 2020-03-05 at 9:17 AM, angrykenji said:

please remove or at least look at the hook mechanic ancients (and butchers) use. this has remained unlooked at for years and they are incredibly annoying, instant, aim-bot and will grab you from anywhere and even behind objects. yes, rolling will counter it but you have no notice or reaction in any game mode with effects and dozens of enemies flying around.

After thorough testing. Why is this even a thing? if you are going to have this garbage at least make it some kind of quicktime event so we can roll into the fodder and kill them. Maybe they yank us to them but then we hit our timing and do a flip over them into a mercy kill? That would make sense and most importantly MAKE THE GAME FUN. Like knockdown is boring cause we are helpless and can't do anything. 

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Please put it back to how it was when we encounter the infested. Really getting tired of getting knocked down or knock back every couple seconds and then you just lay there and they kill you. These recent changes on PS4 the infested, Doing away with self damage. Not really fun to play. These changes I feel are very annoying. Yes I did give feedback on the self damage changes also. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

From having spent some time running defection, I've got the feeling that this is the one area where just increasing their damage made them a lot stronger. When the infested reach level 60 or so, they can down a kavor in 6 hits. Something that's easily attainable if you're not providing deadly, preventive care for those survivors. 

Which does make the game mode feel a lot more balanced, as before you could just tell them to go from C to A, and just let them go. So now it's a proper escort mission. 


As far as other damage situations go, like defense objectives, yeah, it feels well balanced and it works. 

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