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10 minutes ago, Chaos_Renegade_Underdog said:

What a joke... No one should buy Regal Aya, but I fear people will be stupid enough to actually buy it.

Will always be players who will think it's alright.

5 minutes ago, DukeRukasu said:

Lol, I never planned to buy regal aya. But after seeing the childish drama going on here, I am actually thinking of buying some just in spite


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7 minutes ago, OP-R8R said:

The big problem is that people for sure will buy the Aya packs either because they don't know better or because they just don't care. 

In the end DE will sell the Aya packs and the people that want platinum will have to buy them extra... which results in 50-60% higher profit margin for DE. If the amount of people which refuse to buy is not bigger than that margin (or the equivalent margin -> I don't really want to do the math on it) then DEs scam worked and most certainly will be repeated in future.

Just like DE said... they will "consider" changes AFTER looking at the sales numbers.

If not enough players decide against the Aya packs we are going to face the future business model of DE/Tencent here.

Ignorant players are to blame then but not exclusively. I do not think that the vast majorities even notices this scam. How many people are really going to compare the offers? Many will just assume that it is a good deal because they did not take a look at the old packs.

If we want this scam to fail the word about it has to spread. People need to know what they buy and that they buy something that is totally overpriced. I have already explained the situation on various WF related communities and explained it to the other clan members. People need to know what the situation with the Aya packs is so they can do a better decision.

My advice at this point is to spread the word about it out there. We can not change DEs decision about screwing its playerbase with this crap. DE is resistent to feedback. Players on the other still might be open to think about this topic and make a different decision when they realize how bad the deal actually is.

This may be a a dumb idea, but here goes. We could try to speak to people while doing missions. Spread the message a little further. Especially if we se players with low mr (this doesn't mean they are beginners, but it's an indication at least).

What do you think, friends?

Edit: I also understand if this is too invasive to other players, and could be considered as spamming or being toxic and whatnot

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2 days ago when i read the official announcement from warframe.com about prime resurge i consider to buy regal aya to get prime accessories and some noggle that i dont have yet but during these 2 days time i found that many player so vocal about their opinion of prime resurgence. i watched heard and read and i will support those voices and decided not to buy regal aya (yep ill delay my ego to get those cosmetics and cute noggle).

i hope that people reading this would reconsider buying regal aya too. why? to support our fellow tenno of course.

as a company this regal aya is some kind of experiment to test their market capability. if the return value is good then most likely they will continue this regal aya system thus will make some of our tenno that didnt want to use the system get aggrieved.

i believe it must be fair for all of tenno to spend their money. the usual prime  access and prime unvault gave fairness to us, the big spender can spend money to get a lot bonus (the complete and most expensive pack) and lesser spender (could get the cheaper packs with less or no plat at all ~ the accessory pack). talking about fairness i also read and watched vids about regal aya's value per real money compared to usual packs.

i understand that this regal aya is like ala carte type of product where we can buy individual things or packs but DE needs to remember that we already had platinum as premium currency(need real money to get traditionally). i know too that in mobile games these days they have multiple prem currency too but their currency is spendable during non event AND some of the currency type can be converted to other premium currency.


PS: if DE's rep read this i hope they will take notes on my opinion too

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4 minutes ago, anantawi said:

test their market

Gonna stop here. 

Ok take this example. 

A shop sells a pack with 8 donuts and a 3 cookies, for 30usd.

then later they take away the option to buy it like that and change it to 4 donuts and a bag of salt  for 30usd STILL.

This is exactly what’s happening right now.


So… a bag of salt isn’t relatable to the donuts and the cookies would have more value than the bag of salt right? Also the amount of donuts (the main product) was halved, but you still have to buy it for the same price? That doesn’t make sense right. Like, who would buy that? 

However when it comes to making money if you kept it at 8 donuts and 3 cookies for 30usd, in the end you’d receive more money because the cost is equivelant to the value of the product.


This is basically the current situation, so even if it WAS just to make money, the whole thing was really stupid in the first place.

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16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno! 

With Prime Resurgence launching tomorrow, we wanted to answer your requests to (a) add Platinum to the packs and (b) add Accessories Packs with Platinum. 

A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants. While it is not possible for this first run, we have pages upon pages of feedback here that will be considered alongside the data we’ll be reviewing once the event has finished. Rest assured the importance of bonus Platinum in the value proposition is noted for next time. 

B. The same reasoning from A applies to adding Accessories Packs - there is still much to consider for an event that has yet to run, but being the biggest discussed point here we know it is desired. But since we are unable to add a Pack at this point, there is no way for us to add Platinum to a pack that doesn’t exist. 

We really want to stress again that this is our first attempt at running an event like this. It has been 8 years of the same Prime Access system and 7 years of Prime Vault, we aren’t reinventing the wheel but we are venturing into an entirely new way to make Prime items available in ways we’ve never attempted before. And this is why player feedback is so vital, we know what your top concerns are and will take it into consideration if we look at a future run of Prime Resurgence. 

We just simply cannot commit to any major systematic changes at this time, because of the reasons listed above and because we need performance data to make educated and informed decisions if we run the event again. These may not be the answers you were hoping for, but for the sake of transparency they are the answers we have to give at this time. We also want to make a point of saying that you as a player have the freedom to participate in any form that is most comfortable to you. With far more avenues of access to free-path Primed items with Aya, you can dedicate your time to building up that Prime inventory that you’ve been dreaming of. 

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you for tomorrow’s launch! 


U wot?

Don’t make it seem like you just didn’t know better. We know you guys aren’t stupid and that you know exactly what you are doing most of the time with these things.

What really happened was you getting surprised that people wasn’t as dumb as you apparently thought.

So you can’t change it, but you really, really wanted to huh? You even wanted to before the backlash, or? Literally no one forced you to release it now, and as to the 2-3 “early adopters” - what is stopping you from just awarding the plat they deserve for supporting you no matter what you do and how bad it is for them?

And yes, we have the freedom to not buy anything - which is what you really meant. Right?

“If you don’t like it, don’t buy it!”

Please. Don’t we deserve more respect than that? Why can’t I just buy the nice things without the kick in the balls that comes with them? Seems better to me. Maybe, just maybe more people would buy them as well if that was the case.

This is obviously meant to test the waters and see what you could get away with and/or how blindly we support you.

… ”Guys. Let’s see at which rate we can implement the Tencent gacha scheme.”


We support you guys, we buy plat, we buy Prime Access, we buy skins and we buy all the packs you offer. I especially do. It used to feel good doing it too. Supporting a company that seemingly struck a great and fair balance between making money and being behind their community.

That’s been a while now. Now it’s like with everything else you shouldn’t really spend real money on - you kinda feel it.

Adding a bit of Plat to the packs doesn’t fix it btw! You know this. We know you know this. You’ve done it before with splitting the packs up, so people can more so pick and choose the things they want or need.

Guys. DO NOT BUY REGAL AYA. I’m not rich in game or IRL. But I would rather buy as many of the frames etc. I can with the plat I do have/can get and gift it to people if it stops them from supporting this and getting a really bad deal.

As for the accessories etc., well… Not much we can do there.

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1 minute ago, XXOUTT said:

with plat and gift it to people if it stops them from supporting this.

Half the platinum I bought was used to gift things to other ppl. Rest was frames and necramechs.


2 minutes ago, XXOUTT said:

U wot?

Don’t make it seem like you just didn’t know better. We know you guys aren’t stupid and know exactly what you are doing most of the time with these things.

What really happened was you getting surprised that people wasn’t as dumb as you apparently thought.

So you can’t change it, but you really, really wanted to huh? You even wanted to before the backlash, or? Literally no one forced you to release it now, and as to the 2-3 “early adopters” - what is stopping you from just awarding the plat they deserve for supporting you no matter what you do and how bad it is for them?

This is obviously meant to test the waters and see what you could get away with.

… ”Guys. Let’s see at which rate we can implement the Tencent gacha scheme.”


We support you guys, we buy plat, we buy Prime Access, we buy skins and we buy all the packs you offer. I especially do. It used to feel good doing it. That’s been a while now. Now it’s like with everything else you shouldn’t really spend real money on - you feel it.

Guys. DO NOT BUY REGAL AYA. I’m not rich in game or IRL. But I would rather buy the frames with plat and gift it to people if it stops them from supporting this.

Once again, wholeheartedly agree with every single word of your post.

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On announcement I was excited. There's a lot of accessories that i want out of those frames. However, the regal aya is such a terrible value I have completely reconsidered. DE's response basically tells me to not buy it, and for that I appreciate the honesty.

OK, so you're analyzing data? how's this for a data point? I have spent a considerable amount on warframe across multiple accounts and don't normally bat an eye at prime access. I'm excited for vault switches. I love giving DE money, and I am not buying a single regal aya no matter what accessory or other goodie they dangle for me

It's not even about the platinum, i'd be just as happy if regal aya was just half the price (or in that territory) because i'd say the platinum represents a good half of the value of prime packs. It's just unfortunate that what could have been an amazing event had to be soured by greedy and slimey practices. I Hope my fellow tenno vote with their wallets and don't buy this crap but time will tell. 

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2 hours ago, Lutesque said:

You buy them....

I upgraded 4 Galvanized Mods in  2 Hours so this is legitamately better than playing any Game mode.... Especially since Arbitrations has now gotten so polluted with Junk in its Reward Tables.... 

This is what I'm going to do and what I'm going to Encourage everyone else to do going forward... Don't play Warframe... Buy Warframe.. it's much faster 😝.

Many can't do that. It's not feasible for most people. 

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1 minute ago, pwnSacrifice said:

On announcement I was excited. There's a lot of accessories that i want out of those frames. However, the regal aya is such a terrible value I have completely reconsidered. DE's response basically tells me to not buy it, and for that I appreciate the honesty.

OK, so you're analyzing data? how's this for a data point? I have spent a considerable amount on warframe across multiple accounts and don't normally bat an eye at prime access. I'm excited for vault switches. I love giving DE money, and I am not buying a single regal aya no matter what accessory or other goodie they dangle for me

It's not even about the platinum, i'd be just as happy if regal aya was just half the price (or in that territory) because i'd say the platinum represents a good half of the value of prime packs. It's just unfortunate that what could have been an amazing event had to be soured by greedy and slimey practices. I Hope my fellow tenno vote with their wallets and don't buy this crap but time will tell. 

I was excited also, wanted to get those Syandanas and Armour I missed out on over the years, but having to pay more real world money that I don't have seems stupid considering the plat I have, DE why not just put everything in the Market for us to buy with plat, double dipping forcing us to buy a new form of currency isn't a good look.

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5 minutes ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

Many can't do that. It's not feasible for most people. 

You are kidding, right? Raya is not feasible for most people either considering the unfair prices. And if you argue that it is, then what Lutesque said is also valid

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To simply put it this is NOT WORTH IT and Regal Aya is not the same 1 on 1 value as promised this can simply be changed by making Regal Aya at a discount which YOU CAN DO whether you chose to accept that or not until next time where this event is done. Furthermore no one will be upset if you chose to do this midway however it’s scummy to say “Yh basically it’s too late pay 20 dollars for accessories or miss out till next year or hmmm maybe never again” this ALSO could’ve been mitigated if Prime Unvaultings were done more consistently instead of the typical Nyx and Rhino BS I’m sorry DE this ain’t it. It was a nice attempt but to have such a huge foresight of 200 platinum and to then say “Yh we already committed to this we’re doing this now” is not okay. This Can be postponed until the prices are fixed too nobody will have an issue stop creating imaginary backlash of players who will genuinely be grateful that these Primes are coming back anyway and solve the problem of players paying for something ultimately not worth the value

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On 2021-11-03 at 3:05 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants

I call cow dung. It's not that DE isn't "unable", they just REFUSED to.  "Technical and compliance limitations"? You had this game for what, 8 years? Don't make it sound like you're a 2-year old behind the wheel. Or, are you? "Unfair to the players who were early adopters." It happened with Railjack, it happened with Scarlet Spear, it happened with Helminth system. It happened almost every time you guys release an unbaked update. 


On 2021-11-03 at 3:05 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

B. The same reasoning from A applies to adding Accessories Packs - there is still much to consider for an event that has yet to run, but being the biggest discussed point here we know it is desired. But since we are unable to add a Pack at this point, there is no way for us to add Platinum to a pack that doesn’t exist. 

You KNEW it was desired. You had 8 years of micro transactions, packs, sales. And you CHOSE to not add it in. It's not you're "unable" to, you CHOSE not to. And that pack exists. It's the packs of Regal Aya online. Right now.


On 2021-11-03 at 3:05 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

We really want to stress again that this is our first attempt at running an event like this. It has been 8 years of the same Prime Access system and 7 years of Prime Vault, we aren’t reinventing the wheel but we are venturing into an entirely new way to make Prime items available in ways we’ve never attempted before. And this is why player feedback is so vital, we know what your top concerns are and will take it into consideration if we look at a future run of Prime Resurgence. 

First time on an event like this? Not exactly. You've had other events before, Acolyte, Plague Star, Dog Days, Scarlet Spear, Orphix Venom. Like you said, 8 years of Prime Access, that's a mountain of data you could have used to avoid this poo festival, but didn't. I doubt, HIGHLY doubt player feedback is so "vital", if it was, DE wouldn't have gone nerf crazy, or come up with band-aid solutions that just dilutes the overall pool.


On 2021-11-03 at 3:05 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

We just simply cannot commit to any major systematic changes at this time, because of the reasons listed above and because we need performance data to make educated and informed decisions if we run the event again.

Fine, I'll give it that. Only because delaying a launch is bad idea, doing a crap ton of hotfixes is what DE is best known for. Let me remind what was mentioned earlier, you had this game going for 8 years. That is performance data right there. And a stupid amount of pages in player feedback to help.


If DE is not going to do better, then at least have some semblance of decency to not lie to its players.

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16 hours ago, (XBOX)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

Sales feedback will speak for itself.


16 hours ago, Cerikus said:

If it really is "a logistical challenge on the backed setup" and you would be willing to fix it. Delay the event. Or don't sell the packs this week.

They won't do this, they won't take any feedback into consideration and while "no one" will buy it, the fans still will, I don't see this getting changed, this is a PR move nothing more. 

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16 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:

Remember when we were going to split vacuum up into three mods? Remember the storm that happened when the community wanted change over the chat moderation system and we foot dragged? How are they going to react when actual money is involved? It's going to be a bloodbath.'

It seems it didn't get the point across enough maybe?, I'm not sure at this point I'm afraid.

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29 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

I was excited also, wanted to get those Syandanas and Armour I missed out on over the years, but having to pay more real world money that I don't have seems stupid considering the plat I have, DE why not just put everything in the Market for us to buy with plat, double dipping forcing us to buy a new form of currency isn't a good look.

As has been stated earlier, it's because you were never able to get prime accessories with plat before. Only real world money. They want to keep it that way.

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44 minutes ago, XXOUTT said:

U wot?

Don’t make it seem like you just didn’t know better. We know you guys aren’t stupid and that you know exactly what you are doing most of the time with these things.

What really happened was you getting surprised that people wasn’t as dumb as you apparently thought.

So you can’t change it, but you really, really wanted to huh? You even wanted to before the backlash, or? Literally no one forced you to release it now, and as to the 2-3 “early adopters” - what is stopping you from just awarding the plat they deserve for supporting you no matter what you do and how bad it is for them?

And yes, we have the freedom to not buy anything - which is what you really meant. Right?

“If you don’t like it, don’t buy it!”

Please. Don’t we deserve more respect than that?

This is obviously meant to test the waters and see what you could get away with and/or how blindly we support you.

… ”Guys. Let’s see at which rate we can implement the Tencent gacha scheme.”


We support you guys, we buy plat, we buy Prime Access, we buy skins and we buy all the packs you offer. I especially do. It used to feel good doing it too. Supporting a company that seemingly struck a great and fair balance between making money and being behind their community.

That’s been a while now. Now it’s like with everything else you shouldn’t really spend real money on - you kinda feel it.

Adding a bit of Plat to the packs doesn’t fix it btw! You know this. We know you know this. You’ve done it before with splitting the packs up, so people can more so pick and choose the things they want or need.

Guys. DO NOT BUY REGAL AYA. I’m not rich in game or IRL. But I would rather buy as many of the frames etc. I can with the plat I do have/can get and gift it to people if it stops them from supporting this and getting a really bad deal.

As for the accessories etc., well… Not much we can do there.

They think there players are stupid so there giving a PR speech to try and settle everyone down thinking were mindless sheep that will go along with anything they say because they have some good reputation 

Well with the scam there doing right now there squandering a lot of that good reputation literally degrading themselves almost to ea, blizzard, and activision levels of stupidity 

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9 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

Another showcase that DE refuses to listen to the communities feedback once again. Shocking.

As always huh?

Just now, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

They think there players are stupid so there giving a PR speech to try and settle everyone down thinking were mindless sheep that will go along with anything they say because they have some good reputation  

I've been saying this for years and everyone ignored me 

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16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno! 

With Prime Resurgence launching tomorrow, we wanted to answer your requests to (a) add Platinum to the packs and (b) add Accessories Packs with Platinum. 

A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants. While it is not possible for this first run, we have pages upon pages of feedback here that will be considered alongside the data we’ll be reviewing once the event has finished. Rest assured the importance of bonus Platinum in the value proposition is noted for next time. 

B. The same reasoning from A applies to adding Accessories Packs - there is still much to consider for an event that has yet to run, but being the biggest discussed point here we know it is desired. But since we are unable to add a Pack at this point, there is no way for us to add Platinum to a pack that doesn’t exist. 

We really want to stress again that this is our first attempt at running an event like this. It has been 8 years of the same Prime Access system and 7 years of Prime Vault, we aren’t reinventing the wheel but we are venturing into an entirely new way to make Prime items available in ways we’ve never attempted before. And this is why player feedback is so vital, we know what your top concerns are and will take it into consideration if we look at a future run of Prime Resurgence. 

We just simply cannot commit to any major systematic changes at this time, because of the reasons listed above and because we need performance data to make educated and informed decisions if we run the event again. These may not be the answers you were hoping for, but for the sake of transparency they are the answers we have to give at this time. We also want to make a point of saying that you as a player have the freedom to participate in any form that is most comfortable to you. With far more avenues of access to free-path Primed items with Aya, you can dedicate your time to building up that Prime inventory that you’ve been dreaming of. 

Thank you for reading and we’ll see you for tomorrow’s launch! 


You purposely waited this out so that you could use this poor excuse,

you could just double the amount of regal aya that we can get

or you could you know cut the price in half since that's THE ACTUAL VALUE

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