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Feedback on Yareli.


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Well, i have to say i really liked her, is really fun to use. But, some things needs to be done on her skills for make her a good option.

Passive: With Zephyr having Critical Chance on the passive, i was thinking we can change this by focusing on Merulina, giving her more benefits on using this skill. Each time Yareli casts merulina, will get: 80% Status duration reduction, and Status Cleaning with a cooldown of 30 secs. Why this? Well, first because she needs to be focused on merulina and his skills for evade the danger, and the damage buff feels like doesnt have so much sense, adding that you need to use merulina all the time because of the damage reduction, and cannot use his primary weapon so critical chance will only benefit the secondary weapon. 


1) Make the Bubbles of his 1st skill being static but start to follow enemies when they comes in range. And make bubbles not to suspend enemies in the air, just make them unable to move or perform any action, this will keep the function but will not make blades of his 3 to be missed sometimes. 


2) Add a bit of more control on the Merulina, is really hard to handle it on small rooms on the no open worlds sections, meaning, the 95% of the times. And feels bad to use Yareli on the Merulina, but being unable to use the primary and melee, you depend on your secondary weapon and thats not good, because normally sec weapons has lower ammo efficiency and less ammo pool. Make her allowed to use primary weapons on merulina. 


3) Is good now that was buffed. 


4) The Crowd Ccontrol is really good, but after the explosion, the enemies are throwed away, and thats not the point of making a CC where enemies should be concentrated. Reduce the ragdolling on enemies a 50% or 70% so they will not spread on a big area. 


Thats all, thanks for read. 

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22 minutes ago, mauromw said:

I tested it against enemies lvl 130 on steel path and is good enough. If u want ash, go play ash. 

What exactly is good about an ability that is only good in melee range, knocks enemies out of it's damage area, and if they get through the blades area they don't take anymore damage from them? All while not having a way to increase it's range. When you say you "tested it against lvl 130 enemies on steel path" do you mean you activated it and then proceeded to use your actual melee weapon to kill them, because that's the only possible way that ability could be useful. 

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57 minutes ago, mauromw said:

I tested it against enemies lvl 130 on steel path and is good enough. If u want ash, go play ash. 

Oh? I'd love to see this in action.

On paper 500 (we'll say 1500 with 300% power strength) slash damage wouldn't hold up well against Steel Path enemies. 


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En 12/7/2021 a las 9:43, mauromw dijo:

3) Is good now that was buffed.

No, it's not a good ability. It has no verticallity, it has a terrible short range, the stagger is laughable, it has no synergy with any of her other abilities... It's a terrible ability as it is.

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On 2021-07-13 at 9:24 AM, mauromw said:

Look guys, today ill go steel path and show what she does. You cant expect a Crowd Control warframe to do a lot of damage, and anyways does a decent amount. The only thing i found bad on her, was some thing related to the other skills. 


She is not a crowd control frame. Her 1 is slow, you can probably kill enemies with a gun by the time they reach anyone.

Her 3 is tiny and might only provide some knockback against a few melee enemies that try to hug you but honestly if you just stand around to get melee'd you aren't playing right and you aren't using her passive. 

Her 4 is small range group before separation with lots of energy cost and cast time so its not like you can cc an area. In steel path some enemies might even be able to kill you while casting it.

She has weak cc, weak support, weak tankiness. What does she even do? She needs adjustments. 
1 needs more speed or bubble move to next target if current dies.

2 needs smaller hitbox and allow using all weapons and abilities plus keep radar, vacuum, pet, etc. Getting on it is basically a nerf to self and the damage reduction isn't gonna compensate the loss of options and utilities.

3 needs range expansion/contraction on holding 3 button.

4 needs more base radius (change from 12m to 18m) so you can actually scoop up groups of enemies and use it as a clustering skill with a guaranteed cold proc at the end.

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On 2021-07-13 at 7:24 AM, mauromw said:

Look guys, today ill go steel path and show what she does. You cant expect a Crowd Control warframe to do a lot of damage, and anyways does a decent amount. The only thing i found bad on her, was some thing related to the other skills. 


I am interested in seeing your gameplay. I have serious doubts that she works quite as well as you say but i am willing to reconsider.

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On 2021-07-13 at 10:43 AM, Leqesai said:

On paper 500 (we'll say 1500 with 300% power strength) slash damage wouldn't hold up well against Steel Path enemies. 

Add here a 100% slash chance and the fact that viral cat is a thing. But unfortunately, this is still far from the power of just shooting in the face.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Ragology said:

Doesn't yarelei's passive add a flat amount of crit like the kavat buffs?

So for example if a gun has base 10 crit, and yarelei's passive adds 50 crit, then the gun will have 60 crit total.


Or is it more like the gun will have 15 crit total?

Its like a 200% crit mod added on top. So if you have a base 10% crit weapon and get her passive it now has 30% crit. And if you have a 10% crit weapon with a 200% crit mod and then the passive on top of that you get 50% crit.


I for one hope they arent changing it as its one of her best features right now and a reason to actually use her board. If it was swapped to a status buff it'd suddenly be useless against stuff like liches and sisters.

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