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Biggest overreaction by far?

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Every time some plat farming is touched. Those niche communities who like so much a game mode but when they lose the monopoly over prices, the game mode suddenly is dead while still existing in the game, for example long endurance runs (when SE was farmed based on eximus) and now eidolon hunting. The SE was the most hilarious tho, because was paired with the Khora nerf.

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The problem with these "all complaining is wrong" threads, is the developers said they tend to only listen to the most vocal people.

Second, people are entirely free to be as attachted as they like, to anything they like. That's quite normal in fact with "fandom", even healthy when you consider the opposite of not caring. Apathy is when people gave up already.

Third, every and any kind of progress made with anything ever, starts with complaining.

Every historical, political, cultural issue starts with someone being sick and tired of something... and start complaining.

Complaining is the life blood of progresion.

If you want to do better in anything, you must first face up to criticism - which again, is straight up what the developers encourage.

So you can be right or you can learn something.

Do you want your ego stroked or do you want to find out what you could have done better.

I am always on the hunt, trying to get developer apologists to understand complaining is all about making the game better.

You can sabotage people by not holding them accountable, even worse by cultivating a norm where "negative words hurts my feelings", so let's throw accountability out the window.

I mean if your puppy craps all over the floor?

Let's not be negative here, we might hurt some feelings!!!1

Then go on, compliment it for crapping on the floor, baby it, see what happens Larry.

All that, no other place more true than in the gaming industry, since it is almost entirely unregulated, developers can get away with anything.

The only thing in the gaming industry pushing for developer accountability is the complainers.

The complainers are the justice league of the gaming industry, with them there would be open season.

It's a benedict arnold if you want to talk about loyalty, the debate here is the quality of games and no nerf is ever small or insignificant, or to be taken lightly the mentality of it in itself, somewhere out there you have players getting angry, upset and disappointed - and it was all meaningless.

You actually don't help the game, the players, or the developers, or yourself or the social norm by encouraging poor performance.


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28 minutes ago, Surbusken said:

The problem with these "all complaining is wrong" threads, is the developers said they tend to only listen to the most vocal people.

See, you do this to yourself.

This thread is about over-reactions, not reactions.

You imply and paint this thread with a wide brush, from where I sit.

This thread asks about over-reactions to changes, not valid complaints/ideas/issues, yet you paint it as if it is.

Hyperbole helps no one, especially hyperbole about game developers 'getting away with' things in an 'unregulated' industry...it's just a video game.

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2 hours ago, Surbusken said:

The problem with these "all complaining is wrong" threads, is the developers said they tend to only listen to the most vocal people.

Ummm....this is about things people overreacted about and in the end it was a overreaction. Hell people are bringing up overreactions that i remember vaguely cause the thing they're reacting to didn't have the big impact as they claimed.

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

It was before SS for us console players because we got SS after PC, but it was a change made literally during SS for PC in direct response to people using an intended feature as it was intended to be used.  The devs didn't account for it because they forgot Khora existed and tried to act like it was an exploit despite them being the ones to put the actual words in the game that specifically said it heals defense objectives.

Same thing they did for OV and healing mechs. I get they don't want people to cheese the event.  But it wasn't like most of those methods were broken.

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I say the change to Roar before the Helminth was put into the game. It had everything other people mentioned and more. All the usual suspects showed up - the black-and-white-thinkers whined that touching the ability at all means that it will be useless, the never-nerfers asking for reworks of all abilities on all frames instead, the deliberately ignorant pretended not to understand that Roar was a powerful ability and kept ranting that it was only nerfed because of its popularity. (You may know all of these from every other thread about every other nerf.) The thread was over two hundred pages when it was locked.

Of course then the Helminth launched and the topic was never mentioned again.

What puts this one over the top for me is that the thing exploded near the weekend, and there was a lengthy sub-discussion where a ton of entitled children couldn't understand why DE didn't post an official response on a Sunday.

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I'm rather new in warframe, but gotta say i am pretty entertained on how "panicky" this community is:

  • the free ignis wraith campaign. Even to this day if you as much as mention the words "ignis wraith", at least 20 people will immediately remind you that you can get it for free.
  • the eros wings meltdown. Which just faded into obscurity with less and less people equipping the wings. Imma admit I was one of the people who freaked out.
  • the eidolon hunters freaking out and giving away max arcane energize like rock bands giving away stickers on live shows. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!
  • and of course who can pretend they didn't see the "omg DE is absolutely definitely for sure going to turn every melee into mk-1 skana" that is still happening as we speak.
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6 minutes ago, Soy77 said:

and of course who can pretend they didn't see the "omg DE is absolutely definitely for sure going to turn every melee into mk-1 skana" that is still happening as we speak.

Ironically there isn't even a MK-1 Skana.

It remains the only weapon you can get in the initial tutorial that needs to be crafted and can't be bought for credits.

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I was sure this thread was going to be about DE overreactions.  😋  Which dovetails somewhat, because so many forum overreactions have been in response to DE overreactions.

Anyway, worst community overreaction I can recall was HelminthPreNerfGate.  But I'm probably forgetting two or three...or a dozen... that were just as bad.


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6 hours ago, Soy77 said:

I'm rather new in warframe, but gotta say i am pretty entertained on how "panicky" this community is:

- the free ignis wraith campaign. Even to this day if you as much as mention the words "ignis wraith", at least 20 people will immediately remind you that you can get it for free.

- the eros wings meltdown. Which just faded into obscurity with less and less people equipping the wings. Imma admit I was one of the people who freaked out.

- the eidolon hunters freaking out and giving away max arcane energize like rock bands giving away stickers on live shows. EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!

- and of course who can pretend they didn't see the "omg DE is absolutely definitely for sure going to turn every melee into mk-1 skana" that is still happening as we speak.

sometimes i'll offer it for 500p in trade chat right after someone offers it for free...and i get a bunch of people messaging me telling me im such a horrible scammer. At this point, anyone looking for an Ignis Wraith KNOWS they can get it get it for free. The obsession with saying its free can get weird at times. 

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15 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:

Now Vernari is just a simple Kill-Bot.

Luckily whether you think the reaction was warranted or not DE did eventually revert the nerf. They revisited objective healing as a whole and while a few of the most powerful methods were nerfed instead, the net result was that more healing abilities can now affect objectives. Despite the "overreaction" the game was made better.

14 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

It was before SS for us console players because we got SS after PC, but it was a change made literally during SS for PC in direct response to people using an intended feature as it was intended to be used.  The devs didn't account for it because they forgot Khora existed and tried to act like it was an exploit despite them being the ones to put the actual words in the game that specifically said it heals defense objectives.

I don't think I saw a single other Khora the entire event, so it's not like this was some super meta strategy. It was a trickle of healing used by only a handful of players who actually knew how Khora worked. And it was only nerfed because IIRC one guy was actively complaining about it. And DE reacted like their pants were on fire and nerfed Venari's heal but never even noticed that the Rejuvenation aura did the exact same thing!

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The way Chroma's original default helmet got so much hatred that DE actually swapped it to a more dragon likeincredibly generic looking one. That was really dumb.

Or, the main one I have dealt with many times: Nothing brings all the zealous DE defenders to the yard quite like suggesting that Alerts weren't all that bad, and should come back. Do that, and suddenly everyone is in love with Nightwave, and thinks its the best thing ever invented, despite the fact that no one can never actually come up with anything good to say about it. You don't even have to suggest that Nightwave be removed or anything, people will still treat you like you're trying to kill their dog or something.

Or of course, anytime DE actually properly balances something by weakening it. They don't even have to fully nerf it, just debuff it a bit to bring it more in line with everything else, and suddenly everyone's demanding they stop ruining their fun. Because, obviously the only way to have fun in Warframe is having stupidly huge damage numbers...

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16 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

It was before SS for us console players because we got SS after PC, but it was a change made literally during SS for PC in direct response to people using an intended feature as it was intended to be used.  The devs didn't account for it because they forgot Khora existed and tried to act like it was an exploit despite them being the ones to put the actual words in the game that specifically said it heals defense objectives.

It was actually reported as a bug to DE.

Given DE doesn't really look at all the interactions the game has, it shouldn't be a surprise they could be told and intended action is a bug.

16 hours ago, (PSN)sister-hawk said:

Or how about that one guy, who shall not be named, who insisted for weeks afterward that condition overload was now completely pointless and there was no reason to ever use it. And now Kuva Nukor is the meta sidearm just because it enables condition overload so well.

Just goes to show you just because someone says something with confidence, it doesn’t mean they have any clue what they are talking about.

K-Nukor priming isn't "meta" for the majority of the player base. Melee priming is inefficient for anything outside of long duration endless missions, and emphasis on long duration; as even a couple hours isn't enough to be at a point where it's worth it over anything.

The person in question, as far as I'm aware, doesn't care about several hour runs, and most people don't to begin with. For standard content, CO offers nothing, as enemies die in a single hit, and some of the few that don't, CO doesn't offer anything. Even in SP, higher damage weapons don't need CO.

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In recent memory, I'd say the Wukong rework: prior to the changes, players were screaming bloody murder, making thread upon thread claiming that the changes would nerf Wukong by removing his boring invincibility toggle. The frame was one of the least popular in the game, so it was likely there were more people complaining about the Wukong rework than there were people who actually played him. Eventually, the rework came out, and as it turns out, it didn't nerf Wukong at all, it made him the most popular warframe in the game. All of those posts quickly vanished, and it was back to business as usual on the forums. The worst part is that this had already happened with Nezha's own rework, and nobody seems to have learned a thing from either, as some users on here still have a general distrust of reworks.

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10 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

It was actually reported as a bug to DE.

Given DE doesn't really look at all the interactions the game has, it shouldn't be a surprise they could be told and intended action is a bug.

DE is the one that put the words in the game that said it was intended.


I'm not going to keep having this argument with you people.  They put it in the game.  They coded it to heal defense objectives.  They put a description in the game that said specifically that it heals defense targets.  If I make something, specifically make it so that it does a thing, and then hang a sign on it telling people what it does and someone says "Hey that's doing a thing it's not supposed to do."  and the only thing it's doing is exactly what I made it to do, I'm going to silently point to the sign hanging on it that says it's supposed to do that, not panic nerf something and make excuses about how the thing I built to do a task wasn't actually supposed to do that task.

I swear to god, DE could tell you people the game isn't actually called Warframe, and that it's been a typo all along that no one pointed out to them, and you people would just blindly believe them.

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

DE is the one that put the words in the game that said it was intended.


I'm not going to keep having this argument with you people.  They put it in the game.  They coded it to heal defense objectives.  They put a description in the game that said specifically that it heals defense targets.  If I make something, specifically make it so that it does a thing, and then hang a sign on it telling people what it does and someone says "Hey that's doing a thing it's not supposed to do."  and the only thing it's doing is exactly what I made it to do, I'm going to silently point to the sign hanging on it that says it's supposed to do that, not panic nerf something and make excuses about how the thing I built to do a task wasn't actually supposed to do that task.

I swear to god, DE could tell you people the game isn't actually called Warframe, and that it's been a typo all along that no one pointed out to them, and you people would just blindly believe them.

I'm not sure how my post suggested I believed the interaction was unintended. I simply pointed out someone reported it as a bug, and DE [not myself] believed that it was a bug. No where did I say that it was actually a bug. I even said DE believed an intended action to be a bug due to their ignorance in regards to how things within their own game function. Not exactly sure how I could be much clearer.

I also hardly ever defend DE here unless someone is blatantly lying, as they make mistakes often to the point that so much of their time is wasted on fixing mistakes that honestly should have never been made.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)TehChubbyDugan said:

DE is the one that put the words in the game that said it was intended.


I'm not going to keep having this argument with you people.  They put it in the game.  They coded it to heal defense objectives.  They put a description in the game that said specifically that it heals defense targets.  If I make something, specifically make it so that it does a thing, and then hang a sign on it telling people what it does and someone says "Hey that's doing a thing it's not supposed to do."  and the only thing it's doing is exactly what I made it to do, I'm going to silently point to the sign hanging on it that says it's supposed to do that, not panic nerf something and make excuses about how the thing I built to do a task wasn't actually supposed to do that task.

I swear to god, DE could tell you people the game isn't actually called Warframe, and that it's been a typo all along that no one pointed out to them, and you people would just blindly believe them.

This ^^ is the biggest over-reaction in the thread, at least IMO.

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On 2021-03-09 at 2:35 PM, Yamazuki said:

and DE [not myself] believed that it was a bug.

This is the specific part of your initial point that I was replying to.

They put the text in the game.

They could not have believed it was a bug because they are the ones that put the text into the game that explicitly state that it is intended and therefor not a bug.

If they said "We only nerfed it because someone told us it was a bug" that is either an outright lie, or the people that develop the game, and put the text in the game that say it's an intended feature are incredibly dense to blindly believe a player reporting a bug that isn't a bug that they said wasn't a bug when they put the description in the game.  Considering they blatantly ignore 90% of the threads in the bug forum, to include game breaking bugs, and adding to that they are (again) the ones that specifically put the function and description of the function into the game, there is no way they are dumb enough to just go with a single player telling them it was a bug.  They were making excuses for their nerf and you are along for the ride, believing that they didn't know exactly what they were doing.

I'm not sure how I can be any clearer.  There is absolutely zero chance they believed it was a bug or didn't know that's how the ability worked and it was an accidental thing where it wasn't an intentional nerf.  The only place they screwed up was they forgot Khora and Vazarin (The fact that Vazarin got nerfed at the same time pokes all kinds of holes in the idea they thought it was a bug.) existed when making SS, didn't count on players having access to objective healing, and shipped it.  They dropped a brick in their pants when they realized what players were doing and nerfed it, and it was an intentional nerf that they tried to play off like it was a fix for an unintentional bug.

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