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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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3 minutes ago, Mrjamster said:

Hello, is there any information about a next account migration from ps4 to pc? 

thats what made me stop i am a pc gamer now and i had quate allot on my ps4 i realy would like to get my stuf to pc 

there has been no such news about migration since the time DE created a console version of the game back in 2014.  

But Crossplay?


And Cross-Save?  


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DE has never gone from console to PC so going with never. They also only did migrations once when the console initially launched, but didn't do it for most recent gen of Xbox/PS so look at that as further decreasing the likelihood of them ever returning.

Plus they are working on crossplay/save and still seem fairly confident we will get crossplay this year and seem optimistic for getting cross-save this year as well, which would further make the chances of any console transfers even smaller since it would just be a waste of time now. 

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One of the first big steps: BaroParo (collasping of different time scales on different platforms) was said to be July 29th as the goal. I hope that's still the case. It's coming closer to being a reality. We're cheering you on DE!

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I can't wait to get my crossplay willie wet. Maybe I should be using protection since I don't know where you all have been. I don't want to catch your cooties. And trust me you don't want any of mines either.

On a slightly more serious note, I hope that they figure out hosting in some way. You would wish that they would stand up some servers to handle the hosting duties since it would suck to be in a squad where the host is a mobile. Well, that is unless you are also playing from a mobile and even then it may still suck.

Come on DE, give us servers that can host the sessions. That way host migrations will be a thing of the past. I don't/wouldn't have to lose any progress because junior over there has a spotty mobile connection. Pretty Please? 

Edited by (NSW)ONVEBAL
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On 2022-07-16 at 4:54 PM, Havenbrook said:

I cant keep giving DE money. Im getting sick of "soon tm". Star Citizen does the same thing and produces nothing. I almost find it disrespectful how the dev team plays it off sometimes, like today in the live stream with the knee jerk "cross play is cancelled joke" its not funny, we have been waiting for over a year.

Star Citizen though doesn't come out with stuff and instead grabs your money.

This game comes out with stuff, a lot of stuff,  and typically when they show something they get it out fast.

And DE doesn't  steal your money.

They just take your time....and feed your addiction to a superior game.

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in the OG post theres a lot of Destiny/Destiny2 reference, is there anyway we can clarify better without referring to other games? i really don't want to have to look up how destiny did their crossplay/save nor what silver in destiny is, as its been compared to platinum in this game. I don't play destiny, i dont watch destiny, i dont care about destiny. So i dont want to have to do research on a game im never going to play.

Theres probably a million other ways to describe what you think could happen to different aspects of the game come the merge of platforms, but referencing something some of us have no idea about is absolutely pointless to even include it. If anything its having the opposite effect making me think Warframes going to heavily start stealing ideas from destiny 2, because maybe people look at this game as a runner up and Destiny the superior one?

Patiently waiting for my girlfriend to be able to transfer all her stuff over to PC so we can finally play together (she refuses to restart).

Edited by Cody
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I know this is probably a dead question but have to ask as I want to get back into the game. Iv googled this question and it comes up with conflicting results so.... Is there any way I can transfer my Ps4 account to my new Xbox X. Spent a fair chunk of change on the ps4 account and don't fancy starting all over again. Cheers

Edited by (PSN)DeadEfficiency
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So I'm MR 24 on Playstation and last time i played on it was back when Deimos recently released. When I switched to PC I was a put off by the fact that I'd have to start everything over again and stopped playing it for almost a whole year and decided to get back into it on PC recently. Lets say Crossplay and Crossave has a release date now, and I have items that I have on PC that i would like to pass on to my PS4 account before I make my PS4 acc my Main on PC, Do you guys think DE would make possible that you would be able to trade between platforms (I'd want to trade most of my PC items to my PS4 acc so i could continue where i left off on PS4 AND keep some of my progress from my PC acc)


Personally if I wouldn't be able to pass most of my stuff on to my PS4 acc I probably wouldn't see the point in continuing to play since rn i'm grinding everything on my PC acc just hoping i will be able to pass it on later on when crossplay releases.

I honestly love this game and wanna keep playing it but if i'm grinding all these hours for nothing then.. idk

What do you guys think?

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When will we be able to play cross save and cross play? I have spent many hours on my xbox account and bought a pc not to long ago and i cant get any of my stuff from xbox. Will we ever see cross save or cross platform? cross platform would also work for many players as a type of cross save replacement so we could just play with our friends on pc or console?

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Hmm, all fine and well, but I will only believe it, when I see it. There are some points, that will be hard to address in order to make this actually work imo. First of all, the simultaneous release of patches. How is this going to work, if consoles need certs for bigger patches (looking at you decaying stack bug), while PC doesn't? Will PC players have to wait for patches in the future until console certs are done? I doubt, that this will please the PC crowd. Next: What about Tennogen? PC players need to buy this stuff with real money via Steam, while console players can use their Plat instead. PC players switching their account to console, buying all Tennogen stuff with their Plat and then switching back to PC would cost DE lots of revenue. And not allowing console players to buy that stuff with Plat after so many years  or blocking Tennogen off completely for them, would cause a lot of uproar, too. MS for example is not allowing real money transactions from third party sources on their console right now, no clue, how this matter could be solved tbh. So yeah, I will personally consider the whole matter influencer click bait until reality proves otherwise, just saying.

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