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Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.3


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Unmentioned in any notes, but:

I'm seeing transference sped up, fairly close to pre-U31.5 speeds, and no longer breaks movement input, though there's still room for improvement.

Naramon and Zenurik #1 may now be cast while moving. Unfortunately, the same is not true of Vazarin, Unairu or Madurai.

With full focus unlocks, I'm seeing Void Sling hit 39m for max distance, 40m with the very short physics drift at the end, with a minimum distance between 17m and 21m, likely due to the destination marker still travelling forward slightly on quick use. I'm getting 6 uses on a full energy bar while not using Madurai and 10 consecutive uses while using Madurai, which shows that there's a 20% reduction in base energy cost per use vs pre-U31.5.


DE Team:

Thank you very much for fixing the transference issues and making at least some of the Operator #1 abilities usable on the move.

I get it that you don't want to even comment on it and all, given how much development work was devoted to it, but... we all know that you've seen the feedback on the changes.

Void Sling is still a hard nerf to Operator mobility and utility in combat, which is directly contrary to your stated development goals for the Operator portion of this content patch. It is still on the order of 1/3 to 1/4 the speed Void Dash was and GREATLY slows down the flow of combat action, particularly in dealing with the demands of higher level content, such as the new bounties.

If you want us to be happy about it, aside from those complaining of headaches resulting from the new visual distortion effects:

  • speed up the actual movement component
  • change it to contextual input (similar to many Warframe ability activations - you already have the input coding for this live in the current build) where:
    • press and hold, for both double jump and Void Mode jump, activates the variable component (current Void Sling functionality)
    • double tap or quick press (mode dependent) activates to maximum allowable range, complete with directional input modifiers (as Void Dash allowed previously)

I really hope you will consider and implement these suggestions as they give us exactly what your stated intent for the change was and will go a long way to restoring customer confidence going forward.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend. ✌️

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1 hour ago, JustAnAsianKid said:

Still not fixed. I kept getting kicked out forcing me to go solo mode in zariman bounties.

It definitely isn't fully fixed, but I only had a few go into solo mode today. So while it isn't fully fixed, it at least is playable, for me at least, today.

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Il y a 10 heures, TrueGoldenPower a dit :

they said the drop rates in this post

Yeah? They didn't say the actual drop rate. Read every answer...

And like I said and some other players too, it's even not in the official drop rate page... Take a look of you want...

I'm not criticizing, just pointing an actual fact that the drop is so low.

Many people will either wait few weeks or/and only do missions to get the standing at max and not care about the bounties to get the new frame or will bought Gyre with PL (it looks like it's what DE wants...)

But why bother doing the bounties if you don't get the frame parts or just buy the frame? No need for the standing.

And doing more than 300 missions get only one part? No thanks. Waste of time. There is plenty things to do in this game that are way more interesting than just doing 300 bounties in hope to have one part of a frame....

Just saying...

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14 hours ago, cypherusuh said:

So void sling feels like crap and transference animation lock isn't their top priority...?

At least adds option to make void sling always at maximum range to compensate the sluggish feel of it. Hitting angel's balls is difficult because it has stupidly slow early velocity instead of constant speed like Void Dash used to be. 

Hitting angel's orbs isn't difficult because void sling is slow, it's difficult because you can't compensate and aim properly. I really don't find it hard to hit the first orb on one dash and hit the other while I'm still floating. It really isn't hard to get used to it if you take one moment to set up your shot rather than complaining that it isn't an FTL jump like before.

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Please revert void sling to void dash or something, this is unplayable.
And this update is meant to be the "big" part of New War? If yes, well I'm very dissapointed.

A new open-world with false content, farming is not content.

The Quest is not great imo, this update is the worst update I've seen on wf :/

Reworking eximus was an interesting idea but now they are too strong for new players and void sling isn't "more fluid" like you said.

Plus, this is bugged as hell, try to hire real players and not random famous warframe ppl on twitch/youtube because this is a mess, we are used to bugs because it's warframe but this is not a good point, we should not be used to it, please do something and listen to your community at least once and do real fixes.


Edit : Nerfing everything doesn't make the game harder, try to improve the game instead.

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It is frustrating to go on an endless mission just to recognize you dont get the rotation rewards or sometimes just fail the mission because extraction doesnt work. And ffs the people at DE enjoy their weekend with a bugged update for us maggots.. Tyvm not.

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18 hours ago, technozorro said:

Now that the new war is out, are you going to fix nyx, khora, titania, banshee and  nova deluxe skins? you change the textures after purchase witch is a scam

. matchmaking is busted

1. Delay on operator Transference sucks DE, thanks for fixing it by making it worst.for people using magus elevate after switching to your operator press melee to automatically return  to your frame, I feel is a little bit faster but still sucks, i don´t know if it works with other arcanes

2. Void sling is jut bad DE, I hear rumors this change is because mobile, if this is true can we expect the game be butchered even more?

3. The angel of zariman bountys drop anything more than credit, endo and voidplumes, the blueprint never drop ever after your "fix" DE

4. Enemies are even more brain dead, surprise surprise!!! when you play this new tile set enemies sometimes don´t move or react at all, other times their just standing there on a corner or just wandering , is the tile set too complicated for the ai to navigate?

5. sometimes enemies glow in the dark for some reason is really distracting

6. the valkyr deluxe has some problems 

Her breast deforms in a weird way              Crappy metallic material can´t be colored if you use darker colors                                  the goofy arms clip like hell 

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here are other examples of the arm clipping  you can´t even move with out this falling apart, and is mostly the left arm that clips and deforms the chest

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7. nova deluxe crouch has been broken for a year and half now

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8. rhino deluxe helmet breaks when casting Iron skin, before the horn have the stupid glitter effect that you add last time, now it has red paint on the horn and on the sides of the head, also the eyes get looks bad

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9. now that you "improve" the metallic textures of the game you also mess up some warframe  textures DE. I´m gonna look to other frames and let you know to see if you feel like fixing it 

here is another texture that you ruin DE 

before                                                                                                                                                after

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and is even worst depending of the light the material changes

looks normal                                               looks opaque an glows?                                       even worst                                                             glows

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and limbo deluxe no longer looks metallic

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before the shapes look more define and with nice reflections                                             now it loos plain and opaque like cheap plastic

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before                                                                                                                                       after

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nyx nemesis skin also looks bad now

before well define shapes and metallic look                                                                                  now the shape look plain and opaque like plastic

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  before                                                                                                                                              after

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before nyx look like bronze material now looks like cheap ass metallic plastic                            also khora material is no longer metallic but this crap opaque                                                                                                                                                              material by the way armor is still clipping trough her chest

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here is another example nidus prime arm no longer look like metal, no reflection. before it look like silver no is this opaque garbage

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9. when casting mirage clones the screen flickers randomly  this was report months a go can you fix it a can´t see your animations

10. give us the option to remove auto exposure and vignette 

11. give us the option to keep xaku body on, the skeleton and the running animation look weird

12. gauss feet are bug

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13. nikana zaw holster style is bug

14. armors clipping through khora chest

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15. khora urushu animation breaks her feet

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16. you haven´t fix any of this textures, when I purchase this skins didn't look like that you change it months after.


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here are some photos of nyx before (small pic) and after, can´t be more clear that the textures were changed to look worst

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17. metallic materials look bad if you use darker color, whats the point of selling color palettes if changing color mess the materials

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 and a lot of metallic textures have the same problem

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nova atomic now has the same material that xaku has, come on DE make up your mind, those white stripes look bad

before                                                                                                                                           after

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before                                                                                                                                       after

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I don´t know why a bough this skin

16. your promo material show textures that are no the same in game

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and here are some caps from devstream and zephyr rework 

devstream                                                                               zephyr rework                                                                           final

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 in the promotional photo the texture look like some kind of iridescence material but in game looks like plastic

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not all of these issues but some of them might just be down to your graphics card

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I lied, and came back.  Let me be blunt, this is not your worst update.  That said, it's pretty bad.  


Let me start with the obvious stupidity.

1) Whether you intend it to be or not you've nerfed void dash.  It now offers more control, at the cost of real speed.  It's obvious that you wanted to do this, and it's a shame that words mean nothing when so many people have provided feedback that this is not a desirable trade-off.

2) The grind sucks, and necessitated you finally fix a seven year issue with syndicate medallion spawns.  I'm pretty sure this is because you could run 6+ missions and get all plumes without getting a crest...which is required to rank up.  Great...now I can stop looking for stuff after securing the one guaranteed good drop...or the 5 guaranteed "high tier" drops.  It's a step forward, one to the right, and two back.

3) Oh great, another syndicate.  The gimick this time is that the previous ones are actually uniformly cheaper to level up in.  How?  Well, the truth is that the only source of rep is the plumes, and you need 10 for each level.  The other issue is that starting with crescents and finishing with the highest level you can get a grand total of 1 per run.  Great.  That means that I have to run 10 missions to get pinions, then 1 for the secondary, and 15 for the primary, with another 15 for the melee.  Hope you're ready for a minimum of 41 grindy long form runs...and to forego the cosmetics because they're even more.  Yep, 100k standing and 5k*10 to level up means that our last rank will actually cost 150k standing...because of course it will.


4) Did you test Eximus units?  I ask because they've gone from a minor issue for crowd control, and become a non-starter for solo play.  The thing is, you've made them have non-rechargeable shields with the over protection.  That's fine, assuming that your intention was to make new bullet sponges.  The bigger issue is the new fields and their overlap.  For a moment, assume that a guardian, electric, and energy leech spawn at once...because they can in base level exterminates.  Now, imagine emptying two clips of a fully upgraded opticor into their heads...and all three still having over protection active.  I ask you to imagine, because I don't have to.  That's the issue here...murder them instantly, or the synergies make everything grueling.  

5) Back to the syndicate.  Your animation department is...not batting at 100%.  It looks like as you rank up there's a visual change...but it's also present as they lean forward and back during conversations.  It's almost like you've got a body clipping through their models to simulate this, and because it's rigid the animation is inconsistent.  So...is it story or bad animation?

6) Let's wrap up this show with priorities.  The railjack released, and it was "only for higher level players."  Its content failed hard.  You reverted the 6 12 hour builds, decreased costs, and allowed people to buy it for money.  This was depressing...but it was what I had assumed would happen because you don't ever want to bifurcate the community in a game where bifurcation would mean death due to non-participation.  Railjack then took a year to not be garbage and broken content...longer if you tack on the full content from the Sisters of Parvos.  Next was Deimos, and the mechs.  You released with too many slots, not enough capacity to equip something in each slot, and low value RNG to even get mods to make said mech not garbage.  Now we're getting the blue prints for free...where previously you grinded the mission, got the standing, bought the blue prints, had to grind more to get RNG drops for components, built the thing, and then applied at least 5 forma to unlock the full capacity.

I outline the above...because at this point I'm looking at a requirement for several thousand plasm...dropped by at most 6 units per kill of an enemy that spawns every 30 kills.  1000/6= 166.67 = 167 (plasm drops).  167*30 = 5010 (kills).  5010/150 = 34 (mission runs).  Hmmm.  Between this value, the random increase due to RNG not dropping 6 all of the time, and the requirements for pinions it looks like you're setting us up to require somewhere in the ballpark of 40 missions...and the drop rates for Gyre and the weapon BPs would suggest somewhere closer to 50 runs (if you only want one, and the drop rates are 2%).  Of course, then you've got to grind out the parts...which are rotation C rewards and 10% drop chances themselves.

What I mean to demonstrate here is that the fun and novelty of this game mode is going to die at about 20 total runs for me, largely driven by the poor implementation of Eximus and the largely bad changes to basic operator mechanics to focus on a paradigm shift of how you want us to engage...driven by the "fix" to focus schools that was meant to make them each more viable.  Despite this dying around 20 runs in, I'll need 30 more to get the content.  I'll then need about 40 more to get the content parts to build the content that I had to grind for.  50+40=90.  90/20 = 4.5.  4.5-1 = 3.5.  350% more engagement is required than is supported by how much the game can be enjoyed...and that's only assuming the "average" player.  




Let me wrap with the only good thing I see here.  You have RNG drop of the new arcanes.  That sucks.  That said, you also have a vendor.  Some may consider this a pity play, but I believe it's infinitely better than your other mechanics.  That is to say that no matter how I play I will be earning towards rewards, even if RNG decides that a 10% drop chance requires me to attempt it 30+ times before I get it.  Looking at you void relics and eidolon based arcane drops.  This is the one huge leap forward I see...though I reserve the second for incarnon weapons.  The issue there is the frankly delusional amount of tokens required...and that's not counting what it will take to actually buy those upgrades after the grind.

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2 minutes ago, Nito3357 said:

not all of these issues but some of them might just be down to your graphics card

so my graphics card change the textures and lighting of the game?  how that happened? the enemies glowing it seems like DE try to simulate some kind of bounce light but looks weird

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4 minutes ago, technozorro said:

so my graphics card change the textures and lighting of the game?  how that happened? the enemies glowing it seems like DE try to simulate some kind of bounce light but looks weird

unless you have a high end graphics card graphical quality will differ thats just a fact, everyones computer has different specs so there are bound to be differences, on top of that there is even a color setting that completely changes the look of the game

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7 minutes ago, Nito3357 said:

unless you have a high end graphics card graphical quality will differ thats just a fact, everyones computer has different specs so there are bound to be differences, on top of that there is even a color setting that completely changes the look of the game

so the graphics settings of the game not matter,? I usually take the screen shots at max settings with the enhance engine, I just turn off color correction, motion blur, lower particles and lower bloom to 25

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4 minutes ago, technozorro said:

so the graphics settings of the game not matter,? I usually take the screen shots at max settings with the enhance engine, I just turn off color correction, motion blur, lower particles and lower bloom to 25

bloom vastly affects quality as it changes how shiny something appears, color correcting also affects quality, no one likes motion blur, enhanced engine really isnt necessary, legend colors will also have an effect on quality once you start swapping colors for instance black will appear to be gray

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23小时前 , Joezone619 说:

Operators are still WAY too squishy to handle the level 50-120's at the zariman.

The reason to that is because de set up the mission level way too high.Normally bounty mission ( not just bounty actually)will be start at level 40-60, but this bounty is very high ,90-110. This is not a good sign ,it can end up to a vicious circle: the new missions level become higher and higher...

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5 minutes ago, JaMoricharXi said:

The reason to that is because de set up the mission level way too high.Normally bounty mission ( not just bounty actually)will be start at level 40-60, but this bounty is very high ,90-110. This is not a good sign ,it can end up to a vicious circle: the new missions level become higher and higher...


So...let's understand the why.


DE wants high level content - DE has not ever balanced their frankly silly damage system...because the relevant factors make it mathematically impossible - DE equates challenge with high scaling - DE introduces literally hundreds of mods with untested interactions - players break the scaling with cheese - DE responds by scaling high - Players demand new content - Cheese/level up/content/cheese cycle continues - DE attempts to introduce new elements to their game, requiring they either be insanely powerful of otherwise capable of meeting current cheese levels - we as players are "toxic" for calling this out - DE continues to make money...so nothing changes until profitability dips - DE takes one step back, waits for people to forget, or abandons content - repeat.


Sound familiar?


Dark Sectors




If you've noticed a pattern, it's only because after a decade it's really easy to peg how little DE is going to address, in the current post-PoE release climate.  Don't worry, that's a feature of the design and feedback loop, not a bug.  

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42 minutes ago, Nito3357 said:


bloom vastly affects quality as it changes how shiny something appears, color correcting also affects quality, no one likes motion blur, enhanced engine really isnt necessary, legend colors will also have an effect on quality once you start swapping colors for instance black will appear to be gray

yes the affect the "quality" of the image but they don´t change the texture, if I turn off bloom the metallic texture still look metallic, if I tun off color correction the textures don´t change to clean to dirty, yes the enhance engine is not necessary but make material on the game look a little bit better, never use legacy colors

here is an example of what i´m talking about

atlas deluxe at launch                                                          this is when DE change the textures to look dirty                                   this is after we complain and fix the textures



any of those effects change the textures, DE did

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In all the time I've played this game I've never alt+f4 so much. Void sling is so bad. It's just too slow for the pace of the game. It's sucks, there are some real cool reworks to the focus schools, but none of that matters because I never want to use the operator again. Ever single time I try to void dash and I void sling I want to stop playing. It's soooo slooooow. 

I've dealt with nerfs to individual frames, weapons, riven dispos, melee as a whole and a whole bunch of other things, I can get used to that, I have other options, Void sling is so bad and it effects every single frame in every single mission. I can't do it. It's that bad.

I love this game, or at least I did, now it's just a constant annoyance and reminder of how good it was. There is no way you have not see the flood of threads and comments about how bad void sling is. The players have spoken, are you listening? In the end it's your game, you can take it any direction you want. We don't have to stick around for it though. 

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i have ordis skin on Helios P and hes in my space. i know he was in the ship the whole time and needs love too. but my face needs a 1 foot clearance. lol

also forums has login in issues. via clicking from in game ui to website to here.

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