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Is it time for a new way to extract?


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The game is so fast paced extractions just doesn’t feel good anymore. Extraction is way to calm. Lissets are way to conveniently placed at the end of the mission. Casually stepping into our lissets at the end of every mission is immersion breaking IMO especially if we are under fire. I’d rather have something like the following. 

New way to extract: 

At the end of the mission depending on the level; the Warframe either jumps out of a window, in the water, or off a cliff then, cut to a scene of Ordis swooping down in our lisset to pick us up mid flight and flies off.  Similar to the attached gif. https://i.imgur.com/rlHc5xV.gifv (car is the Warframe) 

(Lots of Reddit upvotes)

yay nay? Thoughts? To me this just would feel so much better instead of the way we currently extract. 


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2 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:


Besides what's mentioned about how tonally jarring it is, it probably opens up end tile options a fair bit. As is, quite a few of them have 4 specific extraction points where the players would climb into each of their landing crafts. That "enough room for 4 people to climb into ships" schema is kind of needed for the extraction point to make sense. If you're hopping off a cliff, you don't need the physical room to fit four landing craft, you just need to imagine the players hopping off one after the other. It's a smaller space requirement for things to be sensible, which means more possible creativity in extraction tiles.

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Hmm, not sure. The concept seems cool and all, but there were times when, on my last life, I was fighting through enemies that very much nearly killed me while I was making my way towards extraction. It was quite stressful and fun, and I’d like to preserve that if possible

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On 2021-05-22 at 6:57 PM, Drasiel said:

Nay. I love how chill and badass we look casually climbing into the liset

You'd be surprised how many times I've watched the liset boarding animation bug out even playing today. Either I don't show up or float outside the ship as it flies off.

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I think the better idea would be to NOT have a linear mission, but instead it being a bit more open, this way missions would be more interesting, and we could also add multiple spawn and extraction points

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This is a bit off-topic, but I personally hope to see the Railjack framework supplant all ground content at some point in the future. That way, our finale would consist of us jumping out in our Archwings and heading back to the ship. Or jumping out in our Landing Craft, if we don't have an Archwing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2021-05-22 at 2:29 PM, Tyreaus said:

Besides what's mentioned about how tonally jarring it is, it probably opens up end tile options a fair bit. As is, quite a few of them have 4 specific extraction points where the players would climb into each of their landing crafts. That "enough room for 4 people to climb into ships" schema is kind of needed for the extraction point to make sense. If you're hopping off a cliff, you don't need the physical room to fit four landing craft, you just need to imagine the players hopping off one after the other. It's a smaller space requirement for things to be sensible, which means more possible creativity in extraction tiles.


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On 2021-05-22 at 5:57 PM, Drasiel said:

Nay. I love how chill and badass we look casually climbing into the liset

"Buh-bye suckers *kiss*"

On 2021-05-24 at 2:09 AM, Deminisis said:

You'd be surprised how many times I've watched the liset boarding animation bug out even playing today. Either I don't show up or float outside the ship as it flies off.

The only extraction animation bug I've ever seen in 5 1/2 years was the old one where that certain Earth tile caused you to be at a slight angle as you strapped in, and that was fixed over a year ago. Are you having connection issued between you and someone else hosting?

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On 2021-05-22 at 5:57 PM, Drasiel said:

Nay. I love how chill and badass we look casually climbing into the liset


16 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

Buh-bye suckers *kiss*"

Yeah sure at the end of unaltered stealth missions or if everyone was dead maybe yeh that would make sense and be less immersion breaking. Other than that the rest of the time your frame and lisset would have been blown to hell or take heavy damage extracting under fire. Still a hard pill to swallow for me that our enemies would have a perfect hole for your ship to dock to and for your frame to take a good 5-6 seconds to get in while conveniently placed at the end of every mission. Lol just no. It’s comical. I mean if there were 4 players the lissets would completely overlap each other. 

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

Still hard pill to swallow


Ok, what about defense pod missions? When you stop Lotus says "Ok, the cleanup team will take it from here" as you hear the next round of enemies coming in and shooting at you while everyone gets ready to pose on the end screen with their loot. Person defense missions where you can't sit on the person or throw them over your shoulder so they don't run around like an idiot and get hurt. Magic ammo that fits guns made by different manufacturers. Red jelly blobs that bring back your health instantly. Any manner of space wizardry that happens in the game.

It's one thing when wildly unrealistic things happen in a flight or driving sim game, but so weird to me when people talk about their immersion breaking in video games where fantastical things are happening moment to moment.

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53 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:


Ok, what about defense pod missions? When you stop Lotus says "Ok, the cleanup team will take it from here" as you hear the next round of enemies coming in and shooting at you while everyone gets ready to pose on the end screen with their loot. Person defense missions where you can't sit on the person or throw them over your shoulder so they don't run around like an idiot and get hurt. Magic ammo that fits guns made by different manufacturers. Red jelly blobs that bring back your health instantly. Any manner of space wizardry that happens in the game.

It's one thing when wildly unrealistic things happen in a flight or driving sim game, but so weird to me when people talk about their immersion breaking in video games where fantastical things are happening moment to moment.

I mean I agree. The only thing is for me those things aren’t cool looking or as in your face as extracting. That said some things could Def use some polish, Defense mission I believe does need an extraction scene of some sort. Def/ Rescue target should be pulled out of that capsule and get thrown over your shoulder or carried to extraction. Magic ammo and jelly blobs are IMO acceptable and reasonable disbelief in a game like Warframe. I mean the lotus still gives us gifts after every Dev steam and she gone. No polish. 

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:


Yeah sure at the end of unaltered stealth missions or if everyone was dead maybe yeh that would make sense and be less immersion breaking. Other than that the rest of the time your frame and lisset would have been blown to hell or take heavy damage extracting under fire. Still a hard pill to swallow for me that our enemies would have a perfect hole for your ship to dock to and for your frame to take a good 5-6 seconds to get in while conveniently placed at the end of every mission. Lol just no. It’s comical. I mean if there were 4 players the lissets would completely overlap each other. 

I've never taken it as our ship having a convenient place to dock I've always believed that we literally cut a tenno hole into a ship like pirates. Since the liset is always waiting for us in extraction I assume it's stealthily latched to the ship in a weird location and pings us when ready. The enemy doesn't know the ship is even there until we lead them to it, then we climb in like a badass while they shoot at us.

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53 minutes ago, Drasiel said:

I've never taken it as our ship having a convenient place to dock I've always believed that we literally cut a tenno hole into a ship like pirates. Since the liset is always waiting for us in extraction I assume it's stealthily latched to the ship in a weird location and pings us when ready. The enemy doesn't know the ship is even there until we lead them to it, then we climb in like a badass while they shoot at us.

I mean, and no one noticed? That’s a huge leap for me, But whatever your head cannon tells you I guess. Makes me cringe every time I see it at the end of a mission, It’s like “hold up guys.....time out, let me extract” Lol

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I support it, ok and here we go again:

the only thing that should stop us from extracting items is losing all resuscitations before extracting.

gates, extraction, destroyed railjack, failed missions... must be accessible or recoverable if the warframe is still alive; yes the railjack can die and come back to life in the same mission but the warframe cannot die; a quest can be extracted after failing; yes it will be extracting resources without completing the mission; the escape gates must be accessible from anywhere in the game; go from railjack to the plains or from the plains directly to the orbital.

no failed mission screens, no multiple loading screens....


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8 minutes ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

I mean, and no one noticed? That’s a huge leap for me, But whatever your head cannon tells you I guess. Makes me cringe every time I see it. at the end of a mission. It’s like “hold up guys.....time out, let me extract” Lol

not really a huge leap, how else would any covert insertions or extractions happen in space unless ships were able to to compromise the hull without detection? grineer have enough clones to man every airlock or docking aperture. Corpus have cameras. Infested..... probably don't care.

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8 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

The only extraction animation bug I've ever seen in 5 1/2 years was the old one where that certain Earth tile caused you to be at a slight angle as you strapped in, and that was fixed over a year ago. Are you having connection issued between you and someone else hosting?

I average 150-200 ping with most connections. I often play with titania and bug out on the extraction. I might not appear at all if I reach extraction with the operator.

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3 hours ago, Deminisis said:

I often play with titania and bug out on the extraction. I might not appear at all if I reach extraction with the operator.

Fair enough, I don't play Titania and I don't tend to pop out as my Op at the exit. Perhaps it's related to one of those conditions. Either being in mini mode or having one's frame standing still.

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I would very much support this. I don't hate our current mode of extraction, but I think there are quite a few improvements that could be made:

  • Individual extraction needs to be the default for public matchmaking in all missions.
  • It would likely be much better for multiplayer if it were easier to drop in and out of missions.
  • Running to extraction is used as filler for mission types like Capture. If we have large stretches of nothing to do before we extract, then we probably shouldn't have to travel that far.

On top of this, my pie-in-the-sky dream for missions in Warframe would be for there to be proper connective tissue in-between our missions that let us treat tilesets as an actual part of the world: it'd feel awesome to pop our Archwing from the ground or an asteroid, for example, shoot towards the sky, and arrive in space with our Orbiter standing by. A more freeform way of extracting would lend itself to that. Even without it, though, it'd be good to be able to extract from more locations, and be able to do so individually rather than have to wait for one's pub group every single time.

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