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Revenant is getting buffed to become unkillable again!

(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Well that kinda confirms he's the first prime of this male rotation. 

17 hours ago, Josh486 said:

When did everyone start hating on Revenant of all frames. Did some youtuber make a vid saying he’s bad or something 

There's just one fourm user who throws a fit cause revenant for.... spin the wheel for what problem it is this time, the goal post moves like a drunk in a mirror maze

Im just waiting for October to happen so i can buy that prime access 

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5 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

really now?
i play sp alerts daily and i haven't seen a revenant that year.

and eximus is very easy to shut down with silence. this also disables the skills of acolytes.

even saryn with 445% str can buff team. then every player has 410% corr + 130% roar and then eximus or acolyte is on the ground after 2 seconds at the latest...

so nice fairy tales about great revenant....


p.s.: saryn with 3 buffs makes 2 mil crits with bramma on sp. so much for that...

Funny, I saw one the other day

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17 hours ago, Josh486 said:

When did everyone start hating on Revenant of all frames. Did some youtuber make a vid saying he’s bad or something 

Pretty early on since he had a very rocky release.  Taking a look through his patch history he got some pretty sizable adjustments:

He got a thrall cap increase to 7 from 4.

Reave became immune to damage during use and became cheaper to use both in general and during your 4th ability.

Mesmer skin became recastable which was huge.

Reave got the ability to be effected by range and also sheds status effects upon cast.

Allowed the pillars created from killed thrall to enthrall other enemies.

Fixed the ability to lose multiple skin charges in a single frame which was also huge.


Personally I think his 4 is still too messy and not really worth using.  But most frames these days have a "free" subsume slot.  So i'd just replace his 4 with something else.  I DO still think that the % damage Reave can do shouldn't be shoe horned into thralled targets only.  But I've more or less made my peace with that.

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let's go revenant chads we just KEEP WINNING!


On 2022-08-31 at 6:19 PM, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Thanks for the info. I just started playing him and he’s pretty great. Are people saying he’s trash because he’s not contributing to the team? I’m good with that as I mostly play solo, or is it something else?

not people, just gears spreading misinformation and trying to derail topics as usual

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18 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

And if you knew anything about Revenant you’d know that they already implemented something like this years ago. So nothings different.

They never did. They implemented what I described, which is a completely different thing since it relies on enemies being CC-able. You can go out and test it on Vallis, where normal enemies will get stunned as normal, but if a Jackal shows up, your Skin will be gone instantly. And it has been that way ever since Fortuna released. It isnt something new connected to Eximus, it is just that Eximus highlighted the issues because you run into them everywhere and not just in an isolated area.

If the buff will be alot better or not depends on how it will be implemented. The wording isnt really clear on if charges will get eaten during the invulnerability second or not, or if it will just be a safeguard towars units that can eat all charges in a second.

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vor 24 Minuten schrieb PR1D3:

Revenant isn't a bad frame. Could he use some tweaks, sure. IMO he's like 90% of the way there of being perfect. He has amazing synergy with his abilities, and his kit flows well together.

then you never played anything like harrow.
it's not about being playable. because even grendel with a helmith skill does something useful.

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19小时前 , Monolake 说:

That's serious overbuffing making him unkillable, you can easily get 20 charges (with all the new bonuses to STR) so thats full ~20 sec of invulnerabilty

Meanwhile poor Limbo got completely bullied out of the game by Eximus hitting him thru the rift 😅

To be honest that was always the case for Revenant. 

Do you know that before eximus rework, his mesmer skin can counter ALL ENEMY ATTACK with the only exception of corpus nullifier? He can even put bosses like infested salad V or lich/sister to sleep. In other words, most of the time, Revenant always get at least 10+ stacks of invulnerability unless you were playing against the corrupted or corpus. If you have rolling guard and at least some energy, and have a milter with augment with you, Revenant is essentially immortal. 

The eximus overguard can burn through his mesmer skin very quickly, just like nullifiers before eximus rework. Every Revenant main knows this. 

Is that overbuffing? That's questionable. Maybe 0.5s will be more appropriate? 

btw, I have been playing Revenant for the past several years, along with Nyx. When someone tells you Revenant is bad, 80% of the time they just don't know his 2-1-3 immortal-CC-instakill combo and thought Revenant is "press 4 to win" - while in fact his 4 is the weakest in his kit and is always replaced by helminth.

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36 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

then you never played anything like harrow.
it's not about being playable. because even grendel with a helmith skill does something useful.

He's not just "playable". He's capable of easily holding his own. Even in SP. It makes no difference to me anyhow. The average player's knowledge and ridiculous meta standards are going to be ridiculous. I prefer that most people are ignorant about certain gear in the game. Makes it less likely stuff I like get changed.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb PR1D3:

He's not just "playable". He's capable of easily holding his own. Even in SP. It makes no difference to me anyhow. The average player's knowledge and ridiculous meta standards are going to be ridiculous. I prefer that most people are ignorant about certain gear in the game. Makes it less likely stuff I like get changed.

which meta then...?
i play sp alerts daily and today a mr32 grendel was there....
or i like to play with fulmin. this is mr8 weapon from the market.... really now...

there are already missions where certain warframes and weapons are urgently needed. but the rest of the content can be played very relaxed in a pub group with almost any gear...

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On 2022-08-31 at 11:50 AM, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

So much for Revenant being a bad frame... 

don't worry, he'll still be irrelevant. just have more DR/EHP now.

still the only thing he has(that's any different from what another Warframe can do, People tend to forget that's what matters) is nuking one or a couple Enemies at a time with Reave.

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5 hours ago, RichardKam said:

To be honest that was always the case for Revenant. 

Do you know that before eximus rework, his mesmer skin can counter ALL ENEMY ATTACK with the only exception of corpus nullifier? He can even put bosses like infested salad V or lich/sister to sleep. In other words, most of the time, Revenant always get at least 10+ stacks of invulnerability unless you were playing against the corrupted or corpus. If you have rolling guard and at least some energy, and have a milter with augment with you, Revenant is essentially immortal. 

The eximus overguard can burn through his mesmer skin very quickly, just like nullifiers before eximus rework. Every Revenant main knows this. 

Is that overbuffing? That's questionable. Maybe 0.5s will be more appropriate? 

btw, I have been playing Revenant for the past several years, along with Nyx. When someone tells you Revenant is bad, 80% of the time they just don't know his 2-1-3 immortal-CC-instakill combo and thought Revenant is "press 4 to win" - while in fact his 4 is the weakest in his kit and is always replaced by helminth.

Mesmer skin fails in the only place where not dying actually matters  - in arbitrations. Now it will be straight up invul on a long timer.

It's just making an already good frame cheat-like and creating even bigger disparity vs frames that are underpowered and got shafted by eximus/overguard changes much harder, hopefully they will be looked into as well. 

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8 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

which meta then...?
i play sp alerts daily and today a mr32 grendel was there....
or i like to play with fulmin. this is mr8 weapon from the market.... really now...

there are already missions where certain warframes and weapons are urgently needed. but the rest of the content can be played very relaxed in a pub group with almost any gear...

What does an Mr 32 grendel have to do with "revenant bad"? I think the Mr 32 player just likes using grendel either as a main or a joke, not because he thinks grendel is the best tank... 

Also yes, most pubs can very much be done with any tank frame. However, revenant specifically is really good against infested and liches (yes it depends on weapon but you mostly hunt liches with RPGs these days) because of how toxin can bypass shields and instantly kill 95% of frames (and at a certain point, anyone who isn't Revenant or Nidus). 

Not to mention if de actually really means what they say they are, next year is going to actually have seriously hard content and veilbreaker is only a preparation for that, making revenant even more useful when that happens.

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12 hours ago, taiiat said:

(that's any different from what another Warframe can do, People tend to forget that's what matters)

Ehhhh subjective.  Warframes are not always defined by unique one off gimmicks.  Sometimes it's the sum of the pieces that makes the WF stand on it's own.  If people really wanted to we could assign each individual power to specific groupings and find out just how not unique every WF actually is.  There's a ton of overlap in ability effects as well as design and that's more than understandable given how many WFs we have.

To me specifically I see Revenant as a CC frame that effects the flow of enemies in different ways.  The closest i'd liken it to any other frame in the game would be Nyx.  Since they both don't outright stun/stop enemies and instead can leave pockets of areas effected by their lingering CC that let's them control where enemies likely come from.  Sure he has a pocket nuke button vs an enthralled enemy.  But I really don't ever see that as the focal point of his kit.  Feels more like a panic button considering Reave makes you damage immune and shed status effects when you use it.  (also the stat investment to make it a consistent insta kill is a bit much.)

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)Knight Raime said:

Ehhhh subjective.  Warframes are not always defined by unique one off gimmicks.  Sometimes it's the sum of the pieces that makes the WF stand on it's own.  If people really wanted to we could assign each individual power to specific groupings and find out just how not unique every WF actually is.  There's a ton of overlap in ability effects as well as design and that's more than understandable given how many WFs we have.

To me specifically I see Revenant as a CC frame that effects the flow of enemies in different ways.  The closest i'd liken it to any other frame in the game would be Nyx.  Since they both don't outright stun/stop enemies and instead can leave pockets of areas effected by their lingering CC that let's them control where enemies likely come from.  Sure he has a pocket nuke button vs an enthralled enemy.  But I really don't ever see that as the focal point of his kit.  Feels more like a panic button considering Reave makes you damage immune and shed status effects when you use it.  (also the stat investment to make it a consistent insta kill is a bit much.)

you're confusing irrelevant with "not useful".

these two aren't the same thing, as can be hinted by that they're different Words.

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3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

you're confusing irrelevant with "not useful".

these two aren't the same thing, as can be hinted by that they're different Words.

I'm really not.  You pretty confidently stated that the thing that matters is what's different from one WF to another.  Nowhere did I bring up effectiveness.

To restate, a frame does not need a gimmick to be important or distinct from other frames.  You can have a WF stand out from others through how it combines all of the encompassing aspects in the kit to create a unique experience.

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On 2022-09-01 at 2:58 AM, Josh486 said:

When did everyone start hating on Revenant of all frames. Did some youtuber make a vid saying he’s bad or something 

I just find him boring but that's not the same as hate. I don't expect every Warframe to be tailor made just for me so that's okay.

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23 hours ago, RichardKam said:

The eximus overguard can burn through his mesmer skin very quickly, just like nullifiers before eximus rework. Every Revenant main knows this. 

Problem is, nullifiers don't use heavy machine guns that spit 20 bullets in less than one second so even if they don't get hit by the stun they still only take one stack at a time, in which you can easily pop down their bubble fast enough and kill them before your stacks are out.. Heavy gunner eximus units on the other hand....

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb (XBOX)GearsMatrix301:

Yeah, weapons do the killing, frames do the surviving and other stuff.

Revenant just sits in the corner and does nothing because he’s worthless.

unfortunately, most warframes hardly perform because skills are not adapted to high lvl content.
but at least he doesn't die... 🤣
which I can't say about gyre on sp versus ranged.

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13 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

unfortunately, most warframes hardly perform because skills are not adapted to high lvl content.
but at least he doesn't die... 🤣
which I can't say about gyre on sp versus ranged.

Gyre on sp vs ranged is just fine to me ^^;

I'm sorry she's not for you, but that's what it seems like to me more than anything.

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14 minutes ago, cute_moth.npc said:

Gyre on sp vs ranged is just fine to me ^^;

I'm sorry she's not for you, but that's what it seems like to me more than anything.

Sadly while this looks impressive, this only works on Corpus enemies (or infested) since they're squishy anyway. 

VS Grineer and their insane armor scaling she doesn't work quite as well as this. Or atleast from my personal experience (which should be irrelevant since I'm not MRL1/2 lmao).

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