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Reworking Valkyr


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On 2020-04-22 at 5:15 PM, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

I like Valkyr booty. Not all female warframes need big bust,big booty or both. Mag booty flat. I love mag small booty. Not all male warframes need to be tall,muscular or both. 


In all fairness the frames have pretty diverse designs.  Combine that with skins everyone can get something they like.

I do agree valkyrs abilities need a overhaul though.  And there are more fan done neko heavy skins i wish we had. 

Sex appeal is just a normal marketting tatic.

I think the postier discussion is more of a joke then serious.

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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Old discussion about Valkyr' skill reworking becomes inactive. So...i thought, If anyone have an idea about skills reworking, you can just drop something in here. Let's say my idea is to make the first skill the same as Atlas or Excalibur. #SaveValkyrBootyForSiblings

Edited by SolarusRaven
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How about she scream and makes enemies around her explode blood out fear doing aoe damage and healing party members.

As for her booty. It doth not compare to a number of the other lady frames assets.

To make up for this she needs a deluxe skin that goes full neko.

We need this neko skin for her deluxe.

Or maybe a design similar to toakaka of the kaka clan.

Edited by (PS4)Kakurine2
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On 2020-04-22 at 12:22 AM, Blood_Queen_Valkyr said:

The shield doesn't mitigate enough damage to be worth the effort and using mods to enhance the shield is just a waste of a slot. Valkyr is a armor tank period-- you focus on increasing her health pool to increase her mitigation for incoming damage. Last thing you want to do is waste time on the shield when the effects are minor. 

I think you quoted a bad person because I don't said she is a shield frame because she is more focused on her armor. The small amount of shield is can be there for shield gating but everyone build her around her armor and hp.

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How to make rip line not useless.
Step 1: Targeting terrain is utterly useless when we have so much mobility. Remove this feature.
Step 2: Pressing the button causes Valkyr to pull the enemy towards her, and simultaneously opens them to a finisher. If in Hysteria, Valkyr immediately dunks their skull into the ground. Holding the button causes Valkyr to launch towards the target, stunning them and opening them to a finisher, and if in Hysteria, does another unique finisher like tapping the button.
Step 3: Realize such a redesign damages the usefulness of her 3.
Step 4: Figure out a way to rework her 3 to work with the new kit.
Step 5: Realize you didn't think this through and have no idea for a reworked 3.

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On 2020-04-22 at 2:59 PM, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

Here we go with the sex, social, political bs. Poor woman are not under attack so calm thy self.

We are visual creatures. We will all enjoy good looking humanoid bodies. Valkyr is not as endowed as the others. So she won't instantly apoeal to all.

The frames are not living beings don't attatch your politics to them.

Men and women are judged and judge each other at a glance.  You only get to know someone beyond the exterior over time.

Trust, love, friendship, respect, etc. Are all earned over years. None of it comes free. And if any of these things are betrayed they are lost forever.

So get off the horse.

Well, I mean, I feel like you would get your point across better if you didn’t take more than a sentence to say “I like looking at butts”.

Honestly, this is primo copypasta material you wrote up here.



Also, you misspelled appeal.

Edited by mac10smg--Toa_of_Green
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I could use another alt helm, as for the butt...perfection. Now for her powers, eh I just use Ripline simply because its fun due to the mobility so I don't want to lose it, but I'm just one lone voice who loves singing Spiderman, Spiderman, Spiderman, here comes the crazy spider cat lady....,

....everything else seems un-needed just due to her sheer speed, armor and crazy town.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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42 minutes ago, mac10smg--Toa_of_Green said:

Well, I mean, I feel like you would get your point across better if you didn’t take more than a sentence to say “I like looking at butts”.

Honestly, this is primo copypasta material you wrote up here.



Also, you misspelled appeal.

Just being honest as a human being i am hard wired to react to sex appeal.

I like attractive women i won't lie. Valkyr is a frame that is ok ability wise.  And pretty average in terms of looks.

Yea i am typing via a cell phone so spelling goofs and fat fingering letters is gonna happen.  I try to proof check and fix stuff. But dont catch it all.

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Her grappling line must be urber super god tier good, why else would the steal the skill from the archwing and replace it with Valkyr's grappling line?

Sorry I couldn't resist a dig at the grapple line.

Anyways I have found that Valkyr is an odd frame and always wondered how they would rework her if they would do so.

Edited by (PS4)Jason_V_Jade
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Grind Hard Squad recently released a video about how now Valkyr feels against high-level mobs. Of course, only Hysteria was shown. He even clarified that she still needed to review her skills.


Edited by SolarusRaven
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Paralysis and Prolonged Paralysis are useful Abilities.

Ripline has a use in CC, but it's certainly lacking in features generally thesedays. has one good feature but could use some more.


On 2020-05-06 at 12:01 PM, CaptainMinty said:

Step 1: Targeting terrain is utterly useless when we have so much mobility. Remove this feature.

(i'd want to go the other way tbh, let it be an extra Parkour tool only Valkyr has, so that you have even more Movement options - basically by making it apply a very large Acceleration instantly rather than gradual Acceleration over time. it'd be sorof like a third extra extra powerful jump in a direction)

On 2020-05-06 at 12:01 PM, CaptainMinty said:

Step 2: Pressing the button causes Valkyr to pull the enemy towards her, and simultaneously opens them to a finisher.
Step 5: Realize you didn't think this through and have no idea for a reworked 3.

does Ripline need the feature at all? wouldn't it feel cooler if you pulled the Enemy to you but you could also have them arrive open for Finishers if you timed Paralysis right so it hit them as they arrived at you. more engaging if you ask me.

Edited by taiiat
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I have a feeling that if Valkitty ever gets reworked her 4 will get a huge nerf, so better leave her be.

She's one of those WF that has niche uses and is brain dead at it.

Find the boss, press 4 and win.

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She is my main and my second Warframe after Volt despite playing other Warframes she remains my most used one.

Her 1 is fine against terrain I use it to move around and high places in the void mission rooms yeah the golden orbs above just 1 press and I'm already high enough to slam the orb and get the loot.  Theres also one or two puzzle which is trivial with her 1. Perfect Catwoman ^^

For enemies I would simply add an option to long press her 1 that pulls every enemy within X range but that would be the same as her 3 with the augment.

Her 3 needs a rework yes and no, I use it to break containers hidden behind walls because the looter mod of the carrier does only work if containers are visible. I don't really see what could be added to it.

Edited by Krilexis
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Ok, what we got for today:

Passive: Useful, but still no changes;

Ripline: Valkyr still needs mobility and more offence from this skill at the same time

Warcry: No changes, it's perfect

Paralysis: Needs to be changed while keeping finishers

Hysteria: Nice, but only for survivability. Baruuk with ult augment has a god damn big damage against 100+, when Valkyr needs Condition Overload. That's not enough, of course

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  • 2 weeks later...

Valkyr needs more offensive power from Ripline (or exchange to ability like Excalibur' Slash Dash or Atlas' Landslide), elements of debuffs from Warcry like extended Status Duration (with additional casting animation while walking), reworking Paralysis (Blind instead of Stun) and finally buffing Hysteria (increasing damage, status chance, some critical damage, changing combat animations from slow to more active and giving some fashion effects like claw marks in the air from blows) because her exalted Talons are the worst weapon ability in the truest sense of the word! 

The same Baruuk destroys opponents with Augment Mod, as does Excalibur with the Chromatic Blade, which can also be given over 800% chance of status! This is a nightmare! Augment Mod "Enraged" will not help her. Vice versa, it will give a window of vulnerability. DE, I know you are ready.

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