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Dojo QoL Improvements!


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OK bois and girls! It's time for me to drop one idea I've been thinking about..

Many dead clans are lead by one person being the only member in the clan because they have done so much in it..(Decorated the [Hek] out of it) (also many people like that are worth a lot to clans that want dedicated people in their ranks) and they would love to be in a clan more active but they don't want to leave behind such a big thing.. It's like leaving behind memories.. Yeeting them into the endles void.. So I wonder .. I know it's prolly a [Hek] ton of work to do but:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Add the option to upload a copy of a room to a shared database like the steam workshop!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>By doing that people can leave their old dojos behind with their heart at ease and use that downloadable room as a copy paste way to let it live on in another dojo..
>This could open room for events, people could have like an obtainable builder status thing they can qualify for and once people observe their work and label them as worthy they can become someone that can be asked for commissions and maybe earn plat doing so..
>This way people will be more active and won't leave warframe cause they got no one to play with.. People would want to join a clan more because they can contribute to it instead of sitting in their own dojo looking at their creations that have no one else to gaze upon them.

You could also have an option to keep the rooms private or public domain in case you want them to be transferred without more people copying it.

Thank you for your time ^^

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5 hours ago, Amebot said:

Sorry, I never came across your videos, not sure who you are. Are you a warframe creator? The 2 hour figure is a somewhat exaggerated way of saying that it takes a lot of time to fund all decorations in a room because you have to do them all individually.

I'm referring to this: https://youtu.be/yMT2TWwNH8w

I had posted it to reddit a while back and it got traction there, it's just funny you used the same figure I did to prove there was a problem.

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1 hour ago, -Minten- said:

OK bois and girls! It's time for me to drop one idea I've been thinking about..

Many dead clans are lead by one person being the only member in the clan because they have done so much in it..(Decorated the [Hek] out of it) (also many people like that are worth a lot to clans that want dedicated people in their ranks) and they would love to be in a clan more active but they don't want to leave behind such a big thing.. It's like leaving behind memories.. Yeeting them into the endles void.. So I wonder .. I know it's prolly a [Hek] ton of work to do but:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Add the option to upload a copy of a room to a shared database like the steam workshop!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

>By doing that people can leave their old dojos behind with their heart at ease and use that downloadable room as a copy paste way to let it live on in another dojo..
>This could open room for events, people could have like an obtainable builder status thing they can qualify for and once people observe their work and label them as worthy they can become someone that can be asked for commissions and maybe earn plat doing so..
>This way people will be more active and won't leave warframe cause they got no one to play with.. People would want to join a clan more because they can contribute to it instead of sitting in their own dojo looking at their creations that have no one else to gaze upon them.

You could also have an option to keep the rooms private or public domain in case you want them to be transferred without more people copying it.

Thank you for your time ^^

Why not have a personnal dojo and a clan dojo instead? i prefer this solution instead of the steam workshop 

I mean the justice league has his own base but flash, batman or superman have their own base too, why not the tenno? They are like a justice league in space

Me i have to reject an offer to be in a popular dojo because i dont want to lose all the time and ressource i put in it i want to have the option to take my own railjack setup if nobody is online, they should make setup railjack for each member and i want to visit my dojo sometimes not just take it online 

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6 hours ago, (PSN)AkumaGaka said:

Please for the love of Lotus add more dojo decoration capacity, especially to drydock. New consoles should be more than able to handle it. We want more freedom with our builds please.

I'd settle for being able to put pieces down without them auto-filling, the ability to put polychromes down to test colors, our lighting issues from almost a year ago fixed, and the color saturation mess this last remaster caused corrected. 

They need to stop putting shiny Band-Aids on broken bones, and fix what they break during their updates. We're told that support doesn't do bugs and to post them on the forums since that's "where the dev team looks". We've had things posted on the forum since March and haven't seen or heard a thing. 

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Thanks for not forgetting about the dojo decorating enthusiasts! 

but as another addition, is there a possibility of some sort of decoration, maybe like a half-meter wide disk, that could display a clan-member's warframe / tenno complete with their custom load-out and you can interact with it to say.. .have loadouts equipped or not, have various poses or the like, because while getting the ability to place NPC is a win no matter what, since the clan dojo should be first and foremost be a tenno's dojo, so I'd love to populate rooms with warframes / tennos since I build functional rooms that tend to have people roaming around or sitting in certain spots as key elements to them, like a clan council room with floating seats around the observatory center, a fashion-frame room complete with a gaudy-ass stage and catwalk, a trading room with main trade-desk/reception, because imagine people new to the game just seeing all the possibilities in fashion framing as they roam around a dojo full of people's frame's dotted around the place, please pretty pleaseeee.

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Wow spawn pads???   That is the greatest most significant change in the list!  

FINALLY You can turn your observatory into the central nerve center of your Dojo.  Navigation, Arsenal, Trade all in one room???  Hell yes!!!


The only other big thing I want for Dojos is a sound system. 

  • Let people with permission hook up octavia music to each room
  • AND/OR create a bunch of generic ambient music tracks


In terms of decorating...

  • More green trees, more shapes.  The tree section is really bad lol.  
  • a function that lets you tile stuff like grass or infested stuff on floors.   Place one and then the rest of that surface is auto-filled in with the same.


I wish the rooms with 4-6 doors.....if the doors dont go anywhere would just become walls...


Oh my biggest request now.....  Allow Q+A chat to be seen in dojo.... it makes absolutely no sense that it cant be seen now.  People sit in their own dojo's to facilitate trading and they are just sitting there doing nothing.   They have all the time in the world to flip between Trade and Help.  Let us help people while we wait for fish to bite on trade deals lol.   

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Just had a thought. Did someone actually request/get the auto fill feature on the dojo decorations?

If so why? Was it taking more than a couple of seconds to allot the resources? Was it burdensome to have to do two more button clicks?

What it did was make it impossible to team build anything if people are on different "shifts". We used to be able to lay a concept down then let the other builder(s) tinker with it. Now, you have 24 hours, otherwise you are going to have to destroy what you need to revise. 

Did someone also request polychromes auto filling and being permanent? I would love to hear the reason for that one. Maybe people were coming in and changing them? That's an internal issue and shouldn't be inflicted on the rest of the dojos. Or was it that pesky two second task again?

Last thing. Is it too much to ask to get the long-standing bugs fixed before you bury them under more decorations? They do nothing to fix broken inspiration halls or the 100 rooms that need to be re-polychromed due to yet another "improvement" to the dojo color system. 

We are told to come to the forums with bugs, but hear nothing. I suppose this is the place to yell into the wind and go away. Please take a break from new content and fix the old stuff. 

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4 hours ago, (PSN)THREEKLAW said:

It is an honor to be working on these issues with Helen and the team! Thank you for the opportunity: I look forward to helping in any way we can! Have a great day. Warframe Rocks!

Maybe you know why we have pieces auto filling and undeletable polychromes. Please tell me since it's a complete mystery. 

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20 hours ago, (PSN)Arrgh2112 said:

Just had a thought. Did someone actually request/get the auto fill feature on the dojo decorations?

If so why? Was it taking more than a couple of seconds to allot the resources? Was it burdensome to have to do two more button clicks?

This is an option you can have on or off by a toggle in your resource Vault. It is off by default. You still have the choice not to use it.

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On 2020-11-27 at 2:41 AM, AEdelweiss said:

     All this looks cool!  However, so much these points:

     To add to that, I think having the ability to save and load room layouts/decorations would majorly improve things and allow for easier dojo renovations.  You could either have it saveable in game and/or on the player's local disk (although if saved in game they should be linkable in chat).

     I've wanted to redesign my dojo for a while and the only thing that's been stopping me is the headache of having to dismantle everything and rebuild/redecorate without even knowing if my new design is going to work.

     Also, on the subject of dojo QoL as a whole, I would love it if players where given the ability to set the dojo as your base of operation.  By this I mean, give the players a toggle that allows them to choose whether they spawn on their orbiter on login/after missions or in their dojo. On top of that, add all the orbiter facilities to the dojo (yes, I mean all. Including the Helminth room). Whether they be placeable decorations or part of preexisting rooms (although making them decorations would be preferable where applicable).  Warframe is a game with very much a community focus and I think this feature would only strengthen that.  It could turn the dojo from "that place you go to buy some BPs, trade, and do Railjack stuff," into "that cool custom built place where I hang out with my clan mates while doing stuff between missions."  As it stands now, the dojo is very much a separate part of the game that you have to go out of your way to make use of.  A, to use a certain turn of phrase, "content island," and I think this could be exactly what it needs to connect it in with everything.

     Maybe also let players use facilities while visiting other players orbiters while giving you the same option to spawn in a squad mates orbiter after missions (with their permission of course).

     Or maybe I'm just crazy.  Either way, I've had this thought for a while now and figured this would be the perfect time and place to share it.

This it has been brought up on German suggestions and English multiple times and quite a few clan mates also agreed while playing and discussing this mindset.

Another thing that has been brought up and having become MR 30 it is more noticeable, please allow a beacon font to be built by clans the dojo is a place everyone in a clan can reach but the instancing of relays does make it difficult at times. Also create a option for Alliances to enter dojo's of clans within the Alliance to combine with the beacon. Once you reach a certain size it becomes impractical to enter a relay as a joint effort and easier to just all pile into 1 dojo for the buff.

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