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On 2021-11-11 at 12:10 PM, Jangovar-Ramka said:

The biggest concern here is the removal of Plat from the packs.

Whereas before I could buy a pack, get some cool things PLUS a nice chunk of Plat, now I have to spend the same amount on the "cool things" but I get endo instead...which I don't want.  I then have to spend more if I want to get Plat.

The value from the new system is NOT the same value as from the old system, due to the lack of Plat being offered in the same quantities.  I bought all the packs due to the bonus of the included Plat, I won't be buying these as they stand at the moment.

It's not a bad incentive and does have legs, but the lack of included Plat is making it less value for money.

This is my thinking. I have no interest, at these price points, in purchasing RA when the bundles have no Plat.

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For added transparency, the only two accessory packs from prime vault that contained both armor and a syndana were Nekros and Chroma, so if you wanted those but didn't buy them at the time, you're screwed because the equivalent cost is now more than 20 bucks.

The removal of the plat is still an issue but that applies to the system in general.

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Please add platinum to regal aya. This system is unacceptable. It in no way comes close to the previous. I love the ftp side of it. However as someone who has purchased many many prime access packs and platinum (more platinum than I care to admit). I can promise I’ll never spend another dime on this game. Not with this system. Do right by us please. We love you. 

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Well, it just a loss for DE since this system incentivise to not buy Regal Ayas and simply farm everything with a nice F2P friendly system instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But still, their narrative about Endo is really BS… This is not a currency in any shape or form, thus totally unmatched against Plat.

It's like at the end of the month, my salary is not paid with money but with popcorn. Enough to match the same value (and i'm not even sure it's the case here), but popcorn still. Ok, i like popcorn (salted flavor), but i can't do anything with it but eating it.

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On 2021-11-11 at 4:59 PM, Hukinator said:

as I understand you can still buy the "set" with 3 regal aya, but you can also just buy the edo armor for 3 regal aya if you would (for whatever reason) want.

I am a tad bit confused sir ahahahah. You mentioned the same thing twice. Basically what i meant was, you'll be missing out on 200 platinum. It cost the same to buy a prime vault accessories pack and 3 regal aya. Only difference is prime resurgence does not give you platinum. Wouldnt that mean that prime resurgence eats up more money?



9 hours ago, Liam said:

Can you get the accessories with normal aya? 

apparently not. Thats why i feel like its a waste of money. its the same price for me to buy a prime vault accessory pack and get 200 platinum with it too rather than buy the 3 regal aya pack

Edit: there is not prime accessories pack/bundle/set worth 3 regal aya

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The "fixes" to the pricing are totally inadequate, the platinum made up a full 50% of the value of access packs, making this an absolute ripoff. 10k endo is only 30p, 50k is only 150p. It's basically worthless.

I was really looking forward to spending some money to supplement my farming of the event but you totally ruined that for me, DE. I'm not paying double for nothing.

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You might wanna really eaaaase a bit more into the Tencent gacha scheme guys. Make it less obvious you know.

Anyway, It sounds like you are really thinking about us…

The problem becomes how you seemingly still think we are total idiots. Like you have done so many times before;

E.g very recently posting the stats of us using Mercy kills way more after the “rework” but then forgetting to point out that you released Sisters Of Parvos the same time as the huge spike in usage occurred. Duh

Or the time Steve, with all the misplaced confidence in the world, said something like: “I don’t know why people are upset. You wanted us to bridge regular Warframe with RJ and that is what we just did.” - about the Corpus update. Thinking inserting regular Starchart missions INSIDE RJ missions is the same as bridging the game. Forcing the WHOLE squad out of RJ to do said regular Starchart “node” INSIDE RJ. That’s not bridging the game. That’s like me hosting RJ and then pulling people out to do a couple of missions on the Starchart and then going back into RJ.

No. What you did recently with the Liches is more like bridging the game (and more like you actually advertised when Liches were first announced and looked fantastic). Now we just need them to start appearing in RJ regularly ALONG side the Starchart. And btw, also fix the stupid move where your Lich now disappear from a planet completely when you stab them, effectively making group play less attractive as you will keep not having the same planet as other ppl in the group meaning less Lich spawns, less stabs and therefore less murmur in group play.

But I digress. Brozime, Gaz, Pupsker and others explains it pretty well. Go watch those vids.

Other than that adding a totally new premium currency which can’t be purchased with Plat, can’t be used for anything else, can’t be traded and also with a price tag that makes absolutely no sense as to the current in-game economy is just an anti consumer money grab move of the highest order. On the lines of stuff companies like Nvidia does right now. Taking advantage of a situation trying to make it seem it’s all done for the consumer and being all “pro gamer”. You are doing the exact same here.

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3k+ hours here, and I am not saying this for flexing.... I say it because after 3000 hours I have all the endo I want twice and then some.... I really don't need it in my purchases... I even skip it when Teshin offers the super pack for steel essence (free) because it is that useless to me.... I already have 100 fully socketed ayatan anasa sculptures just for fun and god knows how many more, just laying in my inventory.... I understand that you do not want to sell more platinum if that is the case, but please, at least put something else instead of endo(!)... Either that or just adjust the prices of aya without it(?) Give an extra prime accessory (?) Add something new(?) I don't know but you really need to get the endo out of these packs...

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I think the prime resurgence is a great idea. However the platinum that you get from the existing primed access has significant value. If I want endo, I can buy endo with it. If I want another vaulted prime, I can use it to buy it from another player etc. Omitting it when purchasing Regal Aya means that I am getting significantly less for the money I spend. I don't agree that the choice I get from spending $20 to get 1 syandana from one prime access and 1 sigil from another makes up for that loss in value. 

If you are committed to not having players buy one premium currency to get another, then I think that the price of Regal Aya should be lowered or the amount that you receive should be increased. 

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I think what bothers me me most about this whole thing is that DE are either ignorant or actively malevolent when doing something like switching out plat for endo in a bundle: it means they either do not understand their own in-game economy ("What, they don't want that endo? Well, we'll switch to something else then... how about 50 cryotic? That's valuable, too, right?") or that they know that this is a devaluation, and intentionally try to hide it by claiming that this is an equivalent value when it clearly is not.

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The free to play part? Excellent. A way more direct way to farm the things you want. Just really good. But the spending money part has so much less value then before because the platinum bonus is gone which made up almost half the price of the original bundles that there is no real reason to buy any of the farmable things and the price on the cosmetics is now also higher. Ether the amount of Regal Aya in the bundles needs to increase or the platinum bonuses need to be put back in otherwise the deal is just so much worse then before that I would not recommend anyone to buy it.

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On 2021-11-02 at 3:05 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

We would be remiss if we were unaware of the reasons for the popularity of Prime Accessories Packs, the biggest being the inclusion of bonus Platinum. To quote from the Workshop; “We simply cannot justify or reason with having players pay for one premium currency to purchase another.” But we understand that Platinum increases the value of the packs for players. While those differences in value vary between Prime Vault Packs and Prime Resurgence rotations, our intent is to establish a happy medium by offering all of the scheduled primed Accessories over several months (with the freedom to purchase individual items). Individual Primed Accessories give players more choice - a new and far more flexible approach to Prime Accessories access. Instead of waiting for a Primed Accessory to become available through a single Prime Vault rotation, you now have the option to hand-pick your favorites from several. 

I love how you create the problem, and then try to tell us that the solution is to lower the value of what you're selling while increasing the price.  These things aren't available because you decided to create artificial scarcity.  The fact that you're bringing them back all at once doesn't suddenly make them worth more because you're fixing the prime vault problem YOU created.  Players having to wait literal years before they can get an old prime is insane, and horrible design, and you think by fixing this it makes it okay to charge more like you're doing us a favor.

Things should already be purchasable individually.  That's another YOU problem.  Everything being bundle only is a predatory, indecent tactic used by shady mobile developers, yet you have it rampant in your store like it's not a problem to try and milk people for more than what they want to buy from you.  It's dirty upselling, plain and simple.  

Fixing problems that you created isn't some saintly moment of benevolence on your part.  It's the bare minimum.  This isn't a happy medium, it's a ripoff.



4 hours ago, Rizzcone said:

I hope this isnt the beginning of new bad habit of poor monetization decisions... 

It absolutely is.  The grind has been getting worse and more convoluted and more layered for a while now.  They have pulled back on doing a lot of the things they used to do for players.  It's been over a year since we've had a resource booster weekend.  Hurts grind times too much for them to do another one.  Expect everything they do from now on to be with this same philosophy of squeezing us for everything they can.  I haven't bought anything from them with real money in a while now, and I probably won't ever again, because they keep getting worse.

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My main concern is the same as many others.

In the past, I could buy a full unvaulted prime accessory pack for $20, wheres now I would only be able to buy - for example - the armor set of a pack for the same price.

I'm missing out on the secondary accessory + 200 plat here. Why do we have to get a better system, but a worse deal?


EDIT: Supposedly the price of the main accessory was adjusted to 2, meaning you can get both cosmetics of a regular pack for the same $20 dollar price tag, but we are still missing the added platinum.

I've also thought of a pack that may include an armor set and a syandana, such as Chroma Prime, is that still going to fit within the $20 it would have cost me to buy that pack? Or do I now have to buy the $40 pack and spend 4 of the raya on the pack's accessories, and potentially get stuck with the other 3?

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I can see the argument that the increase in price comes from the fact that the players get more freedom to buy exactly what they want. But come on. It is not worth double the price! I get that convenience increases price. But by maybe 1-2 dollars. Not double the amount. You direly need to fix raya, or remove it outright. It's a blatant and embarassing scam. Unintentional or not (though I believe it is very much intentional)

Aya is fine, though. The free to play stuff is nice

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On 2021-11-11 at 11:31 AM, PublikDomain said:

I would prefer to buy accessories packs with cash compared to this as it stands. I agree with others saying the Regal Aya costs don't match up. Like looking at the Nyx Vault accessories I already own: the Targis Prime Armor is listed at 3 Regal Aya. So for $20 get just the Targis Prime Armor set, whereas through the existing Prime Vault accessories pack I pay $20 for the Targis Prime Armor and the Vala Prime Sugatra and 200p. Even if the Targis Prime Armor were 2 Regal Aya (edit: which it now is), or if Regal Aya bundle was 4 for $20, I'm still not getting the 200p from the current pack. So I pay $20 for just the accessories, where before I paid $20 for the accessories and ~$10 in plat.

Regal Aya prices need to be have been adjusted, which is a good first step.

Bundles of Regal Aya should come with plat, too.

This is not the same, it's missing the ~$10 USD in plat. The same would be this:


Please DE, this is as great an example as the many others on here, add platinum to the Royal Aya packs directly, or at the very least a decent portion of the amount found in equivalent Prime Unvaulting pack's for the prices listed.

Putting endo into only the bundles of the Prime Resurgence as an offset for the plat entirely negates both the flexibility of what Royal Aya is stated to allow during this event in choosing the items you want by forcing you to purchase a pack containing a predefined set of items just to get some of the offset cost, as well as the flexibility that platinum in of itself allows.

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Ask any new player "Would you rather have 1,200 plat or 10k endo". 

Nobody's picking endo lol. 

This isn't some altruistic move to help those poor new players like de want you to believe. This is to encourage new players to also buy plat, therefore spending more money.  Thereby squeezing more cash out of them before the vast majority leave before they even hit mr10. 

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)Hyperion Rexx said:

Ask any new player "Would you rather have 1,200 plat or 10k endo". 

Nobody's picking endo lol.

The sad thing about newer players is that endo does actually seem equivalent-ish to platinum. If you've played for a long time then you've racked up more endo than will ever be necessary. This is not the case for newcomers. They want to rank up their mods so they can get to the later content. And this pack-shenanigans will give them a "huge" boost to that goal. They are not aware that you can get 5 times more endo by spending less money if you use trade-chat.

And DE knows this. They are aware of how the market works. They can pretend otherwise, but they do have a general idea at the very least. And if they don't then they need to pay more attention to the game they are providing.

I'm all for DE making money. But I am heavily against this new predatory practice they've adopted

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I didn’t know you guys started going to Ubisoft for monetization advice.

charging slightly more regal aya for a complete accessories pack than what the cheapest regal aya pack can cover? That’s extremely scummy and you are forcing people to spend more money than what they should actually have to. You want me to use 4 regal aya to get both an armor set and a syandana. Which would normally cost me $20. But regal aya only gives me 3 for $20. So I have to go out of my way and spend $40 on the pack of 7 just to get things that should normally cost me $20.

Like there are prime accessories that I want that this event will offer. But I do not feel comfortable supporting this kind of behavior by purchasing them through this event. I will not be supporting this scam.

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Pls add platinum to Regal Aya purchases. Your decision doesn't make any sense. Making the farm much easier while decreasing the value of actual purchases is like telling us not to buy anything, unless you want Prime accessories really really bad. That's the message you are sending us. 

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As someone who has purchased many Prime access and Prime Vaults to support DE over the years, I was very excited to hear about being able to pick up the accessories and noggles for the packs I missed (as I now have all Warframes and Weapons and won't purchase a full pack). But looking at the valuation you have ascribed to the Regal Aya I am disappointed and certainly won't be purchasing any as it stands.

It only takes a quick look at the old Vault bundles and the platinum prices to realise how much value you are removing from Regal Aya bundles or how you are really just over valuing an individual Regal Aya. The flexibility that seemed so great at first glance simply is not worth the prices.

All of that said, it is a massive shame considering the regular Aya process for farming the Frames and Weapons is an amazing change and if I didn't have them already I would be very excited for the new system.

Strange to have such a player friendly system alongside such poorly thought out pricing.

Just my take.

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