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Do you think the nail is in the coffin?


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6 minutes ago, Bacl said:

Well you shouldn't. I can believe i am going to write this...


Now is the time to get all the Arcanes you didnt have before because putting aside the grind, it is in fact the easiest we ever had in order to collect them and it would be stupid to pass on the occasion.

Now unless you already have everything you need arcane wise well your not missing much.


FFS they killed Eidolons with that as well, i dont have much left to do in this game at this point....


Eidolons were a pain in the ass to kill anyway. Plus players who were good at it didn't want to play with people who were still trying to learn how to deal with Eidolons thanks to that terrible time limit of doing it at night.

People would drop out of missions if they saw you have the wrong frame or weapon. I get why too, cause they don't want to waste their time with such a small window to farm them but damn did it make the whole thing more frustrating than it needed to be.

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1 minute ago, Kajin_Style said:

According to everyone who heard of No Man's Sky up until like middle of last year when people started to realize No Man's sky has finally lived up to its promises.

Have you played it? :3

1 minute ago, Kajin_Style said:

Now let's see how they do for the next couple of years, then maybe you can compared them to DE if they haven't improved Warframe.

I gave them seven years. It's time to pass the torch to professional developers again. If they want my money they have to prove relevance in the PS5. They don't need 14 years of the same thing. I think it's time for them to retire or try something else. 

1 minute ago, Kajin_Style said:

And yet, without a comparison of a better game like it or company operating a game like it. How can you criticize them so harshly? That part doesn't make sense.

Does having no comparison is considered a free licence for being sloppy, floppy, trivial, boring and repetitive? 

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45 minutes ago, Bacl said:

Revert the Arcane Changes altogether and buff ONLY THOSE nobody were using before. Also on the idea STOP FIXING THINGS THAT ARE NOT BROKEN!!!

Fix the bugs and make the current content playable. These need fixing, not the rest.

Stop nerfing everything that makes the already horrible grind in this game remotely tolerable.

Listen to freaking feedback and read your god damn mega-threads.

Stop making any new ressources a "Rare" one so we dont spend hours on synthetic "hours of play".

How about making fun content again?

Bring back endless mission with suitable rewards in order to stay a long time in there.

And tell Leysou ( or whatever the name that Chinese company holding majority of DE now) to let DE handle the game, they bought DE two years ago and WF been slowly circling the drain ever since, i do not believe in coincidences.

As you can tell, very happy customer right now.


I agree with you 

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Jeez, I can't believe I wasted so much of my life reading this thread.

Its just another wf is dying, de bad thread based on one players perspective.  We get these threads every week.   Why?  Because with so many thousands of players it's inevitable some will be unhappy and some will be outright p!ssed off at any given time.   You literally cannot please everyone.

Regards the new event and arcanes, we've never had it easier to get all the arcanes we could ever want.   While doing the same mission multiple times to get those arcanes may of course be repetitive, so were eidolon hunts.   Difference is, this event is basically open to everyone and not the toxic fustercluck and elite gear check eidolons are.

Personally, I like the event.  Space and ground are fun to me and I've been doing little else.   So has most of my clan and alliance.   The amount of intrinsic I've got is huge doing space.   I'm also getting a ton of credits, endo and so many relics I'll never get through them all.   These are side rewards that are also valuable to an awful lot of players.

Do I think wf could improve?  Of course!  Is it dying?  Lol, no where near it.

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2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Have you played it? :3

I gave them seven years. It's time to pass the torch to professional developers again. If they want my money they have to prove relevance in the PS5. They don't need 14 years of the same thing. I think it's time for them to retire or try something else. 

Does having no comparison is considered a free licence for being sloppy, floppy, trivial, boring and repetitive? 

No but it is on my "to-buy" list when I eventually get burned out on Warframe and want to experience something fresh and new for a while.

Dude I'm a founder and I still support them cause I've seen the long path of progress and improvement they've come along. It is pretty damn amazing. I also don't burn through all the content like others who. There are other games out there that I play besides warframe, shocker I know. This time away lets them develop new things for me to check out next time around, while I don't get bitter and angry like some youtubers.

You want to see sloppy, trivial, boring and repetitive? Go play Fortnite Save the world. I dropped $250 into their S#&$ty ass early access to only have Fortnite BR become the main focus of all their development, funding, marketing and energy. Meanwhile Fortnite STW got fed scraps of content from BR. It is atrocious what they did.


For me in Warframe, I don't see repetitive. I see layers added on. Railjack, Liches, now the SS event proving you can have teams of Tenno working together. This stuff is just going to get further expanded on as time goes on. The Lore is still growing, the story is still playing out. It is not like other games (like the short lived ones you mentioned) where you get the full story and they add bits of new content through DLC as endgame.

Warframe has not reached the end of its story. The end of its tale, this is why we don't have endgame yet.

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2 hours ago, Felsagger said:

When we do not agree with a certain group of individuals who have proof, valid arguments we insult them. Hypocrisy and snowflakery seems to be the pushing forces behind this behavior. In their sane mind no one wants the game to go away but if the game is sucking and dying then those are the current facts about the creative content. No one forces you to insult those Warframe Veterans, no one forces you to read or enter this thread, no one forces you to agree with the people who helped build this game and this community. If you are happy playing your game, let other people have their proven, demonstrated and informed opinions about what is going on. 

DE can learn a lot from their mistakes when they are not busy denying them. Two problems happened. One, they stopped listening to their customers and two they threw away the veterans who accompanied them throughout this journey. However no one likes being spitted in the face and ignored. No one likes the blatant strategies of monetizing with the programmed obsolescence. I think that DE should be called out when they do not respect people's time. 

I am not like you insulting other people because of what they think about a game. No one here wants this patient die, however DE is simply throwing it in the gutter and killing it efficiently. They are simply being irresponsible with the customers who placed them in their jobs and desks. 



So you think that such claims are ego driven? Do you endorse mediocrity as a product? Do you endorse a bait system as a satisfactory game? Do you endorse being sloppy and blatantly vague? Do you slap your customer face throwing non played assets to the community? 

We veterans gave you the game you have throughout Semlar.com, Overframe.gg, Warframe Market, youtube streams guides among many other sites. We established and contributed to Wikiwarframe.

What you did for the game? Consume.


......Unless you're on the WF team masquerading as a player, you're also a consumer......

Be more specific with using the term being thrown out. You're not the only customer being listened to.

Also....sin isn't real dude. 

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8 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

What this game needs it to give you some incentive to keep playing after certain point, not just power creeping all over the palce.

The result of playing a game for an extended amount of time always leads to an increase in stats, even if it's a small amount.

I can't think of one game where every piece of gear acquired had flat stats completely, essentially only playing games to acquire cool and rewarding skins or lore pieces, since there would be no stat change at all. Cant think of one.

Maybe the genre of puzzles, I guess. Can you really get stronger at Sudoku? Maybe chess...checkers? Would a queen in chess be considered power creep? I dont know lol.

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29 minutes ago, kevoisvevo said:

in your subjective opinion too

Completely agree.

My subjective opinion is that there are a small but vocal number of posters that literally think they know better, just like on every Live game forum, they think the rest of us are just suckers feeding an evil/bad gaming company and I find that to be a fascinating thing to study as part of the human condition.

I have no dog in the race - I will play the game as long at it is both fun for me and it exists - I have no stock in the company, I am not an investor.

The players that think so much of thier own outlooks that theythink they have to save the rest of us and/or the game company? Fascinating brain chemistry...

These are my subjective opinions, presented as such, from my own personal delusion...we all live in one...

And, IMO, just because there are vocal players not happy with the game, does not equal "it's dead, Jim" now any more than it did two years ago when I started reading the forums and seeing posts by players determined to convince the rest of us the game was 'already dead'...

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I'm so confused as to how Warframe is supposedly dying and has nothing going for it anymore and is now a terrible game.

I mean, all the same content is there, all the old grinds still have to be done to progress, the game never has less content to do or play, it just sounds like some people played too much and need to take a break. You've finished old content, that's nice, but not everyone has.

The game doesn't replace content like others (well, it does sometimes, see: Eidolons and SS for a recent example), it only ever really adds.

These "Warframe Doomers" (or "Vets" as you might commonly know them as) really need to just do one sometimes. You are not the only qualified opinion on the game, because everyone is a player so everyone's opinion is valid.

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48 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:

Eidolons were a pain in the ass to kill anyway. Plus players who were good at it didn't want to play with people who were still trying to learn how to deal with Eidolons thanks to that terrible time limit of doing it at night.

People would drop out of missions if they saw you have the wrong frame or weapon. I get why too, cause they don't want to waste their time with such a small window to farm them but damn did it make the whole thing more frustrating than it needed to be.

Well i wasnt a elitist when it came to Eidolon Hunting and one or two rounds of Tridolon per night was pretty much my average, maybe thats why it took me so long to get the arcanes....

I will also agree that killing them is a pain sometimes but we had the reward at the end, you werent doing this for nothing, it was as a mater of facts the only activity in the game that could be tagged with the "endgame" sticker upon but also the only grind that actually rewarded people after investing the efforts.


After Scarlett spear what is the point of Eidolons and after the Arcanes changes well even less reasons to go get them because most of them lost their shine.

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41 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:


For me in Warframe, I don't see repetitive.  (ROFLMMAO)

Indy 500 Canadian Pockemon Warframe Sonic The Hedgehog Racing doing lots of laps in the same level. 

41 minutes ago, Kajin_Style said:

Warframe has not reached the end of its story. The end of its tale, this is why we don't have endgame yet.

You wish. Yes, keep wishing, lol. 

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

The result of playing a game for an extended amount of time always leads to an increase in stats, even if it's a small amount.

I can't think of one game where every piece of gear acquired had flat stats completely, essentially only playing games to acquire cool and rewarding skins or lore pieces, since there would be no stat change at all. Cant think of one.

Maybe the genre of puzzles, I guess. Can you really get stronger at Sudoku? Maybe chess...checkers? Would a queen in chess be considered power creep? I dont know lol.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I have no issues with getting stronger over time my issue its that after certain point Warframe does not give you any incentive to keep playing, lore wise nor progression wise.


For example Im MR14 unlocked all of the startchart, grinded most of cetus and quills, why would I go to fortuna, I already completed the garuda quest and have her, I know there its hyldrin but I already have many tank frames why would I get her.

Why should I spend time grinding the vent kids if you can use archwing for transport.

Why should I go to another grind island if the ones I already mastered to some degree gave me the same thing.

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30 minutes ago, (NSW)Matt-S said:

I'm so confused as to how Warframe is supposedly dying and has nothing going for it anymore and is now a terrible game.

I mean, all the same content is there, all the old grinds still have to be done to progress, the game never has less content to do or play, it just sounds like some people played too much and need to take a break. You've finished old content, that's nice, but not everyone has.

The game doesn't replace content like others (well, it does sometimes, see: Eidolons and SS for a recent example), it only ever really adds.

These "Warframe Doomers" (or "Vets" as you might commonly know them as) really need to just do one sometimes. You are not the only qualified opinion on the game, because everyone is a player so everyone's opinion is valid.

The game past its golden period at this point, put down your pitchfork i will explain.

Yes DE been adding a lot of new stuff with updates like the cinematic quests, the plains of Eidolon, Fortuna, Sanctuary, Arbitration, Lich system etc. Most of these are simply grind fest and so buggy to begin with that at a point they were unplayable until fixed, fixed after the hype was gone of course.

On the other end however they started to change or nerf all the stuff that made the game good and pushed player in preparing for a mission: Endless mission with keys in order to get the prime parts in the Void. These were awesome, spending hours upon hours in the same survival against very high level enemies and collecting prime parts on the go. We had to prepare, it was getting tougher as time passed and we were rewarded for it. Now we have the relic system that sucks, plain and simple. The removal of the Raids was also a big hit because it was fun and the Arcanes were the prize.

Plenty of minor changes here and there over the years like the change to the Tonkor, Trin, Ember, Chroma (many more just stating whats on top of my head right now), change to the economy, how the game is getting even more grindy. These were all minor changes but it does add up to become a big deal in the end, the latest wave of super nerfs for Scarlet spear or the shadow nerf to Revenant, even more to add up to the list. They do not change stuff some time after they release content, they change stuff because they realise something is getting good for the current grind and they need to make sure they slow us down.

The problem now is we get more and more grind but no rewards at the end to justify this, the Arcanes were the last "endgame" item left in the game and they killed too.


Its a more like a chore now instead of being a game, a game with some grind i have nothing against it but what we have today its reaching absurdity.


Why i rant so much lately its because i like this game, in fact by the time spend on it i will assume its even my favorite but right now i have the feeling its more nostalgia than actual fun that keep me on.

Pretty sure most veterans are feeling like this and now there is an exodus from the partners as well, that says it all.


There is enough content and hand holding for new players to jump in, so stop holding the veteran base back by changing some of the endgame gear and produce content in order to enjoy it.

Edited by Bacl
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8 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I have no issues with getting stronger over time my issue its that after certain point Warframe does not give you any incentive to keep playing, lore wise nor progression wise.


For example Im MR14 unlocked all of the startchart, grinded most of cetus and quills, why would I go to fortuna, I already completed the garuda quest and have her, I know there its hyldrin but I already have many tank frames why would I get her.

Why should I spend time grinding the vent kids if you can use archwing for transport.

Why should I go to another grind island if the ones I already mastered to some degree gave me the same thing.

Yea guess you're right lol, I did it because I wanted to but experiences vary.


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26 minutes ago, Bacl said:

These were awesome, spending hours upon hours in the same survival against very high level enemies and collecting prime parts on the go.

Are. You. Really. Serious.

I swear, this is either top-quality sarcasm, or the guy just never played old Void grind.

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22 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:


What do you mean? I thought everyone liked spending half an hour in a single mission on a single tileset and only getting Forma and Common parts for their trouble!

Suffice to say, I don't think particularly highly of the old Void system. I was extremely glad when they changed to fissures. Admittedly, I do think that it's a bit odd that some prime items are easier to obtain than their regular counterparts, but I'll gladly take an overly rewarding system over an overly miserly one.

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1 минуту назад, Corvid сказал:

What do you mean? I thought everyone liked spending half an hour in a single mission on a single tileset and only getting Forma and Common parts for their trouble!

Suffice to say, I don't think particularly highly of the old Void system. I was extremely glad when they changed to fissures. Admittedly, I do think that it's a bit odd that some prime items are easier to obtain than their regular counterparts, but I'll gladly take an overly rewarding system over an overly miserly one.

Don't forget 1 Orokin cell as rotation reward. 

Edited by Serafim_94
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16 minutes ago, prodi1600 said:

Maybe I wasn't clear enough, I have no issues with getting stronger over time my issue its that after certain point Warframe does not give you any incentive to keep playing, lore wise nor progression wise.

For example Im MR14 unlocked all of the startchart, grinded most of cetus and quills, why would I go to fortuna, I already completed the garuda quest and have her, I know there its hyldrin but I already have many tank frames why would I get her.

Why should I spend time grinding the vent kids if you can use archwing for transport.

Why should I go to another grind island if the ones I already mastered to some degree gave me the same thing.

Many of us just enjoy playing the game...regardless of the rewards...even sometimes in spite of them I bet...

I realize a lot and possibly a majority play for rewards and advancement over fun, because 'getting things' trips thier dopamine.

Me, I get that dopamine hit just from playing the game - just having the free time to chill out and play alredy makes me happy and the power fantasy of WF is fun...

So, the only incentive I need to play more WF is to simply have the free time, because the game is fun, killing the pixels is fun, being a magic space ninja is fun.

I can totally see if you just look at the game as a rewards per minute machine for dopamine hits, that for many it would get old once most items have been acquired...IME, when I get to the point I have all the things, the next layer of fun is tryin out new ideas, not just copying the meta...

So from my POV, there are plenty of incentives to play, because there are always Evil-Bad 'Puter Men to kill...


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1 minute ago, Zimzala said:

Many of us just enjoy playing the game...regardless of the rewards...even sometimes in spite of them I bet...

I realize a lot and possibly a majority play for rewards and advancement over fun, because 'getting things' trips thier dopamine.

Me, I get that dopamine hit just from playing the game - just having the free time to chill out and play alredy makes me happy and the power fantasy of WF is fun...

So, the only incentive I need to play more WF is to simply have the free time, because the game is fun, killing the pixels is fun, being a magic space ninja is fun.

I can totally see if you just look at the game as a rewards per minute machine for dopamine hits, that for many it would get old once most items have been acquired...IME, when I get to the point I have all the things, the next layer of fun is tryin out new ideas, not just copying the meta...

So from my POV, there are plenty of incentives to play, because there are always Evil-Bad 'Puter Men to kill...


I'm pretty much the same. The vast majority of my missions are Exterminates because I simply enjoy booting the game up and tearing through a bunch of bad dudes/plague monsters. Nothing else I've played even comes close to how much freedom of playstyle Warframe gives me (which is why I'm a bit miffed at how the more recent updates have put more emphasis on spongey enemies meaning I can't use the weapons and mod setups I actually like, but that's a topic for another day).

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22 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:


I spend on average four hours per key (when i had the time of course) so no sarcasm, plenty of prime parts at the end and plenty of fun while doing it.

Seriously missing it since, the void relic system sucks, more grind for less in the end.

10 minutes ago, Corvid said:

Good grief, I actually had. I think my brain must have suppressed just how dire it was back then.

Well there was a period when the Orokin endless rewards were terrible like when we could only get a single reward and we were getting the rare cores to do so.

After fixing that shower of prime parts however was a very good motivation to jump in endless missions.

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