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Orphix Venom: Hotfix 29.6.7 +


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Orphix Venom: Hotfix 29.6.7

Operation: Orphix Venom Fixes:

  • Fixed Operation exploit (and disqualified scores that had been earned with it.)


  • Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Antimatter Drop ability. 

  • Fixed Unreal Skin preventing Nightwatch Napalm Mod from functioning.

  • Fixed Necramechs not advancing the "Kill enemies with X Element" Nightwave Act.


Orphix Venom: Hotfix


  • Fixed a significant performance drop related to the Unreal Drakgoon Flak Cannon Skin projectile trails.
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5 minutes ago, --RV--Faras said:

I still see 40k scores tho

hey past me wouldve said that tooo, but my friends and i managed to find a way to get 40k score.

tldr it need a good map, and a good teammate :)

 but i still dont know how much more you can get, my theory is that 45k is still possible but tbh it seems impossible

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