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Do you think the nail is in the coffin?


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5 hours ago, Corvid said:

(which is why I'm a bit miffed at how the more recent updates have put more emphasis on spongey enemies meaning I can't use the weapons and mod setups I actually like, but that's a topic for another day).

Oh god this.

I don't mind a little more sponge, I mean, it IS a Looter Shooter and DE gotta make that endgame loot more valuable over time I suppose. But Empyrean ground enemies in particular are ridiculous. Compared to my previous benchmark enemy (Corrupted Bombards), which I consistently tested at level 100+, the level 90 Empyrean enemies take several times as many hits, and might as well be immune to status even now if you don't have tons of crit and/or raw damage to back it up.

Seriously, some of these guys have more effective health than the Wolf of Saturn Six, and at least you COULD strip his armour in the case of the officers...


Edit: Actually, another comparison. At level 75 (not sure if the wiki has had the armour update in its scaling calculations) a Gokstad Officer sports 6 million effective health. The Hydrolyst has three million in its last phase, if you let it regenerate to full AND don't strip its armour.

Edited by Loza03
Reminder: DE originally designed the teralyst to be un-soloable
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35 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

this satire flew over my head at first

kinda serious about it, seeing Tribunal had just made me give up at this point, I was going to start scarlet spear again tomorrow after a few weeks of fixing but seeing that mod and testing it had just made me lose the motivation to, this mod means they will not rework this aspect of Harrows kit in the future which means he won't have this issue fixed at his prime release via rework, that's really not good to me because the mod is actually among the worst non exilus mods in the game imo for several key reasons.

Hoping they buff it but DE still hasn't fixed aoe weapons yet, isn't this update a prime example of warframe has been these past few months? release pointless garbage and maybe fix it later... sigh why can't I get a patch that doesn't negatively effect me so I can be happy again on patch day like I used to, I remember when I would jump for glee at an update because it had a new tenno reinforcement like the tonbo and a small event


Edited by BreezeKazero
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1 hour ago, (PS4)grayhyh said:

I would like the game more if it wasnt piss poor easy to the point of you needing no brain to do anything in the game,and anything that you struggle at you can just scream for help and someone can basically do the job for you...

The warframes are fun,the guns altho some has weird wonky gimmicks are also fun imo and the fashion is pretty versatile the gameplay couldve more work tho... you being able to beat anything on starchart with a well modded stick and a toy gun is pretty ridiculous and warframe buff basically makes everything melt just by looking at it.. and de doesnt really bring much anything new to the table in terms of gameplay much the newest thing implemented for warframe was disruption.

The starchart is for beginners....I mean level 125 stuff melts just as fast but still lol.....you shouldn't use the starchart as a gauge for anything.

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1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

1. New levels for exploration and more parkour diversity. The bounding boxes cuts the ability of Warframes explore the levels. 

So basically tileset rework which is coming gradually

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

2. Seamless integration of railjack with the open world arenas. The game is a big collection of unrelated isles. 

And why do you think they made it unrelated other than possible bugs? To me I prefer this kind of unrelated release so I can prepare first. Now imagine if they integrate the railjack and just to enter the open world arenas you have to steer your fresh railjack while getting pounded hard and you don't have any supply to defend yourself, you won't complain about that later because you're locked from things that you used to be able to access just because of this one release?

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

3. Enemies with advanced A.I. instead of walking lemmings. 

And what will make that better when you can fly past them or just wipe them with warframe power? That means we need a massive nerf to our power to make sure they have time to retaliate and more equipment to make sure you can't fly past them like grenade that knock you down if you fly past them or tether you down to ground to make you unable to run away from them.

The A.I. is pretty advanced for a game from 2013, shield lancers will pull their shield and cover themselves when taking damage, other enemies will retreat and hide behind cover in a group or hide behind shield lancers as protection but hardly noticeable when you're flying and spreading death everywhere

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

4. Animations and intricate designs on the levels other than an up and down lifter in Hydron. Many of the farming stages are a true bore to look at. For example look at the architecture of the levels in Doom Eternal. 

And look at the age of the level design, most of them are from 2013 - 2014 where you don't have bullet jump until Echoes of the Sentient update where you get bullet jump when Doom Eternal is recently released

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

5. Newer enemy types with certain degree of military accuracy. 

And how accurate is military accuracy? How well you will survive if not using Inaros or other tank frames and are you sure you won't complain about it later?

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

6. Reduce grind hours and use Liches to introduce new weapons in the game. Make the grind interesting instead of repeating the same process to get some items. 

So how many hours at best? And what will you do when you get items you want? Complain about "content drought"? And define what you see as interesting grind when other games I see is always repeating the same process to get some items

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

7. Promote end game with rewards that worth the time spent instead of depending on the constant RNG for everything in the game.

Define "endgame" and define "rewards that worth the time spent"

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

8. Make the game less dependent on probabilities. Reduce the slot machine, endorse the effort and dedication. value the time of the player. 

Oh sure, I have an example where a certain relic can be obtained from doing defection and nowhere else, less slot machine, more to your effort and dedication of running defection, that's what you want, right?

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

10. Reward the effort of players. If they invest time improving their weapons, don't gimp those weapons. For newer content add stronger enemies instead of downgrading the system with stick and carrot programmed obsolescence.  

Why don't you say that to other games that gimp overpowered weapons? Why only warframe that isn't allowed to do that?

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

True. Other games don't provide the weapons and then downgrade them. That is a practice that happens constantly on the F2P games. If we want to invest in the game we want to see progression and diversity instead of being fashion frame pageants doing laps on a level doing the same. 

Are you sure? Just by taking a look at our neighbor Destiny 2, so many nerfed over time even when it was a paid game before and progression and diversity? We already have our progression to be able to clear Sedna and diversity from having many weapons that able to do it so what kind of progression you want? Railjack grineer then as a new progression where they're stronger than the rest

1 hour ago, Felsagger said:

Weapons, skins, forma, umbra forma, riven mods. Rewards won by effort not RNG dependent. Don't over extend the grind artificially. 

So, more drops like acceltra and the gang, and those are already in the game so what else? And not RNG dependent? Why can't warframe do that when other games use RNG on top of RNG and you don't complain at there at all?

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb White_Matter:

Well, paying for WF accessories is a voluntary act. I paid lots for plat, tennogen and prime accessories myself.

But whether DE moves on to another game or not, WF will end at some point. They won't keep developing WF just because they feel like they are indebted to paying customers.

I think everyone is/should be aware of that.

Game is on a decline, most people are aware of that also. And the reason for that isn't just absence of substantial content. It is many things, some of which go deep down into the games core. 

Knowing that DE won't do a complete overhaul at this stage, I think a fresh start, taking all the experience from this to a new project, without making the same mistakes seems like a better option than to keep pumping resources to a dying game. 

Please, elaborate. Give me a scenario how DE could handle this without leaving scorched earth especially for the players who invested much in this game?
We have several statements of Rebecca that WF2 is not a way to go. What would happen when DE does a 180 on this matter? The moment DE would announce WF2 their income would drop  to zero while facing an huge backlash from the community.
WF2 would need years to be ready. Who should pay DE's bill during that time? 
Well, they could make a big secret about it. Slowly shifting resources from WF2 to WF1, hoping that nothing gets leaked. But in they end, they need players buying those Prime accesses now which won't happen when WF1 suddenly has a fixed end date.
How could DE pull  this off  without poisening the relationship to the community or leaving their claim to be in constant communication with us?

Edited by Sahansral
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33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

So basically tile set rework which is coming gradually

You made me a question. I simply answered. 

The problem is the compartmentalization of the world map. The map is linear with additive permuted tiles. However these stages doesn't show the complexity that a Warframe warrants. These Warframe requires intricate 'tree like' designed stages. A good example started with Jupiter the Gas Giant. Another example is Urdak in Doom Eternal. That stage was literally designed for Warframes. High jumps, impulse launchers and tight maneuver. It has a balance of open and closed spaces. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And why do you think they made it unrelated other than possible bugs? To me I prefer this kind of unrelated release so I can prepare first. Now imagine if they integrate the railjack and just to enter the open world arenas you have to steer your fresh railjack while getting pounded hard and you don't have any supply to defend yourself, you won't complain about that later because you're locked from things that you used to be able to access just because of this one release?

DE has being doing this for 7 years. Do we have to grant them 14 years because their vision requires memory and better hardware? How about games like No Man Sky. Or how about the game Monster Hunter World Iceborn? All of the stage is already connected because the game was not conceived in fragments. DE is conceiving the game in fragments and then improvising. Instead of having Star Citizen 42 fiasco of perpetual development at an expensive price. We become the beta testers for the complete experience so they do not invest on game testers. To boot many streamers are leaving the game because they are disappointing. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And what will make that better when you can fly past them or just wipe them with warframe power? That means we need a massive nerf to our power to make sure they have time to retaliate and more equipment to make sure you can't fly past them like grenade that knock you down if you fly past them or tether you down to ground to make you unable to run away from them.

Wrong completely. 

Enemy doesn't behave like a team. They are lemmings running amok and reacting to our attacks. They are not coordinated. There are no special elite spec ops or a set of two or three Liches working as a team. Each soldier follow traces and tracks but they do not negotiate strategically their surroundings when they see a warframe. Few walks in circles other just stand there waiting for their theater ticket. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

The A.I. is pretty advanced for a game from 2013, shield lancers will pull their shield and cover themselves when taking damage, other enemies will retreat and hide behind cover in a group or hide behind shield lancers as protection but hardly noticeable when you're flying and spreading death everywhere.

Oh yes, like those Hyekka masters running in circles? Or Grineer heavy napalm troops firing aimlessly in the sky? The A.I. is a joke on any standard. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And look at the age of the level design, most of them are from 2013 - 2014 where you don't have bullet jump until Echoes of the Sentient update where you get bullet jump when Doom Eternal is recently released.

This happens when you do not establish a clear target of what the game would be. We have Warframes that can't do anything on these stages other than run like hamsters on a maze. These Warframes requires more interactivity and animations with the background. There are a lot of incomplete pieces in this puzzle. Warframe evolved, yes but we are speaking about creative content being updated. 

If this game doesn't update at the pace of the industry the game becomes irrelevant. I purchased Doom Eternal. It's literally Warframe with heavy weapons and finishers. The stages defines the pace of the action. In Warframe the stage is of CENTRAL IMPORTANCE. In this game the architecture defines the pace and the lore. We have a lot of importance on cosmetics, fashion frame and guitars instead of having that energy invested in better stage design. 

All the farming levels are pure torture and displeasing. If people are going to farm on those places constantly, at least these should be interesting. This is why Developers are not playing their own game. They don't understand the resultant farming that happens. They react to the farming but they do not design these places in order to make them very interesting. Again look for example the battle arena segments in Doom Eternal. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And how accurate is military accuracy? How well you will survive if not using Inaros or other tank frames and are you sure you won't complain about it later?

Military accuracy means the execution of tactics, behavior reaction of a team, sudden change of tactics, call for artillery, call for heavy troops, special teams, a dynamic change in the enemy behavior made by them not with the procs. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

So how many hours at best? And what will you do when you get items you want? Complain about "content drought"? And define what you see as interesting grind when other games I see is always repeating the same process to get some items

10 minutes for a one forma polarization. That with boosters takes 30 minutes for example. When I get the items I want, I go helping other players farm their items. I spend time on simulacrum tweaking the build. We don't have a forma build simulator, we need one to test our builds without the trial and error. If there is content drought I simply try other games. However it is frustrating when the new content sucks horse excrement because such developer decided not to test it properly. 

Interesting grinds are those grinds where you establish a quest. An example are the Liches. These where the exact way to farm NEW WEAPONS instead of rehashes of old ones. The level 40 forma'ing is artificial grinding. It is way much harder but the weapon output is not that great for the effort spent. Interesting grinding happens when there are new enemies to unlock or find. Interesting grinding happens when is moderate with the time of your customer. We have jobs, part times, families and of course a life to life. We can't get 40 hours straight trying to unlock content that doesn't represent the effort in it.  

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Define "endgame" and define "rewards that worth the time spent"

The cheapest way that DE defined it was with high level high damage same enemies. For us endgame is the uncertainty of having unexpected boss battles, harder battles or battles with two or three Liches at the same time. Endgame could be the introduction of more advanced enemies or a larger horde that behaves military accurate. End game is a test where you combine skill, hardware performance and tactics. 

A reward that worth the time spent could be three formas package. Umbra forma, a new warframe skin, a new weapon. A good example is the rewards on Night Wave. That is a good start. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Oh sure, I have an example where a certain relic can be obtained from doing defection and nowhere else, less slot machine, more to your effort and dedication of running defection, that's what you want, right?


33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Why don't you say that to other games that gimp overpowered weapons? Why only warframe that isn't allowed to do that?

Do you see that in Doom Eternal? Do you see that in single player games? Do you see degradation in Call of Duty Modern Warfare? The balancing happens before not after. In Warframe De establish a great weapon as a stick carrot system and then downgraded it with programmed obsolescence with the intention to disperse the people when such weapon becomes popular. An example is the Catchmoon. It was one of the best secondary but DE decided to disperse the users because the weapon was too popular according to their charts. 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

Are you sure? Just by taking a look at our neighbor Destiny 2, so many nerfed over time even when it was a paid game before and progression and diversity? We already have our progression to be able to clear Sedna and diversity from having many weapons that able to do it so what kind of progression you want? Railjack grineer then as a new progression where they're stronger than the rest.

Deadstiny 2 is a joke. I don't even consider that in any discussion. 

No nerfs. That is a THOT slap in our faces. We spent time making such weapon powerful. Why all of the sudden DE flips the middle finger and tells us, no your new Meta is this every 90 days? 

33 minutes ago, 844448 said:

So, more drops like acceltra and the gang, and those are already in the game so what else? And not RNG dependent? Why can't warframe do that when other games use RNG on top of RNG and you don't complain at there at all?

What other games? Doom Eternal doesn't use it. It uses RNG on the spawn of certain enemies to make the battlefield dynamics. Horizon Zero uses RNG to spawn some combination of robots so the player reacts dynamically without depending too much on memory. 

Remember I don't come empty handed. 

Thanks for the response. 

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3 hours ago, Felsagger said:


Deadstiny 2 is a joke. I don't even consider that in any discussion. 

No nerfs. That is a THOT slap in our faces. We spent time making such weapon powerful. Why all of the sudden DE flips the middle finger and tells us, no your new Meta is this every 90 days? 


I wouldn't call Destiny 2 a joke. Destiny 2 weapons aren't nerfed, but just balanced every season to ensure that wether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.

Edited by Deathstroke2000
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6 hours ago, Loza03 said:

I don't mind a little more sponge, I mean, it IS a Looter Shooter and DE gotta make that endgame loot more valuable over time I suppose. But Empyrean ground enemies in particular are ridiculous. Compared to my previous benchmark enemy (Corrupted Bombards), which I consistently tested at level 100+, the level 90 Empyrean enemies take several times as many hits, and might as well be immune to status even now if you don't have tons of crit and/or raw damage to back it up.

True, railjack enemies are an overkill. I think it's nice when we have more difficult content, but this too much, at least in the Veil Proxima. 

For me an example of good difficulty is Orb Vallis. You have a mix of standard and elite enemies, they can deal some damage but aren't a hassle to kill.

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6 hours ago, 3NVY5W0RD said:

We will see the conclusion this Friday on how DE especially Steve respond to this mess. Dont hide behind Rebbeca skirts no more Steve. Give her a break. 

The conclusion will be when they actually do something that they say they're going to do in Friday's devstream... as has been said by myself and others, actions speak louder than words. 

If I'm being honest, I'm expecting the devstream to just be a load of fluff again (ie, yes we're listening, we'll do better next time etc) to try and deflect/reduce the 'tension' and ultimately have nothing done and/or the same issues with the next update.

Edited by LSG501
v not c
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18 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

The conclusion will be when they actually do something that they say they're going to do in Friday's decstream... as has been said by myself and others, actions speak louder than words. 

If I'm being honest, I'm expecting the devstream to just be a load of fluff again (ie, yes we're listening, we'll do better next time etc) to try and deflect/reduce the 'tension' and ultimately have nothing done and/or the same issues with the next update.

And Steve will pull out his guitar. Yup, 10/10 could see it happening

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48 minutes ago, 844448 said:

And easier said than done

That really depends on what they say they're going to do...

They have some simple things they could do such as releasing that mag 'rework' (you know from the trailer stopping bullets), we're still waiting on the pet changes, we're still waiting on the 'higher level' maps that were mentioned to name but a few things... they just have to release them in a non buggy state and it's a start to showing they 'might' be able to do what they're saying etc.  Hell they could just go and fix some of the long standing bugs in game, things that haven't been fixed for 'years'...

Even releasing a well balanced nightwave 3 (ie no wolf of saturn situation again) without game/reward breaking bugs wouldn't exactly hurt, especially if they've been listening to our feedback and taking notice and 'fixing' our issues such as the incredibly easy to fix stupidly low creds after rank 30.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

The starchart is for beginners....I mean level 125 stuff melts just as fast but still lol.....you shouldn't use the starchart as a gauge for anything.

you should becuase the only ways to encounter lvl 100 and above is arbys and sorties,heck even sorties lvl 100 isnt a common thing to encounter with enemies unless they are an eximus or a boss,the other way around is to stay in survival for 1h+ but rewards in survival dont really scale they just rotate back endlessly so youcoulve just replay the first 20 minutes over and over again. even at level 100 enemies are still pushovers if you bring almost any gun thats well modded,and using warframe buffs you basically destroy them all with a toy gun

high level grineers are now 2-3 times less tankier than before and theyre still the priority target becuase infested are incredibly fragile and corpus shields are still meh unless a shield ospery is around

The enemy ai in this game is incredibly dumb,literally my approuch with most sortie bosses is to strip armor/dmg buff my wep and then just melee them endlessly with paracesis while going around them like a beyblade i have seen dumb ai going mental but i havent seen this much dumb ai outside of objectively S#&$ty games lol

This game has immense potential i wont deny it,but the devs dunno how to handle their game and care anymore bout polishing it and making it more better only getting new players to play and making the game more and more easier just for people who dont play games much to join it.

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20 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

That really depends on what they say they're going to do...

They have some simple things they could do such as releasing that mag 'rework' (you know from the trailer stopping bullets), we're still waiting on the pet changes, we're still waiting on the 'higher level' maps that were mentioned to name but a few things... they just have to release them in a non buggy state and it's a start to showing they 'might' be able to do what they're saying etc.  Hell they could just go and fix some of the long standing bugs in game, things that haven't been fixed for 'years'...

Even releasing a well balanced nightwave 3 (ie no wolf of saturn situation again) without game/reward breaking bugs wouldn't exactly hurt, especially if they've been listening to our feedback and taking notice and 'fixing' our issues such as the incredibly easy to fix stupidly low creds after rank 30.

Like I said, how easy to do them from that mag rework, pet changes etc compared to saying it? And what factor that causes the bugs? My biggest guess for the bugs is the insanely low system requirement with intel core 2 duo, 4 GB RAM and Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT/ATI Radeon HD 3600 with unspecified broadband connection which is ancient for a game at that size so what can I say? Using high end PC with high speed internet give me zero bugs on my side

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14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

IMO, your outlook on the game being in decline is an opinion, not a commonly held outlook/fact as you try to portray it.

You don't think it is on a decline ?

I think if we made a poll right now, majority would agree that the game has been on a stready decline even before we got Lich and Railjack updates.

14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Sure, it will not last forever, totally agree, none of these games do...but most of them take a long, long time to 'die'.

It's been 7+ years. That is a pretty long time for a game to run it's course. And most games that lived for decades like Warcraft have better bussiness and gameplay models and aren't free to play. 

WF can't survive on their terms. Case in point.

14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

But this idea of a Live game having a dip in popularity meaning it's dead/dying is just hilarious when these same things have happened to other games that are still chugging along, just like this one...just because a game is not 'on top' or 'number one' or 'top ten' someplace does mean it is a failure, only that it is not the most popular...

Where did I mention this anywhere in my post ?

I never claimed that the game is dying because it is not as popular anymore or in top 10 charts.  I couldn't care less about that. I played WF for 4 years before it took off in 2017.

14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

This idea that 'because I think, then everyone will agree' is just not reality.

Totally agree, and by the same token it applies to you as well.

14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

And just because we have a few gamers post "well, I cannot see how they will ..." does not mean they won't, only that the poster has no clue about how to solve something they see as an issue.

I know it's just part of the human condition to think this way, but it is so funny to see it in action.

Again I agree, but I don't see your point as I don't know who you are referring to.

Most people who know what they are talking about say those things based on experience, not opinions of others. Some people(including myself) played this game for 7 years and certain things were never adressed through out those years, and even when they became major problems(Challenge / reward issues off the top of my head for example), they still seem to be swept under the rug by DE. "We'll look into it" does not count as being adressed btw.

14 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Until DE annouces 'no more work on WF', the game is alive, no matter how much that ticks off some (ex)players.

Being alive is a matter of perspective. People are technically considered alive in "vegetative states."


7 hours ago, Sahansral said:

Please, elaborate. Give me a scenario how DE could handle this without leaving scorched earth especially for the players who invested much in this game?
We have several statements of Rebecca that WF2 is not a way to go. What would happen when DE does a 180 on this matter? The moment DE would announce WF2 their income would drop  to zero while facing an huge backlash from the community.
WF2 would need years to be ready. Who should pay DE's bill during that time? 
Well, they could make a big secret about it. Slowly shifting resources from WF2 to WF1, hoping that nothing gets leaked. But in they end, they need players buying those Prime accesses now which won't happen when WF1 suddenly has a fixed end date.
How could DE pull  this off  without poisening the relationship to the community or leaving their claim to be in constant communication with us?

Exactly like that.

Start working on WF2, and still do what they are doing with WF, slowly moving resources towards WF2 and then announce it 6-12 months prior to release. Call it a 'Surprise' "we did it for you guys!" and move on.

They can figure out Prime access owners and people with 5k plat and above by giving them some exclusive stuff or booster packs or something for their WF 2 accounts, it ain't that big a deal. 


Edited by White_Matter
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Il y a 5 heures, LSG501 a dit :

The conclusion will be when they actually do something that they say they're going to do in Friday's devstream... as has been said by myself and others, actions speak louder than words. 

If I'm being honest, I'm expecting the devstream to just be a load of fluff again (ie, yes we're listening, we'll do better next time etc) to try and deflect/reduce the 'tension' and ultimately have nothing done and/or the same issues with the next update.

Honestly I think that would break me , if they respond with the usual " yes we're listening, we'll do better next time".

Id close the stream and uninstall warframe right there.

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7 hours ago, 3NVY5W0RD said:

We will see the conclusion this Friday on how DE especially Steve respond to this mess. Dont hide behind Rebbeca skirts no more Steve. Give her a break. 

I would not be surprised. 

49 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

You asked the right question. So you were dismissed.

Here is 'wat'. 

Steve says that 'we are sorry for this mess, we will do better next time', pull off his guitar and don't give two rat's butts about it, points the middle finger and laugh. Do you wonder why Rebecca called us 'losers'. Now you wonder why. 

Deal with it. 

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4 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

Here is 'wat'. 

Steve says that 'we are sorry for this mess, we will do better next time', pull off his guitar and don't give two rat's butts about it, points the middle finger and laugh. Do you wonder why Rebecca called us 'losers'. Now you wonder why. 

Deal with it. 


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2 hours ago, LSG501 said:

The conclusion will be when they actually do something that they say they're going to do in Friday's devstream... as has been said by myself and others, actions speak louder than words. 

If I'm being honest, I'm expecting the devstream to just be a load of fluff again (ie, yes we're listening, we'll do better next time etc) to try and deflect/reduce the 'tension' and ultimately have nothing done and/or the same issues with the next update.

You see, this man gets it. He gets it. 


LSG501, how does it feels to use the brain and use such power of common sense. Who gave you the right to be intelligent and coherent. With what authority you use such kind of sorcery. 

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