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COMING SOON: Devstream #140!


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Since sentients are going to become more spread throughout the game now that we're in full New War swing...I can't help but notice that they're a really dull enemy type to fight...no, not tough, dull. Their whole shtick being status immune is annoying.
Now that you've actually reworked status and made it great and viable...something needs to be done with the sentients. No, I'm not talking about removing their adaptation, that's their thing, but, make them vulnerable to status...although not right away. 

I was thinking...that there's something really obvious missing from Warframe, and it's been made apparent with a little change in the mainline. That's right...we need GRENADES.
 I actually never noticed or stopped to think that we don't have such a common system in the game. And it could be the answer to the sentient problem.

You could implement a grenade system especially a VOID(since that's the sentients' weakness) grenade. Catching a sentient in a VOID GRENADE blast radius could make it vulnerable to statuses for a brief period, say 10s.

This is just the bland idea, I don't know if grenades should be craftable consumables with a limit of 5 per mission, or a recharge mechanic (maybe we could get some new mods affecting recharge rate, thus diversifying builds, I dunno).

It's just an idea that sparked in my head randomly when I saw a grenade marker in game.
Then I saw another fellow tenno commenting on the sentient status problem and I put 2 and 2 together and got this. I'm really interested what's your input on this matter and if you've ever thought of implementing something like this.

Edited by DeLawrence
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And the question everybody is interested about:

In regards to current and future problems with the coronavirus will there be any Tennocon? I understand that you are watching the situation and there are little cases in canada but as observed around the world it never stops on a small number and considering that traveling at the moment seems like a stupid idea I am asking this.

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16 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

Same as last time:

- Any plans to continue with the melee revision like adding Exilus melee? Any plans to buff or re-do exalted melee weapons? They feel significantly weaker than regular melee weapons such as the Venka Prime and Nikana Prime, which not only have access to more powerful mods (Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds), but don't require energy to use and have a higher mod capacity.

- Any plans to add additional combo chains to stances that only have 2 or 3?

On that topic of weapon exilus, are there any plans to make reload speed mods exlius?

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Armour scaling rework was a great change, but it was a symptom of the lack of real difficulty in the game, forcing in artificial difficulty measures such as bullet sponge levels of armour or one-shot aimbot enemies. Now that armour has been addressed, do you have any plans on creating more natural difficulty? Probably AI changes to make enemies act smarter and more tactically instead of standing still or moving slowly side to side out in the open, aswell as more interesting and/or varied enemies like we see in orb vallis would be the way to go. Would that be feasible and if so, is it in your immediate plans?

Edited by Luka-Song
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Dojo related question:

Since we now have an observatory in the dojo, is there any plans to add either a Foundry, or some way for us to access orbiter elements more easily from the dojo, so that we can keep our squads there instead of always leaving and disbanding them? Is there any plans to give people the possibility to chose between using the orbiter or the dojo as their base?


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1 hour ago, Orakan said:


Revenant is one of the most well balanced warframes in the game so please be logical. I mean it can crate thralls for free, it is practicly immortal if you have the right mods, it has a decent aoe channel ability and it can heal himself . Seriously what more do you want from it.

Saying that he’s balanced doesn’t make him good.

it doesn’t matter if you can create Thralls for free when they get killed before you can ever use them.

you know who else is practically immortal? Literally every other tank frame, and they aren’t relying on a charges mechanic that makes their ability last less than 10 seconds. And what’s the point of him being able to heal himself if his defense ability doesn’t require health? That’s like giving Rhino a healing ability.

Danse is good. Pretty much the best part of his kit as it makes the rest of his abilities redundant.

And this is all without going into the numerous anti-synergies and contradictions within his kit.

He’s easily the worst designed frame in the game and by far the furthest thing from being “balanced”. So maybe you’re the one who should start being logical.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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First of all, great job so far. The update is really a breath of fresh air in Warframe! I have some questions for the Devs, this time. 

Scarlet Spear: I join fellow Tenno in being worried about trolling and afking in Scarlet Spear. Is there a way to deal with this behavior? Which also brings me to another issue that is totally preventing me to do Railjack in public anymore: the way the Railjack Starchart is handled. Could we have a vote system just like other missions, or at least give control back to the host? Unfortunately this current option gives way too much space to trolling and Railjack, given it's still a young system, may not gain any good from it. 

Also, how long will the event last, and how often will it appear? Will it be more like Thermia Fractures or Plague Star? Will Eidolon rewards change?

Railjack: Great job in cutting the costs, one of my clanmates has finally completed his Railjack! While we're at it, can we ask about a price revision? Wreckage costs are simply too high and grindy and, given last DevStream's intent about reducing grind, I'd love (and I don't think I'm the only one) to see those prices lowered a bit. Titanium and Asterite, in particular, have an astronomical price even with the last changes in droprates. 

Weapons: Are there any plans for a Primary and Secondary revamp/revisit the same way Melees had? 

WarframesAre there any plans to rework, revisit, or tweak underperforming Warframes like Zephyr? I'd also love to know what process brings to the rework of a Warframe, and how a new Warframe is born in terms of ideas, brainstorming, concepts... I just love when devs share their ideas. 

Modes: There are some modes which are not exactly loved by the playerbase, such as Defection or Salvage. Any plans about possible quality of life changes? 

Old events: An usual question I believe, but I'd really love to play the old events as quests. Warframe has a fascinating, endearing lore, but it's severely impaired by the absence of some events. Any plan about bringing them back? 

Edited by EvanGallaway
Added a question, corrected some typos
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  • Can we expect either in the near future or at some point at all that loading screens will be having an «ABORT» button and the Railjack having an option to abort the mission and return to the host's dry dock?


NPC models, animations and attacks synchronization:

  • I'm sure everybody heard or knows that, for example, Grineer Heavies, scorpions or Infested Ancients can perform radial blast when being crowd-controlled or ragdolled or use grappling hook on the player's character without even looking at it. Can we expect this behavior getting changed so CC maneuvers will do what they're supposed to do, and enemies with ranged attacks will have to turn around first in order to attack in addition to grappling hooks breaking instead of clipping through walls and objects?


Modular Archwing:

  • When the already existing Archwing models will be turned into the modular versions, can we expect getting Foundry Blueprints of their parts to try out different combinations? Note that players should only get BPs according to the Archwings they already have crafted.


Modular MOA pets:

  • Serious question: can we please get regular and more serious-looking parts for MOA pets? It's totally OK that everyone has a different taste and it's totally fine, but I (and pretty sure many other folks) just can't stand the overall goofiness of chunky/cartoon-ish legs we currently have (like this) and will be getting soon. I want to build a MOA that would resemble the power it has and technology behind it, not some hijacked or scrapped toaster wearing some fluffy pink slippers welded onto its legs.


In all seriousness, why can't we Ambulas' legs with armor plates, or Bursa's? Or just Terra/Fusion/Anti-MOA legs and heads?


Ambulas' laser cannon:

  • Can we please have it either as a droppable blueprint from the Ambulas MOAs or salvagable on the battlefield? So you could pick it up and use it until it depletes its ammo.



  • Ghouls Buzzsaw when? I'm still waiting. From the moment Ghoul enemies and us using their Buzzsaw were shown and teased.


  • Is the Nox's gun still destined to eventually get in our hands? Given that Soaktron IS the gun and we've used it, I take it that the issues with the non-standard grip were fixed?



  • Will the Corpus Machinist's Reactive(?) Flamethrower also be available for us to use?


  • Any possible new Kuva weapons? Sure would like to have a better Vulkar or Buzlok.
  • Compared to other Kuva variants/sidegrades, the Kuva Karak doesn't really have any special feature other than stats. But its model sure has optics, so could you please give it a scoped alt fire mode (x1.5 zoom magnification with Buzlok's scope interface) with increased headshot damage multiplier?



  • Any plans on adding Syndicate-exclusive Railjack avionics, modules or armaments (paintjobs perhaps too) to Syndicates pool? I need me some Steel Meridian gatling and missile turrets. Or just the Crewships' heat-seeking missiles.



Corpus and Infested liches:

  • I have noticed that Grineer liches have a clear anti-Corpus kit with Magnetic, Radiation and Impact being the main combinations and elements. Can you confirm that the Corpus liches, say, will be having Puncture, Blast and Corrosive? And the Infested liches will be having Slash, Viral and Gas?


Endless modes:

  • What do you think about allowing players to join Endless mission in progress? But to do so they'd have to unlock the Star chart first. As an anti-abuse mechanic, invites wouldn't work after the first "Objective complete" mark and players could only join the game after next rotation, but not after its 50% completion (for example, joining Survival within 2.5min after the new AABC rotation starts).
Edited by Thundervision
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12 часов назад, EclipseIstaken сказал:

After attempting a kill on lich, players except hosts can't pick up loots unless swap to operator

Players also cannot interact with environment using X button. In particular, they cannot kill thralls >:(.


10 часов назад, Oreades сказал:

eplaced by a Stagger animation that Titania has had it re-added in the form of a spinning out. This can be triggered by tapping into any surface moving at even moderate speeds

I have experienced this in PoE and Orb Vallis with normal archwings recently, but didn't connect this to that update. If you touch anything, you stop shooting and spin or just play a confused animation. But I think I have still killed myself with collision on archwing even after self-damage update. (When you smash with high velocity into and object and continue holding button to fly forward, you lose health and finally die).



I also like the questions about adding enemy-exclusive weapons, have thought about them a lot.


Oh, and one more question: why does my game language affect which chat can I write and which tenno do I see in public locations? For example I have eastern european server, which chats are empty for English game. But I want to keep my game language English.

Edited by Nakti
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Devstream Question: 

I want to ask, what do you thing about an idea of "Exalted Companions"? 
First and only so far warframe with this is Khora and her Kavat Venari, but there are few warframes with ability to summon their own companions (Hydroid and his Kraken, Chroma and Effigy, Atlas and his golems)? If it would be possible to modify these summons as companions it would improve a lot how they work. What do you thing?

Edited by -INDRA-
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18 hours ago, iLightning13 said:

Question: Any update on the new male operator hair? That was shown off quite a while ago and I'd like to remove the mop from my boy's head.

Same here, ever since the Second Dream I just kept him clean shaved because all the hair choices are just utter garbage..

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The new status proc changes were welcome, but still had alot more to be desired. Is there any further tweaks we could be expecting for the next few months?

Also are there any plans or progress on improving the early game? Not just the tutorial but the lore in general.

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Firstly,I am appreciate for DE that add the language of simple Chinese.And all of them use it without VPN, however,there is a problem that our government have make the google 404 and order all Chinese operators not to link to Google play, so most of us cannot download the app.

secondly,I know that you have make warframe much more easy to play,that's good,but I hope you can cut down the wukong for some of players use it to afk,which let us anger and destroy our enthusiasm.

thirdly,we find that some of mods like (Charge rebound) still stay at 2.9

and I think de may strengthen the archwing because we find that it is much difficult for us use archwing(except amesha) to fly on the space map, so the some of avionics which can give archwing the buff  become useless.

sorry for my poor English,I hope you know what I said,>_<


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First Question is: Will there ever be a Nyx rework, like buff her, she is kind of out dated and she is my favorite so rework?

Second Question is: With the Scarlet Spear will it be there forever or will be limited or will it be like operation: buried depts, and also will the stalker play any roll in the new war WE NEED MORE INFO ON HIM?

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18 hours ago, Kuez said:


^dunno what that is but

I Am Once Again Asking You To PLEASE
Include Ruinous Extension and Sinister Reach within the family of Exilus Mods Where They Belong just like their shotgun and projectile counterparts already are.<<<

This discrimination is utterly arbitrary and unnecessary by all of your own stated criteria.  As a player who loves soloing deliberately and tactically (almost like a "space ninja", even?) just as much as squad speedrunning in a rolling wave of spastic/reflexive carnage, I've already happily spent the various resources to have this slot activated and filled with Fatal Acceleration on every one of my shotguns for the less-braindead/frantic playstyle that extra range makes feasible, regardless of mission type.

I want the choice to use my beam/continuous weapons in the same variety of ways, but you are choking out your own diversity by excluding their equivalent mods so arbitrarily.

Also I don't know exactly how you implemented this new stagger mechanic but it seems to be laid on too thick, and bleeding over into other contexts.  Since last update suddenly Skorpions' and Ancients' whip attacks have the range and precision of sniper rifles (but somehow better projectile speed), dropping me from halfway across the tile and huge differences in elevation?  And then they don't even pull me straight to them but now in some arbitrary/inexplicable S-curve path which just belabors the process, WTF is that?  Can that get tuned back to something vaguely reasonable and intuitive?

...and with all these meatier mechanics being debated here's just a couple zero-impact long-term thoughts I'd like to introduce for more leisurely consideration:
1) make your own buff effects invisible/transparent when aiming:  It's infuriating to try to fish or mine effectively with a full armor stack from Health Conversion orbiting incessantly through your reticle and blocking the critical details which determine success or failure, and I realized yesterday that I can barely find/see scanner trails to Synthesis Targets through Nova's Null Star particles.  If these sort of effects could just... fade temporarily as an automatic side-effect of aiming, that would be huge QOL for a number of activities.

2) Long-term vanity, but I Have A Dream (from which I will never awake) that someday we can earn/buy/craft/whatever/however persistent weapon racks as Orbiter decorations where currently-owned Arsenal items can be displayed as we have customized them.  I might never actually use my Skana, Heat Sword, or Ether Sword in-mission ever again, but I'm still fond/grateful enough of all of them to feel they deserve permanent resting places on my wall...  What's for anybody Not To Like about a new cosmetic Grind Target/plat purchase AND another reason to increase inventory slots?  Every classic Ninja Lair has a Wall Of Weapons, why not ours?

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