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Solo Railjack Orphix


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Playing Railjack Orphix solo is impossible. At least not at my Necramech's level.

The firepower of my Necramech is sufficient, but it can still die because I only have 4 Necramech mods and it's only rank 17. If my Necramech gets killed, there's not enough time to get back to the objective.

Frankly, I don't want to grind for hours and hours just to have a Necramech that can beat basic missions, and that's assuming a Rank 30 Necramech even helps.

I like the set-up for Orphix missions lorewise and even gameplay wise, but holy hell please make them doable if you're not at full power and solong them. And make it easier to get Necramech mods.

These missions are making me frustrated with both Railjack and Necramechs.

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Theres definitely something off about Orphix, whether its solo or in group the Sentient counter increases waaaay too fast for it to be enjoyable at all. Survival has the right balance with a similar system, always trying to "beat the clock" but Orphix just feels like a frustrating struggle and usually ends with a failed mission. If it were rebalanced it could be a genuinely fun new endurance mode.


Not every game mode is set up for unlevelled gear. Even if Orphix was balanced a level 17 Mech should be too low. Especially if solo'd. I think Necramechs should be levelled and then used in Orphix. You don't bring a level 3 Bramma into higher/SP Content after all.

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I would wait until DE puts more resources into necramechs and orphix.

Obtaining necramech mods and the actual necramech for the most part is somewhat decent with Deimos and transmuting provide a decent source of necramech mods. You can also do some passive levelling on Deimos while grinding for mods.

Levelling up a necramech: giant PITA. Open-worlds: Not enough spawns to get decent XP. RJ: not enough players to get decent amounts of xp there. DE's delayal of putting mechs in normal missions is what is holding back the best option for levelling. One decent alternative you may have is to use an orokin reactor for some additional mod capacity to hold extra mods.

Orphix gameplay: The only somewhat decent part about the mission. Hate the "mobile defense" timers objectives you have to wade through before starting the mission. And I haven't really played the actual mission outside of getting it checked off for mission complete. Sound like there is more problems with the mission that causes it to be considered one of worse mission types in warframe right now.

Orphix Rewards: Total joke, it should be arcane for every reward cycle and the orphix/reward should be cut down to either 2 or 1 orphixes (what is the plural form of orphix is)  instead of being kept at 3 orphix per reward. 


So in the end, I would wait until there is better options for necramech levelling. I know some people have seen success in thermia fractures and being able to call down mechs on Hydron will act as an better method of levelling when we do get that compared to what options are presented to us right now. You can also try to get a decent chunk of necramech xp during double affinity boosters/weekends if they are presented.

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37 minutes ago, AulisVaara said:

Yes, but not every game mode is in the middle of your progress for a completely different type of content either.

You're correct, but thats not a counterpoint to what I was saying at all either.

If you're referring to Erato in the Veil Proximus, its bad alright. Something I previously mentioned about Orphix as a whole that you decided to cut out of the reply quote. Orphix is far too difficult and not at all fun right now, we agree. But progression through Railjack has nothing to do with Levelling your Necramech. One of the top ways to Level your Necramechs is to use it during a Void Storm mission. They appear throughout the Railjack Starchart, not locked behind Erato. The 2 don't intersect at all really.

In essence, i'm not entirely sure what the reply above was meant to mean.

If it was purely about being unable to progress through Railjack regardless of Necramech level, we already agreed 2 hours ago.

However If its about what the quoted line was speaking to, bringing unprepared gear into high content, your reply makes little sense. Getting past Erato will do nothing for your Necramech level or stats other than the experience you get from doing that 1 Orphix Mission. And it would just be 1 Orphix Mission unless you're a glutton for punishment. I'd say its a very small percentage of players who have repeated Erato after clearing it. I know I certainly haven't and the 3 in my Team dreaded it too.


Point being, you have a goal now because your Necramech as is will not be enough. So-

- Get your Intrinsics up to allow Necramechs to launch in any Railjack Missions

- Find a good few Void Storm missions and use your Necramech as much as possible to get it to 30-40

- Put together a Team through Recruit chat and try beat Erato with the hope that Luck is on your side.

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You're right, solo RJ-Orphix is ridiculous. So is squad RJ Orphix, you just have less chance of everyone being screwed at once.

We've been saying so since they dropped it on us. It is, quite literally, harder to get through a basic AABC-rotation of Railjack Orphix than it was to full clear the Endurance mode of the Oprhix Venom event.

Downtime is essentially nil because the Orphix spawn rate is doubled. Gone is the time to wait out a mech re-summon and maintain sequential spawns in proper order.
Damage expectation starts at mid-to-late-Endurance equivalent and scales almost immediately outside of those boundaries.
Damage received is astronomically higher, to the point of absurdity where your biggest enemies aren't the Sentients, but Shield Ospreys.

It's not even worth it. Arcanes? You can solo a Tridolon just as easily and have far better odds of something decent, if I remember the drop-tables correctly.

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1 hour ago, AulisVaara said:

I'm at Uranus, I think. Or is it Neptune? One of those.

hello AulisVaara,

As a Solo-ist LoneRanger, I can confirm you that Solo Orphix is harder than in  Operation : Orphix Venom's event so you absolutely need a maxed FORMAx5 NECRAMECH with maxed mods at least and 2 Imperative mods !!!

Here somes ADVICE about the minimum requirements for SOLO Orphix in Veil, Pluto or Neptune (Last and before last Tier)

  1. Only on tier 1 (venus), you could do a 3/6... sometimes 9 Orphix. (3 orphix Tier1 in operator only is possible in SOLO)
  2. You will need Fluctus (infinite punch through) to quickly hit all Orphix Resonators.
  3. You will need a Forma x5 Necramech for Veil, Pluto or Neptune...
    • With VoidRig : Faster and easier at lower level but You MUST always active Invulnerability (2nd ability Storms Shroud)
    • With Bonewidows : Stronger and Resiliant at higher level but you must always replenish life (1st ability Meathook)
  4. You will absolutely need Necramech rage and Necramech repair whatever your build or style is !


About the TIER, Localisation and Forma recommended for Rotation C ire 12 Orphix (rotation is AABC, 3 Oprhix per rotation).

  1. Venus Proxima, Vesper Strait, Enemies start at Lv 21 - 24 (Forma x0 mini)
  2. Neptune Proxima, Mammon's Prospect Enemies start at  Lv 31 - 34 (Forma x1 mini)
  3. Pluto Proxima, Khufu : Enemies start at 35 - 38 (Forma x3 mini)
  4. Veil Proxima, Erato : Enemies start at 54 - 58 (Forma x5 mini)

Hope this can help you but remember these are mini requirements so hard but possible with some experience

Have a Good day and have fun !!


More details at : https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Necramech

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Solo Orphix especially Erato, Veil requires speedrun level of playstyles and gear.

Here is what you should have :

  • Rank 40 Necramech with maxed out mandatory mods (Bonewidow is recommended for self heal).
  • Fully decked out Fluctus to take out the orphix transmitter faster.
  • Preferably a maxed out operator.

During gameplay, you have to pay a lot of attention. No watching streams during gameplay on this one. No downtimes, once you take out an Orphix, immediately run to the next one. It’s so tiring that I cannot do solo 12 Orphix runs consistently, I only managed to reach 11 Orphix most of the time.

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According to the mission brief there are supposed to be broken Mechs spawn in the missions for those who have no Mech or maybe a lower level one.  The broken Mechs I believe are lvl 30 but no mods.  Just been trying to do Venus Orphix and no failed  4 times as this mechanism seems to be very broken.  First attempt the mechs spawned but I had no idea what I was doing so ran out of time, but the 3 following attempts I have made no broken mechs spawned so attempting to do it in Operator form only is...challenging :( Hope this gets fixed but given the age of some posts I have seen about it I'm not holding my breath it will be any time soon

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2 hours ago, Twin_Fawn said:

The spawn rate is pretty broken after the event. I could understand not wanting to make it too easy so that it overtakes Eidos but it's not great right now.

yep .. it is way broken for solo (the timers seem way to quick) .. but it isnt being addressed by DE so we must assume thats the way it is going to be.. it sort of removed the fun from doing it solo to anything over 8 .. shame as I really liked the Ophix missions in Scarlet Spear event.. wonder why DE stuffed it for us?

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)Big Roy 324 said:

I would just try and do the 3 you need to extract in a squad and forget this mode exists until DE acknowledges it's not balanced properly.

Agreed, the gamemode in its current state isn't really balanced or fun

Just get someone to carry you through it so you can progress to the other nodes in the proxima

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Thanks for the advice, all, but I decided to simply put the game aside for now. I put some warframes in the cooker and uninstalled. I specifically bought the Necramech on the market so I wouldn't have to grind it out, but now it appears I'd have to grind it out anyway. I just don't want to do that.

I'll probably be back for the Duviri Paradox.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to chime in here, my friend and I have been working through Railjack nodes and yep, hit the Orphix node at Venus and it's a dead show-stopper. If a mech spawns at all, only one does, so the other player has to try to be useful in operator, which is frankly ridiculous as you last a few seconds at best with the volume of enemies around.

So, no more RJ progress for us until we get fully ranked up Necramechs :(


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1 hour ago, (NSW)nin-pook said:

So, no more RJ progress for us until we get fully ranked up Necramechs

I'm not going to refer to full start-to-finish Railjack Orphix missions with all Orphixes destroyed, that's not what I'm referring to here... But you technically just need an owned Necramech and, if possible, the Necramech Vitality + Necramech Rage mods... For

1 hour ago, (NSW)nin-pook said:

Orphix node at Venus

Once you get to Pluto Proxima, its a good idea to have a chosen Archgun properly modded and with 2 Forma applied... Again, I'm not referring to full start-to-finish Orphix missions...

At this point, your Necramech should have a considerable level and amount of mods equipped on it.


... When you reach the Veil... Well, I can't talking about it because I was rudely interrupted by my daughter's Win7 installation self-detonation (which I am still repairing)... Thankfully, I had her win7 installation in a specific partition, so only that one was affected, otherwise she would've lost all of her data...

But, hypothetically, you would need both Necramech and Archgun fully forma'd and modded with as many prime mods as possible + 1 Riven, with elements matching the Orphix damage vulnerabilities and the use of Arquebex vs the Orphix... Again, its not a full start-to-finish Orphix missions I'm referring to.


Its simply the points necessary to reach Rotation C, provided that enemies aren't ignored and that there's a decent Necramech total EHP micromanagement... Yes, Dragon Keys are NOT friendly, in case their debuffs apply to Necramechs (which I believe it doesn't, but better safe than sorry).

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On 2022-02-18 at 9:19 PM, Twin_Fawn said:

The spawn rate is pretty broken after the event. I could understand not wanting to make it too easy so that it overtakes Eidos but it's not great right now.

The funny thing is even if it was Easier... It's still wouldn't even come close to Eidolon Hunts...

On 2022-02-19 at 2:17 AM, (XBOX)Big Roy 324 said:

I would just try and do the 3 you need to extract in a squad and forget this mode exists until DE acknowledges it's not balanced properly.

That's the plan....😉

Although pulling this off on Erato (Veil Proxima) a going to require atleast one more person...


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On 2022-02-14 at 11:28 PM, XHADgaming said:

Levelling up a necramech: giant PITA. Open-worlds: Not enough spawns to get decent XP.

I don't remember if it was with booster or not but it wasn't that bad in Open world. Of course I don't expect leveling be as quick as few minutes. And first level up (to 30) was bad because we cannot use 2-4 abilities. After I've forma'ed at least once I could use all 4 (I'm MR 25 or 26).

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  • 8 months later...

Just tried my first Orphex, as a player who solos everything this game has, Sorties, Archon hunts, hours long mot survivals. This Orphex mission is beyond bs, it sticks you in your warframe and theres a never ending onslaught of fkn eidolon punks and you cant even damage the Orphex!?  wtf is this mission type and how in the name of god are you supposed to beat this bs!?

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7 minutes ago, Wildcardgsx said:

wtf is this mission type and how in the name of god are you supposed to beat this bs!?

Relatable. You need a good nechamech setup OR a very good operator and ideally both because your frame is nearly useless in this fights.

Destroy the red crystals first and then the orphix opens a yellow core
Shoot the core and the orphix closes and the red crystals spawn again
Repeat the steps above and the thing dies
You need to kill 3 orphix to count as a round

The orphix does not allow you to use your frame, this is an operator and mech exclusive area.

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  • 8 months later...

The fact that it automatically ends the mission while you've already killed 2 Orphix and are killing the other targets is total bullS#&$! Absolute nonsense and the DE crew was seriously off their rockers thinking that it should have ever been a part of this content. That alone makes it NOT fun which a game is supposed to be.  Why in the hell would I waste another half hour to get to the end and have it automatically fail the mission? Idiotic.

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