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Biggest overreaction by far?

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On 2021-03-08 at 9:34 AM, (XBOX)The Neko Otaku said:

The uni medallion was one dude on Twitter saying its a "spit on the face" and DE changed it. Which one salty conclave player outweighing the rest of the player base is insulting. Also conclave players complaining its spit in the face is hilarious when they're cover in so much spit for the years of conclave abandoment they look like they just walk out of a bukkake shoot.

I vote this for the biggest overreaction. Imagine not getting medallions to get a few crappy skins and then bashing the entire conclave community over it with weird spit and porn references.


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I think the biggest overreaction in memory was the one to Xoris's nerf. Mostly because DE's communication about why they were making the change was absurd even though the change really was needed. 

Additionally, people dropped Xoris after the plebby freakout without realizing that it has always been a top tier glaive. Even before the glaive rework Xoris was perfectly usable in mid to high level content with heavy attack explosive builds. 


Also, the Kuva Bramma change was pretty bad. People are still convinced the weapon is somehow worse than it was when the only thing that was really nerfed was its ammo count. The damage numbers are still very very high.

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On 2021-03-08 at 4:54 AM, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Multiple DE staff received death threats when they temporary decreased the range of the vacuum mod, during the process of changing vacuum from being a Carrier exclusive mode to universal sentinel mod that we currently have.

Nothing comes even close to this.

LOL. Move DE from London, BC, CAN to even super liberal Austin, TX and DE will have a new IRL Warframe mod called "Stand Your Ground" 👍

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On 2021-03-08 at 2:39 PM, Aldain said:

I mean I got flipped out at by multiple people for suggesting that the Kuva Lich auto death was stupid and not a good "power reversal" like the devs wanted and got hit with every laughable insult, from "noob" to "carebear" to things I don't dare repeat in polite company.

So it isn't the community as a whole, just parts of it that are utterly detached from any form of sensibility.

I miss that kill on fail, wish theyd add it back in at a 5% chance or something.

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We are currently having one in the Workshop thread.

Apparently, Forma is now a commodity that cant be wasted.

Or having to Rank up the Harness.

Seriously, we had so many people in-game telling how they ranked their Mechs to 40, I dont see how this will be worse.

Ah, and DE decided to put a Potato in the Harness as default instead of having us using a Potato ourselves. But its not enough, it seems.

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ah its the neko otaku again with the hunger for the other side of the group circle jerk , anything new ? 

its like youre actually like being cynical about people being cynical about a video game , whoops  i guess you grab my attention :p do i lost in your superior forum warrior eyes now 

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1 hour ago, Kaotyke said:

Or having to Rank up the Harness.

...Ok I'm not gonna overreact to that, but...ugh.

One of the things I liked about Railjack was it not being another affinity grind outside of intrinsic farming.

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As a newcomer, I have to say: this community is mild by comparison to Destiny's. I've played Destiny regularly since launch, and it's amazing how much rage that community is capable of throwing. This community seems like it gets a little pissy here and there, but never the outright savagery I saw in Destiny's forums and subreddits. 

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Biggest "flip the table" reactions?

I'd say it was imo:

  • Void Mission Prime locations and rates
    • That one caused a protest letter to get posted and signed by most of the large clans in the game at the time
  • The addition of the Original Light Traps
  • The Stamina Nerf added to slow down 'coptering.
    • Both were so loud and consistent that DE addressed them either immediately through hotfixes or resolved within the same patch cycle through a spreadsheet.
  • Universal auto-blocking also springs to mind as a contender.
    • That one lasted months and literally locked certain frames out from content because the autoblock would glitch the frame... Anyone wanting to know why players rely so much more on melee (now) out of habit need look no further than there as they had months of conditioning to rely on melee to keep from getting glitched into it instead.

I don't know if the bottom three actually count though as they followed through on ideas from armchair devs.


Biggest overreactions?

  • Viver
  • Universal Vaccuum
  • Most of the complaints that led up to getting the Steel Path and most of the complaints that have been made since it's release.



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4 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Apparently, Forma is now a commodity that cant be wasted.

I guess i slightly see it as people are probably stockpiling formas for corpus liches and don't need another forma sink right now. But it's most likely the people who claim forma are tge toughest grind despite being in 95% of all relics 

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