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Echoes of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.6.3


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Vasero Sekhara still not symmetrical

Operator Sigil still affecting/overlapping on other gear when using Sigil with fancy effect based on energy color

Vazarin Dash Sling still bugs out occasionally when using Magus Cloud (Yea 8m radial immortality is a bit concerning, I can understand that. Then how about reducing the buff from Magus Cloud from 200% down to 100% increase in Sling radius maybe?)

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any merit to making a universal school medallion in "represent" worth 40k to basically shift the remainder of the points around within the schools. 

its also a bit of a safetynet for misusing a shard on the wrong school, you can say.

you can casually level the schools and excessive focus not from primarily farming that school directly, can be used for a better purpose. my points, my time spent, goonies never say die

red skin when?

i really want to be deamon, infested are red-ish... come on lol

frame idles for operator when? whos controlling who at the end of the day. :p

the metallic for the school void shell is basically one color

edit: molt augmented resets on host migration in ESO. when i want to continue, i get punished

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10 hours ago, Krent_X said:

any merit to making a universal school medallion in "represent" worth 40k to basically shift the remainder of the points around within the schools. 

its also a bit of a safetynet for misusing a shard on the wrong school, you can say.

you can casually level the schools and excessive focus not from primarily farming that school directly, can be used for a better purpose. my points, my time spent, goonies never say die

red skin when?

i really want to be deamon, infested are red-ish... come on lol



So...let me get this straight.  Focus has been around for literally years.  In the past you've had to literally grind for a lense (before the only source were daily sorties), stick it onto a weapon, and get silly huge amounts of affinity to have it converted into any standing for a given school.  Now you can get 25,000 standing for any school by simply equipping it and running an exterminate on the Zariman.  That's 25,000 guaranteed, plus whatever you can get with a lense equipped.

Despite literally now having easy mode, and access to 25,000 and 40,000 standing shards from the Eidolons you want another even easier way to not have to level other schools once you max out one?

I want to put all of this into perspective, because on day one I literally remastered everything, bought all of the cosmetics, had a few hundred thousand standing in each school, and have a rather silly amount of shards that I haven't cashed in.  All of this is because I spent a couple of months years ago running Adaro, because stealth bonus+Atterax = a boat load of affinity.  You could plop a greater lense onto that Atterx (the best at the time), run the mission, and after 4-5 runs have daily standing cap.  After unlocking virtually everything, the Eidolons came into the game...and I spent the shards unlocking the waybounds...  I added those elipses because you now need 21 arcanes to max out one.  21 at a 5% drop rate, and a huge bug rate, means on average you need 20*21=420 runs to max the thing out...and infinite runs if you're an unlucky person.  420 runs * (40k*2+25k*2) standing/run = 54,600,000 standing.

Wow....when you do the math it's nutty.  If you're an average user you need to amass about 55 million focus through shards to earn all of the arcanes.  55 million into 5 schools is 11 million per school...which is literally enough to buy all mastery and cosmetics.


If you want me to go TL;DR on this, let me state that DE has made everything regarding focus about the long term grind.  It's that way because it's substantive power...and by the time you get there it's pretty much a joke to find 25k standing anywhere...especially when four times that is easily available daily depending upon your mastery rank, or for a single eidolon...especially when the hydrolyst provides two freebies already on capture to that value.  As such...you're asking to make a grind that they've made easier thrice already one step easier still.  Are you really genuine in this, because DE already stated that grinding out the mutagen samples for the Hema was not altered "out of the respect for those who already grinded to get it." 

You're looking at a Hema situation where the drop rate has been increased, the sources have been increased a hundred fold, and you can now get a universal resource drop while farming something more valuable.  You are then asking for the cost to be lowered on top of all of this.  It's rather comical...because DE does in half measures what they say is an insult if addressed at once....because they must assume we haven't the attention spans to see the full situation?  I'm only conjecturing there, because nothing else makes sense.




Let me alter the tables a bit...and propose something else.  Right now there's an endgame to the focus schools.  There are those who already have it...because of all the other structures DE put in place.  What we really need is something that is evergreen.  Something that is always worth amassing points for, and can be bought infinitely.  To that end, I'd propose that DE includes weapon exilus blue prints, exilus warframe slot blue prints, primary/secondary arcane slot adapters, amp slot unlockers, and the universal aura slot blue prints to the pool of things to purchase.

Why?  Well, there is no reason to grind the multiple game modes required to unlock this stuff once you've gotten to a school being fully unlocked.  By dumping all of this high end gear there, for a somewhat inflated price to match daily cap values, you can get people to play more of the game while still allowing them to do whatever they think is fun.  Right now I hate doing arbitrations because they are endo laden...and a 20 minute grind to get 4 endo sources means nothing when I have 4 million on the bank, and just want 4-2-1 more arcanes so I can max the things out years after it was introduced.  That frustration of having to play what I don't like sucks...but DE does it anyway to force engagement.  They could use the diminished returns on focus to have a low reward rate, but reward any type of play.

There's also a method to this "evergreen" madness.  Note most of it is blue prints.  You still have to grind for resources, to build sub-components, to then build what you want.  You then either spend real money expediting, or have a reason to come back daily.  It's a bit of a gatcha model to spur engagement, but it's also direct choice in rewards so it sucks infinitely less than running a 20 minute round of ESO to get a relic with nothing you want instead of the 2.01% drop rate item that you actually want.  Despite this, there is still a logical end where you have earned enough unlockers to do everything...unless you regularly release new content like frames and weapons which require 1-3 of each of these things to function.  It's almost like the evergreen here is meant as a companion to content releases, where people who are "done" with everything can prepare for new content by doing whatever makes them happy.  No more grinding requiem relics, to get void traces, to enrich relics, to get a 10% chance to get the rare drop, to then have to grind for resources to build it, to wait for build time.  Just go do what you want, potentially grinding the resources you need, and get the reward you want...but have this so far down the path that people strive to earn it long term.

Why do I provide this tangent, when you asked about something else?  Well...like Baro, DE really messed up on the rewards.  They have a bunch of stuff that is supposed to be a reward for higher experience players...and so much of it is a gaudy mess. If you don't agree, then explain to me what in hades is up with the focus school raised metallic lettering skins....because after purchasing all five of those I have literally nothing but regrets regarding their aesthetic value.  The problem is the usual, where they have a good thing that is within reach, but either lack the foresight to see it or make bad decisions to increase engagement.  Either way, they rarely design things with permanence.  Those few things with it are great (relic packs in syndicate rewards anyone), but even they often wind-up based upon an RNG system that seems...less than honest often.  I just wanted to articulate the underlying concern that motivates me to read this and agree that it's incomplete, while being frustrated that the solution proposed is laden with its own issues.



Finally, have you checked out the Phryke skin for Nidus?  No strings, it's just something that you may appreciate.  While it does cost real money, you can buy it and get a pretty nice syndana with an eyeball looking back at the player camera.  It's definitely more...organic.  I can't say demonic, but with a bit of color work you can have a knock-off Giger inspired bit of organic tech.  It's one of the few cosmetics I've purchased in a decade...and I don't regret it one bit.  

None of the above even touches on the skin itself, or the companion skin.  The skin has phantom arms, and bits that genuinely look like a cross between Hell Raiser and Pumpkin Head, with the dog skin looking more Cenobyte than it has any right to.  I can't recommend it enough...and I'm generally one who hates supporting that stuff because it's a steep price for cosmetics.  Like, mobile game trash levels of over valued cosmetics.

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Please ignore my message, I think I read your message wrong. Okay, well maybe I didn't read much of it at all. Anyway, I don't think my reply is acutally relevant now. Sorry.

16 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:

So...let me get this straight.  Focus has been around for literally years.  In the past you've had to literally grind for a lense

Not for me, no. Getting the lenses was easy and fun (bounties aren't hard). But "Focus Farming" is something I have never done and never wanted to do. Also I found it too diffcult to make an entire build to play Warframe missions in a way that is not any fun for me in order to earn that type of currency.

16 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:

hey have a bunch of stuff that is supposed to be a reward for higher experience players

Getting the focus is a good reward for me. I can finally grind out completed focus trees by just playing missions I would normally play anyway. My main profile is MR30, I have three PS4 profiles that are 28, 27, and 24, and I'm also working on a PC alt profile that is currently 10. Having a completed focus tree is a pretty big deal for me (and I imagine I'm not alone).

Yes some of the Focus Store rewards aren't the most amazing, but I'm pretty sure they will be adding stuff to the list in due time. The Devs have shown they are working on content that isn't for "new players", it's for us. They just need time.

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3 minutes ago, LillyRaccune said:

Not for me, no. Getting the lenses was easy and fun (bounties aren't hard). But "Focus Farming" is something I have never done and never wanted to do. Also I found it too diffcult to make an entire build to play Warframe missions in a way that is not any fun for me in order to earn that type of currency.

Getting the focus is a good reward for me. I can finally grind out completed focus trees by just playing missions I would normally play anyway. My main profile is MR30, I have three PS4 profiles that are 28, 27, and 24, and I'm also working on a PC alt profile that is currently 10. Having a completed focus tree is a pretty big deal for me (and I imagine I'm not alone).

Yes some of the Focus Store rewards aren't the most amazing, but I'm pretty sure they will be adding stuff to the list in due time. The Devs have shown they are working on content that isn't for "new players", it's for us. They just need time.


...I'm not sure you read.  Let me start by the obvious fact that the past was what was cited.  The past where sorties held a warframe, and the only source of lenses was also sorties.  This was deemed acceptable...until PoE came around and basically made lense grinding through RNG possible.  It was taking bad daily RNG, and compressing it insanely.  Hence why I stated that it was made much easier.



Yeah...I'm not sure how long you've been around.  Let me review (from my perspective), so we can calibrate.

1) When Arbitrations were introduced the promise was cosmetic items that you didn't have to engage with.  They now bear required high level mods as primary rewards.

2) When Steel Path was introduced it was all cosmetics to prove you were awesome.  It now has a weekly reward that requires constant grind, and the 150 steel essence requirement for an Umbral Forma Blue Print.  150 is earned either 2 every 5 minutes, 5 per daily mission (capped at 5 missions), or at stopping points (2 excavators for example).  Not exactly reasonable, and not exactly cosmetic.

3) DE promised and promises many things.  Let me ask about that ghoul saw.  Well, that's in the game now.  Well, then let me ask about the archwing builder.  Yeah, DE promised that we were "close" to being able to build a custom archwing from components...similar to the k-drive mess.  Close, years later, is literally looking to be a dead features.

I hope these three items are enough...but if not let me be blunt.  If DE wanted to slam out a bunch of cosmetics they had 2020 and 2021 to do it.  The pandemic meant that they could not do big stuff...but digital artists rolling out a hundred new cosmetic skins would have been cheap and easy.  Instead, they complained about the pandemic, and stated everything in their pipeline was being held up because they couldn't get into the studio to do mocap.

If DE was run by people who had a vision, rather than by those motivated by whatever the thing was today, I'd be willing to offer them the benefit of the doubt.  Instead, note that they rolled out what is two new "free" operator skins and three paid for warframe skins.  The gimick was we could choose the reflection/deflection/transparency of the items by enabling the lighting settings that already exist (i.e. being able to make things metallic as is often the "hook" of prime frames).  That was hailed as a huge leap forward.  Let me state simply that this has been a feature of solidworks for more than two decades....but it's special if DE does it.  Likewise, they introduced syndicates.  Each was special, and would have unique things.  They would change how the game is played...until they amounted to 3 weapons, a few buffing mods, the augment mods repository, and a catch-all for whatever captura stuff belonged nowhere else...


I don't trust DE to deliver on promises.  I don't trust them to deliver timely.  I don't trust that they aren't spending 60% effort on cosmetics and 40% on the game.  All of this leads me to the conclusion that "bro, we'll give the veteran players some cosmetics" isn't just going to be more of the same they already pumped out.  That is, skins using a copy paste texture, a hood ornament for the ships we literally have to see while loading, and faux blue skin.  That's what's acceptable for 10,000,000 standing...along with ten+ weeks of Baro delivering cosmetics...along with 3+ months of Garuda Prime and no announcement of the next prime (though the vague "be prepared for Tennocon" is implied to have a substantive update), and topping of this melange of mediocrity is that with the pandemic finally breaking we got exactly two hours of unique gameplay for The New War...that was promptly never seen again and included orphaned mechanics (anyone else actually spend 30 minutes saving the Narmer victims...because hide and seek sucked?).

I will gladly eat my words...but it really looks like DE is about to do another Railjack.  That is, push out a huge content drop...that they think is going to keep people busy.  They'll then introduce it as the next newest thing, and forget about everything else.  If it's a good day they'll somehow tie in the Entrati loose ends, and the Zariman together, in what will be "a great twist" for anyone who hasn't looked at the cosmetics list available from Hombask...and then push out a half dozen fixing patches to try and get us back to as playable as we are now...despite the litany of bugs still popping up in the forum only with regards to the new content...let alone the years old bugs (looking at you syndicate medallions on corpus ship tile sets with a jail cell...that still require hugging the top of a tube wall an jamming the x button to collect the otherwise inaccessible medallion).



So...I guess the TL;DR is I trust DE about as much as I trust a Dingo to watch my baby.  That is to say, I trust them to do something that hurts my brain.  I trust them to somehow justify this.  I trust that the worst of its problems will be fixed over the course of years.  I finally trust that it'll frustrate me to see all of this...but the greater frustration will be that because they promise the moon and deliver The Boring Company I'll just have to be frustrated and stick to my rule of not giving them my money.

That's sad.  I loved the DE who decided to make us fist fight a Juggernaut, who smashed a totem pole of pumpkins.  I loved the DE who pumped out mediocre weapons regularly, and then used these to release good prime options, vandals, and otherwise fun non-trash.  I loved the DE who did events lasting a whole month where the rewards were a bit mediocre but actually made me want to play.  I don't miss 20 minute missions where if RNG isn't on my side I can spend literal months grinding.  Unfortunately, that's what this game is now.  Great fundamentals, with such poor rewards that its veterans just fade in and out to new content drops.

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On 2022-06-16 at 3:01 PM, XHADgaming said:

They don't feel like they are broken strong to me.



In phenmors case, it does the highest damage of any automatic rifle, on top of the 140 damage it also has 13.33 fire rate *which is insanely fast* and also has a perk that does 20x multiplicative damage, they constantly hit for millions with zero buffs and minimal effort, they're definitely broken and due for a nerf.

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Thanks for the hotfix!
It would be great to have the option/toggle to use the old void dash. The sling still feels so much slower, also keep in/out on transference.

We need more than before that freedom and velocity on gameplay for endurance runs!

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9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

...I'm not sure you read. 

The last post, not so much. This post, I read completely.

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

Yeah...I'm not sure how long you've been around.  Let me review (from my perspective), so we can calibrate.

1) When Arbitrations were introduced...

2) When Steel Path was introduced...

3) DE promised and promises many things...

You are right, and I do remember those promises.

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

I don't trust DE to deliver on promises.  I don't trust them to deliver timely.

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

So...I guess the TL;DR is I trust DE about as much as I trust a Dingo to watch my baby. 

That is totally understandable.

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

I will gladly eat my words...but it really looks like DE is about to do another Railjack.  That is, push out a huge content drop...that they think is going to keep people busy. 

Yes, I see that happening too. The evidence you have presented has shown a pattern of consistent decision making leading us to where we are today, despite many promises to the contrary.

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

I loved the DE who decided to make us fist fight a Juggernaut, who smashed a totem pole of pumpkins. 

(You lost me with this one... 🤔)

9 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

I loved the DE who did events lasting a whole month where the rewards were a bit mediocre but actually made me want to play. 

I really enjoyed the event where we helped Steel Meridian build an entire new relay. So I agree it would be nice to have more of those.


I don't have much to disagree with you about. I guess I'm just hoping the Devs would progress things a little faster.

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8 hours ago, LillyRaccune said:


(You lost me with this one... 🤔)



So, years ago there was a halloween event.  It was conducted on earth.  The condition was basically the heavy fog, but the endgame after several of these challenges was to get a juggernaut to charge you, and in the process ram a stack of pumpkins.  The goal was was nuke the pumpkins in a very short period of time, and having literally no guns to do it.


This was pretty frustrating, because if you were short by a few seconds the entire run was worthless.  That said, it was insanely rewarding to bang out that last mission in the time limit.



The good was...the weird.  You had no gun, you had no energy, and you couldn't just slam into operator form to make it up (no consumables either).  If you got "smart" and jumped on top of the pumpkin stack you nearly automatically lost due to knockdown.  If you weren't fast enough on the dodge roll, you lost.  It's bizarro, but it was a real skill challenge that wasn't just power creeped out of existence.

I could have used almost any of the 6+ year old events, but the pumpkin smash used zero new items.  It used zero new mechanics.  It had rewards that were definitely not special, and definitely not as power creeped as an Umbral Forma.  Despite all of this, it was just a fantastic outreach to the community that was fun and skill based.  Not grindy, and really fun by virtue of the challenge.


*please note that this was old.  Like, Juggernauts weren't juggernauts old.  It highlights how long DE has been doing this...and how much and little progress we've made.  After explaining this I think the next step is to waggle my fist at a passing cloud...

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23 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:

It's bizarro, but it was a real skill challenge that wasn't just power creeped out of existence.

[...]  Despite all of this, it was just a fantastic outreach to the community that was fun and skill based.

This sounds fricken awesome! Thank you for sharing. 😻

I joined Warframe around the time Khora was released, so there is a number of things I know there's a number of major changes that I missed and I should not take for granted.

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can you not place the lokh towers next to an angel?

you can mistaking activate one of the other or both for no reason. also the tower is yellow and obvious and the angel blends in for a gud reason and i only want tower not the angel. you can troll the team by a nuisance which is the angel, on time for the mission sake. unless the tower summons an angel thats just rude lol

can also fairy titania activate the tower, please,? there no moving parts or lifting seems like a slam dunk, that way also i can fly up real close and hit the X and not the angel.

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please fix k-drives sound effect, every time k-drive touches water it makes a splash sound, that is way too loud. 

my sounds effects are turned down and its still loud as hell.  my master sound level is at 10. 

rip my ears

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So...we're about a week out from the event...


The updates to the game have stopped...period.  Things like railjack having its AI bugged again are a known and admitted factor, which is "fixed in the next build"."  Said next build is a week away, we've waited a week, which means theoretically DE has had two weeks to address things.


Let me be blunt here.  If the next build comes out as a steaming mess there's going to be problems.  Problems that the hype train is no longer strong enough to simply plow through and ignore.  Let me highlight why I'm stating this.  I'll do so in a list...so that if DE ever listens it's really simple.  

1) This will be the third tennocon without a physical convention.  It's no longer "something that we had to do at the last minute."

2) Speaking of the last minute, you've had two weeks.  The presumption is the next build has been tested for those last weeks...so if it's the usual tennocon release at 70% or worse stability it's going to be a very difficult thing for players to accept.

3) You've gone radio silent on required stuff...which is never great.  My biggest problem is that Garuda Prime is scheduled to leave prime access the 16th...but no word yet on the frame being vaulted or the changes to what needs to be sacrificed for syndicates.  This isn't some trivial matter...

4) You've decided to link multiple things to logging in at specific times.  Specifically in the higher traffic periods of a Saturday evening.  We've had two years of seeing how that's turned out...and your server stress test doesn't inspire insane confidence.  Given this...what's the backup plan?  


I'll stick with these four points as what is highest in my mind.  That said, there's a whole week left to grind out stuff.  If we don't have a good showing this year, and it's another "just hang on for a few months until we release content that is a one and done thing that we spent years hyping up" it's going to be hard not to take this as an opportunity to take a 6+ month hiatus from warframe.  A hiatus where you'll get no engagement, because there's no fun to be had.  There's tons of grind...but none of the fun.  Between that and the frankly baffling communications and walk-backs recently, this is going to be a make or break update.  


To round this out, the current update (the topic of this thread) is pretty lacking.  Bugs resurfaced, and it seems rushed out to try and be "stable enough" for you to work on whatever new thing is coming.  It seems less like a fix, and more like enough glue and duct tape to be viable.  Not stunning praise.

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Please fix dargyns on Kuva Fortress Assault mission spawning in the ground or/and in confined spaces and also Steel Path accolytes spawning in closed off locations, teleporting player to them without a way to get back, forcing you to abort the mission

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3 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

The updates to the game have stopped...period.  Things like railjack having its AI bugged again are a known and admitted factor, which is "fixed in the next build"."  Said next build is a week away, we've waited a week, which means theoretically DE has had two weeks to address things.

This is the prelude to cross-play.  Updates are going to be slower and slower because DE needs to align everything across multiple platforms, each with their own certification methods and timelines.  In the past, DE could push out updates to fix things pretty quickly after a big patch.  Now that's no longer the case.

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12 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

This is the prelude to cross-play.  Updates are going to be slower and slower because DE needs to align everything across multiple platforms, each with their own certification methods and timelines.  In the past, DE could push out updates to fix things pretty quickly after a big patch.  Now that's no longer the case.

I would ask if you read...but I'll assume not.


DE stated that this update was pushed, and they were slowing down expressly for the purpose of preparing for the convention.  Likewise, they are stating that stream is suspended post convention to "rest and relax."  


What you are engaged in is speculation.  That's great...but it's also the hype train at work.  Last year DE bouyed themselves by showing off "working crossplay."  It's now a year later...  Two years ago DE experimented with the process of delaying the PC releases so that PC and console versions matched up.  To some extent this is now the case...but that's not really a part of the discussion of this update.  This update is simply the hold-over so "DE can entirely focus on a digital event that will take two weeks before, and at least some time after (barring critical failure hotfixes) to begin engaging with again.  If you don't believe me, go back to page 1 of this thread:

Echoes of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.6.3

TennoCon 2022 is fast approaching (July 16th)! This is potentially the last Hotfix we will be putting out before we put all our focus exclusively on the TennoCon build (unless there is an emergency hotfix needed). While this Hotfix is small, it contains some “before the weekend” fixes and back-end prep for tomorrow’s Relay Stress Test during Baro’s appearance - hope to see you there!





Now, it's interesting that you should have entirely projected the belief that somehow this update will be the one adding crossplay.  As a clarification, what do we actually have promised on the table...  I'll wait....  Yeah, that's nothing.  I will admit that I'd like to project that our next prime frame will be Hildryn, and the community projects it will be Khora.  I also know that unresolved promises of content include:

1) Crossplay

2) Modular archwing

3) The Duviri Paradox

That's the biggest three I know of...but it's also only a few.  DE, as per usual, is hoping that the community generates hype on their own because they've decided to be secretive.  It worked of Deimos.  It worked to some extent with the New War.  It's failing three years in because we know that the content is going to be another open world.  If that's what we get, it'll be very hard to care about a game that has gone stagnant...and is spending 3 weeks delaying everything to hold a convention for itself to celebrate that stagnation.  So we are clear:

PoE-Fortuna-Railjack-Deimos-Zariman.  5 years if content islands, 3 of which were "caused by covid" but are entirely impossible to ignore as simply more of the same pattern established in the heady days when an "open world" didn't simply mean a fixed boundary tile set that didn't have a rigid mission structure.

Also, once you add in the 3+ revisions required to Railjack, the frankly understandable but bumpy PoE launch, the rework of PoE later to start addressing grind, the frankly silly Deimos release that took one brick of content and divided it into 3 because the content wasn't ready but the established drought made it necessary to release something, and our most recent status of a two part Zariman release that was so content poor at release and buggy that rare rewards were more common than commons and I have very little faith and hype left for DE as a company delivering.



This all said, why ever come back?  Why indeed.  Warframe is built around a great core.  Space ninjas with guns, killing swaths of mooks, with enough weapons choice to feel like a certified bad *** is great.  That core is absolutely worth coming back to, and why Warframe isn't Lawwbreakers.  That said, the content is very difficult for veterans to care about due to volume.  The onboarding is still a mess for newbies.  Middle tier players are only in this until it isn't fun anymore.  Having basic features busted, to support a convention, is making that fun hard to find.  DE should know this, but they're likely more motivated by profits.  I won't discuss this more here, but whales need a constant stream of newbies to show off to, and if that stream is gone because there's nobody to onboard them (because the game sure doesn't) we all have a problem.  It's deeper than DE being incapable of content release, it's DE being incompetent in stringing their spaghetti systems together and have a decent tutorial...and games die when they commit that sin.

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8 hours ago, master_of_destiny said:

I would ask if you read...but I'll assume not.


Way harsh, Tai. 

I didn’t mean THIS upcoming update would add crossplay. I meant that as DE is working towards crossplay, I have noticed a definite shift away from quickly patching issues on PC or releasing content early on PC, favoring releasing updates on all platforms at once.


So issues and glitches will fester longer now.  I’m not excusing DE or defending them here. It’s just part of the territory and trade off with crossplay.  And no, it’s not coming out immediately, but I imagine they have to get their ducks in a row beforehand, if you will. 

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6 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

Way harsh, Tai. 

I didn’t mean THIS upcoming update would add crossplay. I meant that as DE is working towards crossplay, I have noticed a definite shift away from quickly patching issues on PC or releasing content early on PC, favoring releasing updates on all platforms at once.


So issues and glitches will fester longer now.  I’m not excusing DE or defending them here. It’s just part of the territory and trade off with crossplay.  And no, it’s not coming out immediately, but I imagine they have to get their ducks in a row beforehand, if you will. 

When was the last time DE had their ducks in a row? They are using organised chaos method, sometimes it is not even organised

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7 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

Way harsh, Tai. 

I didn’t mean THIS upcoming update would add crossplay. I meant that as DE is working towards crossplay, I have noticed a definite shift away from quickly patching issues on PC or releasing content early on PC, favoring releasing updates on all platforms at once.


So issues and glitches will fester longer now.  I’m not excusing DE or defending them here. It’s just part of the territory and trade off with crossplay.  And no, it’s not coming out immediately, but I imagine they have to get their ducks in a row beforehand, if you will. 

...then let me apologize for such a response.  It was unclear that you were talking about a years long trend...in a forum post about the most recent update.


To that end, I will walk back the lack of reading comment.  I will forward instead that clarity of scope and commitment is probably worth considering...as the dreaded "off topic" moderation hammer is something often used when you stray too far into what is directly relevant.  For whatever that is worth.


Regarding DE as a whole, the game is a PC game at its  heart.  They sold it on crowd funding because it'd be a PC game.  Literal years later it moved to consoles...and you could (for a limited time) bounce accounts from PC to consoles when the game was introduced to them.  The issue was always certifications...and DE not really releasing good.  They released half way, and then patched because PCs have zero quality controls and certification.  I'm looking forward to the days that console quality assurance forces DE to be good on all platforms...but I don't see this patch relating directly to that.  I see a general loss of production to get ready for a one day showcase...and laugh because if this was acceptable in any other industry we'd drive cars that randomly combust.  But this is just my feeling when convention>>game.  DE demonstrates this yearly with a month of mess and hype around the convention, where their game gets rough in the interim.

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Thanks DE for ending Nightwave without the normal notification method in the NEWS section console on our ship, I now have 1160 useless creds, sellem for credits ya say pfft I have 90 million pus credits dont need credits, I wanted to use them in the Cred offerings.

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