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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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15 hours ago, (PS4)BrashStampede said:

But that is not the case... there are a ton of games now that have cross play enabled. I log back and forth between PC and PS4 playing Dauntless all day every day... 

This is heartbreaking... PS5 is right around the corner... and I am not making the jump. I invested in PC and have no intention of going back. Meanwhile I have a Warframe account, with 1700+ hours and hundreds upon hundreds of dollars invested into that I am supposed to just let rot. 

I want to play Warframe SOOO bad but the idea of starting fresh on PC is a absolute non-starter.


DE... Please... PLEASE do something about this. </3

i can agree, i started on xbox, got a taste of 60fps on pc, and immediately regretted making an Xbox account.

xbox quality is soo bad compared to pc and i cant stand it, haven't played warframe on weeks but i keep checking the forums in hopes that there's a change to cross save

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35 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

Long story short cross-save is planned but they have to work on contract with sony and microsoft for it to happen.

Last I saw they were looking into whether or not it was a possibility. I don’t think it was ever confirmed that it would happen. Just that DE would like for it to happen. Hopefully it does happen though.

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25 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Last I saw they were looking into whether or not it was a possibility. I don’t think it was ever confirmed that it would happen. Just that DE would like for it to happen. Hopefully it does happen though.

Well technically they were working on it before covid but yeah as they said they "Want to try" but its one hell of a job as we all know.





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Perhaps cross save

But cross~play would be a nightmare

every update would have to go thru cert process  

every hotfix

atm PC is the test bed for in~ game and finding the bugs/problems/exploits

I just dont think cross play would ever be viable

or imo

that you wouldn't really want it .. after you had to wait days if not weeks for fixes

while they went thru cert process

which is about 5-7 days  on average...but that depends on the size of the update

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2 minutes ago, Thawfoot said:

that you wouldn't really want it .. after you had to wait days if not weeks for fixes

For a portion of this community, crossplay means little more than a larger pool of Tenno to ignore. Other than a few Trade Chat savvy folks, few truly benefit from crossplay. The most I'd get out of it is inviting my buddy's PS4 clan to my alliance, that's about it. It'd be cool, but totally not worth dragging out this already horrendous cert-update process. 

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to my knowledge this has been super rare over the coarse of video game (online) history so even if people say it's planned, i wouldn't expect it to happen. not universally anyway, maybe just a few consoles w pc like most other cross save/play games that i've seen. it would be cool but at that point why not just ask for universal consoles that can play all formats, but fat chance of that happening (they actually have it, its just a computer but certain companies lock down their software so bad it's ridiculous plus it's against some laws to tamper with it, and even if it's a stupid law, it's still the law. watch out for dredd yo.)

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I know there’s so much posts talking about this already and we won’t get it anytime sooner but PLEASE GIVE US CROSS SAVE FEATURE. I’ve played this game on PC for a long time and then I stopped because my PC just broke down. Few years later, I got myself a nintendo switch and played on that console from the start and have probably spent a good hundreds of hours on it. Now, I want to play it on my ps4 and I dont want to start all over again. I love this game but it’s stupid to think that I have to start all over again just to play the game on different console. Can’t you guys at least prioritize the cross save feature first? It will bring back a lot of veteran players. At least give me a ticket to transfer my data from pc to ps4 or nintendo to ps4. I don’t want to buy a gaming laptop or pc just to play warframe since I already have my ps4

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Really doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Perhaps as we delve deeper into new gen console makers become more prone to cooperate, but at this point it's still a dream.

I'm a Sony guy, but I am somewhat glad for Microsoft getting Bethesda. Perhaps if they show some good will towards other consoles by keeping some major titles available to all platforms it might encourage said competitors to also show the same level of cooperation towards MS. Playstation is usually the one who resists the most, much to my distaste despite loving PS in general.

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23 minutes ago, (NSW)Knight4909 said:

it would really be useful to not need to restart the entire game just because you want to use the new console

Quoting a mod:

3 hours ago, Letter13 said:

Probably never due to contractual obligations. It's not up to DE, especially since in the interest of fairness it'd have to be done for all consoles (XB1/NSW as well) so all manufacturers would have to agree to it before it can be allowed on any console.

That's PC to console, but likely to be the same from console to console.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Perhaps as we delve deeper into new gen console makers become more prone to cooperate

I think you may be thinking of Cross-Play. DE has said that will never happen. X-Save does not require any support from the console makers. All profile data is stored on DE's servers, so X-Save is totally up to DE. We have a very limited form of X-save right now, as you can manage certain aspects of your unique profile/game using the mobile app. 

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2 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

Quoting a mod:

3 hours ago, Letter13 said:

Probably never due to contractual obligations. It's not up to DE, especially since in the interest of fairness it'd have to be done for all consoles (XB1/NSW as well) so all manufacturers would have to agree to it before it can be allowed on any console.

Again that is X-Play. Not X-Save. DE has already said X-Save will happen (when they make a it a priority) and that X-Play will likely never happen.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)isbergen said:

I think you may be thinking of Cross-Play. DE has said that will never happen. X-Save does not require any support from the console makers. All profile data is stored on DE's servers, so X-Save is totally up to DE. We have a very limited form of X-save right now, as you can manage certain aspects of your unique profile/game using the mobile app. 

Not crossplay. Crossave. At this point, in the context I mentioned, there's little difference tbh. Since regardless of it being crossave or crossplay DE does require authorization from all involved console makers. Our user data is, after all, in their systems. And they won't let go of it so easily.

Though the authorization part is pretty much moot, imho. DE already stated to be "looking into crossave", and I don't think they would even attempt it if they didn't have a go-ahead from at least 2 console companies.

As for crossplay, never wanted it. Never will. All I want is to be able to open up my account on other systems, while having my main platform be PS4/5. Been advocating for this to DE, in many, many threads, for years now.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)isbergen said:

Again that is X-Play. Not X-Save. DE has already said X-Save will happen (when they make a it a priority) and that X-Play will likely never happen.

Check the quote and where it takes you. The mod replied on cross-save or migration from console to PC.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

Since regardless of it being crossave or crossplay DE does require authorization from all involved console makers.

Our game data is in DE systems. Our Console profile is just a name/password. I don't buy the argument that console makers have to approve anything as 1) DE has already said multiple times that x-save will be coming at some point 2) Destiny 2 has had x-save for a year now (PC/PS/Xbox) and it works great and 3) there is already a limited form of x-save working now in the mobile app.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)isbergen said:

Our game data is in DE systems. Our Console profile is just a name/password. I don't buy the argument that console makers have to approve anything as 1) DE has already said multiple times that x-save will be coming at some point 2) Destiny 2 has had x-save for a year now (PC/PS/Xbox) and it works great and 3) there is already a limited form of x-save working now in the mobile app.

Feel free to believe it, or not. Without DE or console makers actually coming out and stating what is and what isn't we have no 100% way to be sure. All I know is that the games must work well in consoles, and that console makers don't like losing profit. I'm also sure that DE wouldn't act on such a feature without consulting the console makers who host their game on their systems, since DE wants to be in good relations with everyone. Plus, I wouldn't compare the likes of Epic or Bungie to DE. While DE was one of the first companies to bring free to play to PS4, it's not like they have the kind of sway over console makers as those gaming titans have - which still was a good thing since with Destiny 2 being like it currently is you can indeed use it as an argument to open up the path for other smaller/less known games such as Warframe. Even if it didn't start with us, precedent given by other games is just as good in my eyes.

And regardless of where the game data is stored let's not forget about a much bigger aspect - platform monetization. There is a reason why console players can't use plat discounts to purchase platinum, and can use platinum to buy tennogen. Because those systems mess with console's own monetization systems - and regardless of DE wanting to implement plat discounts or not they still have to make a fair deal with console makers. They still have to give them a cut of the pie. Show console makers the possibility of many console players leave their systems to go to PC or other console, and I can understand why console makers cold frown upon the idea. Because it could cost them their profit, and ultimately it's not as simple as "DE wants, DE does". Note that I do not necessarily agree with this point of view, but I do understand it.

In the end, either it'll become reality - and I'll be happy, or it won't - and I'll just have to live with it. I just want them to actually try before throwing the towel. All I know is that I've been around for years and I've heard it all. DE themselves did state that they were unable to offer it due to both technical reasons (I.e. update cycle, platform economy, legal contracts, etc.), and due to console makers. And all those times I still debated and fought for crossave when pretty much everyone would tell me the old "never gonna happen" stuff.

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