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Grendel Missions Are A Joke

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I just got around to the Grendel missions, and I am not happy at all, so excuse me while I skip the being polite and understanding.

Grendel missions are actually a joke and I cannot believe DE thought this was okay. It is literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen intentionally added to the game. And unfortunately series of long and tedious missions in which you have no resources you can use for a meh frame with a garbage joke of a 4th ability.

Was everything about Grendel supposed to be a joke or something? Hours of Arbitrations so you get forced to sit and get f***d by the enemies because you can't do anything back. It's even worse when it's solo because no one wants to do it.

Rant over. If something like this makes it in the game again... yikes.

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If you cant complite grendal mission then it means you lack knowladge about the game .

1) do not solo

2) know how X frame could assits Y frame in Z maner

3) weapons and their gimics

4) damage tipes and how they affect or interact with each faction

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)thefallenloser said:

because you can't do anything back. It's even worse when it's solo because no one wants to do it.


Everything can be cheesed. But dont cry when there is a small bump on the road. Warframe has hundreds of skill and weapon combos to make everything a breeze.

First of all, get someone from recruiting chat/clan or someone who wants to help, dont spam matchmaking because you wont find anything there, most of the people already got Grednel ten years ago.

Secondly, use toxic damage.

From what i remember augment mods still work, so use augment for saryn's 1st to deal tons of toxic damage. Use low range limbo to protect stuff and kill nullifiers before they come near it.


Like someone else said - it is a skill, knowledge and gear check.

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For me one of the most enjoyable systems in warframe is the modding system. Almost all power comes from there. For that reason the grendel missions have been the least fun I've ever had in the game. Sure you can do the missions with an array of things to make them easy but that didnt make it fun for me either. Stuff still dies but everything feels awful and weak.

I suggest getting atleast 1 more person in:

Excavation: frost and trinity

Defense: revenant and trinity

Survival: hildryn but realistically anything that can hold a fragor prime.

Weapons dont really matter as long as its either a fragor prime or a furax wraith. Then just heavy slam for days because that still kills those enemies.

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I don't mind the concept of a no-mod hard mode, but the missions are absurdly long, and I'm not sure why the enemies need to start at Lv40 for such a mode. It doesn't encourage shooter skill, it encourages degenerate strategy, which for me was like 90 minutes of spamming Revenant 1 and Volnus aerial heavy slams.

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I imagine the Excavation could be easily done with Limbo, just running around activating extractors.

I seen the Defense and Survival ones done solo with Revenant and Hildryn.

I didn't do either myself though, too annoying and drawn out, not worth the effort, even just watching videos of others completing it i had a hard time not to fall asleep.

You know something is badly designed when the usual advice you get is 'use recruit chat'.

I tried a few more 'energy efficient' loadouts, like augmented Rest Equinox, Savage Silence Banshee, etc. but the energy returns weren't consistent enough to make them viable without mods.

Guess most people will just use Inaros+Redeemer Prime or some other cheese if they don't decide to just straight up buy it for plats.

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No mods vs Lv20's would have been fun and more forgiving.   No mods vs Lv30 would have been a hard challenge.    No mods vs Lv40's was just torture.  

I was super lucky with grendel.  I wanted him alot.  I farmed up 1 key from arbitration.  Asked my friend if he had a key, he did and then he had some friends or clanmates who also had keys.  So we ran all the parts and got them our first try.  I forget what frame I used but it wasnt optimal lol.  We had a hildryn with us who did pretty good.  But just beating on enemies for 5 mins to kill one sucks lol.  Nothing fun or challenging about that except your patience or tolerance of stupid developer decisions.  


They should have nerfed the enemies down a little after the first month of grendels release.   I dont even wanna help others get grendel thats how bad I hated those fights lol.  

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I will say I think having to resort to removing a core part of the game's mechanics to create challenge is a bit sad, but I understand why they did it. The other ways they create challenge (e.g. steel path) are more prohibitive for new players, which they don't want to do for a frame farm. 

Now, onto how I did these:
2 people. Inaros and limbo. Inaros uses pocket sand and finishers for power carriers (and some survivability), and limbo defends+revives 

I actually bothered to recruit, and just brought banshee, so at that point what the other 3 ppl had didn't matter cause banshee is so good, so dmg wasn't an issue anymore

I just solo-ed this, can't remember who I used tbh. But a semi-decent weapon and frame that won't die are probably enough. Been a while, can't remember exactly how I did it. I do remember it being the least troublesome, though.

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On 2020-07-11 at 8:45 PM, Miser_able said:

its just a skill check. just like everything else in the game you can cheese it with the right gear.

And oh was it a long and boring skill check lol. I'm cooled down now.


On 2020-07-11 at 8:59 PM, Savire510 said:

Everything can be cheesed. But dont cry when there is a small bump on the road. Warframe has hundreds of skill and weapon combos to make everything a breeze.

First of all, get someone from recruiting chat/clan or someone who wants to help, dont spam matchmaking because you wont find anything there, most of the people already got Grednel ten years ago.

Secondly, use toxic damage.

From what i remember augment mods still work, so use augment for saryn's 1st to deal tons of toxic damage. Use low range limbo to protect stuff and kill nullifiers before they come near it.


Like someone else said - it is a skill, knowledge and gear check.

Ten minutes of me getting laughed at or "oh god" in recruiting and I got people. Just spammed Hildryn's Pillage with Vauban and Saryn. Plus Protea really helped too. Got the parts, but very boring.


On 2020-07-11 at 9:06 PM, ES-Flinter said:

Others: Can someone give me some tipps to complete mission X?

Operator: I can't do the mission in the first run. Change it, because it's bad!!!1!11!!111!!!

tipp: Try Revenant and broken scepter.

Oh no, I did the missions. They are tedious and boring and overly long. They do need to be changed because I was actually gonna delete the game lol.


On 2020-07-11 at 9:18 PM, Drachnyn said:

For that reason the grendel missions have been the least fun I've ever had in the game. Sure you can do the missions with an array of things to make them easy but that didnt make it fun for me either. Stuff still dies but everything feels awful and weak.

This is exactly what I was feeling. I've chilled out now. Finished the missions and they really need to be changed. It's extremely boring.

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To everyone above who answered "just go with [some frame combo]" then NO, not anymore

If you're lucky enough to find a chump who'd help, go trinity + mesa/saryn/excal/literally any other non-F tier frame (like grendel)

I literally sat here for an hour pleading to region chat and my clan, allegedly the #1 clan on PC, and nobody wanted to help. I had to solo it and it took A LOT of skill to even complete these missions. Everyone is scared of doing grendel missions because it's tedious (nobody wants to suffer 20 minutes, 15 waves, and 8 excavations) in a mode where you're powerless, unable to attack, and constantly running away. I had to do them because the blue blinking on star chart is very annoying and these left over keys cannot be sold. There were numerous times where I went in and found myself in Steel Path grendel mission, where I instantly evaporated. These missions should NOT exist. They suck, they prove nothing, you wont be able to complete them nowadays with others, and the reward is one of the bottom tier frames. I wasted 3 hours completing them, and I hope DE realizes that their arbitration drones, status immune enemies, no mods mode, and arbitrary 2.5 times health/armor/shields doesn't make engaging content. Their definition of a challenge to annoy the f*** out of players is part of the reason why I'm reluctant to play content I've seen on their streams. Why can't they just do what they promise?

In case you wanted to solo them, here's what I did solo

From easiest to hardest, 

  • Survival: Hildryn. Turn on 3, then spam her 2, no weapons needed
  • Defense: Wisp. Put down motes, then spam melee (preferable something meta, because DE still doesn't realize rivens dont make good weapons, it's base stats + multiplier)
  • Survival: Octavia. Put down her mallet as a decoy, constantly move because any hp you lose is unrecoverable, grab power if possible, or spawn 40 excavators and let them die. Your weapons probably wont kill anything, so just get a big knife of hammer and spam ground slam on power cell holders until they die.
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23 hours ago, (PS4)Dawid_Ogr said:

the most difficult mission is the defense. I sold my nidus and i dont know how to beat this mission, i really want to play grendel but these missions should be 30 or 25 level

It depends what you have: I did it solo with Hildryn and Kuva Nukor.

Regular Nukor wouldn't be quite as good, but should still work ok I think. It's not there to kill (you'd run out of ammo) but to proc Rad on the enemies so they attack each other instead of the cryopod.

Activate Haven when the wave starts, but turn it off at the end of the wave to conserve shields. Spam Pillage. If things get a bit out of hand, activate Aegis Storm just for a moment; enemies will all fall over when you land.

When I did these missions, Kronen Prime was a good melee pick (high crit and status chance, and reasonably fast), but back then Slash procs still bypassed shields... so maybe heavy attack spam is more the way to go now. IDK.

Haven should keep your Sentinel alive. Djinn might be a good pick: apparently Sentinel's Precepts still work, and Fatal Attraction should be helpful in Defence.

Stinger deals Toxin damage, bypassing Shields, so it's probably the best Sentinel weapon.

And if there's just one enemy left at the end of the wave, you can kite him away from the Cryopod and leave him alive for a while, so the pod can recover some HP. It lengthens the mission, but reduces the pucker factor.

Best of luck.

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