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trying to quit smoking (this is off topic, right?)


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so, been smoking since i was around 16, i am 30 now so been on it for 14 years, so, i am kinda trying revese psycholigy now, i have 2 packs of cigarrets looking at me for the last 2 days, and i am trying my hardest not to smoke anything, so far, been counting 2 days (well, 45 hours as of now) without smoking, and my plan is, to kinda update this post via edit on every day i mennage to avoid it.

 that said, i'ts weird for me to try sleeping, and feeling a bit shaky, but hope to mennage on sheer willpower, if not, then i atleast gave it my all..

(count since starting, 20 days + corona quarentine *going insane here without work or going out*)

(edit, going to update it less regurlarly as it's mostly a personal goal for me, just need this topic as a reminder)

Edited by BloodKitten
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Cutting cold turkey on anything is very hard.  Its best too ween yourself off.

May i suggest putting pictures of all those that have died and been pgysically destroyed by smoking.  You know lung cancer is a awful way too die.

I personally just stayed away from that stuff. Presently 32. Between my dormant chrones desease (3 ft of my small intestines lost), allergies, and hair loss.  I have enough health issues.

I do admit i drink too much soda but when its cheaper then the alternative what are my options.

Find a different hobby too eat your free time.

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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On 2020-03-03 at 9:15 PM, BloodKitten said:

so, been smoking since i was around 16, i am 30 now so been on it for 14 years, so, i am kinda trying revese psycholigy now, i have 2 packs of cigarrets looking at me for the last 2 days, and i am trying my hardest not to smoke anything, so far, been counting 2 days (well, 45 hours as of now) without smoking, and my plan is, to kinda update this post via edit on every day i mennage to avoid it.

 that said, i'ts weird for me to try sleeping, and feeling a bit shaky, but hope to mennage on sheer willpower, if not, then i atleast gave it my all..

(count since starting, 3 days)

Oh hot giggity, this is some inspiring stuff!

I'm told the important thing is identifying why the addiction formed.  I mean, yeah, tobacco but there's sometimes an underlying addiction that makes it so much more difficult.  A friend said that for them, it was the oral fixation and act of smoking that made it so hard.  

Depending on if you have something similar, it may help to focus on feeding the underlying addiction as a way to help disconnect it from the act of smoking. 

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5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Oh hot giggity, this is some inspiring stuff!

I'm told the important thing is identifying why the addiction formed.  I mean, yeah, tobacco but there's sometimes an underlying addiction that makes it so much more difficult.  A friend said that for them, it was the oral fixation and act of smoking that made it so hard.  

Depending on if you have something similar, it may help to focus on feeding the underlying addiction as a way to help disconnect it from the act of smoking. 

if it was an oral fixation i could have something else to replace it like gum or pencil (or stuff not suited for forums) it mostly from stress, but right now, i feel even more stressed without smoking, and getting hungry more, but need to keep it up somehow.

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On 2020-03-03 at 11:15 PM, BloodKitten said:

(count since starting, 3 days)

Cold turkey is #*!%ing rough! I quit around 31 yrs old when my daughter was born, and I was a 2 pack a day smoker. I had to resort to vape to take the edge off. Made my own juice. Vaped only to take the edge off. Now I'm smoke free for 7 years, vape free for 6 years 8 months. My new addiction is coffee tho. 

Edited by (XB1)YoungGunn82
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29 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

if it was an oral fixation i could have something else to replace it like gum or pencil (or stuff not suited for forums) it mostly from stress, but right now, i feel even more stressed without smoking, and getting hungry more, but need to keep it up somehow.

Broth helps me with random hunger pangs, usually with a fair amount of spice.  

But hey, if you have a partner or two, sex and other adult activities make for a great distraction.  Just use a lot of lube.

28 minutes ago, (XB1)YoungGunn82 said:

That for me as well, but mostly the feeling afterwards. Relaxed, made for great poops. 

Not...gonn-you seriously opened with oral fixation and ended it with poop? REALLY?

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nicotine dependence is a really hard one to go troughs.

Keep it up ^.^ 

i grew up in smoke quite literally. When me and my sisters first saw Pokemon we assigned ourselves Pokemon and my sisters though it was a good idea to assign koffing to my mother because of that.


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Don't have expertise or advice, just encouragement! You got dis!




Oh wait, I do actually have a piece of advice: if you slip up, you slip up. Breaking cold turkey once, though, doesn't mean you should think "Ah well, I screwed up and had one cigarette, might as well have another one." If you find that you just gotta have one cigarette, the best thing to do is to go right the hell back to quitting, without either beating yourself up over it, or deciding that since you screwed up once you might as well have another right away.

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7 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Not...gonn-you seriously opened with oral fixation and ended it with poop? REALLY?


I mean, yeah. Cigarettes made me poop. Lol now coffee does. 😁 


7 hours ago, MagPrime said:

But hey, if you have a partner or two, sex and other adult activities make for a great distraction.  Just use a lot of lube.

Oral fixation? Sex? Menage a trois? Just use a bunch of lube?! 🤗😂😂😂 I mean S#&$ after all that the neighbors are gonna be smoking a cigarette. Lol tenor.gif


Edited by (XB1)YoungGunn82
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I also started smoking at 17 and quit the day I turned 30, I was at a pack a day of high nicotine smokes and I tried cold Turkey and it sucked. 

I'd you can get to two weeks it get easier, I have been 10 months now and I think I smoked once 😕 after 2 weeks even the smell of a smoke makes you feel sick

Best of luck seriously it's a hard slog but so worth it, not sure where you are but in Australia a 25 pack is about $50 😞

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i translated most text with google translator because i speak only german/russian very well.


tobacco is very useful if you use it as tool. it helps in stressful situation or when you are scared.

i smoke hookah 3 times per day and body gets low damage. an other important thing: powerful woman on your side. yes, i don't give information to people who are reckless and only work with theory and don't check anything. strong woman can repair you and smoke or drink will be a pleasure. but it's not with you! if you have low income and your woman/kids hates you tobacco/alcohol will ruin your life even more.
what you can do: study how your body works. weak creatures in your body eat the poison and send information to your brain that you are hungry. that's why you want to smoke. you can easily replace them if you only drink water for 3-7 days. BUT CAREFULLY! ADJUST EVERYTHING AND LOOK HOW YOUR BODY REACTED. for thin people, it only takes 1 day at the beginning. you can create very powerful water ( read about water filters, -500mV and silver 999 ) and there are other working diets.
the goal is to replace weak living beings with strong ones. strong creatures have little to eat and will eat weak creatures. I've tried that for years.
I have almost all my teeth with holes because I ate too much candy. after dieting i don't enjoy chocolate and so on ... i cant even chew this crap. there are zero positive emotions.

Edited by Battle.Mage
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oh FFS, i just cant calm down, small rant but dont have my old workplace anymore (who know if that vice mennager will get me another job) so on top of trying to fight the urge to smoke, i also have anxiaty of not having anything to keep my mind off stuff.

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Somewhat ironically, I was just on a discord channel talking about quitting smoking. My advice (or what has worked for me)— get over the initial reaction, your body physically throwing fits to want a cig. This is the worst phase for me. Get into something highly active (for me it was skiing), it was a 3 time a week activity that was always putting my body in perspective...after that I changed my diet, starting lifting weights again.

Point being, start small, be very self aware of your triggers...fight through it. Start creating a new routine. I still have my days here and there (this work week was rough and a coworker smokes so I fell for that), also had a Poker game with friends who smoke A LOT. When I do cave in, I don't guilt myself for it. I get back up and tell myself to keep going, do better, and recognize the progress. 

I disagree with people entirely who say smoking is a benefit for stress reduction. I can respect it, but for me it absolutely destroys what else I enjoy in my life as I'm a very physically active person, very athletic most my life. It is a short term fix, and really I needed to start recognizing my inability to stress manage better at the time. 

My girlfriend is in the same position you are, she's smoked for year and started very young. I hope she makes move where you are now (so kudos to you). It sucks being with someone who isn't healthy, you care about them a lot and want a future together. 

For me the easiest deterrent is just feeling how much it destroys my health, i just got to the point I couldn't do it anymore. It was making me ill and I couldn't do it anymore. 

I tried nicotine patch, vaping— both just made it worse for myself. Cold turkey was the way to go.

Edited by ikkabotz
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56 minutes ago, BloodKitten said:

oh FFS, i just cant calm down, small rant but dont have my old workplace anymore (who know if that vice mennager will get me another job) so on top of trying to fight the urge to smoke, i also have anxiaty of not having anything to keep my mind off stuff.

Maybe go out and exercise? Well... I heard that eating is good for taking mind off things for those who are quitting smoking.

Chocolate is known to calm people down.

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