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Nidus = Unhealthy Grind (and how to simply solve it)


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This is not healthy.

All parts drop from the same mission, meaning one can not aim for the parts he needs.

Make parts drop from different places (ex: Harrow), or have the blueprints given as reward from the quest then have the ingredient drop from the mission. 

Frustrating pointless lifeless soulless grind that should be taken care of.

You can not let your players be victims of RNG without any healthy safety net. 

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Good luck in your grind.
I also don't think Harrow is a good example since I had to grind the defection mission for two months with at least an hour each day. RNG can be mean.
Maybe add a variable that make it less likely to have the same part in a row like they did to kuva lich weapons before they displayed their weapons?

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My personal stats:

300-400 Spy missions for Ivara

30+ Zone 8 SO for Khora

120+ Rot. C. Infested Salvage for Nidus

60+ Pago Spy for Harrow Systems

20+ 20-minute Exploiter Orb fights for Hildryn (+8 Syndicate ranks)

8 Syndicate Ranks + Countless Hours Toroid Farm for Baruuk


9 different parts for Equinox,. all dropping from the same Boss (not to mention the 166 hours for building her (at minimum)).



They all suck and they all need tweaking.

Edited by Els236
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5 hours ago, SuperSchoolbag said:


This is not healthy.

All parts drop from the same mission, meaning one can not aim for the parts he needs.

Make parts drop from different places (ex: Harrow) . . .

Harrow?  Oh my, be careful what you wish for. 😉

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5 hours ago, SuperSchoolbag said:

None taken, I feel even more sorry knowing at least someone else had to go through even worse ._.

Btw I am not done yet, so these numbers could still rise (touching wood).

Try playing Kuva Spy 100+ for the Harrow Neuroptics. Or playing like 100+ Assassination of Tyle Regor for full equinox set.

All frames require playing for quite some time. Many games require a lot of grinding to obtain something. Warframe ain’t much different. 

Some people get lucky and get all 3 back to back. Few times I’ve gotten all 3 off bat. Like Hildryn, while others needed me to play like 20-30 attempts for them to get Hildryn. 

So I wouldn’t call playing like 20-30 missions “unhealthy”. I would understand if the boss that dropped a rare part of a frame was something like Hydrolyst. Something that you can’t just hop into and complete easily or quickly. But the way most frames are achieved, including Nidus, it doesn’t count as unhealthy. 

You may be having issues now but you will achieve a few frames almost instantly. It is all RNG. 

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Nidus was okay, what bothers me is that infested salvage is literally useless outside of getting that.

..seriously though, try Harrow. A lot of people are going to praise harrow once he gets his prime because people will finally get to play him.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Or playing like 100+ Assassination of Tyle Regor for full equinox set.

Worst thing, i probably did that much runs...or at least it felt like i did that much.

While farming Equinox i achieved enlightenment and now i see people through walls with red Trinity Links and every single bacteria is glowing in Nova's Molecular Prime, lol.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

All frames require playing for quite some time. Many games require a lot of grinding to obtain something. Warframe ain’t much different. 

Back in my WoW days I spent the entirety of The Burning Crusade trying to get a specific item that eluded me like crazy. Namely, The Brutalizer. Well, guess what, I've seen three Warglaives of Azzinot drop (order of magnitude above it in difficulty/rarity) - and not one Brutalizer. Never got it, WoTLK launched before that. I was a REALLY unhappy panda (well, not really a panda, that race wasn't playable back in the day), but that's just RNG. Bad RNG, too, but the thing is - at no point in time was I tempted to throw 10 bucks at my screen and be done with that. Because it wasn't an option and it was a good thing.

Warframe, on the contrary, is monetized in a way that is fundamentally not healthy - it can be summarized as "pay to not play". We don't have many goals in Warframe - all that talk about Ephemeras being merit rewards and not dumb RNG never went anywhere. Vast majority of everything is dumb RNG. And whenever new "toys" (frames, weapons) appear, sadly, more often than not they are locked behind both grind (which I don't really mind) AND RNG on top of it, while simultaneously tempting the player to just buy everything with plat and, well, not play whatever they could play to get them. Nidus, Khora, Harrow, pre-Patient Zero nerf Mesa, Equinox and to some extent Ivara - that's awful RNG right there. Times like this I really wish Warframe was subscription-based with equipment NOT being a part of monetization... One can only dream. 


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14 hours ago, SuperSchoolbag said:


This is not healthy.

All parts drop from the same mission, meaning one can not aim for the parts he needs.

Make parts drop from different places (ex: Harrow), or have the blueprints given as reward from the quest then have the ingredient drop from the mission. 

Frustrating pointless lifeless soulless grind that should be taken care of.

You can not let your players be victims of RNG without any healthy safety net. 

Interesting 🤔 

I agree that a safety net is a good idea, but wouldn’t purchasing plat to help fund Warframe or trading for plat from other players in order to buy Nidus be considered as such?

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Hey guyz thank you for all the different answers, support, and opinions.

I will give some comments, starting with me trying to explain why I think Harrow is healthier than Nidus:

When you farm Harrow, you can "aim" for the part you want. Since all the parts do not fall from the same mission, you're not going to get frustrated when getting 12 parts you do not need like in the picture I provided ; You get your part and you move on. Equinox would be an evil worse example than Nidus, but I did not farm him yet so I can't say (bless primed Equinox).

Moreover, Harrow farm is a little more diverse : by forcing us into kuva spy and that "save the people from an infested ship" thing, we get to experience two different sort of gameplay with two different approach.

I still think they both need an healthy RNG-safety net of some sorts to not have the players fall prey to RNG and leave in frustration.

Another quick comment on why I think that  while selling prime parts to get plat to buy them off the market is indeed a solution, I feel it's a very un-rewarding one.

To make a metaphor, It would be like saying "ok, I have almost a full car, just missing one wheel. But finding that one wheel using my time is just so difficult so I will convert my time into money to buy an entire new car." At that point, I could just work IRL and buy plat to buy it off the market. It would be even faster, since I earn more than in game and can even use a juicy -75%.

Someone also mentioned "pay to not play*, I couldn't agree more with his whole dissertation.

These are two reasons why I never bought weapons or frames off the market, only cosmetics, slots and potatoes. If I ever give up and buy (let's say... Ivara, Khora or base Equinox) off the market, I would feel like the game as failed me in terms of F2P accessibility and game healthiness.

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