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Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.9


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4 hours ago, semtexagon said:

Serious question: Have the door issue in turbine been adressed yet? Grineer missions are unplayable ATM.

No, no one knows what exactly causes it (and yes, there are people who can do pulse turbines with no issue.)

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Am 2.4.2021 um 00:13 schrieb NonEuclideanOtter:

I'm not whiteknighting DE exactly, I have my own issues with some of the changes they've made, but you need to realize that they are not a huge development team. They simply do not have number of people necessary to test things on the same scale, or even close to the scale, of the PC player base. If you really don't like being a tester for new patches, maybe consider moving to console. You get the updates later, but they are less buggy due to the hotfix processes done on PC.

Maybe we should scrap some budget from the Community team then? They are practicably useless besides some seperate platform streams and a Devstream once a month. The money could be spend then for 3 or 4 fixed Beta-Testers. Oh and before you say, "they are important they forward feedback to the Devs etc." then you should really ask yourself which feedback for necessary QoL Improvements, since oblivion existing bugs etc. was forwarded besides some BS cosmetic wishes.

Edited by ValinorAtani
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soloing, staring from drydock, rare occurrence, npc crew and myself unable to enter front turret, turret became nonresponsive, as well as back turret locked crew member in it. and at the end of mission the back turret became an exit and continued to be an exit at the drydock.

im getting mk 1 pieces as drops in veil missions as well as on pluto. when all parts are mk 3. it happens rare enough to be a bug.

can form up work on crew members? so i can unstuck them, by forcing them to my location on the ship. so i can then assign them to not to use the turret.

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb semtexagon:

Serious question: Have the door issue in turbine been adressed yet? Grineer missions are unplayable ATM.

I don't think so. I guess I'm lucky because in my case the missions are doable to around 95 percent probability.

Yesterday I had once the occurence that I couldn't enter the Grineer ship in the asteroid base... the first time ever... 🤪

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Railjack Bug Conditional Major for Solo players

If you die right at the area where you exist off from the ships/building during railjack missions. You wont be able to respawn, I think this is because the respawn key "X" and the exit key "X" are the same and is interfering with one another at that spot where both needs to be used except I cant exit without reviving myself. I was killed by the electric DOT just before i reached the exit.
Do note I also tried to press the key to exit as the operator mode since I predicted my warframe would die, so i wanted to let it auto revive and re-enter once the DOT was gone, but i hesitated a bit since i thought i would get immunity once i get into archwing mode and it was real close as you can see. 

Funny Note : Stupid bot crew members watching my dead body and not coming to help 😡


Edited by topgunLT1
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vor 2 Stunden schrieb muziqaz:

Was something changed in Stealth Kill bonus? I do not see anything activate on stealth kill and there is no xp bonus stack up to 500% anymore

its a bug (at least if DE didnt stealthfixed it without notification as usual). It comes and goes with each hotfix/patch since Railjack was launched Dec, 2019.

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On 2021-04-02 at 8:35 PM, mistsack said:

"fixing" a dead game mode you took the fun part out. no one likes the taxijack its litterly 10% railjack 90% plain boring missions.

pls less emoji effort that look bad and more waypoint and UI fixes pls that ACTUALLY fix anything.

Thank you.

dead game that you still play and are interested in. no one likes the taxijack but there are plenty of people who do. please stop talking for everyone, mkay?

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb RoninFive:

dead game that you still play and are interested in. no one likes the taxijack but there are plenty of people who do. please stop talking for everyone, mkay?

I'm still enjoying it, non-stop since the update. Together with the Kuva Lichs the best part of Warframe so far.😁

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this is still a big issue and has been an issue for over half a year.
Aborting a mission on railjack will make this happen 100% of time.
Launching a mission from navigation in the dojo is now a torture and unthinkable.
It hasn't been adressed by anyone. So I would atleast like to know if it's known and being worked on or not.

Edited by ---RV---Maniac
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Somehow changing from Voidrig to Bonewidow in dry dock didnt work and I was stuck with Voidrig another mission I started from ship at dry dock. 3rd turbine had closed doors again. Maybe make the turbine have fully open doors at all times or It doesnt require doors at all? We need to shut down radiators first anyway before hacking the final console so Thats a thing I guess. Another was to take that objective out to fix it or make it tied to a node so we can avoid it? I know these are not true fixes but are very nice placeholders till its solved some day no?

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I wanted to inform about the fact that I miss an important part namely the workshop part.

Before the release of update 29. 10. 0 it was possible to refill the workshop before the start of a railjack mission.

Now you fly off naked and have to collect materials to replenish energy, weapons and repairs. On top of that, a hull break costs 100 revolit with a maximum refill of revolit of 100 +22.

When there are more repairs within a short time like fire, electric or other damages, the cooldown of the revolit repair section is extremely too long.


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hello there

my feed back about new RJ is not what you guys want to listen because first of all you seriously f*** up with Tether and what feel is using void hole we cant get exp points. So only seeker volly is the skill left from 3 main skill which will commonly use. I did at least 10 RJ with Void hole and and not my single item went MAX and on other side using Seeker volly i got better exp. Well still my suggestion is give us back our skill Tether what it was. Rest no one can do any thing about it because we are not developer. And one more thing seriously frame energy is use in RJ? My Wukong have 195 energy only, according to his build now what i do? change my build?? seriously??? i love that build almost undefeatable in all map.

You tried to make RJ better but you made it worst if i talk about RJ inbuilt skill. And why there is no Gian point??? that was the only map people love to go and upgrade items. 

I know you guys wont do anything but seriously current RJ is not that attractable as what you guys thought it would be.

Its my personal look out.


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How to get easy XP  in RJ (Plexus )use Xp booster and play

Recommend:Smeta kavat 

 Railjack- Neptune Proxima

Mission Nu-Gua mines (exterminate)  - around 40 min  make 26 rank

System is destroy  2 crewship  corpus and farm with your RJ ship and your crew  and kill only respawn fighter

Bonus and General missions for XP is useless


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Let's talk about this buggy mess again....because apparently DE as a whole believes it's time to announce that they're going to go dark for a while.  It's great that you're being honest...but not so great when the state of the game is so riddled with bugs.


1) If you run multiple railjack missions back-to-back you're going to lose affinity, and syndicate standing.  Let me explain.  Had about 6k left to earn for the day.  Did two runs of exterminate on Pluto.  Mission lists a little over 5k as earned.  Great.  124k total.  So I return to dry dock.  I leave after selling wreckage.  When I get back on the orbiter I've got 118k syndicate standing....what?  I also have less than 100 standing left to earn.  So....my standing just evaporated?  

2) Rewards are not working.  Again, back to back missions.  Do the first, and it's 2 revealed rewards and two unrevealed.  Start the next mission, and I can see all 4.  Play through the next, and get 2 revealed.  Fly back to dry dock, and I have 1 unrevealed that is rewarded....hmmm.  4+3=7.....8-7=1.  By jove, I believe you've shafted me out of a reward.

3) 25 endo for weapons is still a thing.  Oh joy, I have no reason to try and earn 40k for a mod 25 at a time (40k/25=1600 scrap wreckage).

4) 6%.  Only about two weeks to earn a Carmine Penta.....and it's junk.

5) Speaking of junk, have you been poisoning the water for our railjack AIs?  I'm asking because they seem to be powered by stupidity.  I've had an engineer decide to become a defender.  I've had engineers simply decide not to fix hazards.  I've watched a gunner get off of a turret, go to a hazard, a defender simply wander by, and the gunner fixed the hazard.  None of this even touches on the idiots deciding to prioritize shooting a crewship that had been rendered inert, while a couple of boarding pods crashed into the ship.  It's nutty to say this, but the state of their AI a few revisions back was actually better.

6) Orphix Venom.  I want to make this feedback concise.  As such, it's going to lack a lot of nuance.  The rewards suck.  The arcane drops are a joke.  The speed of the event is completely unbalanced for solo play.  After I finish a node it's never going to be reasonable for me to play it again for fun.  High level sentient enemies, like the rest of railjack, are not a challenge.  What they are is bigger punching bags.  What I see value in is grinding the mechs if you haven't already done it....but it's more efficient to do an exterminate solo or a defense with a team to get those levels.  I'd ask who tested this and was responsible for the poor implementation....but it's clear.  You took the feedback that it was too slow and the percentages ticked too fast.  Everything else was ignored.  Oh boy....my feedback really mattered.


While all of the above is going on in your content rework, it's hard to articulate how much of the rest of the game is suffering.  I've failed missions on the Plains, because enemies didn't spawn in an exterminate.  I've had steel path enemies one shot me through my shields.  Arbitrations are still a toss-up as to whether you can be revived or whether resurgence burdens are required.  

So we are clear, announcing that you're going to go silent on updating is an honest move DE.  For that, I give you respect.  The problem is that you're announcing it with an open time frame, whilst 10 updates into a mess of another update that you could only release on PC because it doesn't have to pass certification for stability and quality on PC.  The communication without words is that PC is going to be the beta testers yet again.  The communication with words is that you're going to be focusing on the next release soon, so be ready for April to not have a lot of patches and fixes, despite the current state of things.  You have a PR department, and I'd imagine at this point they might start to favorably look on alcoholism to both deal with the frustration and for its antiseptic properties.  Maybe think before you speak.



Let me offer an alternative.  You include the patching disclaimer at the top of all the recent updates.  This is likely a means to assure people that you're still working.  Great.  Now, how about a list of what it is that you're looking into as the 5-7 priorities for the next patch?  It'll be the footnote to the update, and it speaks volumes more about your focus than introducing new emojis to chat.  Because my game about space ninjas needs more texting......sorry, choking back some bile there.  

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il y a une heure, PepeMcHarambeface a dit :

I'm waiting for new content since december.

waiting for new content is the real end game, welcome to Warframe, reskinning same old thing since 2017.

At least they have talented art team to help swallow the pill.

Be well 😘.

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