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Heart of Deimos: Bug-Hunting Megathread (Read First Post!)


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  • TYPE: In-Game.
  • DESCRIPTION: During the main questline, when I went for the first time to the heart of deimos chamber, not only brother's dialogue didn't activated after the door next to him opened, but also nor Loid nor the door to the heart's chamber reacted when I got close (video below), leading to a soft lock, leading to me abandoning the quest. A similar bug happened on the "search for the ancient chamber" quest, where not only the necramech at the final chamber was recieving little to no damage, but also the "teleporting tentacle" wasn't activating, so after a few confusing moments, I realized I could go all the way back by myself (didn't managed to record/screenshot this one due to infinitely spawning enemies).
  • VISUALhttps://imgur.com/a/ptHTRcT

  • EXPECTED RESULT: Characters and essential events triggering and allowing the mission to continue.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Said essential events or mission related items/NPCs not triggering leading to soft locks.
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  • TYPE: Fishing Spear Bug
  • DESCRIPTION: Was fishing with the new Spari spear when a Gravid Blastema sac, the thing that drops Pustulite, dropped in front of me. So I threw my spear at it, it broke, and my warframe started spazzing out, repeating the aiming when throwing spear animation. I could not do anything after that except pull up the ESC menu, but that stopped the spazzing and I could look around and aim, but not throw or use bait. Archwing, operator, archgun, switching weapons, gear menu, K-drive, nothing let me get unstuck. I did forget to try "/unstuck" but I'm not sure how useful that would be. 
  • VISUAL: Forgot to grab screenshot, but its just me standing there like I'm fishing but I can't fish or move. Using wukong and had a clone out with acceltra.
  • REPRODUCTION: Throw a fishing spear at and break a Gravid Blastema sac that has fallen onto the ground above the mucus "water".
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To not lock me in place and not able to do anything except abort.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Spazzed out with fishing rod. Couldn't do anything. Stopped spazzing after I opened the menu. Couldn't do anything else still. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I have tried reproducing it but it is hard to get a Gravid Blastema sac to just drop and roll around on the ground, and then break it with a fishing spear.

Edit: this happened again when I simply missed and hit a rock, so its not simply tied to hitting a sac. Dying and reviving fixes it.

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type: in-game matchmaking

description: No matchmaking for any bounties given by Mother. After selecting any of her bounties, the game does not search for other players to join even if you are on public and no one else is in your squad. There is also no pause button you can press to wait for other players.

visual: NA. Game acts as if I am in solo mode even if my squad is set to public.

Recreation: In a public squad with no other players, start any bounty given by Mother.

expected result: Like in other open worlds, as long as your squad is in public and you have open slots the game should either place you in an existing squad or add players to your squad before starting the bounty.

observed result: Game sends you into the mission without searching for other players to join and does not give you the option to wait for other players.

recreation rate: From my experience 100% of the time with all Deimos bounties.

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2 hours ago, kyori said:

The new challenges of killing juggernauts, ride the deimos k-drive and kill infested pods are not even updating or working. I did many of them but those 3 challenges are still 0.

Not sure if this is intended or not but none of the new challenges are in steam, either.

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Type: In-game

Description: While fishing in Infested Seraguo lake with the new starter spear and currently frozen in place. It happens when standing on top of the “water” and throwing the spear at a fish. Sometimes the spear would twirl around and not allow you to throw it again. Going into the esc screen would fix it, but this is the second time being stuck. You can still aim, but are unable to throw the spear or switch to anything else. The unstuck command worked the first time I was stuck, but now it is no help.

Expected Result: Able to catch a fish and continue fishing.

Observed Result: Stuck in place holding a fishing spear with only hope to abandon mission.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Cutting Vitreospina fish yields no Spinal Core Sections. Checked inventory and tried re-entering Nekralisk but still didn't have it.
  • REPRODUCTION: Try cutting a Vitreospina fish and then check inventory for number of Spinal Core Sections. Should guarantee one.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Obtain at least 1 Spinal Core Section
  • OBSERVED RESULT: No Spinal Core Sections received
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time I cut that specific type of fish

    Additional notes: Unable to make Forums Posts from Chrome. Needed to download a new browser so I could make one.
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I have a few questions in regards to playing as Xaku (In not sure if they would be bugs or not)

Does Whisper cause a proc for Void damage or is it always applied? Is there a way to see which enemies are under the effect of the void status effect?

I haven’t seen any of the manifested weapons fire after casting Grasp of Lohk on enemies without weapons, is that because they didn’t have guns?

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  • TYPE:in UI
  • DESCRIPTION:vitreospina desc. is alloy plates
  • VISUALRyaH8J.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: cut fish menu -> preview fish
  • EXPECTED RESULT: correct desc.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: see above
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: works for all fish ive caught in deimos
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6 hours ago, P0rtelinha said:
  • TYPE: In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: On a mission  (through, and beyond) to go the the heart, when approaching the vault, the door wont open.
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: always the same door (2nd if not mistaken)
  • EXPECTED RESULT:the open and I continue the mission
  • OBSERVED RESULT: stuck at a closed door
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% consistent for me.

Same for me. 

I waited a good 10 minutes for transition, nothing happened. 

Travelling to Necralisk node directly from orbiter results in the same endless Loading.

Is there a way to reset quest?


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  • TYPE:In-game
  • DESCRIPTION: Running back to the Nekralisk after waking Father in the Heart of Deimos Quest, there were some critters near the entrance. I decided to whip out my stasis rifle used for animal captures and shot them. Lo and behold a captured a Septic Cryptilex! 
  • VISUALsmwJ1K9.jpg
  • tCqD8TE.jpg
  • REPRODUCTION: Use the tranquiliser rifle during (I asume) any period before meeting son on a spotted animal that can be captured
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I don't believe I should be able to capture animals at this stage of the quest as I haven't met "Son" yet but got a little clip from him talking about the animal capture
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I was able to interact with the tranquilised animal and get the animal capture sequence
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Have not tested, but I assume it will always work
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  • TYPE: Ingame - Bounty Mission
  • DESCRIPTION: When running a second bounty for the Corpus researcher in the same session of Cambion Drift, the researcher starts with 10 samples already collected, and you can skip the first phase of the bounty stage by simply handing him one sample.
  • REPRODUCTION: Complete a bounty that includes a task for the Corpus researcher, visit Mother out on the Cambion Drift, and accept another bounty that also includes the researcher.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Researcher starts with 0 samples, and you must collect 10
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Researcher starts with 10 samples, and you can collect any number
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Loid first time interaction did not work so i ran back to my orbiter, the inaros quest also has a simular problem, sorry for the quick post, lastly my last idea is to refresh old mods and ammunition or reload functions from pickups, and mission rewards, thus far blueprints also seem outdated for most weapons and webstore in the terms of how useful they are until players get the helminth room and other access zones in other relays or planets syndicate groups/ factions, so it might be a good idea to have some different values like the broken mods which have slightly different data/funtions or some that come with endo, or a temporary, if not add a discard set of items which pertains to the area where the players perform their discards so that they can get other items related to the mods based on the areas where they choose to sell or trash them, usually most players want to get a quick credit from inventory items, deimos so far is good, but it was confusing and seems to need some additional habitat weather in some caverns moisture was present but not stalagmite in formation or spores which would render the warframe unstable or blocking functions realistically in the story portion this did work temporarily and was really interesting enough to leave it in the game to some degree for some tileset areas and exploration to brainstorm, walking on snow could slowdown players footing and increase the meter or something interesting on watery or grassy levels which affects sprinting and corkscrew, eventually crouching and reloading would be more different per planet, especially after wall-latching and per-weapon type/combo, most players just use groundslam so its lol situation rightnow, nighmare modes acomplish interesting gravity settings, but thats about it considering theres like 15 different planets and warships, with default settings, a few fires and machinegun turrets would make players run to hack faster or get electrocuted if they arent careful shotting near machines and exhaust fumes, sparks, brick and glass fragments, etc.

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Navigation now starts at Neptune - and I haven't even unlocked it yet!

  • TYPE: In-Game, PC, after the Hot Fix this evening.
  • DESCRIPTION: Navigation now starts Zoomed in t Neptune, After the Hot Fix Aug 25th in the evening around 7 pm CDT, when I start Navigation it opens up zoomed to Neptune in the Star Chart.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I thought Navigation should open to the whole Star Chart
  • OBSERVED RESULT:  Navigation opens up zoomed to Neptune in the Star Chart.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE:  I ran at least 5 missions, and Navigation zooms to Neptune each time I start a new Navigation to find a mission.
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  • TYPE: In-game; During Deimos Bounty
  • DESCRIPTION: While doing a Deimos Bounty, I noticed the text that contained the bonus mission was in French.
  • REPRODUCTION: Unsure on this part, but it may have been because someone from our group had their language set to French, as they said that they were French, and was able to say what the bonus was. (I am not entirely sure about this). All I really did was join a random public group to finish Bounties for farming loot.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Expected the text to be in English.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: It was in French.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Only happened once, but I didn't do a whole lot of bounties after, and I'm not sure if I did any with group members having different languages.
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  • TYPE: In-Game, Cambion Drift, PC.
  • DESCRIPTION: Limbo not having access to his Rift via Riftwalk passive and the infested enemies as well as Limbo himself ignoring his Cataclysm in the Cambion Drift.
  • VISUAL: Dont have the visuals sadly, since i cant take a picture of it, and do not have the recording software.
  • REPRODUCTION: Unknown for riftwalk, Cataclysm bug happens when casting cataclysm in the Cambion Drift.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Riftwalking should put Limbo into the rift when in the normal plane, and pull him out of it when inside the Rift. Cataclysm, when cast, should place all entities in its area of effect inside the rift as long as they are inside the Cataclysm.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Riftwalking should put Limbo into the rift, Instead, he is instantly pushed out of the Rift as soon as he enters it, kind of like when being inside the PoE gate when waiting for other players/mission end to load. Casting Cataclysm places it into the world, but limbo, his allies, and other entities, enemies included, simply ignore the Cataclysm and its mechanics, as if it wasnt there at all, even though its visuals clearly indicate so, as well as the ability timer, and the ability being responsive itself.
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Both Riftwalk and Cataclysm bug happen when casting Cataclysm on certain enemies, Deimos Jugulus confirmed so far. Testing for other mobs.
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1 hour ago, lavacomet said:
  • TYPE: Fishing Spear Bug
  • DESCRIPTION: Was fishing with the new Spari spear when a Gravid Blastema sac, the thing that drops Pustulite, dropped in front of me. So I threw my spear at it, it broke, and my warframe started spazzing out, repeating the aiming when throwing spear animation. I could not do anything after that except pull up the ESC menu, but that stopped the spazzing and I could look around and aim, but not throw or use bait. Archwing, operator, archgun, switching weapons, gear menu, K-drive, nothing let me get unstuck. I did forget to try "/unstuck" but I'm not sure how useful that would be. 
  • VISUAL: Forgot to grab screenshot, but its just me standing there like I'm fishing but I can't fish or move. Using wukong and had a clone out with acceltra.
  • REPRODUCTION: Throw a fishing spear at and break a Gravid Blastema sac that has fallen onto the ground above the mucus "water".
  • EXPECTED RESULT: To not lock me in place and not able to do anything except abort.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Spazzed out with fishing rod. Couldn't do anything. Stopped spazzing after I opened the menu. Couldn't do anything else still. 
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I have tried reproducing it but it is hard to get a Gravid Blastema sac to just drop and roll around on the ground, and then break it with a fishing spear.


Had the same bug happen, and I'm pretty upset because it was after a bounty. I really don't want to lose the Xaku Neuroptics I just got.

EDIT: quitting to orbiter was the only way out. Kept the bounty rewards but lost all the materials I had found.

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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Description is the same as the Alloy Plate bundle on the market for all Deimos fish.
  • VISUAL: UZIXLrs.png
  • REPRODUCTION: Just look at it
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Have it's own description
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Has wrong description
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Every time you look at it
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3 hours ago, Hypnos said:
  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Fass Residua appears as 2 different items.
  • VISUALfass.pngFas.png 

I have the same thing, all the mutagens and antigens are like this from what I can tell.

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  • TYPE: in game
  • DESCRIPTION: you can bring your k drive into the hub, and if you get on it you're stuck in place and cant get off
  • VISUAL: https://youtu.be/RQh9lQ-1FkA
    • https://youtu.be/NMqd00XTsn8
  • REPRODUCTION: Get on your kdrive at the door do the hub and go inside before they close. Get off of it and after the mission completion screen get back on and youre stuck
  • EXPECTED RESULT: I shouldnt have been able to bring the kdrive into the hub
  • OBSERVED RESULT: I brought it in and got stuck on it
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: I tried it twice and it worked both times
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  • TYPE: In game (PS4 and PC)
  • DESCRIPTION: In the Vox Solaris when you have to scan the bodies of Biz’s agents there is no way to interact with the bodies which leads to a mission failure. 
  • REPRODUCTION: Run Biz’s section of the Vox Solaris quest 
  • EXPECTED RESULT: A pop up should appear to let me scan the bodies
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Nothing appears and there’s no way to interact
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: It happens 100% of the time. I’ve tried restarting the mission, going back to the ship and relaunching, doing a different mission then going back, closing and reopening the app, restarting my PS4. I’ve seen posts from multiple users with the same bug across PS4 and PC. 
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  • TYPE: In-Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Limbo's Cataclysm AND the passive (10 energy per enemy killed) doesn't work.
  • EDIT #1 (Post-HotFix) : Still not working
  • EDIT #2 (Post Another-HotFix) : Still happening
  • EDIT #3 (Post Another-HotFix) : Only the passive was fixed
  • VISUALWarframe_Screenshot_2020.08.25_-_23.24.0
  • Warframe_Screenshot_2020.08.25_-_23.23.5Warframe_Screenshot_2020.08.25_-_23.23.4
  • REPRODUCTION: -Using Limbo in a Vault mission, Necralisk's post-fight, the Cataclysm will not work the rest of the time in the infested world.
    -Limbo's passive(10 energy per enemy killed) ALWAYS doesn't work, you don't have to do something for view that.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Normal functioning
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Juste create the borders of the Cataclysm but no the effect and Limbo doesn't gains 10 energy when you kill a enemy in the Rift.
    (I love Limbo, pls fix this :c)
    EDIT #1 (Post-HotFix) : Still not working
  • EDIT #2 (Post Another-HotFix) : Still happening
  • EDIT #3 (Post Another-HotFix) : Only the passive was fixed
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  • TYPE:: In Game
  • DESCRIPTION: Trying to do heart of Deimos quest. (ONE LAST RIDE)
  • VISUAL: None
  • REPRODUCTION: Up to quest section one last ride, previous mission froze before entering town. closed and re-oped ready to do one last ride section.
  • EXPECTED RESULT: Enter the town and continue the quest.
  • OBSERVED RESULT: Game froze. Reset and went into town, now always freezes
  • REPRODUCTION RATE: Always when attempting to do quest. Freezes and cant do anything. Game only. Tried many things, no change at all.
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