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Is DE going to be supporting more causes?


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

i desagree a go discussion can lead to better understanding

In any other place and context, I would 100% agree with you. But expecting to have a constructive, respectful discussion on a video game forum (and even worse, about politics) is a bit naive.

Edited by General-Pacman
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1 minute ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

i desagree a go discussion can lead to better understanding

If you want a better understanding of someone's political beliefs, do so on a forum that is appropriate for it. This is a general discussion forum for Warframe: The Videogame. Which has nothing to do with Covid-19, George Floyd or the Protests or Riots surrounding it. Nothing.


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

i desagree a go discussion can lead to better understanding

Some of us prefer to try and seperate the real world and our entertainment so we can relax.

Please try and gain a better understanding. 🙂 

Not all of us are still in the portion of our lives where we are still learning about what is moral and what is not from pur POV, we did that already, and we just want to come here to talk about WF.

Edited by Zimzala
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1 minute ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I’d heard that the protests had been infiltrated by those who would see them ended

not just them for the informatiom i gathered theres 3 factions try to hijack it one already named the antifa some that probably are police members that also happened on 2008 brasilian protest that why i noteced and another one that are dressed different 

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1 hour ago, Follordark said:

I would like any proof of that please also ,don't believe epoch times they are full of crap

chinese internment camps for ugurs, hong kong riots, crossing into india and almost causing a war, and that's just china. france riots, catalonia, tourism being brought back into EU and free travel with it when the pandemic is still going strong, refugee crisis from middle east to europe and increases racism and more rise of right wing parties in eastern europe now more than ever

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1 minute ago, Zimzala said:

Some of us prefer to try and seperate the real world and our entertainment so we can relax.

Please try and gain a better understanding. 🙂 

Not all of us are still in the portion of our lives where we are still learning about what is moral and what is not from pur POV, we did that already, and we just want to come here to talk about WF.


2 minutes ago, Zimzala said:

Some of us prefer to try and seperate the real world and our entertainment so we can relax.

Please try and gain a better understanding. 🙂 

Not all of us are still in the portion of our lives where we are still learning about what is moral and what is not from pur POV, we did that already, and we just want to come here to talk about WF.


2 minutes ago, Tinklzs said:

If you want a better understanding of someone's political beliefs, do so on a forum that is appropriate for it. This is a general discussion forum for Warframe: The Videogame. Which has nothing to do with Covid-19, George Floyd or the Protests or Riots surrounding it. Nothing.



2 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

In any other place and context, I would 100% agree with you. But expecting to have a constructive, respectful discussion on a video game forum (and even worse, about politics) is a bit naive.

it wasn't me who started the tread i just here to see how it ends

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11 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

@Follordark and @SneakyErvin, you two haven’t seen the peaceful protests being assaulted and broken up by the police? The stuff that happened at Washington DC recently is worth a watch if you’re curious

And I'm sure there is a reason why they are broken up. And it is the reason why I dont understand why the peaceful protests wont stop for now so law enforcement and military can solve the actual issues. You can also never tell from a video if there are or arent outside provocation involved, like random rocks or similar being thrown from inside the crowd, which in reality would be enough for the police to act since there would be aggressors hidden in the crowd. And in this day and age I wouldnt be surprised if that was the case in order to make the police look even worse than they manage themselves.

And since it comes down to protests, the people involved in the videos may lack permits (if needed) aswell, even if it is a peaceful protest. There is alot involved that the videos wont tell. Not to mention all current regulations that are based on the corona situation. So if the crowd falls short and refuses to move when told the police have the right to act and make them disperse.

All the more reason for the peaceful protesters to stop for a while and let things be sorted out so it can all proceed according to the books. Not going by the books when you want others to go by the books kinda kills your whole reason for a protest.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

not just them for the informatiom i gathered theres 3 factions try to hijack it one already named the antifa some that probably are police members that also happened on 2008 brasilian protest that why i noteced and another one that are dressed different 

Er. I think I understand this sentence (it took a little to parse, sorry 😅). I do think that the peaceful protesters would rather there not be rioting and looting. That’d be incentive for police on a hair trigger to step in and start suppressing them, and they’re protesting against police brutality in the first place.

🤔 Come to think of it, there was a pretty cool video floating around of someone vandalising a sidewalk during a peaceful protest. When the vandal was noticed, the protesters jumped him and turned him over to the line of police nearby

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2 minutes ago, kevoisvevo said:

chinese internment camps for ugurs, hong kong riots, crossing into india and almost causing a war, and that's just china. france riots, catalonia, tourism being brought back into EU and free travel with it when the pandemic is still going strong, refugee crisis from middle east to europe and increases racism and more rise of right wing parties in eastern europe now more than ever

also riots pro communis on latino america some countries are gettinginto a war for food brasil is in a civil cold war animals are getting agressive and territorialist with the scarce of tourists giving them food

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Just now, SneakyErvin said:

And I'm sure there is a reason why they are broken up. And it is the reason why I dont understand why the peaceful protests wont stop for now so law enforcement and military can solve the actual issues. You can also never tell from a video if there are or arent outside provocation involved, like random rocks or similar being thrown from inside the crowd, which in reality would be enough for the police to act since there would be aggressors hidden in the crowd. And in this day and age I wouldnt be surprised if that was the case in order to make the police look even worse than they manage themselves.

And since it comes down to protests, the people involved in the videos may lack permits (if needed) aswell, even if it is a peaceful protest. There is alot involved that the videos wont tell. Not to mention all current regulations that are based on the corona situation. So if the crowd falls short and refuses to move when told the police have the right to act and make them disperse.

All the more reason for the peaceful protesters to stop for a while and let things be sorted out so it can all proceed according to the books. Not going by the books when you want others to go by the books kinda kills your whole reason for a protest.

You should look into the peaceful protest that was broken up for Trump’s photo opportunity in front of a church. It’s worth knowing about, and might be the counter example to “The protesters had it coming” you’re looking for in your search for truth

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

theres also a lot of video of people recording the pile of bricks and the guys wearing black destroing window and some literally poling a gun and shooting just because it didn't happened near you dosent mean it dosent happened 

Yeah, I literally said in my first post “this obviously isn’t the case for all of the riots”.

You responded like what I said was wrong. I’m not denying that some riots have started on their own, I just wanted to point out that some were started from unnecessary police violence. 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)yokai1235 said:

it wasn't me who started the tread i just here to see how it ends

That is such a cop out and uninformed POV, as the saying goes, "I can't even".

Take responcibility for your words and actions, don't blame them on others.

If you were just here to watch, you would not be posting your anecdotal incident evidence.

You cannot just toss out "they started it" like some kind of magic shield for your words, IMO, and have a leg to stand on in the conversation.

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7 minutes ago, kevoisvevo said:

chinese internment camps for ugurs, hong kong riots, crossing into india and almost causing a war, and that's just china. france riots, catalonia, tourism being brought back into EU and free travel with it when the pandemic is still going strong, refugee crisis from middle east to europe and increases racism and more rise of right wing parties in eastern europe now more than ever

And several of the things that happen in europe get severely exaggerated by Trumpty Dumbty. Just reading the assumptions he has made regarding my own country is breath taking and makes you wonder how he can make up all that S#&$ that he does.

1. According to him we have full blown nazi party far up in the governemt, chosen by the people. He refers to the Sweden Democrats which is nowhere near being a nazi party. They are rightwing when compared to the utter lack of balls that is common otherwise in swedish politics. They want to make immigration laws stricter and they get branded as racists, even though most of scandinavia and northern europe have immigration laws more inline with what they propose, except for sweden that barely handles returning ISIS soldiers.

2. We apparently have a massive crisis due to corona, something that may collapse the whole system where. What? Where? Everyday life here is the same as it was last year, with a few more crowded places shutting down and some small owed stores have to shut down. Stores that were barely getting by as it was.

3. We apparently also according to Mr. Tweets try a "flock immunity" approach to corona. I mean, for flarks sake, how ill-informed can he be about things when he tries to dip his nose where it shouldnt even be?

And those are just 3 of the things lately that has come from Grandmaster Uneducated.

Then when it comes to the rise of rightwing parties and "racism" in eastern europe, it is really more just an answer to the much too open and insecure borders of the EU region. If the EU actually did their job and stopped being afraid to be criticised the need for such parties wouldnt never have been there. Since the whole region would be safers. Currently terrorists just run back and forth across the border as they like, obviously some countries will act in order to make their home safer when EU (those that should have done it) wont do it.

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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

I think DE should keep politics out of the game and stick to things that benefit everyone that is in actual need equally, like charity towards medical advancements and similar things. Personally I'm of the opinion that all innocent lifes matter, no matter the color of your skin, your preferences in your partner etc. When you no longer are innocent the laws should decide if your life matters. In Floyd's case and many others, it was an innocent that got killed by overzealous cops, in this case overzealous and bigot cops.

It is natural that people started protesting and it was obvious that the riots would start. My question is, why have the peaceful protests not expanded into a movement that is protesting against both overzealous, racist, bigot and power abusing cops aswell as something that protests against the riots that stains the memory of the innocent that have gotten murdered? Are the lives of those that have had their businesses ruined not as important as the victims of these power abusing and racist cops? Shouldnt the protesters highlight both of the issues?

It is very much about the color of the skins. Saying it is about riches takes away the whole meaning of racism. A rich black buy can be hated for the color of his skin just as much as the poor black guy and the same goes for the rich and poor white guy. Riches and poverty is a whole different issue, which comes down to borderline slavery, and slavery in itself has nothing to do with racism. White people had white people as slaves for centuries, just as black people had black people as slaves for centuries. The idea of slavery being tied to race is a very young idea that popped up under the colonization era. And it wasnt so much about race even then, it was more about technologically advanced cultures taking advantage of those less advanced. It wouldnt have mattered if africa was filled with white people at the time, they would have still be used as slaves because they were so far behind in technology, so they were easy to conquor, abuse and exploit. Just as the northern tribes of europe found easily obtainable slaves by raiding poorer neighboring tribes and later on monastaries.

And WW2 era Germany also showed it was about race more than riches and poverty. Jews lost their busninesses while equally rich "aryans" kept theirs. Jews both rich and poor were sent off to camps and lost their lives all the same. If it was only riches and poverty that matters, both rich jews and "aryans" would have lost their businesses equally for the "great good of the reich", which never was the case.

Both slavery and the Jews was ALL about the money

If you dig it's ALWAYS about the money and/or the "races" that controls it

Then it's good for the media to cover it up with "race" problem because it covers up the true problem that no one wants to be resolved

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

Both slavery and the Jews was ALL about the money

If you dig it's ALWAYS about the money and/or the "races" that controls it

Then it's good for the media to cover it up with "race" problem because it covers up the true problem that no one wants to be resolved


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52 minutes ago, TheGildedOni said:

Protesters have repeatedly highlighted both issues. Many protesters have denounced rioting and looting. There's one news network who just doesn't cover that, all in order to create the narrative that there aren't any peaceful protests, just riots. Don't look at that news network, as they are deliberately covering up the truth.

I'm not saying there arent peaceful protesters or that the issues havent been highlighted. I'm just saying it should be done more. The internet is still snowed in on #blacklivesmatter when this thing has gone far beyond that and will do so whenever something similar to Floyd happens, just as it has everytime something similar has happened before. It is a spiral that starts out with one person getting mistreated, then all limits break and several upon several get hurt in the process while the focus is still on that single person mostly.

I never watch american media since it is mostly scewed drastically to either the left or the right.

32 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

You should look into the peaceful protest that was broken up for Trump’s photo opportunity in front of a church. It’s worth knowing about, and might be the counter example to “The protesters had it coming” you’re looking for in your search for truth

Not really saying the protesters had it coming, but I see you are jaded towards one side only. I simply said there are several factors we cant see in a video, so cant really judge which side is right or wrong.

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27 minutes ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

Both slavery and the Jews was ALL about the money

If you dig it's ALWAYS about the money and/or the "races" that controls it

Then it's good for the media to cover it up with "race" problem because it covers up the true problem that no one wants to be resolved

Slavery has always been about money as I said. The Jews no. As I said, if it was about money the rich germans would have also been effected due to an idea of a unified germany, lebensraum and all that. But the jews were singled out due to race.

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20 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Not really saying the protesters had it coming, but I see you are jaded towards one side only. I simply said there are several factors we cant see in a video, so cant really judge which side is right or wrong.

Jaded towards one side only, huh? 🤔 I can agree that only so much can be seen in a video, that’s why I suggested looking into the peaceful protest (implying “look into the events surrounding it”). The video doesn’t show (example) why the protest was broken up, to find that out would require additional research. Make of it what you will, but I recommend you arm yourself with knowledge

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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1 hour ago, Zimzala said:

Some of us prefer to try and seperate the real world and our entertainment so we can relax.

Please try and gain a better understanding. 🙂 

Not all of us are still in the portion of our lives where we are still learning about what is moral and what is not from pur POV, we did that already, and we just want to come here to talk about WF.


Hypocrisy should not be a thing, sorry. 



You plead for the LGBT rights in that thread, remember? Let him support the cause and talk about the current events in this thread. 



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12 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Jaded towards one side only, huh? 🤔 I can agree that only so much can be seen in a video, that’s why I suggested looking into the peaceful protest (implying “look into the events surrounding it”). The video doesn’t show why the protest was broken up, to find that out would require additional research. Make of it what you will, but I suggest you arm yourself with knowledge


Graybones, that guy will argue to the end of days. You don't know how annoying is his ignorance. He can drive people crazy with his dumb posts. Just watch out.  


lol. . 

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11 hours ago, Zahnny said:

With the recent thread announcement by DE regarding the goings on in America I'm curious if DE will be getting behind more causes.

If they choose to, that's their choice. They don't have to get behind anything, and they've been very generous giving their support in the past.

1 hour ago, Tinklzs said:

Not sure why anyone would want to bring politics into a game or a video game forum, they have no place here.

According to whom? It's not your game, it's theirs. It's not a political statement to say black lives matter. It's also not political to cut back on the toxicity in region chat.

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Just now, Felsagger said:


Graybones, that guy will argue to the end of days. You don't know how annoying is his ignorance. He can drive people crazy with his dumb posts. Just watch out.  


lol. . 

I’ve seen you two go at it in other topics 😛 I think as long as you’re here to be a lightning rod, I should be fine now that they’ve most likely seen your post 😅 (your sacrifice has been noted)

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Just now, (NSW)Greybones said:

I’ve seen you two go at it in other topics 😛 I think as long as you’re here to be a lightning rod, I should be fine now that they’ve most likely seen your post 😅 (your sacrifice has been noted)



I learned that painful lesson. Man, those two guys are freaking Liches, wait, literal leeches. They suck your sanity energy to the point of exhaustion. These two can drive anyone mad. I was about to snap.  

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4 minutes ago, Felsagger said:



I learned that painful lesson. Man, those two guys are freaking Liches, wait, literal leeches. They suck your sanity energy to the point of exhaustion. These two can drive anyone mad. I was about to snap.  

I think I don’t have much more to say on this particular matter anyways

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